

8913 Uppsatser om Conversation Analysis (CA) - Sida 1 av 595

Genre - Ett lättförståeligt begrepp? : En kvalitativ undersökning kring svensklärares syn och förhållningssätt till begreppet genre

This thesis is based on a conversation about gender identity and the pronoun hen in an episode of the radio programme Tendens on Swedish public radio, P1. The participants of the conversation are a scholar and a journalist/show-host. The goal of the research has been to analyse how the conversation is constructed from its context and which topics that occur. The goal of the research has also been to analyse how the participants of the conversation position themselves and how the conversation composes and re-composes norms and values regarding gender identity in society. Critical discourse analysis, completed by Conversation analysis has been the theoretical and methodological approach.

Hen, vi och dom : En diskursanalytisk studie av ett samtal om hen och könsidentitet i Tendens i P1

This thesis is based on a conversation about gender identity and the pronoun hen in an episode of the radio programme Tendens on Swedish public radio, P1. The participants of the conversation are a scholar and a journalist/show-host. The goal of the research has been to analyse how the conversation is constructed from its context and which topics that occur. The goal of the research has also been to analyse how the participants of the conversation position themselves and how the conversation composes and re-composes norms and values regarding gender identity in society. Critical discourse analysis, completed by Conversation analysis has been the theoretical and methodological approach.

"Men KBT tycker jag e problematiskt" : en samtalsanalytisk studie av interaktionsmönstret i radioprogrammet Morgonpasset i P3

This paper discusses how four people in the Swedish Radio station P3, together interact to account therapy trends towards a third party. The focus is on whether, and if so, how they collaborate to make the conversation intelligible for radio listeners. This is done by means of conversation analysis and methods developed by the CA. The result is interesting when the conversation participants do not follow their expected roles as broadcasters and experts while they disagree about the communicative projects to be carried out..

Svåra Samtal : En kvalitativ studie om hur professionella inom socialt arbete uppfattar svåra samtal

The aim of this study was to research how social-work professionals apprehend, manage and influence difficult conversation.  This study is based on a qualitative method and we did qualitative interviews with eleven social-work professionals in three municipalities located in southern Sweden. In addition to our research on difficult conversation we decided to study easy conversation. Our result show that there isn?t any special subjects that creates difficult conversation, but it is the absent of conversation that makes it difficult.

Gemensam konstruktion av förståelse i samtal som involverar personer med demenssjukdom

Dementia may cause difficulties in communicating. People suffering from dementia are therefore often described as being unable to take part in meaningful conversation. The responsibility to create understanding in a conversation is shared by all participants. By means of different strategies, participants in conversation can construct understanding through collaboration. How these strategies are utilized in conversation where one or more of the participants suffer from dementia is relatively unknown.

Ämnen och dominans i ett samtal mellan terapeut och klient : En samtalsanalytisk jämförelse med läkar-patientsamtal

This thesis presents an analysis of a conversation between a therapist and her client. Through a study of the conversation's topics and structure I have been able to draw conclusions on how the therapist governs and steers the session. With the use of certain tools, such as introductions of topics, invitations, paraphrasing and explorative questions, the therapist presents the frames of the conversation. At the same time, though, she invites the client to state her point of view and correct the views imposed on her through, for example, formulations from the therapist. I in my study I have used the methods of Conversational Anlaysis (CA) com-bined with quantitative methods such as calculating the frequency of a phenomenon.Throughout the thesis I have compared my results with the results presented by Ulla Melander Marttala in her dissertation Content and perspective in doctor-patient conversa-tions.

Det främsta arbetsredskapet ? Sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av det vårdande samtalet med patienter inom psykiatrisk öppenvård

Introduction: The conversation is one of the main components of the nursing process in psychiatric care. The preunderstanding on this research field is described based on theoretical concepts that together form the basis for understanding the study; nurse's role in psychiatric care, communication and caring relationship, as well as theories of the caring conversation and person-centered care. Research on the caring conversation as a theory and how it is experienced by patients existed, however, no research from the nurse's perspective was found.Aim: The aim of the study was to describe nurses' experiences of the caring conversation with patients in psychiatric open care units.Method: Qualitative research interviews were conducted with six nurses working in outpatient psychiatric care in the west region in Sweden. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and then analyzed according to the qualitative content analysis as described by Graneheim and Lundman (2004).Results: Four categories with related subcategories were distinguished throughout the analysis: The caring conversation, The importance of the care plan, Limitations and Caring based on the patients narrative.Discussion: An uncertainty about what caring conversation is and what it should contain creates uncertainty in the nurse's work. This results in a need for training for the individual nurse and the further research to obtain evidence for the importance of conversation in caring work.

Pragmatisk förmåga hos barn med hörselnedsättning : En samtalsanalytisk studie om begäran om förtydligande

Different abilities are of importance to pragmatics, there among hearing. Hearing impairment can affect language development and also pragmatic ability. The aim of the present paper was to study the pragmatic ability in terms of request for clarification in children with Hearing Impairment (HI) in conversation with children with no known hearing impairment, henceforth normally hearing (NH). The present study also describes requests for clarification sequentially in detail, and also highlights points where there may be observable differences between children with and without hearing impairment. Eight conversational pairs consisting of one child with HI and one NH child were studied.

Den närståendes upplevelse av kommunikationen - förändring och strategianvändning vid Parkinsons sjukdom

The aim of the study was to investigate how a significant other of threepersons with Parkinson?s disease experienced the communication in conversation. Astructured interview and analysis of a video recorded conversation was performed.The questions in the interview were aimed at mapping the significant others?experience of communicative problems, their frequency, degree and conversationstrategies used by a significant other in conversation. The result showed that thesignificant others? experienced problems in communication related to the disease inseveral different areas for two of three participants with Parkinson?s disease.

Kommunikation hos respiratorvårdade patienter : Upplevelser hos patient och vårdpersonal samt analys av samtal med och utan röstgenerator

?Studies have shown that patients receiving mechanical ventilation in an intensive care unit (ICU), who are entirely dependent on the nursing staff, often experience frustration due to a temporary loss of the voice source. Limited communication is an important factor contributing to patient discomfort. Nursing staff also report communication as frustrating and difficult.The aim of the present study is to introduce a neck-type electrolarynx as a communication aid in an ICU, to study the nursing staff experiences of communication with tracheotomized patients receiving mechanical ventilation, and to examine the patient´s experiences regarding communicative abilities. Communication between a ventilator treated, tracheotomized patient and members of the nursing staff was recorded and analyzed according to principles of Conversation Analysis (CA).The results show that several members of the nursing staff experience difficulties communicating with tracheotomized patients receiving mechanical ventilation.

SÄRSKILT BOENDE SOM MÖTESPLATS En studie av vardagliga relationer mellan personal och de boende

Abstract This essay is about the visibility of everyday life in a nursing home. The thesis is based on the following questions: What characterizes the social life and conversation between staff and residents? What content has the social life and the conversation between these parties? What is the power relationship between the staff and residents? To answer these questions, we used the qualitative approach with open observations, along with interviews. The study is partly based on direct observation by an observer as a participant in a special housing, and on semi-structured interviews with seven respondents, three of them staff and four residents in the same nursing home. For the results and analysis section, we use the Grounded Theory as a method which constructs a parallel between data processing and analysis of the interviews, where we first encode, categorize and create themes.

Handla! En diskursanalys av konsumtionssamtalet i Norrköping under 90-talet

In Shop! Daniel Svensson is studying the Public Consume Conversation during the 90´s. Focus is based on two local papers in the Swedish town Norrköping and the Public Media Conversation, which these two represent. What kind of discourses has been dominating this conversation, that is the most important question in Shop! To answer this, Daniel Svensson uses the Critical Discourse Analysis, by Norman Fairclough, as an analytic tool. This method provides him with the possibility to connect the micro level of text with the macro level of the society. But this demands theories of the contemporary society at a macro level.

Barn med språkstörning interagerar : -en samtalsanalytisk studie av samtal mellan barn och barn samt barn och logoped

This paper explores the interaction of children with language impairment (LI). The present essay is a conversation analytic study of child-child and child-therapist dyads. The aim was to explore in what ways children with LI reach common understanding. Another purpose was to investigate if there are differences in interaction between dyads with children with LI and dyads with children with LI and speech language therapist. Seven children, three girls and four boys, with LI participated in the study.

Kodväxling och intersubjektivitet  i tolkmedierade domstolsförhandligar

Reaching shared understanding during court hearings is a prerequisite to ensure a fair trial and maintaining legal certainty. Every month between 2,000 and 3,000 court hearings in Sweden make use of interpreters. Interpreter-mediated conversations involve an extra discourse compared to monolingual conversations which increases the risk of misunderstandings.Using methodology of conversation analysis the study explores how bilingualism is expressed during interpreter-mediated court hearings, at which occasions the Spanish-speaking laymen switch to Swedish and what function the codeswitching fulfills. The study identifies patterns in codeswitching and categorizes them into six different types. Furthermore the ideology of monolingualism in court is challenged and the advantages and disadvantages of codeswitching is discussed.The analysis concludes that even though certain types of codeswitching lead to delays in the conversation, the interaction is mostly favored by the Spanish-speaking party understanding some Swedish.

Kommunikation vid demenssjukdom : En studie av samtalsstrategier och positionering i samtal mellan personer med demenssjukdom och vårdpersonal.

Dementia may cause impairment of linguistic abilities, affecting both production and comprehension, which in turn affects communication (Mahendra & Hopper, 2012: Perkins, Whithworth & Lesser, 1998). The aim of the present study was to investigate and describe the communication strategies in everyday conversations between people with dementia and their interlocutors, and to describe the identified interaction phenomena based on a participatory perspective.The study was conducted at a home for people with dementia. Three people with known dementia and two health professionals participated in the study. Everyday interactions were filmed, and then transcribed and analyzed according conversation analytic principles. The transcribed data was also analyzed with ideas from positioning theory.The present study highlights the presence of trouble sources in communication between the person with dementia and carers and how these are handled by the participants in terms of strategies, competence and positioning.

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