2759 Uppsatser om Construction materials - Sida 60 av 184
Hantering av digitalt designmaterial i kollaborativ miljö
A case study of professional interaction designers' usage of design materials was conducted. Five interviews were performed in order to gain insight in the systems used by designers, how these work, how they collaborate within them, and what they think of recent research about them. Design studios allow collaboration for several users at once. Digital material (mockups, pictures, etc.) are commonly used, but needs to be made analog, e.g. printed, to be usable in the design studio environment.
SECOND LIFE: SECOND CHANCE - A netnographical study of the online virtual world Second Life as a place of...
Our study illustrates the nature and characteristics of the virtual world Second Life. We have identified that the online community aims to satisfy hedonistic needs through social and conspicuous consumption, for online use only, concentrating on socially accepted identity construction..
Bostadsförnyelse - för vem? : En fallstudie av bostadsförnyelsen i två bostadsområden i Uppsala
Background:Life-cycle costing (LCC) is an investment calculation that takes intoaccount operating costs throughout the investee lifecycle. LCC calculations are mainly usedto evaluate investments that have no revenue side. Attempts to apply the LCC calculations forbuilding-related investments have occurred since the 1980s. Despite the advantages ofusing LCC calculations, use has not passed through in full. The main obstacles have beenidentified as a lack of relevant input data, and insufficient experience of workingwith LCC calculations.
Webbaserad informationskanal vid stamrenoveringsprojekt : Ett verktyg för informationsflöde från entreprenör till boende?
Pipe replacements with bathroom renovations are complex construction projectshighly dependent on the construction work carried out in the residents? homes whilethe residents still live there. This fact makes the flow of information from contractorsto the residents of an important success factor. In the current situation thecontractor, Aros Bygg & Förvaltning AB, notifies the residents? information throughpaper notification, which gives managing the work involves a lot of paper work.This thesis examines whether and to what extent the contractor may replace thepaper notification with a web-based information channel.
Dräktmontering - en fallstudie av en rysk uniformsfrack
In this paper five different commonly used methods of making a mount for a costume in along term display was investigated: The shaping of a mannequin and a polystyrene dressstand, the making of a gypsum torso, support made out of plexiglas and polycarbonte and athree dimensional mount on a board. The materials of the mounts were thoroughly takeninto consideration and described in the paper. One of the methods was put into practice in acase study of a Russian uniform dress coat. A gypsum torso was considered to be the mostappropriate mount in this case. The dress coat was to be displayed at the Garnisons- ochluftvärns museum in Halmstad.
Elever med autism och asperger i en liten undervisningsklass : En alternativ skolform för elever med neurologiska funktionshinder
Background:Life-cycle costing (LCC) is an investment calculation that takes intoaccount operating costs throughout the investee lifecycle. LCC calculations are mainly usedto evaluate investments that have no revenue side. Attempts to apply the LCC calculations forbuilding-related investments have occurred since the 1980s. Despite the advantages ofusing LCC calculations, use has not passed through in full. The main obstacles have beenidentified as a lack of relevant input data, and insufficient experience of workingwith LCC calculations.
3D-modellering i AutoCAD -att skapa en digital huskonstruktion
3D-modelling in AutoCAD This thesis is done in cooperation with LB-Hus in Bromölla, and have aimed to establish a digital AutoCAD model of one of the company?s house types and to find out what opportunities there are to do visualisations in the form of images directly from the programme. Modeling has been carried out so that the very construction of the house is included. Interiors and installations, with the exception of the ventilation system, have been left out in the model. The model has been created with solid models after a comparative study made between solid models and surface models to find out which option in this case was the easiest to handle and took up the least space.
Gaffeltruckfri produktion : En studie genomförd vid Volvo Construction Equipment
Volvo Construction Equipment är en del i koncernen Volvo Group. Volvo Group som är en av de ledande aktörerna i världen på transportlösningar. Volvo Construction Equipment utvecklar och tillverkar anläggningsmaskiner i samtliga världsdelar utom Afrika och Oceanien och levererar produkter till kunder över hela världen. I Braås i Småland finns Volvo Construction Equipments huvudanläggning för utveckling och tillverkning av ramstyrda dumprar, inom vilket segment de är världsledande.Gaffeltrucken är den maskin som orsakar flest anmälda arbetsplatsolyckor i Sverige och i snitt anmäls cirka 750 olyckor per år. Företag har med anledning av denna säkerhetsrisk och produktivitetsbegränsningar i allt större utsträckning börjat studera alternativa lösningar för den interna materialhanteringen.
Optimering av Kettlebellstativ : Har ingen...
I got a request from Eleiko Sport AB regarding them needing help with trying to improve one of their products. The following examination project includes the principal- and primary construction reports within trying to make some improvements and optimizations on a stand for Kettle bells. I have in this project both made my own proposals to the stands legs, proposals on how to strengthen the shelf and also made an optimization of the original Kettle bell-stand. In this report, the project goes from idea to being built and analyzed in Catia, including the creation of drawings and material definition..
Barn av vår tid : Ett inredningskoncept för ett ungdomscenter
In the project Barn av vår tid (Children of our time), I have worked with Fryshuset in Malmo and created an interior concept which is designed to express Fryshusets identity, support and encourage its activities and to create a functional environment for young people as well as staff. The purpose of this concept is to help teenagers to feel involved, important and safe. Floor plan, materials and furniture is carefully adapted to support the activities of Fryshuset and to give young people a feeling of coming home. They are also of course chosen with care for the environment. I have studied interior branding, how the rooms can give a sense of security and homely atmosphere and how young people can actively participate in the design of the premises..
"TILL SYVENDE OCH SIST ÄR DET VI SOM BESTÄMMER" En undersökning av folkbibliotekariers syn på användare på fyra filmavdelningar
The aim of this master´s thesis is to examine how librarian´s views of the users can vary for different types of materials in public libraries. We have seen that literature and reading are the central parts of the libraries in Sweden. All other types of media are traditionally seen as complements and in focus for the study is feature film as an example of these other medias. We examine policy documents to see the official view of the general target group of the libraries and compare it to the view of the users of feature films as expressed by the librarians. The study includes several different types of empirical materials such as interviews, observations and documents and the method used is case studies.
Form, funktion & frihet - utveckling av längdskidåkningsjackor med fokus på mönsterkonstruktion
Bakgrunden till denna rapport är att det sportvarumärke jag samarbetat med ville utveckla en modell av längdskidåkningsjacka som fanns i deras sortiment. Undersökningen gällde att identifiera förbättringspunkter på en dam- och herrvariant av denna jacka. Avsikten var att bevara plaggens design och genom förändringar i mönstrens konstruktion förbättra passform och rörelsefrihet, och därigenom plaggets funktion. Genom att konstruera, sy toiler och prova av dessa på provmodeller, har rörelsefrihet och passform kunnat utvärderas. Resultatet visade att viktiga punkter var raglanärmens konstruktion, böjningen av ärmen, kragens form, ärmhålsdjup och placering av skärlinjer.
Anonymous ansikten : En undersökningar av några svenska dagstidningars konstruktioner av hackernätverket Anonymous
This study examines how a couple of Swedish daily newspapers construct the hacker network Anonymous, with an aim to discuss its possible effects. The question was: In which ways is the network Anonymous constructed in a few Swedish newspapers? 26 articles from four chosen newspaper were analysed, but because of many similarities in content, only 10 were chosen for deep analysis. With Fairclough's model of critical discourse analysis as chosen method, constructions varying from the images of heroes to villains were found as a result. The most common construction was that of Anonymous as a threat, which was most often exaggerated compared to what actions were actually described in the texts.
räv&hare : Kollektion av ekologiska barnkläder från ett hållbart perspektiv, och med barnets behov i fokus. Strl. 50 - 92 (0 - 2 år).
In the project Barn av vår tid (Children of our time), I have worked with Fryshuset in Malmo and created an interior concept which is designed to express Fryshusets identity, support and encourage its activities and to create a functional environment for young people as well as staff. The purpose of this concept is to help teenagers to feel involved, important and safe. Floor plan, materials and furniture is carefully adapted to support the activities of Fryshuset and to give young people a feeling of coming home. They are also of course chosen with care for the environment. I have studied interior branding, how the rooms can give a sense of security and homely atmosphere and how young people can actively participate in the design of the premises..
En bostadsmarknad på svaj med lyxboenden på kaj : En studie av fenomenet bostadsbrist på hyresmarknaden och dess problem ur aktörernas perspektiv
70 percent of Sweden´s municipalities say they do not have vacant rental flats and a shortage is emerging, during the same time are 1.1 million young people ready to enter the housing market. In order to curb the housing shortage, have the Swedish politicians since the postwar period chosen to stimulate the market with subsidies to increase new production and to control that what is built is in the right direction. The construction industry is perceived as conservative, and many argue that the state keeps it under their wings, which has led to that the development not has progressed in the same way as other, non-subsidy regulated industries.The purpose of ours bachelor thesis is to provide an overall picture and describe the underlying problems of the housing shortage at the rental market. In addition, we want to present theories about where possible actions could take place in the market, by illuminate the problem from the differente actors perspective.To fulfill our purpose and provide a deeper understanding of the problem we have chosen a qualitative approach. We interviewed nine different actors on the Swedish housing market, two managers, two to representatives of Halmstad Municipality, a representative for the construction operators and four different interest groups.