

13977 Uppsatser om Consumer social responsibility - Sida 5 av 932

Om hemlöshet : Socialsekreterare om ett socialt problem i två kommuner

The aim of this study was to illuminate how social workers in social services work with the social phenomenon, homelessness in two municipalities. The study is based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with interviewees from a department of social services. Our theories that we used was resistant inequality, structural discrimination, exclusion, empowerment and representation. After compilation of our empirical our conclusions are that homelessness is a complex phenomenon. Social workers handles homelessness based on client?s needs and the work is individualized.

Regler är till för att brytas

A purchase decision can be seen as a multifaceted context that raises many unanswered questions. Understanding the consumer's evaluation of alternatives is complex and should be studied at a deeper rather than wider scale. There is a problem for retailers to understand how the consumer manages a purchase decision in a retail setting with durables goods that generates a higher effort. The aim is to describe the decision rules used by the consumer and how they are expressed in this context. A better understanding of which ones they use and how they are conveyed will help retailers to create effective marketing solutions that generate positive outcomes as increased profitability and customer satisfaction.

Kan konsumentförtroende användas för att prognostisera konsumtion i Sverige?

Making accurate predictions of private consumption expenditures is a difficult task. This thesis examines if consumer confidence can be used to forecast consumption. Using regression analysis, the link between consumer confidence and private consumption expenditures is analyzed for Sweden between the years 1994 and 2005. Two different models are estimated. In the first model consumption is regressed only on consumer confidence, while model two is extended to contain more variables.

The advertising sales flyer as a promotion tool in grocery retail stores, and its effects on in-store consumer behaviour

En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken.The purpose of this study was to analyse if there are in-store consumer behaviour differences between the consumers that use ASF and the consumers that not use ASF in store. More precisely this study had two objectives. The first objective was to create a conceptual model depicting the various behavioural effects that the use of ASF may result in. These variables were tested empirically in order to analyze if the use of ASF influence in-store consumer behaviour. The second objective was to analyze if there are differences in the routes taken by the consumers in store, in relation to whether the consumers use the ASF or not..

Corporate Social Responsibility : Ett ansvarsfullt ledarskap

This thesis discusses the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility, which means that companies are taking a voluntary accountability towards the society with a view to improve it. Today's stakeholders and people in general have higher demands and expectations on businesses and its products or services than before. This is driving more and more companies to consider questions like voluntary responsibility so that they can maintain public confidence. Confidence towards the banking sector is particularly important to avoid financial crises. Our study focuses on leadership impact on CSR.

Om ett marknadsanpassat Globalt Ansvar En kritisk diskursanalys av privatoffentliga partnerskap och företags sociala ansvar i svenskt utvecklingssamarbete

Swedish Development Cooperation emphasizes the need for collaboration among actors on a national level. In that context, the purpose of the thesis is to investigate how Public Private Partnership (PPP) on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) may influence the changing role of the state. The thesis is informed by Critical Discourse Analysis. In order to investigate the social constructions of reality, the thesis is a critical study of language related to ?Globalt Ansvar: Swedish Partnership for Global Responsibility? to identify through what discourses Collaboration on Corporate Social Responsibility is produced; and the implications in relation to Public Private Partnership.

Vem tar ansvar för mänskliga rättigheter? - En studie av Corporate Social Responsibility, mjuk reglering och Global Compact

Den statsvetenskapliga forskningen har påvisat ett ansvarsskifte från offentliga aktörer till privata. I samhällen där gränsen mellan offentligt och privat luckrats upp har frågor som tidigare riktades enbart mot offentlig sektor numera även adresserats gentemot privat sektor. Sedan 2000-talets början har frågan om vem som bör bära ansvaret för de mänskliga rättigheterna blivit viktigt på den internationella dagordningen. År 2000 lanserade FN ett initiativ om Global Compact som baseras på ?corporate social responsibility? med mjuk reglering.Denna uppsats belyser frågan kring detta ansvarsskifte utifrån de teorier som utvecklats om corporate social responsibility och mjuk reglering.

CSR ( Corporate social responsibility) : En studie om hur H&M:s kunder upplever företagets kommunikation av CSR på den inhemska marknaden.

K3-regelverket har ännu inte införts. Det finns därför många frågor kring regelverket, framförallt inom fastighetsbranschen. Två av de största förändringarna i och med K3-regelverket är kraven på komponentavskrivning och upplysning om verkligt värde för förvaltningsfastigheter. Syftet med denna uppsats är att erhålla insikt i och förståelse om hur fastighetsbolag som skall tillämpa K3-regelverket, ser på detta regelverk och hur de tror att de kommer att påverkas av det i samband med införandet av detta.I studien används en induktiv ansats. Det är ett relativt komplext problem som undersöks, och därför används en kvalitativ undersökningsmetodik genom personliga intervjuer.

Resan mot hållbar turism : En studie av CSR i förhållande till pris inom turismindustrin

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has recently become increasingly important for companies to integrate into their ongoing work. CSR is about social, environmental- and financial responsibilities. The tourism industry often involves large impacts especially on environmental and social factors, which is why CSR-work plays an important role according to previous studies. One trend that has increased among consumers in the tourism industry during recent years is to travel to the lowest possible price. It has for example become increasingly common to book airfare by budget airlines.

Har syftet att stärka konsumentskyddet uppnåtts i och med införlivandet av Fastighetsmäklarlag (2011:666)? : 8, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 och 29 §§ FML

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the new real estate brokerage Act and to see whether the main intent, to strengthen the consumer protection, has been fulfilled through the implementation of the 2011 Act. The real estate agent legislation is made to protect both the buyer and seller throughout the property transaction. Although the intent is to protect the consumer, it is not unusual that disputes arises. To avoid disputes concerning the property transaction, the 2011 legislation opens up for greater transparency in the mediation process. The protection for the consumer has been considerably stronger since the 2011 legislation was implemented.

The Times They Are A-changin' - De sociala mediernas organisatoriska påverkan

Sustainability work is something that is emphasized more and more. Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, is discussed and the question of how much responsibility companies should really take is frequently in the news. Companies tend to ask themselves how much responsibility they should take. CSR is a common concept of companies environmental and social work and a concept we tend to see here and there in our modern society. CSR includes companies? social responsibilities, both in terms of carbon footprint, working conditions, social responsibility and more.

Handla hos oss - så klimatkompenserar vi! : Hur stora välkända företag påverkar sina konsumenters inställning mot deras varumärke med hjälp av grön marknadsföring och CSR.

Title: Shop at us ? and we?ll carbon offset! ? How large and well-known companies affect consumers feelings towards their brand by using green marketing and CSR.Authors: Emilie Jäfvert & Carolin RuthbergAdvisor: Christine TidåsenLevel: Bachelor thesis in Marketing, (15 Swedish credits), Spring 2011Keywords: Green marketing, CSR and branding.Question: How do large and well known companies affect their customer?s view towards their brand by using green marketing and CSR?Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how high consumer?s value companies who works with green marketing and CSR, and also to find out how it affects the company brand.Method: We have chosen to do a qualitative research with a deductive approach. We have done five open interviews with companies and ten open interviews with consumers to conduct our research.Theoretical framework: Our theoretical framework includes four different areas; CSR- Corporate Social Responsibility, green marketing, brands and consumers. These sub-chapters include theories that will help the reader get a better understanding of the areas.Empirical studies: We have gathered empirical data by multiple open interviews. Two of the five interviews with the companies were face-to-face, two via email and one over the phone.

??först och främst är dom asylsökande liksom?? : En rättssociologisk studie om socialtjänstens ansvar för ensamkommande barn.

In 2006 there was a change in LMA (1994:37) that clarified the division of responsibility be-tween the Migration Board and the municipalities, concerning unaccompanied children. The social services should now be utmost responsible for the housing and care of these children, to assure that they gain the same standards and rights as all other children. The aim of this essay has been to examine how the division of responsibility has influenced the work of the social services and how they interpret their responsibility for the unaccompanied children. How do the social services investigate and make decisions concerning these children? Do these chil-dren have the same rights as other children? To answer these questions a legal study was made, followed by qualitative research interviews with four social services that receive unac-companied children.

Strategies for social customer relationship management : the case of social media in the Swedish food industry

Consumption of meat and poultry has increased during the last ten years while the production in Sweden has decreased. Cheap imports are competing with Swedish products and consumers, restaurant and retail let the price decided what to purchase. Swedish food producers can become better at communicating the added values that meat and poultry produced in Sweden has. Social media gives companies a possible tool for communication in order to communicate and create a relationship with consumers. The rise of social media does not only affect consumer decisions making, but also corporate communication. The objective of this project is to investigate how social media can connect the farmer to the consumer.

Påverkar CSR avkastningskrav på företag? : En studie om arbete med och redovisning av Corporate Social Responsibility i svenska börsnoterade företag

Studien undersöker potentiella fördelar för företag att arbeta med och redovisa om CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility, i termer av minskade avkastningskrav från investerare. Med utgångspunkt i teorier om informationsasymmetri och stakeholderteori testar vi om svenska börsnoterade företag som arbetar med och redovisar om CSR är förknippade med lägre risk och således också lägre avkastningskrav från investerare. Våra resultat visar att en separat publicerad CSR-redovisning eller hur företagen betygssätts för sitt CSR-arbete inte har någon påverkan på investerares avkastningskrav. Dock finner vi att avkastningskrav på företag som redovisar om och/eller vars arbete med CSR-frågor värderas högt blir lägre ju fler sidor de publicerar om CSR i en separat rapport..

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