

13977 Uppsatser om Consumer social responsibility - Sida 33 av 932

Nu a?r det dags att agera! : en analys av konsumentbeteende fra?n mjo?lkupproret i Ska?ne

At the end of 2008, Arla concluded agreements with several supermarkets in southern Sweden. The agreement with the supermarkets excluded Ska?nemejerier from the stores. This meant that Ska?nemejerier lost approximately 7% of sales volume.

"Är jag smal så blir jag lycklig." : En kvalitativ studie om hur behandlingspersonal reflekterar kring sociala påverkansfaktorer till ätstörningar

The background of the study consists of the fact that knowledge about how eating disorders are developed and maintained is extensive. Socio-cultural factors and media influence when developing an eating disorder is of significance. When reviewing literature and previous research, knowledge about practical attainments when treating eating disorders are insufficient. The aim of the study was therefore to examine how staff who treats eating disordered patients think about body ideals, strive for success and media influence in treatment and rehabilitation. The theory consists of Foucault?s theory of power, how beauty ideals are dependent of the cultural context in which we live and what qualities are associated with beauty and body ideals.

Vågor mot klippan? ? en intervjustudie av godmanskapet inom funktionshinderomsorgen och dess praktik

Being a trustee within the disability care will, in most cases, put big responsibility on the trustee both as a representative for the klient but also as a representative for the standards of the society. The assignment as a trustee is to strengthen the client and ease his/her way of living in the society. The Swedish legislation that controls the process and the regulation of the trustees, is by the authors of this paper preceived as kind of vauge, leaving a lot of room for interpretation. So  how do trustees comprehend their assignment and how do they actually interpret it? Using material from eight interviews with trustees within the disability care, this paper aims to examine these questions, and focuses only on the trustees and their experiences.

ICA:s Hållbarhetsredovisning med tillämpning av GRI : Vad bestämmer leverantören?

Syftet är att utifrån GRI:s riktlinjer undersöka ICA:s hållbarhetsredovisning samt jämföra den med den generella uppfattningen som intressentgruppen leverantörer har om hållbarhetsredovisningar.ICA tar GRI:s riktlinjer på stort allvar vid tillämpning av dessa vid upprättandet av sin hållbarhetsredovisning. Leverantörernas intresse påverkar ett flertal resultatindikatorer som ICA inte har definierat som resultatindikatorer valda utifrån leverantörernas intresse..

Behöver du företag på sociala medier eller behöver företagen dig? : En studie om kunders behov av företag på sociala medier och påverkan på relationer

Social medias impact recent years has been huge and an increasing number of companies have started using the services. The benefits for companies to be available thru social media are many and the costs are low. Social media makes it easier for companies to get in touch with their customers and at the same time they reach out to a lot of people since the number of frequent user?s constantly increase. A major part of the information that is available is seen from a company?s perspective and what benefits they can take advantage of thru social media.

Frihet, rädsla och skuld : om unga kvinnors bild av sexuella övergrepp

The purpose of this study was to examine young women?s perception and fear of sexual assault. An additional aim was to analyze the women?s view on guilt and responsibility in rape related questions. Two focus group interviews were executed with undergraduate women aged 22-32 years.

?Det är att göra en god gärning utan att tänka på att det är en god gärning? ? Nalle Puh : En studie av försäkringsbranschens CSR-kommunikation.

The purpose of this study is to investigate how Swedish insurance companies communicate corporal social responsibility (CSR). We used two methods for approaching the purpose. At first we approached a quantitative content analysis to investigate in which ways the companies communicated on their websites. In the second part of the study we used qualitative textual analysis to study two companies sustainable reports. The theoretical framework of the study is based on theories of CSR and how to communicate it.

Sikta mot Stjärnorna: En komparativ studie över bloggares och kändisars effekter på konsumentbeteenden och konsumentattityder

During the second part of the 20th Century celebrities became more commonly used for commercial purposes as they could enhance purchase intentions, word-of-mouth- intentions and change attitudes towards brands and products. Over the last few years blogs and bloggers have become more and more used for product placing and the bloggers? power over consumers? behaviour has grown rapidly. The aim of this study is to compare a celebrity?s and a blogger?s impact on consumer behaviour and try to understand the underlying reasons why they do have such power over their audiences.

Fördelning av en medgäldenärs brist : Förhållandet mellan 2 § skuldebrevslagen och 9 § preskriptionslagen

AbstractValue Added Tax, VAT, is a general consumption tax that is added to almost all consumption of goods and services. Despite the extensive work of harmonization of the VAT system relating to electronic services, it can be difficulties in determining the taxable land, something that could affect the internal market in a negative way. The Swedish companyStardollABwas double taxed on certain electronic services that they provided consumers in theUK. The problems that lead to double taxation must be identified to ensure free competition and free movement within the internal market. The principle of neutrality pervades the whole of the EU VAT system which can be derived from principles of the Treaty, establishing the common market, and the introduction of the VAT Directive.

?Man vill ju inte slå på stora trumman? : -en kvalitativ intervjustudie om svenska klädföretags CSR-kommunikation

Abstract The purpose of this study is to identify how Swedish clothing companies strategically communicate CSR ? the issue being that CSR communication is frequently scrutinized and criticized. This is examined using semi-structured interviews with six company representatives. The result is presented thematically, dealing with (1) conditions for CSR and CSR communication, (2) how to manage the issue with criticism and (3) which communication strategies companies use. Following conclusions are drawn: the companies can be divided into Mirvis and Googins phases integrated or engaged/innovative, with conditions characterizing these phases.

Hållbarhet inom flygindustrin : En studie om geografiska variationer i flygbolagens hållbarhetsredovisningar - ur ett institutionellt perspektiv

Flygbolag är mäktiga globala aktörer med en omfattande miljöpåverkan, så vilka initiativ redovisar de för att bidra till en hållbar utveckling? För att svara på detta genomförde vi en innehållsanalys där vi undersökte skillnader och likheter i europeiska och amerikanska flygbolags hållbarhetsredovisningar. För att skapa en förståelse för hur samhällsansvar spelar roll i en historiskt förankrad miljö testade vi förklaringsvärdet av social struktur, nationell kultur samt isomorfism.Den största skillnaden vi fann är att USA är mer detaljerade och redovisar fler initiativ, medan Europa för ett bredare resonemang om hållbarhet. Skillnaderna förklaras utifrån social struktur och nationell kultur, likheter förklaras med isomorfism. Skillnaderna i hållbarhetsredovisningarna kan förklaras med att det sociala kontraktet, som flygbolagen måste följa, är olika mellan regionerna.

Marknadsföring i Sociala Medier : En kvantitativ studie ur ett socialt nätverksperspektiv

I studien studeras hur komplexiteten kring sociala medier kan studeras, samt pa? vilket sa?tt sociala na?tverk a?r relaterade till na?tverken i sociala medier och hur det pa?verkar konsumenterna. Syftet med studien a?r att underso?ka de sociala medierna i fo?rha?llande till de sociala na?tverken med fokus pa? konsumentbeteende och da?rigenom skapa en generell modell som fo?rklarar problematiken. Studien bygger pa? en litteraturstudie som i fo?rsta hand sammansta?llts av artiklar med fokus pa? a?mnesomra?dena sociala na?tverk, elektroniska sociala na?tverk och sociala medier. En enka?tunderso?kning gjordes fo?r att sammansta?lla konsumenters a?sikter om a?mnesomra?dena, i syfte att tillslut utmynna i en analys och diskussion. Det ga?r att konstatera att sociala medier har vidgat det sociala na?tverket fo?r den enskilde konsumenten. Detta resulterar i att den enskilde konsumenten nu kan komma i kontakt med fler akto?rer och andra konsumenter som i ma?nga fall kan vara oka?nda.

Skyldigheten att skydda : Utvecklingen av R2P ur ett folkrättsligt perspektiv

The debate regarding the relationship between state sovereignty and the protection of the hu-man rights was at its peak during the 1990?s. Never again the world wanted to witness the atrocities committed in Rwanda, but at the same time some states argued in favor of a strict interpretation of the principle of state sovereignty and non-intervention. In 2001, ICISS was created ? a commission with the aim to find consensus in the question of how the world should respond to mass atrocities committed by a state against their own people.

Russinen ur kakan: - uppföljning av kampanjer i byggvaruhandeln

The Swedish do-it-yourself (DIY) market has expanded in recent years and is today a SEK90 billion market. Competition is fierce, however, and the DIY retail chains compete over market share with extensive marketing campaigns. Advances in computer technology have made it possible to acquire and compile huge quantities of point of sale data. However, due to a lack of economic theories and statistical methods, this data cannot be effectively utilized and the effects of the campaigns are not measured in any detail. In this study a new method was used to examine the effects of marketing campaigns in the DIY consumer market.

Vilka är hållbarhetsredovisningens intressenter? :

Background: Climate changes are a growing concern all over the world today. In June year 2006 the European Union accepted a new strategy for the Unions work against a sustainable development. The concept of taking consideration to all the aspects of an organisations/a company's activity is something that have been in focus during later years. Social and ethical aspects are in focus and questions regarding these aspects are more commonly included in the companies yearly reporting. A sustainability report is characterised by that it takes into account not only environmental aspects, like ordinary environmental reports, but also social and ethical aspects of a company's activity with it's surroundings.

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