

3661 Uppsatser om Construction products regulation - Sida 20 av 245

Bostadsutvecklingen i Uppsala kommun : En undersökning av unga vuxnas och studenters framtida boendesituation

This thesis presents the residential development in the city of Uppsala, targeting theliving conditions of young adults and students. In cooperation with Sweco Architect inUppsala. The purpose of this survey is to reveal difficulties and possibilities for theearly development of the construction process for studio apartments. Theinformation has been obtained through both a literature review and interviews. Theliterature review is based on Swedish regulations and previous studies in the field, andthe interviews were conducted with organisations and people in leading positionswithin Uppsala.

Strategiska partnerskap mellan banker och byggföretag. ? En studie av Stockholms aktörer.

This study is an initial attempt to investigate the relationship between banks and developers in Stockholm and its regions. It gives a good impression about the field of construction and project developments in terms of the finance and the negotiations associated with these types of projects. Main actors of the Stockholm?s construction financing market were of major interest for this study. On this regard, the relationships and ramifications of this group were investigated by using a qualitative and quantitative research method.

Trenders påvekan på Line Extension - En fallstudie av Skånemejerier

The purpose of this study is to look at the line extensions of the Swedish dairy company Skånemejerier. We have chosen to focus on how trends in ecological products and Functional Food influence the line extensions. The competition in the food sector have made it harder for companies to be seen in the market area and the companies have to make their brands more visible. That is one of the reasons why companies work with line extensions. The study is based on a qualitative approach because we wanted to come closer to our subject in order to establish a greater understanding for the case itself.

Syntetpolymerbaserade Produkter Inom Svensk Målerikonservering

Titel in original language: Syntetpolymerbaserade produkter inom svensk målerikonserveringLanguage of text: SwedishNumber of pages: 103Keywords: Painting conservation, Synthetic Polymers, synthetic products.

How can the business potential of products with health claims increase?

The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate the influencing factors on the businesspotential of products with health claims, using PrimaLiv as an example. And togive recommendations on how a dairy producer, which is present in the Swedishmarket, could improve the sales rates of products with health claims. We have chosento put a main focus on the consumer, as he or she determines the business potential.This is an unusual approach since most studies cover the producer?s perspective. Wethereby wish to contribute with new knowledge on the area in question.

Medveten måltid : Ett begrepp i förändring

The key elements of sourdough fermentation are the presence of active lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and yeast. Sourdough fermentation originates from the ancient Egypt. One theory concerning its onset states that a portion of bread dough was set aside to be baked at a later date and started to ferment spontaneously.Sourdough may contain a wide variety of microorganisms, mainly dominated by LAB and yeast. There are over 50 species of LAB that has been identified in various sourdoughs and more than 20 species of yeast. Sourdough fermentation has been shown to have various impacts on baked cereal good, most of which are attributed to LAB.This study addresses some effects of LAB from fermented milk products in sourdough and sourdough bread.

Gryningsräder : Företagets rättigheter vid konkurrensrättsliga undersökningar och enligt artikel 6 och 8 i Europeiska konventionen om skydd för de mänskliga rättigheterna

The Commission can investigate infringements of the competition rules on its own initiativeor after a complaint from a third party when it suspects the existence of a cartel under Article81 or abuse of dominant position under Article 82. The EC Commission has extensiveinvestigatory powers under Regulation 1/2003 Articles 18 and 20. The visits by theCommission are made unannounced and that?s why they are popularly known as ?dawnraids?. The surprise arrival is essential in the fact-finding process because the Commissionlooks for information, which the undertaking subject would rather not give to the Commissionand takes measures to hide.The Commissions powers during a ?dawn raid? have been subjected to criticism.

Vårt liv, vår fritid, våra förebilder, vår framtid och där vi bor

Few studies enlighten the problem associated with the dialectical relationship between adults and adolescents and how that affects the construction of identity for adolescent?s, in relation to two areas that are closely bordering to each other but differs socioeconomically whereas one area is much weaker on resources than the other. These two areas is Högberget and Haganäs, which are situated in a larger city in Sweden.For us to be able to enlighten this problem we have chosen to use an inductive research approach so that we can explain how adolescents construct their identity and how the organized spare time, in addition with the influence of adults, impacts on adolescents construction of their identity.Therefore we have used interviews as method, both group and individual, so it can regulate which theories that influence our study. The two theories that wires through the entire study are firstly Peter L. Bergman and Thomas Luckmanns theory on social construction where the idea is that the human being is an active social being that constructs its own reality.

Hotell och värdskapsprogrammet : Branschens uppfattningar och förväntningar

The key elements of sourdough fermentation are the presence of active lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and yeast. Sourdough fermentation originates from the ancient Egypt. One theory concerning its onset states that a portion of bread dough was set aside to be baked at a later date and started to ferment spontaneously.Sourdough may contain a wide variety of microorganisms, mainly dominated by LAB and yeast. There are over 50 species of LAB that has been identified in various sourdoughs and more than 20 species of yeast. Sourdough fermentation has been shown to have various impacts on baked cereal good, most of which are attributed to LAB.This study addresses some effects of LAB from fermented milk products in sourdough and sourdough bread.

Gåpall : Ett produktkoncept

This master thesis has been a product realization process. Having BRIO:s walking cart as thestaring point the purpose was to further develop the principle of such products and at the sametime broaden their sector of use. The final result is to be regarded as a complete solutionmeant as a foundation for further development at the BRIO Company. The product aims tosatisfy the demands and needs of the target group called theon the go parent. Trends, qualityand purchase power are features that characterize this particular target group.The project resulted in a walking stool namedBRIO Circus after its source of inspiration.

Potentiella armeringsfel inom byggproduktionen : En generell studie

Reinforcement is of great importance to fulfill the dimensioned strength of a concrete construction. This requires that the work needs to be carried out with adequate results that neither endangers the workers or the safety of the construction. Progressive development of the planning phase, construction documents, and construction methods is in constant need since the technology constantly evolves.In order for contractors to be able to get acceptances from their quotations requires that they have to increase their working pace in order to be able to leave a quotation with a lower price than the competition.Due to the increasing pace the different parts involved in the construction process is subjected to time pressure. The design stage, construction documents, work preparation and the execution are all affected when everything has to be finished quickly. To avoid problems, it is required that all parts are able to deliver good quality solutions and results under the influences of time pressure, which is not always easy.

Livet i en surdeg : Olika mjölksyrabakteriers inverkan på surdegsbröd

The key elements of sourdough fermentation are the presence of active lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and yeast. Sourdough fermentation originates from the ancient Egypt. One theory concerning its onset states that a portion of bread dough was set aside to be baked at a later date and started to ferment spontaneously.Sourdough may contain a wide variety of microorganisms, mainly dominated by LAB and yeast. There are over 50 species of LAB that has been identified in various sourdoughs and more than 20 species of yeast. Sourdough fermentation has been shown to have various impacts on baked cereal good, most of which are attributed to LAB.This study addresses some effects of LAB from fermented milk products in sourdough and sourdough bread.

Marknadsföring på internet ? Hur Karlstads turistbyrå kan öka sina webbokningar

The key elements of sourdough fermentation are the presence of active lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and yeast. Sourdough fermentation originates from the ancient Egypt. One theory concerning its onset states that a portion of bread dough was set aside to be baked at a later date and started to ferment spontaneously.Sourdough may contain a wide variety of microorganisms, mainly dominated by LAB and yeast. There are over 50 species of LAB that has been identified in various sourdoughs and more than 20 species of yeast. Sourdough fermentation has been shown to have various impacts on baked cereal good, most of which are attributed to LAB.This study addresses some effects of LAB from fermented milk products in sourdough and sourdough bread.

Jämställdhet inom hotell- och restaurangbranschen : Vad tycler cheferna?

The key elements of sourdough fermentation are the presence of active lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and yeast. Sourdough fermentation originates from the ancient Egypt. One theory concerning its onset states that a portion of bread dough was set aside to be baked at a later date and started to ferment spontaneously.Sourdough may contain a wide variety of microorganisms, mainly dominated by LAB and yeast. There are over 50 species of LAB that has been identified in various sourdoughs and more than 20 species of yeast. Sourdough fermentation has been shown to have various impacts on baked cereal good, most of which are attributed to LAB.This study addresses some effects of LAB from fermented milk products in sourdough and sourdough bread.

Mat, musik och klass : Distinktion genom kulturellt allätande

The key elements of sourdough fermentation are the presence of active lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and yeast. Sourdough fermentation originates from the ancient Egypt. One theory concerning its onset states that a portion of bread dough was set aside to be baked at a later date and started to ferment spontaneously.Sourdough may contain a wide variety of microorganisms, mainly dominated by LAB and yeast. There are over 50 species of LAB that has been identified in various sourdoughs and more than 20 species of yeast. Sourdough fermentation has been shown to have various impacts on baked cereal good, most of which are attributed to LAB.This study addresses some effects of LAB from fermented milk products in sourdough and sourdough bread.

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