1980 Uppsatser om Construction moisture - Sida 27 av 132
Ger det fria arbetet frihet : En studie om balans mellan arbete och privatliv
This qualitative study treats the construction and maintenance of balance between work and private life and how flexibility in the workplace is perceived. The study was conducted using semi-structured interviews and these have been conducted in five large companies around Gothenburg. The analysis and results are based on the phenomenographic method approach and the final results were four themes: Balance, Flexibility, Combining family and work and lifelong learning with related subcategories. The result shows that the construction and maintenance of balance between work and personal life is something that is tied to the indi-viduals and the current situation in life. Two of the most common strategies to maintain a dis-tinction proved to be planning as well as other activities, in order to move the focus away from the work.
Construction accounts for about 35 percent of the total Swedish energy consumption and most of the energy is used by the large housing stock from the so-called ?Million program?. In the national action plan the government has put forward in energy efficiency. It is mentioned that existing buildings account for more than 90 percent of what is expected to be the housing stock within the coming 50 years. In order to meet environmental objectives its required that the existing stock be reviewed for energy efficiency. The goverment is now initiating a national framework with a budget of SEK 300 million Swedish crowns per year for five years, starting in 2010 to achieve the goal on energy efficient buildings. Energy efficiency of buildings in both new construction and above all within the existing stock are addressed.
An assessment of public procurement of timber buildings : a multi-level perspective of change dynamics within the Swedish construction sector
The construction and use of buildings in the EU accounts for half of the EU?s extracted materials and energy consumptions, and a third of greenhouse gas emissions. In the past decade, the construction sector has responded to such concerns by focusing on post production energy efficiency. However, new findings indicate that upstream construction processes influence emissions significantly ? necessitating a shift in focus to include material choices and building processes.
Miljo?klassning inom infrastruktur och anla?ggningsprojekt : - en fo?rdjupning inom CEEQUAL
This thesis has evaluated environmental classifications of projects and the lessons learned to explore what the possible ramifications of implementing this in the construction and infrastructure are. Companies today are looking to develop methods to demonstrate their environmental commitments, but there is an uncertainty regarding the contribution of environmental classifications in this aspect.The literature review presents the theory of environmental classification, which provides a general knowledge of its function. The empirical data is based on an analysis of existing classification methods and qualitative interviews. The analysis shows specific environmental classification system for the area of construction and infrastructure. CEEQUAL is currently the only environmental classification applicable to Swedish projects and therefore serves as the basis for the continued analysis.
Olyckskorpen - finns han?
Detta examensarbete utreder frågeställningen om den såkallade "olyckskorpen" ? alltså yrkesarbetaren som är inblandad i flertalet arbetsplatsolyckor ? verkligen existerar. Frågan är lite av kontroversiell typ och har diskuterats sedan 1940-talet, utan något avsevärt utslag eller dokumenterat alster.Samarbetspartner blev NCC Construction och två av deras stora arbetsplatser i Stockholmsområdet valdes som mätfält; Söderby samt Frösunda.Undersökningen baserades på datainhämtning genom enkätformular till yrkesarbetare och ledning på de utvalda arbetsplatserna, genom erfarenhetsinhämtning från platschefer och lagbasar inom NCCs organisation samt från YTH-studenter på byggprogrammet. Författarnas egen erfarenhet från branschen har också vägts in i bearbetningen.Resultatet gav ingen olyckskorp att sätta fingret på, men en indikation från samtliga håll att egenskaper som kan knytas till olyckskorpen förekommer i branschen. Detta gav upphov till en teoretisk modell att användas för att ringa in olyckskorpar på individuell nivå i en vidare undersökning..
FRI KÄRLEK - FÖR VEM? Respektabilitet och konstruktionen av 'fri kärlek' i Frida Stéenhoffs dramatext "Lejonets unge" sett ur ett intersektionellt perspektiv.
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate respectability and the construction of ?free love? in Swedish feminist debater and playwright Frida Stéenhoff?s (1865?1945) drama Lejonets unge (1896). In 1897 the first production of the drama was set in the small town of Sundsvall in Sweden and caused a public storm be-cause of its plea for free love for both men and women.Through an intersectional perspective, where the axes of class, gender, sexual-ity, religion, nationality and age are central and with a starting point in Beverly Skegg?s concept ?respectability? I investigate how ?free love? is constructed in the drama. I also link the construction of ?free love? to the historical context of the debate concerning sexual morality and marriage which was intense in society and literature in Scandinavia in the late 19th century.In the drama the plea for ?free love? is created mainly through the character Saga Leire.
Fuktproblematiken : En studie om fuktsäkerhet på byggarbetsplatsen
Kostnaderna för fuktskador i Sverige uppskattas årligen uppgå till mångmiljard belopp.Fuktskador i byggnader medför också en ökad risk för ohälsa hos brukarna. Kunskapen föratt producera fuktsäkra byggnader finns men utnyttjas inte i den omfattning den borde.Den 1 juli 2007 träder en ny upplaga av Boverkets byggregler i kraft. Förtydliganden hargjorts i avsnittet gällande fukt, vilka underlättar verifieringen av entreprenadensfuktsäkerhet. Reglerna innefattar också krav på kritiska fukttillstånd i material. Denna studiesyftar till att kartlägga brister i produktionsskedet och hur produktionen kan utvecklas för attmotsvara de i Boverkets byggregler ställda krav på fuktsäkerhet.Intervjuer har förts med olika representanter i byggbranschen för att ge en helhetssyn avfuktproblematiken.
Byggproduktionsplanering : En studie av metoder och verktyg
Examensarbetet redogör för byggproduktionsplanering med en fördjupning inom tidsplaneringsmetoder- och verktyg, vilka kan användas som hjälpmedel inom området. Inom fördjupningen gjordes två praktiska försök och intervjuer genomfördes för att få en verklig bild av hur planeringen fungerar, samt för att få feedback på försöken. Arbetet resulterade i slutsatsen att olika planeringsmetoder bör användas i olika skeden av byggproduktionsplaneringen, samt att de olika planeringsmetoderna är till olika nytta för de varierande arbetsrollerna i en byggorganisation. Man kan med fördel använda sig av en kombination av planeringsmetoderna, CPM, LOB och den relativt okända ?Kontinuitetsmetoden? när man planerar och styr sin byggproduktion.
"Men Du är ju svensk!" - en kvalitativ studie av adopterades möte med det svenska samhället ur ett identitetsperspektiv
AbstractThe aim of this essay is to bring understanding to one of the problems theinternationally adopted in Sweden might face, the identity dilemma. In order to do so, a theory of identity construction, Constructionism, is used. This theory says that the construction of identities is a constantly continuing process, influenced, not only by our own perception of ourselves, but also by how we are viewed and treated by otherpeople.Given this theoretic starting point, an examination of the adoptees? everydayencounters in the Swedish society is made, using an autobiography, a biography, a collection of interviews, and newspaper articles. The result shows that the internationally adopted, although they are Swedish both by mind and by law, experience that they have been, and sometimes still are, confronted with strong attitudes such as racism, prejudice and stereotypes.Furthermore, those who experience the identity dilemma often refer to how they are perceived by ?the others?, or to what the encounters with ? the real? Swedes have been like.
Vare sig Kurd eller Svensk : En tredje identitet i ett mångkulturellt och transnationelltSverigePerihan
AbstractThe essay presents a qualitative study, which intends to investigate how the identityconstruction of the second generation of young people with Kurdish origin has been formedconsidering the complexity of living between two or more different cultures as well theinfluence of family norms and values. The theoretical basis lies inthe identity construction and ethnic identity in which we have tried toexpress and illustrate this complexity. Previous research we have assumed includes affiliation,and a third identity, where we have used a number of researchers studies to elucidatethis topic. In order to facilitate the study, ten in-depth interviews with Kurdish youths aged18-25 years have been applied. The common factor for these respondents is that they all cameto Sweden at a young age.
Vare sig Kurd eller Svensk : En tredje identitet i ett mångkulturellt och transnationellt Sverige
The essay presents a qualitative study, which intends to investigate how the identityconstruction of the second generation of young people with Kurdish origin has been formedconsidering the complexity of living between two or more different cultures as well theinfluence of family norms and values. The theoretical basis lies inthe identity construction and ethnic identity in which we have tried toexpress and illustrate this complexity. Previous research we have assumed includes affiliation,and a third identity, where we have used a number of researchers studies to elucidatethis topic. In order to facilitate the study, ten in-depth interviews with Kurdish youths aged18-25 years have been applied. The common factor for these respondents is that they all cameto Sweden at a young age.
Subventioner och hyresrätter? En bostadspolitisk studie
Since the early 1940s in Sweden, subsidies have been a recurring feature in housing politics.Throughout history, these have been used as a management measure to control theconstruction of housing and to promote the Swedish welfare state. The political parties aretoday disagreeing on how much responsibility the state should carry for citizens housing. Tosolve the conflict, the dwelling has to be defined. Is the dwelling to be considered a socialright, like education and healthcare or is the dwelling to be considered a product for the freemarket, driven by supply and demand?The positive population growth in Stockholm has lead to an increased demand for dwellings.The supply of dwellings has not been growing at the same rate, which has implied higherhousing prices and longer wait for rented apartments.
Skattning av fordonsmassa med driftstatistik
In the automatic manual transmission system, Opticruise, the choice of gear is based on several parameters such as road incline, driving resistance and vehicle mass. Many different mass estimations are made during driving. A final vehicle mass is then used to determine the current gear. Construction vehicles are often not equipped with air suspension and can therefore not estimate the vehicle mass when standing still. If that sort of vehicle is reloaded while standing still an incorrect mass estimation will be used and as an effect of that also a wrong gear.
Framtidens D250S Dual batteriladdare
This thesis aims to develop proposals and models for a modular electronics construction to a future D250S Dual battery charger. The aim also includes investigation of possibilities to use some of Texas Instruments C2000 microprocessors. The reason for this is that CTEK SWEDEN AB wants to renew the present D250S Dual battery charger and lower the manufacturing costs. The thesis work has involved gathering theoretical facts for the development of a design on the modular electronic construction, the choice on which microprocessor to use, the choice of electronic components and facts about peripheral equipment to the D250S Dual. With the theoretical there has been developed different solutions to the proposed hardware and software solutions with comparisons in aspects of positive and negative.
Tillbudsrapportering inom JM : En analys av förbättringsarbetet
The construction business is one of the most accident prone businesses in Sweden. In order to make it safer it?s vital that all employees of a company report all accidents and incidents that occur. This report intends through qualitative interviews, to analyze the knowledge and attitude towards incident reporting among the employees of the Swedish construction contractor JM.The goal of the thesis work is to hopefully contribute to an increase of employees? awareness on those issues.