

811 Uppsatser om Consumer tribe - Sida 33 av 55

Den utan socker : En undersökning om skillnader mellan generationer då det gäller inställning, tillförlitlighet och påverkan av tv-reklam

The first company to send TV-commercial was the American company NBC, it was in the year of 1941. In Sweden, TV-commercials were first shown in 1987/88. TV 4 was the first channel to send commercial in Swedish television.TV has the advantage of showing both sound and picture, which makes TV the strongest channel of communication to mediate a message between a company and the consumer. Although TV-commercial is the most expensive choice to mediate a message, it is also the most effective one. (Persson, 1993)Almost everyone is exposed to TV-commercial daily.

Skönhet kommer från Photoshop - En studie om effekter av retuscherade modeller i reklam

There are widespread discussions about the use of retouched models in media, ranging from bloggers to legal decision-makers. Research shows that there are negative psychological effects on especially females being exposed to idealized, retouched model images. The purpose of this paper is to explore the effects of using retouched models in advertising from a marketing perspective, based on attitudes, perceived quality and purchase intentions.Based on theories about attractiveness, halo-effects and social comparison, an experimental study was done, investigating the different responses on above mentioned parameters to advertisements showing either retouched model images or non-retouched model images. Initially it was also tested if the retouched models were seen as more attractive than the non-retouched models. The results showed almost no differences between the reactions to the advertisements with retouched models compared to the advertisements with non-retouched models, when all respondent groups were analyzed together.

Om att leva i den "snåla världen" : En kvalitativ studie om ensamstående föräldrars och barns upplevelser och strategier i dagens konsumtionssamhälle.

Poverty among children has received a great deal of attention in the media the past few years. The group in which poverty among children has increased most is among single parents; therefore we have chosen to examine this group in this study. The purpose of this study is to take part in single parents and their children?s experiences of living within a very tight budget and the strategies they use. We found it interesting to put this information in relationship to the consumer society we live in today.

Musikbranschen : Från demo till upplevelse

Purpose: The purpose of this study has been to identify different actors and processes in music recording. We find this interesting since there have been a lot of changes in the music industry over the last years. Our ambition has been to point out different actors and their roles during the advent of recorded music, and identify different features and processes in the creation of music today and in the future. To fulfill our purpose we have had the following research question: What characterize, in a future perspective, the gathered process during the creation of recorded music from idea to delivery and experience?Method: We have used a qualitative approach for this study and we have conducted seven interviews with persons from different areas of the Music Industry and radio.

Betydelsen av betydelse - Om identitet, mening och betydelse i det postmoderna samhället

Syftet med detta arbete har varit att undersöka om berättelsen kan fungera som katalysator för elevernas reflektion över sig själva och deras situation i ett postmodernt samhälle. Väsentliga frågor i sammanhanget blev dels huruvida de själva kunde bli medvetna om och reflektera över sina egna och andras strategier i en sådan omfattande social omvandling. Ett sådant fenomen som kom i fokus var vårt behov av ytliga statussymboler. Det i grunden kvalitativa arbetet bygger på tre synvinklar och tillika källor. För det första, mig själv som oundvikligt subjektivt filter; för det andra eleverna och för det tredje, mediala källor som på olika sätt har kunnat användas i sammanhanget. Under arbetets lopp har jag kommit fram till att arbetets informativa, reflektiva och diskursiva processer i sig utgjorde ett lika intressant material som slutsatserna..

Att blunda för annonser. En studie av konsumenters och annonsfinansierade företags uppfattningar om annonsblockering på webben

The majority of free content on the internet is financed by online advertising. A requirement for thismodel to work is that the visitors see the ads. The emergence of ad-blocking software has shifted thepower from the advertiser?s choice of publishing ads to the consumer?s choice of viewing ads. Weexamine the consumers? opinions regarding the use of ad-blocking software and compare them to theopinions of companies using online advertisement.

Innovationsprocesser i SME-företag : Från idé till kommersialisering

Objective: For a long-term and viable economic development to take place in a country it needs to promote creativity and innovation in enterprises. The study applies the process model to study the process of innovation in innovative companies in Sweden. The study also applies the technology commercialization model to indicate the ability of companies to commercialize the technology to the market.Main purpose: The purpose of this work is to study how companies in Sweden proceed with an idea generation and if they manage to commercialize these ideas.Method: This study used a qualitative approach. Multiple case studies & interviews.Conclusion: The innovative ideas in innovative SME:s in Sweden is emerged from randomly events and from systematic developments. Consumer chock is the trigger who draws focus on the idea.

Prognostisering av slitdelar : hur ska Väderstad-Verken öka sin servicegrad?

The agricultural plantingmachines are used just a few weeks every year. That means that the supply of service and spare parts have to be good to make the timeliness costs low at the agricultural hard working periods. The machines wear down successivly when they are used. The wear is harder on some parts than the others on a machine. Spare parts can be dicided into consumables.

Kundlojalitet inom svensk herrelitfotboll : En studie i samarbete med IF Elfsborg

ABSTRACT Author: Johan PetterssonTitle: Customer Loyalty in the Swedish men's elite football - a study with IF ElfsborgPurpose Increase understanding of how to increase customer loyalty when it comes to Swedish elite football. Method A qualitative study using semi-structured interviews for deeper access to the what the people I interviewed feel about the subject. The interviews are conducted with IF Elfsborgs club president Stefan Andreasson, Goran Lohne who works with media and events, and Eric Sjölin who are supportercontact. In addition to those I alsointerviewed the supporters club Guliganernas President Anders Hultin. Analysis and conclusion The first impression and attitude is very important when a person goes from a one-timebuyers into loyal customers. This is both the theories and the interviewees opinion. Through staff training and records of how the club would like the first impression and attitude to be the clubs can reach a good level of first impression. Suggestions for further researchTo carry out similar studies on additional clubs, other divisions and women's football and examine how a first impression and response should be.Keywords Consumer behavior, customer loyalty, sports, football and first impressions.

Mobbning i skolan : En studie om elevers relation till mobbning

According to Nosti (2012) banks target youths to find new customers by giving them special offers such as debit cards from a relatively early age. However, Moschis and Churchill (1979) point out that age can affect the level of knowledge in the consumer. Therefore, this essay focuses on youths as consumers. Specifically, youths? awareness of security risks in using bank tools such as debit cards or internet banks was studied.

Krukväxter med mervärde till dagligvaruhandeln :

The supermarkets are taking more and more market shares for potted plants the last years, and a greater part is bought without prior planning. Signals from several European countries, for example Denmark and UK, indicate that potted plants with added value have become more and more popular and the added value is based on present trends. The meaning of added value in this thesis is fancy pots, packaging, pins or arrangements. Potted plants with added value sold in supermarkets offer the consumer the advantage of getting a ?ready product? quick and easy.

Utveckling av barnvagn

After contacting the company Elite Group Sverige AB, who sells strollers under the brand Crescent Baby, it was determined that the project group were to develop a three wheeled stroller which was going to be Crescents first own developed stroller. Only the frame of the stroller was considered within the demarcation of this project however care was taken to the placement of the carry-cot and the wheels etc. Crescent Baby wished for the frame would be smaller than the competitor Urban Jungle, that the frame would have at least three unique selling points and that the number of unique parts was to be minimized. The work began with information seeking regarding strollers, competitors, independent tests, European standards and consumer interviews. After that a number of concepts were developed and past to Crescent.

Komplementära produktegenskaper i merförsäljningsförsök

The modern beauty market is concentrated with intense competition where cosmetic brands fight to stay on top. A popular method in order to gain sales and increase margins is to influence existing customers to buy more with the use of suggestive selling. The purpose of this paper, was to further examine the different effects of suggestive selling with the use of complementary versus non- complementary goods in the form of customer satisfaction, customer view of the service encounter, as well as success in sales. In addition, the influence of the customer's purchase amount on the tendency to buy an extra product in a suggestive selling situation was examined. The study was conducted through the use of a field experiment with the support of surveys in 'The Body Shop'.

Kan Urban Computing influera Sport-IT? : En studie om nästa generations coachingverktyg

The Swedish government?s objective regarding information technology is to be world-leading in using the possibilities that digitization provides. In some aspects this has already been done, but in some areas much is yet to be accomplished. Although sports and recreational fitness activities are amongst the fastest growing areas of personal and consumer-oriented cloud computing-based technologies around the globe, there are areas within the genre that?s not evolving as quickly.

Digitala kvitton och dess framtida tillämpningar

Consumers today leave a fragment of information when they pay with their debit and credit cards. The aim of our work is to investigate ways to design a concept of a system in which digitally stored information that today is fragmented among several different holders, can be assembled into a system and made available to consumers. In our study of how a system for financial flow of information should be designed, we intend to study the present situation and the attempts made to alter it into a more informative reality. We intend to investigate the flow of information when a consumer pays by card, and the possible solutions regarding the design and transportation of digital receipts. A majority of the information of our digital consumption is today handled digitally.

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