

811 Uppsatser om Consumer tribe - Sida 17 av 55

Sitta Förvara Belysa. En möbelkollektion

The purpose of the project was to design a furniture collection that can be packed in flatpackages and be assambled by the buyer. The idea is that the assembling will give the furniturean added value. I have tried to create a collection that is easy to produce so that the productwill be cheap for the consumer.The collections aestethic is inspired by Gothenburgs harbour The wide and bearing elementsof the furniture has set much of its expression.Joints has been highlighted details instead of being hidden..

Pfizer Consumer Healthcare blir McNeil : Vikten av kommunikation under integrationen mellan två läkemedelsföretag

Den höga utvecklingstakten i läkemedelsbranschen har inneburit en rad fusioner och företagsuppköp med stora påfrestningar på personalen som följd. I ett sådant läge är det viktigt med en effektiv tvåvägskommunikation mellan företagsledning och personal. Syftet med denna uppsats är därför att studera hur viktig kommunikationen mellan ledning och personal har varit för integrationen mellan svenska Pfizer Consumer Healthcare och McNeil Sverige AB. Det intressanta med denna integration är att en stor organisation uppgår i en mindre, vilket sker sällan. Genom att studera detta kan förståelsen för vikten av kommunikationsprocesser breddas.

ATT VARA ELLER ICKE VARA? - En studie om effekter av kongruensnivå mellan personalklädsel och varumärket

Many companies have a specific dress code in the workplace. In some companies, the code is not very extensive, while other companies have uniform requirements. What is little understood however, is what effect different staff clothing might have on consumer response in terms of satisfaction, purchase intent, attitude, interest and so on. Some limited research has shown how different levels of congruence between individuals in their marketing, and the brand they are representing, can affect customers. To avoid any wrong focus in marketing it is key to understand the knowledge gap on the potential impact the personnel in the store have on its customers.

Studenter och hemförsäkringar : En studie av köpbeteende vid högskolan i Jönköping

Background and problemThe Student union and Länsförsäkringar in Jönköping has an agreement that provides students at Jönköping university with subsidized insurances. The fact that none of the mentioned parties knows what the insurance market at Jönköping university actually looks like makes this an interesting field to study. This thesis will aim to provide the parties with a map of this insurance market and increased knowledge about how students think and behave regarding insurences.PurposeThe overall purpose of this thesis is to increase the knowlegde about students? buying behavior regarding insurences. We will also investigate if there are uninsured students at Jönköping university and quantify that amount.

Ekologiska livsmedel i offentlig måltidsverksamhet

In our everyday life we are faced with many choices that have consequences on the environment. One of these is the food we choose to eat since food production has a big impact on the environment. In organic production the aim is to have a natural production process, where environmental impacts are minimized. By choosing organic food it is therefore possible to contribute to a better environment. A large number of meals are served every day in the public sector, which makes it an important player in the consumer sector that could make a major difference for the environment..

Håll ögat på detaljhandeln

This study examines retail atmospherics from a reality perspective. The topic "special exposure" has received research interest in the past but it has not been recognized as a critical consideration in the daily retail business. Too many retailers leave assortment decisions to thumb rules or trial and error. The highest aim of this study is in addressing that gap between theory and practice. To catch the attention of the customer is important in supermarkets because most grocery purchase decisions are made at the point of purchase.

Kläderna gör mannen. En studie i manligt konsumentbeteende

På den nuvarande klädmarknaden råder en hård konkurrens eftersom utbudet av varor och tjänster har ökat. Konsumentens förändrade beteende har lett till att företag måste sticka ut med hjälp av sitt erbjudande. Ett sätt att utmärka sig på marknaden är att arbeta med relationer och få kunden att vilja återvända på grund av butikens service. En kund som känner sig trygg i shoppingsituationen kan bli en viktig stamkund. Den traditionella mannen finner inget nöje i att shoppa och vill därför att processen ska gå så snabbt som möjligt.

Åttiotalisternas entré på arbetsmarknaden : Rekryterares uppfattning om åttiotalister

AbstractThe topic ?The effects of music in the supermarket on consumer behavior,sales, and customer state of mind? was assessed to try and analyse the emotionaldifferences that may occur as well as the sales variations that may arise fromplaying music in a supermarket. The reason for this study is that grocery storesare very common and abundant in most neighborhoods, as is man?s necessaryconsumption of food. In almost every city grocery stores must compete hardagainst each other in order to succeed in offering the most appealing options toconsumers.

Utveckling av grafiskt gränssnitt för mobiltelefoner för synsvaga personer

Målet med examensarbetet är att utveckla ett grafiskt gränssnitt som markant underlättar användandet av mobiltelefoner för synsvaga personer. Examensarbetet gjordes i samarbete med företaget The Astonishing Tribe (TAT) i Malmö. TAT designar och utvecklar grafiska gränssnitt för mobiltelefoner. I dagsläget finns det ett flertal olika hjälpmedel till mobiltelefoner för synsvaga personer. Det finns även specialutvecklade mobiltelefoner som främst vänder sig till äldre men som även kan tänkas hjälpa synsvaga personer.

Musik i livsmedelsbutik : Konsumentpåverkan genom bakgrundsmusik

AbstractThe topic ?The effects of music in the supermarket on consumer behavior,sales, and customer state of mind? was assessed to try and analyse the emotionaldifferences that may occur as well as the sales variations that may arise fromplaying music in a supermarket. The reason for this study is that grocery storesare very common and abundant in most neighborhoods, as is man?s necessaryconsumption of food. In almost every city grocery stores must compete hardagainst each other in order to succeed in offering the most appealing options toconsumers.

Consumers' behaviour in the use of online services and the cultures effect on it-a study of Swedes and Danes use of online job databases

The thesis deals with consumers behaviour in the use of online services and the cultures effect on it. It is a study of Swedes and Danes use of online job data bases. The thesis is based on a quantitative study. A questionnaire were used sent out to 80 Swedes and 80 Danes. The theory concerns areas of online consumer behaviour, decision making and services theory as well as theories within culture in relation to services and behaviour.

Vardagsmat eller domedag? Marknadsföring av ekologiska varor genom svaga och starka rädslor

In a time when concern for the environment is a topic that is met with both love and hatred, organic goods and services become increasingly common on the market. Communication efforts with the purpose of increasing the proportion of organic products consumed are being conducted by both private and public actors. However, achieving attitudinal and behavioral change within complex areas such as this comes with many difficulties.Within public opinion change, a common way of achieving a change in behavior is to use fear appeals and scare tactics. Earlier studies have shown that messages prompting a low level of fear can be more effective than messages prompting a high level of fear, since a high level of fear tends to raise defense mechanisms in the consumer. The purpose of this essay is to examine whether fear and defense mechanisms is a problem when it comes to making consumers choose organic products, as well as studying whether messages prompting low levels of fear are more effective than those prompting high levels of fear.This quantitative study is conducted in the form of a questionnaire-based experiment, comparing the effectiveness of two messages prompting different levels of fear.

Hälsobeteende bland sjuksköterskor och undersköterskor : En studie om oregelbundna arbetstider på Ålands hälso- och sjukvård

In our everyday life we are faced with many choices that have consequences on the environment. One of these is the food we choose to eat since food production has a big impact on the environment. In organic production the aim is to have a natural production process, where environmental impacts are minimized. By choosing organic food it is therefore possible to contribute to a better environment. A large number of meals are served every day in the public sector, which makes it an important player in the consumer sector that could make a major difference for the environment..

Corporate Social Responsibility : en koppling mellan marknadsföring och finansiering

Background: The debate about environment, labor conditions and aid to developing countries has the last years been a much discussed subject The pressure on the companies to live up to their responsibility is beginning to be noticed in the market.Purpose: To find out if a retail company investing in Corporate Social Responsibility thereby direct can effect it?s stock value. Using interviews to investigate if and how stock analysts and corporate finance professionals valuate a company?s CSR initiatives.Theoretical perspective: The description of CSR is leading to the main theory, The Brand Value Change, and the Market Hypothesis. Additionally a theory of the Consumer Buying Process and CAPM-model about financial risks is presented.Method: An event study of 30 companies to investigate if there is any change in their stock values and interviews with three professionals from the financial sector to find out about their attitude to CSR.

Prisetikettens roll i kundens köpprocess - En kartläggning av kundernas användande av prisinformation i den svenska dagligvaruhandeln

When patrolling grocery stores, customers engage in a purchase situation where they face great amounts of information, whereof price is one. This paper intends to shed light on the price information search behavior that customer's exhibit before choosing their products in grocery stores. In order to do so two studies have been conducted, one quantitative and one qualitative, to assemble the data needed to provide statistically significant results. The objective of the quantitative study is to gather data on customer's external price information search, and it is based on the most recent eye-tracking technology. The second qualitative study is complementary and based on interviews with randomly chosen customers that have responded to several questions regarding their price information search, shopping knowledge and experiences.

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