

13977 Uppsatser om Consumer social responsibility - Sida 18 av 932

Corporate Social Responsibility : Inom bankverksamhet

Begreppet CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility, har på senare årtionden blivit ett allt viktigare koncept för företag. För att företag ska kunna vara konkurrenskraftiga krävs det idag att man både tar sitt ansvar utifrån det ekonomiska perspektivet och det sociala perspektivet. I och med att begreppet har vuxit har fler och fler företag börjat använda sig utav CSR och börjat integrera det sin verksamhet.Bankerna ser sig själva idag som stora aktörer i samhällets påverkan att sträva framåt. Därför tar man sig an det samhällsansvar som man förväntas att ta av samhällets medborgare för att bankerna ska anses som goda bankaktörer. Detta är det som kännetecknar CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility, d.v.s.

Företag och miljö ? Utsläpp påverkar klimatet men påverkar det aktiekursen?

Denna kandidatuppsats har i syfte att undersöka huruvida det går att identifiera avvikande aktieavkastning hos företag vilka erhåller ett förändrat betyg i Folksams Klimatindex mellan åren 2004 och 2005. Identifieras avvikande avkastning undersöks marknadens värdering av förbättrade respektive försämrade betyg. Signifikant avvikande avkastning identifierats i aktier hos företag som erhåller ett förändrat betyg i Folksams Klimatindex. Resultatet från eventstudien påvisar att betygsförändringar, oavsett karaktär, värderas negativt av marknaden. Att marknaden skulle värdera informationen om förbättrade respektive försämrade betyg på samma sätt strider mot teorin om Corporate Social Responsibility.

Socialt ansvarstagande - ett medel för att vinna kampen om arbetskraften?

Studiens huvudsakliga slutsats är att majoriteten av studenterna på Handelshögskolan i Göteborg inte prioriterar socialt ansvarstagande hos en framtida arbetsgivare. Socialt ansvar anses vara den minst viktiga faktorn då endast 18 procent avrespondenterna markerade socialt ansvarstagande som en av de fem viktigaste faktorerna hos en framtida arbetsgivare.

Corporate Social Responsibility ? Ett paradigmskifte i den nya tidens fo?retagande

Syftet med denna studie a?r att underso?ka och analysera det arbete som Sveriges tre sto?rsta mobiloperato?rer, Telenor, TeliaSonera och Tele2 bedriver kring Corporate Social Responsibility. Studien a?mnar ocksa? underso?ka hur arbetet utvecklats under de tre senaste a?ren, samt hur detta fenomen kommuniceras. Genom detta o?nskar vi uppna? en ba?ttre helhetsbild och en djupare fo?rsta?else fo?r CSR, samt bidra med insikter, uppta?ckter och egna tolkningar kring a?mnet.Metod: Kvantitativ inneha?llsanalys av CSR-redovisningar. Av dessa tre studerade fo?retag kan vi urskilja vissa gemensamma trender bolagen emellan.

Vem är ansvarig? : En samhällsvetenskaplig diskussion om utbrändhet

University of ÖrebroDepartment of social SciencesSociology, Contnuation Course, 61-90hp.Essay 15hp. Spring 2008Title: Who is resbonsible? A soceityscientific discussion about burnout.Author: Emilie FuchsAbstractThe purpose with this essay is to do a critical comparation between two different perspectives, burnout as an individual problem and burnout as a social problem. The first perspective states that the individual itself is responsible for her sickness while the second perspective states that the society and foremost the labour market should work in order to prevent people from beeing burned out. With that purpose in mind I want to enlighten and hopefully bring up the topic for discussion.The essay is based upon the following questions:? How can you sociologically understand the labour market of today?? How can you understand burnout in an individual context?? How can you understand burnout in a social context?By studying and reading four books, I have presented the two different perspectives of burnout.

Hur fungerar egentligen ko?pbeslutsprocessen inom e-handel? : En kvalitativ studie om konsumenternas beteende vid konsumtion pa? Internet.

Title: How does the buying decision process really function within e-commerce? - A qualitative study of consumer behavior when they consume on Internet.Institution: School of Economics, Linnaeus University, Va?xjo?.Course code: 2FE16E.Authors: Sara Hja?rne, Mathilda Perem, Ewelina Wallin.Tutor: Dan Halvarsson.Examiner: A?sa Devine.Key words: Buying decision process, purchase decision process need recognition, information search, evaluation, purchase decision, postpurchase behavior, consumer decision making, E-commerce, E- commerce channels, online shopping, online purchase, e-retail, internet shopping, electronic shopping, consumer behavior, online appereal shopping, social media, decision making, online retailing, website design, customer satisfaction, webshopping, perceived risk, convinience, price, online consumption behavior.Background: Buying decision process is a model that marketers use to get a better understanding of their customers and their behavior when purchasing a product. This process consists of five different steps; need recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision and evaluation. Buying decision process has for a long time been an accepted model but scientists argue that the introduction of Internet as a channel for consumption has changed this process. The Internet has also led to a change of power in which customers today have greater influence, which greatly affects the buying decision process in e-commercePurpose: The purpose is to explore how consumers perceive their behavior when they consume through e-commerce.Research questions:How do consumers perceive the buying decision process they experience when they consume through e-commerce?How do consumers perceive different factors that are important to them when they consume through e-commerce?Methodology: Qualitative study, cross-sectional design, semi-structured interviews.Conclusion: This thesis shows that the traditional model of the buying decision process is not consistent with consumers' perception of how they are undergoing the process when applied to an e-commerce context.

Det talas om utbrändhet : vilken roll spelar maktstrukturen

In this paper we investigate whether power structures in organizations have an influence in the process that leads to burnout. We analyze if these power structures affect the individual?s health condition toward burnout in a way that leads to disability and subsequent absence from work. In the study, six persons who all have been unable to work due to burnout have been studied through qualitative, semi-structured interviews. The material have been coded with three different themes; leadership and hierarchy, responsibility and delegation of responsibility and performance and loyalty.

Fredsbaskrarna : samverkan mellan frivilligt socialt arbete och offentlig sektor

The veterans in Sweden is a group that is steadily growing, one of the reasons is the new employment agreement that requires the soldiers and officers to commit to Foreign Service. The Swedish Armed Forces have received critique from the government in their investigations concerning the Swedish veteran politics. Since then the Swedish government has introduced a new law that gives the Swedish Armed Forces an utmost responsibility concerning the veteran?s physical and mental health. The purpose of this study is to qualitatively investigate ?The Peace berets?, a non-government organization which have had, and is still having a cooperation with the Swedish Armed Forces as a result of the investigation conducted by the Swedish government.

Are older consumers of interest for the Swedish Apparel market? A study of older consumers? attitudes and interests in apparel.

Summary Title Are older consumers of interest for the Swedish Apparel market?A study of older consumers? attitudes and interests in apparel Deadline 12 January, 2007 Course FEK 533 Authors Brusk Kutlay and Linda Nordén Tutors Björn Carlsson and Roland Knutsson Keywords Older consumer, apparel, lifestyle, attitudes, consumer behavior Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate weather the 50+ segment is a strong market for apparel, i.e. if it is an interesting market for the Swedish apparel industry. The aim is to contribute to a better understanding of consumers? attitudes toward apparel shopping on the Swedish market.

"Jag är mer än en socialarbetare" : En kvalitativ studie om yrkesrollens påverkan på socialarbetares privatliv

This study aims to further Work-family conflict research for Social Workers by providing insight into what kind of impact the job role of social workers in Sweden has on their private lives and how they deal with it. The study operates from a qualitative approach and is based on three focus group-interviews and three semi-structured interviews with people working in different fields of social work. The empirical material has been analyzed through the Dramaturgical Perspective and Frame concept of Erving Goffman. The results of this study show that the job role impacts the psychological well-being of social workers, their family life and their social life to varying degrees, mainly due to organizational and client-based aspects, often resulting in role-conflicts and a lack of energy in their private lives. The primary strategies were found to be conversing with colleagues, spending time alone, embracing hobbies and having a clear understanding of individual responsibility. .

Vem vill ha Adam och Monika? : En kvantitativ vinjettstudie om tolkningar av vistelsebegreppet på 12 socialjourer i Sverige

The aim of this study was to explore how social workers interpret the part of the Swedish social services act that regulates each municipality?s responsibility of the people staying in it. The study?s general methodological approach connects to sociology of law. The research questions were: (1) What factors are considered important by the social workers in assessments of responsible municipality? (2) Are there variations in the assessments of responsible municipality and in that case; how can the variations be explained? (3) What discretion do the social workers consider that they have in assessments of responsible municipality? Previous studies have found considerable differences in professional social work assessments in Sweden.

Corporate Social Responsibility : En fallstudie om Vattenfalls praktiska hållbarhetsarbete

Idag kommunicerar allt fler företag externt om sitt CSR-arbete. Då den externa kommunikationen inte samstämmer med det interna arbetet så uppstår särkoppling som kan ge kritik som greenwashing. Företaget Vattenfall har fått sådan kritik, vilket gör det intressant att studera företagets interna arbete. Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva och få en ökad förståelse för hur CSR används och uppfattas internt bland medarbetare genom att undersöka problem som företaget kan möta i sitt interna CSR-arbete. Vår uppsats bygger på en kvalitativ studie.

Charterturismens sociala effekter på lokalbefolkningen : Svenska charterresenärers medvetenhet om de sociala konsekvenser som drabbar lokalbefolkningen på olika turistdestinationer.

In this essay we have been trying to get an understanding of what Swedish charter tourists cares for when they are going on vacation. The Tourism industry is a major field with a lot of winners, but it also comes with consequences. The purpose with this essay is to get an understanding of how aware the Swedish charter tourists is of these consequences. We would also like to get a perception of how the tourists themselves believe that their presence effects the locals at the destinations they are visiting (if they assume that they are). There are several different types of consequences that can appear in the context of tourism, but we have decided to focus on one kind.

Ansvarsfullt företagande bortom landets gränser : En studie om svenska företags internationella CSR-arbete

The purpose of this study was to investigate how Swedish retail companies work with CSR internationally.The study also sought to explore the opportunities and challenges that exist, and the stakeholders that motivate companies CSR commitment.The theoretical framework is composed of international CSR guidelines of the OECD and the UN, Carroll's CSR pyramid and three-stage model and Freeman's stakeholder theory. Furthermore a qualitative research approach was applied where four in-depth interviews were conducted with representatives from Axfood, Löfbergs Lila, Oriflame and CSR Sweden.Finally, the study demonstrated the conclusion that the companies CSR strategies are structured in a similar way regardless of the market. CSR attract and retain workers, create a good reputation for brands and results in working conditions, living standards and environmental improvements. Difficulties, however, are the complexity of being able to control each partner and manage differences in language, laws and culture between countries. Finally there are a number of stakeholders that motivate companies to work with CSR, of which shareholders are considered the most important..

Vem bär ansvar för Somalias internflyktingar?

The aim of this thesis is to examine the rights of internally displaced persons as well as finding out whose responsibility it is to maintain these rights. The questions being answered are: what policies, laws and conventions are addressing internally displaced persons in Somalia (mainly from within Somalia, UN and AU)? And; which principal similarities and differences in these documents are to find regarding what type of protection internally displaced persons can get? Whose responsibility is it to intervene if these rights and rules are not maintained? To answer these questions I have used a liberal-universal theoretical framework. The analysis is a describing case study of comparative nature between the Provisional Somalia Constitution, UN Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement and the Kampala Convention. The result shows that there are many different rights of internally displaced persons in Somalia.

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