3537 Uppsatser om Consumer related creativity - Sida 34 av 236
Aktievärdering : En kvantitativ studie i värdering med Dividend Discount Model och Residual Income Model i förhållande till P/B-tal som referensvärde
My essay is concerned with intercultural leadership and practical knowledge. The essay is about ethical dilemmas and the diversity of issues we face constantly at the preschool. In my story I examine the different views of knowledge and the opportunities to lead people in an intercultural way, and how they relate to each other. I start by looking at the ethical ideas that form the basis for our actions and our view of knowledge. Then, I examine how the practical wisdom guides the ethical dilemmas that arise at the preschool.
ATT VARA ELLER ICKE VARA? - En studie om effekter av kongruensnivå mellan personalklädsel och varumärket
Many companies have a specific dress code in the workplace. In some companies, the code is not very extensive, while other companies have uniform requirements. What is little understood however, is what effect different staff clothing might have on consumer response in terms of satisfaction, purchase intent, attitude, interest and so on. Some limited research has shown how different levels of congruence between individuals in their marketing, and the brand they are representing, can affect customers. To avoid any wrong focus in marketing it is key to understand the knowledge gap on the potential impact the personnel in the store have on its customers.
En studie i brott : kvinnlig brottslighet i Askeryds Socken, Småland 1825-30
This essay focuses on crime history and gender. It is a study of female crimes in the beginning of the 19th century in a small parish (Askeryd Socken) in Småland in the south part of Sweden. The method I have used is to study the records of Municipal Court regarding the citizens of the parish of Askeryd. I have then tried to find out whether the female offenders have been treated different than the male offenders, if there is a certain kind of gender-related crimes and in those cases where comparison is possible, I have examined if the females are treated in a lighter way. (?female discount?), or if they were treated as mentally unstable.The essay shows that in this particular parish during the years 1825 to 1830, female offenders were not treated in a lighter manner.
Studenter och hemförsäkringar : En studie av köpbeteende vid högskolan i Jönköping
Background and problemThe Student union and Länsförsäkringar in Jönköping has an agreement that provides students at Jönköping university with subsidized insurances. The fact that none of the mentioned parties knows what the insurance market at Jönköping university actually looks like makes this an interesting field to study. This thesis will aim to provide the parties with a map of this insurance market and increased knowledge about how students think and behave regarding insurences.PurposeThe overall purpose of this thesis is to increase the knowlegde about students? buying behavior regarding insurences. We will also investigate if there are uninsured students at Jönköping university and quantify that amount.
Den ?inre konstnärens? agenda och tidtabell : En undersökning om flöde och torka i skaparprocesser
Arbetet behandlar orsaker till ett kreativt motstånd och flöde. Mitt syfte är att ta reda på vad som driver människor att skapa inom området för låtskrivare/artister. Hur hanterar man idétorka och ?skrivkramp? och finns det någon metod för att upprätthålla ett kreativt flöde?Jag har intervjuat sex personer som alla är verksamma som låtskrivare och artister samt använt mig av litteraturstudium. I mitt arbete har jag kommit fram till att skrivkramp kan uppstå av många olika anledningar.
Ekologiska livsmedel i offentlig måltidsverksamhet
In our everyday life we are faced with many choices that have consequences on the environment. One of these is the food we choose to eat since food production has a big impact on the environment. In organic production the aim is to have a natural production process, where environmental impacts are minimized. By choosing organic food it is therefore possible to contribute to a better environment. A large number of meals are served every day in the public sector, which makes it an important player in the consumer sector that could make a major difference for the environment..
Håll ögat på detaljhandeln
This study examines retail atmospherics from a reality perspective. The topic "special exposure" has received research interest in the past but it has not been recognized as a critical consideration in the daily retail business. Too many retailers leave assortment decisions to thumb rules or trial and error. The highest aim of this study is in addressing that gap between theory and practice. To catch the attention of the customer is important in supermarkets because most grocery purchase decisions are made at the point of purchase.
Varfo?r finns det sa? lite svensk ekologisk frukt? : probleminventering av den svenska ekologiska fruktbranschen
Out of totally 1862 hectares of the Swedish fruitacerage, only 142 hectares are cultivated
according to the EU-standards for organic farming. Only 73 hectares are connected to the
Swedish control organisation KRAV. Therefore only fruit from this acreage can be sold as
The aim of the study was to further investigate the organic fruit production regarding
cultivation, market and firm strategy.
Through interviews with 36 fruitproducers the situation for organic fruit and the companies
were examined.
Vem bryr sig? ? en studie av Corporate Social Responsibility som konkurrensmedel
The competitive situation for businesses has experienced drastical changes as an effectof globalization and changes in consumer demands. Product related competitive advantages arerisking to quickly become presumptions for competition. The demand for increased innovationpace, along with the intense price competition, has led to buisnesses trying to find new ways todifferentiate themselves and Corporate Social Responsibility has became one way of doing so.The bad working conditions associated with the textile industry have rised a debate about thebusinesses? Corporate Social Responsibility. The future is heading towards more and morecompanies choosing to take their social responsibility, many of those experiencing this to be anadvandage in the relation with the consumers.
Mångkultur i litteratur och i skola : Hur arbetar lärare med barn- och ungdomslitteratursom skildrar mångkultur?
Abstract Our society is becoming increasingly multicultural and so are our schools. This study raises the question of how teachers are working to promote multi-culture and how they can create an understanding of the diversity in the classroom. One way is to use the literature. Literature is already well integrated by many teachers and widely used by pupils. By making use of literature related to multi-culture, pupils can get a deeper understanding of our society.
Entreprenörskap på landsbygden : 6 små livsmedelsförädlande företag i Mälardalen
For a long time, economic activity has decreased and shows a downward trend in the food sector. To break this requires efforts to strengthen corporate position with the ability to meet market challenges.
In the small producers is a great potential for them to be able to increase its profitability thanks to its ability to offer added value in the product. But to achieve this requires not only a willingness and creativity out of the ordinary but also factors that lead us into this report, current issues. The issues are related to marketing, brand building and the importance of developing a stable network.
The study aims to investigate how small businesses operate in rural areas are experiencing the possibilities of support from various networks and organizations and that, from a business perspective, and also see which areas that they need more support in to achieve a growing business. The work has been followed by an inductive method, when we initially could not say anything about the empirical results.
Samspel mellan IT-avdelningen och affärsverksamheten : En studie av attityder
IT has become more evident in most organisations and has grown to be a part of the infrastructure rather than a tool for competitiveness. Therefore focus should now lie on how IT is adjusted to the business rather than on the usage of IT. To make the best use of IT in the business the CIO needs to start think more business-oriented instead of as before, technology-oriented. To develop the IT-department in that direction the IT-staff need to start cooperate with the business and gain knowledge about stakeholders, markets and the way of working for other staff members in the business.With this as a basis, the purpose of this thesis is to investigate attitudes regarding cooperation between the IT-department and the business and if there is any difference if the CIO has business related background or not.To fulfil the purpose a quantitative investigation with the help of surveys was conducted. The sample consisted of 18 companies with 100-200 employees in the area of Jönköping.
Musikklassifikation ? En jämförande studie av de tre generella klassifikationssystemen DDC, SAB och UDC
The purpose of this Master's thesis is to determine which of the three general classification schemes, DDC, SAB, and UDC is the most appropriate for classifying music documents. This is done by analysing and classifying 60 music documents such as recordings, scores and books about music. The codes resulting from the classification are analysed according to a number of evaluation criteria based on classification theory. The criteria focus on the systems specificity, exhaustivity, exclusivity, helpful sequence, hospitality, notation and that related classes are kept together. The study showed that the systems specificity in classification was of great importance in classifying music documents because of the diversity of music genres.
"Fettskatten" - ett sätt att banta de samhällsekonomiska kostnaderna till följd av övervikt?
The rise in prevalence and severity of obesity and related diseases imposes increasing costs on society. The objective of this thesis is to discuss and estimate the possible effects of a so-called fat tax as a tool for minimizing these costs. Two alternatives for differentiation of the value-added tax (VAT) on food are compared. The first alternative is an increase of the VAT levied on food containing saturated fatty acids. The second alternative is a subsidy on fruit and vegetables in the form of a VAT at zero percent, instead of today?s twelve percent.
Kläderna gör mannen. En studie i manligt konsumentbeteende
På den nuvarande klädmarknaden råder en hård konkurrens eftersom utbudet av varor och tjänster har ökat. Konsumentens förändrade beteende har lett till att företag måste sticka ut med hjälp av sitt erbjudande. Ett sätt att utmärka sig på marknaden är att arbeta med relationer och få kunden att vilja återvända på grund av butikens service. En kund som känner sig trygg i shoppingsituationen kan bli en viktig stamkund. Den traditionella mannen finner inget nöje i att shoppa och vill därför att processen ska gå så snabbt som möjligt.