

8940 Uppsatser om Conversation Analysis (CA) - Sida 13 av 596

Kvinnligt och manligt i Veckorevyn : - En kritisk diskursanalys

The purpose of this paper is to explore how masculinity and femininity are constructed in the magazine Veckorevyn, through a critical discourse analysis of 18 articles from six issues in 2011. This is done by using a variety of theories and previous research results, which is gender theory, the theory of late-modern society and media theory. The analysis shows that Veckorevyn depicts virility and feminine differently. Furthermore, pointing the results from the analysis that a change of manhood and womanhood takes place in the social practice. The selection of articles from the magazine also shows that Veckorevyn seems to promote gender equality. .

Bibliotek - ett ställe där man lånar böcker : En undersökning av 12-åringars syn på vad ett bibliotek är, studerat utifrån deras teckningar, uppsatser, enkätsvar och intervjusvar

This master's thesis deals with how a school class of 19 students that are 12 years old,perceive the conception of the library and its activities, and how this can be studied by usingfour different approaches: analysis of the children's drawings, analysis of the children'sessays and analysis of their answers to questions in an inquiry and in interviews. Theories ofhow children learn, develop and perceive the world are briefly presented, as we11 as theorynecessary for the analysis.The four different techniques produced in general the same result; the children displayed thesame thoughts, knowledge and values in the drawings, in the essays, in the inquiry andduring the interviews. The children participating look upon a library as mainly a building,though sometimes also a room, where there are books..

I nöd och lust, tills döden skiljer oss åt : Sexualitet hos ensamstående män och kvinnor inom palliativ vård

I föreliggande studie undersöktes samtal där tre personer som stammar deltog i interaktioner med olika deltagarstrukturer; med en annan person som stammar, med en närstående person samt med en person i en institutionell kontext. Studien syftade till att analysera likheter och skillnader mellan samtal med olika deltagarstrukturer, med avseende på fenomenen samkonstruktion, blickkontakt vid samkonstruktion och uppbackning. Sammanlagt medverkade tolv personer, i totalt nio dyader. De nio samtalen, som var mellan 35 och 55 minuter långa, spelades in och analyserades enligt principer från Conversation Analysis (CA). Även beräkningar utfördes på fenomenen verbala uppbackningar, samkonstruktion och blickkontakt vid samkonstruktion.

Den sovjetiska kulturkampen 1917-1932 sedd genom Bresjnevadministrationens lins. En historiografisk studie.

This Masters thesis is a historiographic study, which aim is to investigate how the Brezhnev administration 1964-82 describes the events taking place during the soviet cultural struggle 1917-32. The investigation is limited to how some of the literary groups, organisations and currents as well as a small number of Russian writers are viewed by the administration. The third and last edition of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, which is considered as equivalent with the soviet official view, is used as source. The analysis made in this thesis is divided in two parts; the text analysis of the writers biographies is compared with the result of a discourse analysis, whose target is some of the literary groups, organisations and currents during the topical period. The discourse analysis is a pre-analysis, but its conclusions also have a value in itself.

Pratshower och Liveness : - en studie i interaktion och skratt

Att skapa attraktiva program är en av TV-producenternas huvuduppgifter. Mycket i detta arbete handlar om att etablera och behålla kontakt med TV-tittare genom tilltal, dvs. olika sätt att involvera TV-tittare i handlingen i programmen, i vilket studiopublikens skratt spelar en viktig roll. Deras skratt påverkar liveness som är TV-tittarnas känsla av spontanitet. I denna studie analyseras tilltal i situationer kring studiopublikens skratt i pratshower med kändisar som är orienterade mot humor och underhållning ("Hellenius hörna" och "Robins").

Att främmandegöra det välkända

Our modern swedish society is charactarized by peoples and cultures from all over the world. In this perspective I believe that young pupils of today need culture studies in school in order to understand themselves and further to recieve knowledge about different cultures, traditions and lifestyles. The present study is an attempt to investigate the potential of the ethnological culture analysis as a pedagogical method. The paper is divided into two sections; one in which I (a student teacher in swedish language training) have applied the culture analysis in a literary context. By using the culture analysis on Emily Brontë´s classic book Wuthering Heights I have tried to let typical elements from the Victorian era appear.

Omkonstruktion av mätram

The main point in this diploma work lies to a beginning on analysis of the existingmodel of WoodEye scanner. The analysis aims to forming a view and understanding ofhow the scanner is designed and how it functions, and certain conditions around thescanner. On the basis of the result from the analysis and obvious criteria, has a numberconcept proposals been put forward. The concept proposals has then been evaluated andbeen compared with current concept, obvious criteria and compared to each other. Thebest proposal has then been developed far to a completed concept..

Analys av samtal mellan personer med afasi och logopeder/anhöriga : Användande av kommunikativa resurser i samarbete mot gemensam förståelse

I föreliggande studie undersöktes kommunikativa resurser i samtal mellan tre personer med afasi och deras respektive logoped/anhörig. Syftet var att identifiera och analysera resurser som samtalsdeltagarna gemensamt använde för att uppnå intersubjektivitet. Vidare undersöktes om det, utifrån vem personen med afasi samtalade med, fanns någon inverkan på hur de kommunikativa resurserna användes. Sex dyader spelades in och samtalsanalys användes för att studera materialet. Samtalsämnen valdes fritt av samtalsdeltagarna.

Den offentliga bilden av äldreomsorgen : en diskursteoretisk analys av artiklar i Dagens Nyheter under 2006

The purpose of this essay has been to examine the public`s view of the Swedish eldercare during 2006. This study uses discourse analysis as a research method, the reference material has been articles from the newspaper Dagens Nyheter. The aim of the research has been to find central themes, conflicts and consensus in the discourse of eldercare. The analysis resulted in four main subjects which were based on four main questions; the questions of responsibility and execution, the question of contents, and the question of where the eldercare should take place. The analysis of conflicts and relations of consensus in the discourse of eldercare resulted in two different main views; the traditional and a more modern.

25 år senare : en nyinventering av keramiken på Ajvide

This thesis examines a sample of Pitted Ware pottery from the Gotlandic site of Ajvide in regard to the spatial and temporal relationship of the shards. Ajvide Stone Age site have been extensively excavated over the past 25 years and the most recent analysis of pottery was carried out by Inger Österholm in 1987 and new analyses of the material are therefore greatly needed. Pottery from three sample areas was analysed in regard to their distribution, decoration, fragmentation, part of pot and quality of the goods. To analyse the material in a contextual way a multivariate statistical analysis called correspondence analysis was used. Two areas denominated ?dark areas?, which Österholm defined previously, as possible ritual sites, and one reference area with mixed material were chosen for the analysis.

Påverkar kommunikationsutbildning enligt åttastegsmodellen personliga assistenters interaktion med en person med flerfunktionshinder?

Personer med flerfunktionshinder har stora kommunikativa svårigheter och är direkt beroende av sin närmaste omgivning för att kunna tillfredsställa sina kommunikativa behov. Kunskap om kommunikation och alternativ och kompletterande kommunikation (AKK) hos personliga assistenter är därför mycket viktig. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att utvärdera en kommunikationsutbildning enligt åttastegsmodellen riktad till personliga assistenter till en vuxen med flerfunktionshinder. Fem personliga assistenter som gick utbildningen deltog i studien. Genom att filma deltagarna före, efter och tre månader efter utbildningen samlades material in som analyserades både kvalitativt med samtalsanalys och kvantitativt med analysverktyget KOMMUNIKATIV för att se om deras kommunikativa beteende förändrats efter utbildningen.

Allmän barnvaccination mot humant papillomvirus för flickor, en cost- benefit analys.

Introduction: Every year about 450 women in Sweden are diagnosed with cervical cancer, almost 200 die and thousands undergo surgery because of cell changes in the cervix. A HPV infection can lead to cervical cancer and therefor costs for the society. The implementation of a vaccination program against HPV is a way to avoid these costs. Aim: The study aimed to calculate the economic impact of the HPV- vaccination program for children in Sweden through a cost-benefit analysis. Method: In this analysis, status quo was compared with non-administration of the HPV-vaccine for the selected cohort of ten-years-old girls in Sweden.

Arkeologisk landskapsanalys och prospektering av bebyggelselämningar och gravfält vid Alsike hage

This paper deals with archaeological prospecting for the purpose of finding a prehistoric settlement in Alsike hage, Alsike parish, Uppland. The methods being used are soil phosphate analysis, electromagnetic survey and settlement analysis. Two 20x20 meters areas have been prospected. As Alsike hage contains several late Iron Age burial fields, large splendid zones for settlement location, closeness to water as well as farmland there was a hope of locating remains of prehistoric settlement in the area. None of the prospected areas showed any distinct evidence of settlement remains.

Konsekvensanalys av dammbrott vid Tjärnviksdalen

This report consists of  an anlysis of the imapct of a dam failure at Tjärnviksdalen in Ragunda, Sweden. The analysis is conducted using the EU model for environmental impact assessments, as well as a group interview. The presentation of the results in the form of a map  where the water level has been raised to the level that the County Board  of Jämtland considers to be possible in case of a dam failure.The result of this work is a detailed analysis of the consequenses that a dam failure would cause, the result consider everything from the direct consequences of the water column to an analysis of the chemical changes that the water would undergo.Parts of the analysis have shown that the purification centre and the old deposits will have the biggest impact on Hammarstrand. Both the purification centre and the deposits will realise chemicals to its nearest environment and because of the flooded purification centre the city will not have the ability to clean the water. .

"om du vill ha en riktig vän - köp en hund" : en granskning av Aftonbladets framställning av Jan Stenbeck före och efter hans död

In this essay I have studied Aftonbladets portrayal of the Swedish businessman Jan Stenbeck and if the reporting changes before and after his death, and if so, in which ways. With help from a qualitative syntax analysis and a content analysis I studied my material about Stenbeck during the time period 2000-09-19 to 2004-09-19. In my quantitative analysis I studied 140 articles and in my syntax analysis I studied ten articles, five before and five after Stenbecks death. The theoretical perspectives that I applied in my study is Sigurd Allerns theory about tabloid papers novelty criteria and Adam Shehatas theory about Framing. Allerns theory describes what criteria the tabloid papers have on news and Shehatas theory about framing describes the political forces behind the news who wants to set their own agenda.

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