

811 Uppsatser om Consumer tribe - Sida 20 av 55

Kan hushållen minska koldioxidutsläppen genom säsongsanpassning av sin grönsakskonsumtion? :

Climate change has become an increasingly topical subject. Recently debate on how our food affects the environment has flared. It has been shown that how the food we eat is grown and transported could be one the bigger contributors to the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The aim of this study is to see how consumer?s choices of vegetables affect release of carbon dioxide. The results show that emissions of carbon dioxide can be lowered by consuming vegetables that have been grown on open land. Vegetables that have to be grown in heated greenhouses in Sweden should perhaps be exchanged for such that have been grown in unheated greenhouses in southern Europe, even though the transport distance is significant. .

Svårigheterna med försäljning av kläder på Internet

This thesis has enlightened how consumer behavior is when buying clothes via the Internet and the problems and difficulties that could face the companies. This study was conducted through interviews with people that have bought clothes through the Internet, traditional catalogues and real stores. The conclusions showed that the Internet is as suitable as traditional catalogues for buying clothes. Another dimension were put to the aspect of availability to a virtual mall in the design of the catalogues. Finally, it is in the best of the e-business companies interest to study how e-catalogues should be structured and designed for the consumers..

Om vi, dem och mjölken : En analys om "vi-och demkänslan" under konsumentbojkotten mot Arla Foods efter publiceringen av Muhammedkarikatyrerna.

 This paper is about the conflict between the Middle East and the Western world after the Danish newspapers? cartoon publications of the prophet Muhammed in October 2005. The conflict resulted in massive reactions in the Middle East and the Danish-Swedish dairy company Arla Foods, was boycotted during six months in 2006. The aim of this study is to describe how the biggest Swedish daily newspaper,Dagens Nyheter and three Saudiarabic newspapers Al-Hayat, Al-Watan and Shark Al-Awsat described "the Other" during the crisis in the year of 2006. Another aim is to describe how Arla Foods managed the consumer boycott.

Fallstudie på Andritz - Styrkortets utformning och användning : -

The purpose of this essay is to analyze and understand how producerbrands are able to communicate their brand through today's marketing channels, also how development and changes that occur in the society can affect the producers communication abilities. We have seen a tendency that many retailers have created their own brands that are competing with the producers, this leads to the fact that producers in some cases are having trouble communicating their brand to the end-consumer. The fact that the producers marketing through retailers now is more limited than before, the producers now have to capture the consumers wants and needs through other channels.This essay is based on a qualitative method involving seven interviews. The persons that we've chosen to interview are carefully selected based on their specific knowledge about the subject in question..

IT, mat och miljö

Shopping for groceries often means that, as consumers, we travel to the grocery store ourselves, by ear, bike or on foot. At the store we pick out the groceries that we want, go the register and pay for them. During the last couple of years consumers in Sweden have been given the opportunity to let someone else select and transport the groceries to their home instead, so called home shopping. As this report is being written, the possibility to buy groceries this way is somewhat limited, but many forecasters believe that in the near future it will increase immensely. Because of the large volumes of groceries that are being transported, there is great transport work being done in the supply chain.

Ett brev från Herr P : om det personliga hos Björn Lövin

For the Swedish artist Björn Lövin, the personal was a problem. In his first exhibition in Moderna Museet, Lövin observed through the fictitious character Mr. P (for »Personality«) the ruptures in the Swedish welfare state. The exhibition Konsument i oändligheten och Herr P:s penningar (Consumer in Infinity and Mr. P?s Money) (1971) was composed of two environments, through which a veridical working class apartment and a high street with life-sized mannequins and furniture characteristic of its time, visualized the societal discrepancies in the welfare state as well as the art world of the early 1970s.

Konsumentens hälsa som en del av företagets sociala ansvar : en fallstudie av två företag inom dagligvaruhandeln

We are currently more aware than ever about the impact of food on our health, but in the same time this trend put more pressure on the food retailers to do as much as possible to help their customers manage their weight and be healthy in general. This study aims to examine the corporate social responsibility for consumer health in food retailing, in which ways the companies promote healthy eating; in what extent they do it and also the motives for companies for corporate responsibility. The empirical study is limited to the market leading companies in Sweden, Coop and ICA, because the performance of the leading companies puts them in the strongest position to profit from shifting consumer trends, grow revenues and penetrate new markets and also enable them to make a strong case for the effectiveness of voluntary action, obviating the need for government intervention. A qualitative method was used in this study to get an accurate understanding how the food retailers take social responsibility for consumers health. The study is based on interviews with experts in the food retailers Coop and ICA, and the companies reporting in this area, annual reports, corporate responsibility reports and websites.

Manligt konsumentbeteende

Konsumentbeteende handlar om när, varför, hur och var människor gör ett inköp av en vissprodukt. Konsumenternas demografiska profiler är ett viktigt område inomkonsumentbeteende. När det kommer till frågan om shopping så förknippas ordet i stort settmed kvinnor. Samtidigt beskrivs ofta manligt konsumentbeteende från ett traditionelltperspektiv och skiljer sig från det kvinnliga köpbeteendet. De traditionella stereotyperna förmanligt konsumentbeteende är att män är mer benägna att ta risker när de handlar eftersom deinte brukar fråga personalen om hjälp eller åsikt, de jämför inte olika alternativ med varandra,de brukar inte planerar sina inköp, de är inte villiga att handla i grupp och är ?rädda? för atthandla i kvinnliga butiker.Eftersom könsrollerna kan ändras över tid är det viktigt att inom marknadsföring undersökakring dessa ämnen och inte ta de stereotypa könsrollerna förgivet.

Producenternas möjligheter att kommunicera sitt varumärke

The purpose of this essay is to analyze and understand how producerbrands are able to communicate their brand through today's marketing channels, also how development and changes that occur in the society can affect the producers communication abilities. We have seen a tendency that many retailers have created their own brands that are competing with the producers, this leads to the fact that producers in some cases are having trouble communicating their brand to the end-consumer. The fact that the producers marketing through retailers now is more limited than before, the producers now have to capture the consumers wants and needs through other channels.This essay is based on a qualitative method involving seven interviews. The persons that we've chosen to interview are carefully selected based on their specific knowledge about the subject in question..

E-handel i småföretag

E-commerce is a conception who many are taking about nowadays. E-commerce is associate with computer based business and it?s a new way to do business on. Users and system connect up to each other for effective mediate and transfer information. Within e-commerce there?s a lot of ways to do business on and it can for example be between a business and a another business (B2B) or between business and consumer (B2C).In this degree report have I reached if small business will invest on e-commerce and if they will, how.

Köpbeteendet, innovatören och den nya produkten

En produkt lever inte för alltid. Behovet av ständig förnyelse försvinner aldrig. Många produkter misslyckas på grund av att säljaren inte förstår målmarknadens köpbeteende. Syftet med denna uppsats var att skapa en förståelse för vad som påverkar företags vilja att köpa nya produkter. För att nå detta syfte skickade vi ut 200 enkäter till utvalda företag i Sverige.

Webbsida med WEB 2.0

The consumer society exploits the earth?s resources more than the earth itself has capability to produce. This over-consumption causes a mass production of products, which mean that more greenhouse gases are being emitted to the atmosphere. This is one of the reasons why the earth?s temperature is rising, where the result of it is worldwide disasters.

IKEA Foods hållbarhetsarbete -om och hur CSR-aktiviteter kan skapa kundvärde inom IKEA Food

Denna fallstudie tar upp enskilda kvinnors upplevelser i samband med mediala diskurser och identitet utifrån deras position som tidigare utsatta för direkt patriarkalt våld. Vissa diskursiva begrepp diskuteras, exempelvis ?offer?. Centralt för respondenterna är att inte identifiera sig med dessa termer. Våldserfarenheterna har påverkat samtliga respondenter och det präglar hur de förhåller sig till diskursiva termer.

Co-creation:Being part of something bigger

Titel: Professionell men personlig ? en publikstudie av läsaresuppfattningar om journalister på Twitter.Författare: Carl MalmerUppdragsgivare: JMG, Göteborgs universitet och doktorand Ulrika Hedman.Hedman skriver nu sin avhandling som fokuserar på hur socialamedier har påverkat journalistiska arbetsmetoder och ianslutning till hennes egen forskning efterlyser hon enpublikstudie kring hur läsare uppfattar journalister på socialamedier.Kurs: Examensarbete i Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap vidGöteborgs universitet, institutionen för journalistik, medier ochkommunikation (JMG).Termin: Höstterminen 2011Handledare: Mathias FärdighSid- och ordantal: 51 sidor exkl. bilagor. 19 397 ord inkl. bilagor.Syfte: Att undersöka läsares uppfattningar och föreställningar omjournalister aktivitet på sociala medier.Metod: Kvalitativa samtalsintervjuer.Material: Fem djupintervjuer med människor som följer journalister påTwitter.Huvudresultat:Resultaten visar att respondenterna menar att möjligheterna till interaktion mellanläsare och journalister har ökat tack vare journalisters aktivitet på Twitter.

Vad kostar en förlorad apotekskund - en estimering av bristkostnaden för receptbelagda läkemedel på ett konkurrensutsatt apotek i Sverige

After the deregulation of the Swedish pharmacy market customers can be lost due to stock-outs. Optimization of pharmacy inventory levels has thus become increasingly important. To minimize inventory costs while considering the cost of shortages the latter must be estimated. However, the shortage cost is very difficult to compute. Thus, the aim of this paper is to estimate the pharmacy-specific shortage cost parameter and its relation to other inventory costs.

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