

1393 Uppsatser om Consumer satisfaction - Sida 9 av 93

Konsumenters medvetenhet om företags arbete med CSR

Borglund et al. (2012) argues that today it is becoming increasingly important for companies to work with CSR because stakeholders are more engaged in issues related to social responsibility and the environment. However, much research shows that it does not play a major role how companies work with CSR issues if the information does not reach the final consumer. The focus of this paper is therefore to examine how some of the major clothing companies communicate about their work with CSR issues and if consumers believe that they have the information needed to make an informed purchasing decision that support sustainable development in the garment industry. Our study has among other things found evidence that companies doesn?t reach out with information about their work with CSR.

?Vi kan bli ett Barbielag!? : En studie om yngre barns sociala relationer och identitetsskapande i ett postmodernt konsumtionssamhälle

One of the main goals in this study is to investigate how young children's identity formation and social relationships are depicted by today's consumer society.  In order to reach the goals of the study I also concentrated myself on questions regarding the reflection of symbolic aspects consumption in younger children's interaction and preschool-teachers' ideas about how and in what ways children's consumption patterns are created and developed nowadays. In order to answer the presented research questions I used the theoretical arguments of researchers in the field of pedagogy Gert Biesta in connection with the ideas and concepts of the consumer society characteristics developed by the sociologist Zygmunt Bauman.The thesis' methodological approach consists of a combination of semi-structured interviews with teachers and observations of children's interaction, which contributed to a systematic investigation of the thesis' problem area and served as a tool for obtaining answers to the research questions.The results demonstrate that consumption occupies a lot of space in young children's lives, which means that it greatly affects their social relationships today. Both consumption and knowledge of the known brands prove to be the child's path to the desired community on the one hand, and the children's way to the consumer world on the other (hand), which in turn points to an obvious dependence between children's consumption and their social relationships.The results also show that there is a tension between the perception of identity formation as preschool-policy-document on the one hand and the attitude of the identity prescribed by consumer society norms and regulations on the other..

Kundrelationer på menyn : ? En fallstudie av McDonalds erbjudande och kunders beteende för skapandet av långsiktiga relationer.

The study aims to understand the underlying factor why McDonald's customers return despiteprevious failure customer experiences. Why do customers come back to the company thatcontributes to the former dissatisfaction? McDonald's attempt to maintain unceasingpurposeful emergence fail at the local level, where the customer contact occurs. McDonald'sofferings and customers' bounded rationality results in that customers are satisfied with an"ok" experience, which adds to their low expectations of McDonalds. This makes clear thatMcDonald's does not have to make an effort through constant adaptation at the local level toachieve a "great" level of satisfaction.

Social Responsible Sponsorship - an Easy Way to a Stronger Brand? - A study of Consumer Based Brand Equity and Consumer Packaged Food

Syfte: Att identifiera de problem och/eller svårigheter som uppstått efter införandet av IAS 39 och dess krav på att finansiella instrument ska värderas till verkligt värde. Metod: Uppsatsen har genomförts med hjälpa av en induktiv metod. Primärdata har samlats in genom kvalitativa intervjuer. Sekundärdata består av facklitteratur och vetenskapliga artiklar. Teoretiska perspektiv: Teorin om det institutionella tänkandet har använts samt Streek & Schmitters modell.

Lägre arbetsmotivation och arbetstillfredsställelse bland omsorgspersonal med flexibel arbetsplats

Syftet med studien var att undersöka skillnader i arbetsmotivation och arbetstillfredsställelse bland omsorgspersonal beroende på om de hade en fast eller flexibel arbetsplats. I studien ingick två deltagargrupper där den ena gruppen tillhörde en fast avdelning medan de anställda i den andra gruppen flyttade runt mellan avdelningar beroende på var det för tillfället fanns behov. Studien genomfördes som en enkätundersökning inom omsorgsförvaltningen i en mindre kommun. Totalt besvarade 55 personer på enkäten som var uppdelad i två delar; Basic need satisfaction at work scale som mätte arbetsmotivation med delskalorna autonomi, kompetens och samhörighet och Minnesota job satisfaction som mätte inre och yttre arbetstillfredsställelse. Studien visade att anställda med en flexibel arbetsplats hade lägre arbetsmotivation och arbetstillfredsställelse än anställda med fast arbetsplats.

Den gröna konsumentmakten - medborgarens ekologiska insats

The aim of this thesis is to form a theory of the green consumer power and to distinguish whether this phenomenon could indicate a movement toward the ecological citizenship. To do so, scientific theories regarding the responsibility of companies have been used, as well as the public choice theory, to link individuals as citizens to individuals as consumers. The motives of corporate environmental responsibility, along with consumers ability to bring pressure in different dimensions, are later drawn on as indicators applied to empirical information. The largest producer of ecological products in Sweden, Arla Foods, is employed as case study to explore if the green consumer power can and does exist. The ecological citizenship uses the ecological footprint, to define in what ways we can minimize our part of environmental degradation.The study seems to strengthen the theory, consumers do have a power to make companies go green and they tend to use it increasingly.

Inre arbetsmotivation och arbetstillfredsställelse hos anställda inom äldreomsorgen

Syftet med studien var att undersöka inre arbetsmotivation och arbetstillfredsställelse genom att se vilket motivationsbehov och vilken typ av arbetstillfredsställelse som skattades högst. Syftet var även att undersöka vilka motivationsbehov som bäst predicerar inre och yttre arbetstillfredsställelse. Studien genomfördes inom äldreomsorgenen i en mindre kommun i Sverige. 80 personer deltog i studien som genomfördes som en enkätundersökning. Mätinstrumenten som användes var Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) och Basic Need of Satisfaction at work Scale (BNS).

Lärares arbetsmotivation och arbetstillfredsställelse - Skiljer sig upplevelsen beroende på organisationsform och kön?

Studiens syfte var att undersöka om det förelåg några skillnader i upplevelsen av arbetsmotivation och arbetstillfredsställelse bland lärare avseende organisationsform och kön samt om det fanns en interaktion mellan organisationsform och kön avseende arbetsmotivation och arbetstillfredsställelse. Totalt deltog 84 respondenter i undersökningen. Mätinstrumenten som användes var Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire och Basic Need Satisfaction at work scale. Resultatet visade att det inte förelåg några signifikanta skillnader i arbetsmotivation beroende på organisationsform och kön. Vidare visade resultatet att det fanns signifikanta skillnader i yttre, inre och generell arbetstillfredsställelse beroende på organisationsform, där privatanställda var mer tillfredsställda i jämförelse med offentligt anställda.

Sjuksköterskans arbetstillfredsställelse och psykosociala arbetsmiljö inom psykiatrisk vård

 To enjoy work, and be satisfied in the work you do, is important to most people. Work scientific research shows that dissatisfaction with physical or the psychosocial work environment often gives negative effects on the performed work. The purpose of our study is to chart the experience in work satisfaction and psychosocial work environment amongst nurses within psychiatric care. It is an empiric cross section study. The participants in the study contains nurses who are either employed on a conditional tenure or have a temporary post (>3 months) in policlinics and wards in general adult psychiatric care (n=126).

How can the business potential of products with health claims increase?

The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate the influencing factors on the businesspotential of products with health claims, using PrimaLiv as an example. And togive recommendations on how a dairy producer, which is present in the Swedishmarket, could improve the sales rates of products with health claims. We have chosento put a main focus on the consumer, as he or she determines the business potential.This is an unusual approach since most studies cover the producer?s perspective. Wethereby wish to contribute with new knowledge on the area in question.

Valet är ditt - Konsumentbeslut baserade på sekventiell produktinformation

Research has shown that our numbers of choices are constantly increasing. In this paper, we investigate the choice-making process further with regard to satisfaction, recommendation propensity, confidence, and preference. The study focuses on two fitness clubs where product information is provided sequential to the participant. We examine if consumers who maintain their choice tend to be more satisfied with their choice and more willing to recommend the choice to a friend. If they are, why is this? We found that the participants who changed their choice claimed to be less satisfied and had less propensity to recommend the choice to a friend.

Sambandet mellan kontroll i arbetet, psykologisk flexibilitet och välmående

The work organization variable control and the individual characteristic psychological flexibility are two concepts that affect employees? well-being at work.This cross-­sectional study examined the extent to which these variables correlated with burnout, mental health and job satisfaction among homecare workers in Sweden (N=68). As hypothesized, results showed that both control and psychological flexibility were associated with burnout and job satisfaction. Findings also showed that psychological flexibility was associated with mental health. Moreover, the results indicated that there is an interaction effect between control and psychological flexibility in relation to these variables.

Stress, self-efficacy och livstillfredsställelse : Finns det köns och åldersskillnader

ABSTRACTThe aim of this quantitative study was to investigate if stress, self-efficacy and life satisfaction varied with gender and age. The sample was selectively chosen in the municipality, country council, private sector and in the trade business. 237 participants were included in the study, of which 94 were men and 143 were women. Age was split in two categories: younger adults (18-40 years) and older adults (41-65 years). The results showed that there were correlations between the dependent variables: stress, self-efficacy and life satisfaction.

Brukarperspektiv på vad som är hjälpande i relationen till professionella : En kunskapsöversikt

The relationship to professionals has proved to be a helping factor for personswith severe mental illness, but it is also a relationship characterised by anunbalanced power relation. The aim of this study was to compile and analyze theknowledge of what persons with severe mental illness themselves consider to behelping in the relationship to professionals, and to specifically analyse this from apower perspective. The analysis was conducted using Foucault?s ideas of powerand knowledge, and an empowerment perspective. The method used was anarrative review.

Effektivisering : En utredning om åtgärder på en industrifastighet

AbstractDelta Terminal owns an outdated industrial building which they now rent out to businesses. This property currently has a high energy con-sumption and therfore it is desirable to improve the efficiency. In ordet to reduce the energy consumption within the industrial building enve-lope, the heating systems and lighting are being investegated. A good building envelope emits less heat and thus reduces the energy consump-tion. An energy audit is a tool used to determine the energy loss.

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