

2759 Uppsatser om Construction materials - Sida 6 av 184

Underlag för en kommande rivning av J-huset på Akademiska sjukhuset i Uppsala : Generell planeringshjälp vid utförande av rivning

This report is about planning a demolition. The purpose of this report is that it should become a base for a demolition of house J at the Academic hospital in Uppsala, and also to make general help for planning a demolition. This report also contains a part about how a change in the work environment affects general people. The work started with studies of literature and design of the general part of the report and then continued with a practical study of house J. From the experience of the first two parts of the report a general help for planning a demolition was shaped.

Tekniska system i förskolan : 3-5 åringars uppfattningar om mobiltelefoni

 This report will describe a project between two students from Karlstad University and Markus Norström from Hovercraft solutions. The project aim was to develop a cabin for the hovercraft 380TD. The project was divided into two sub parts; one concerning the design of the cabin and one concerning the engineering. Throughout this rapport you can follow the engineering part of the project. The project has followed a systematic product development process resulting in optimized results for material selection and engineering solutions.

Framtagning av typgodkända formkonstruktioner : Med inriktning mot traditionell väggform

This diploma work was conducted in collaboration with the Swedish civil engineeringconstruction company Skanska Construction in Stockholm. Their interest is todevelop a number of type approved form constructions which can be used during theconstruction of concrete walls. Skanska focuses on improving safety on their projectsand both supervisors and workers have a need for approved form constructions inthe current situation.The study is focused on safety and the purpose is to facilitate the preparation beforethe form work can begin. By studying the literature of the subject and conductinterviews with employees at Skanska Construction, the understanding of the issueand knowledge will be increased.Literature studies, interviews together with production and design have been thebasis for a successful study. The work has resulted in three types of approved formconstructions to Skanska Construction and the drawings can be used of employees atthe company.

Inneluftsventileradekryprumsgrunder : en utvärdering av två tillverkare

This Diploma work investigates internal air ventilated crawl-space in respect to construction and damp. The Diploma work assumes from a general description of crawl-space and general dump problems in ground construction. An internal air ventilated crawl-space is a construction where you take the ventilation air from the building and bring it down to the crawl-space and lets the air circulate before it passes through a retaining aggregate on the way out from the crawl-space. In this matter you get a worm space under the building and a lot less dump problems in form of · Ground damp · Build damp The ground dump reduces through draining around the building, different layer of gravel between the ground and the building and ventilation of the crawl- space. The build dump reduces through ventilation of the crawl-space as fast as possible.

Kartläggning av returstålsflöden inom Sandvik Materials Technology

Sandvik AB är en högteknologisk verkstadskoncern som omfattar affärsområdena Tooling, Mining and Construction och Materials Technology (SMT). Sandvik Materials Technology är världsledande inom rostfria och höglegerade stål, specialmetaller, motståndsmaterial samt processystem. Inom SMT drivs ett inköps- och råvaruoptimeringsprojekt (IRO) som har målet att minska lagernivåerna av köpskrot och legeringar i råvarulagret på skrotgården. Kapitalbindningen anses i dagsläget vara för hög. Därför är det viktigt att ta reda på hur det interna flödet av returstål ser ut, för att på det sättet kunna förbättra lagerstyrningen.

Framtagande av riktlinjer för arbetsplatsbesök enligt nya Plan- och bygglagen

A new site- and construction-law came into effect in May 2011. The new law, PBL2010:900 implies several different changes of the law. These changes concern bothconstructors, people working in municipality and county councils and other peoplethat in some way are related to the building sector. Except from the change in orderof the chapters and the renewed and modernized language, the law has now beenextended with a few new phases.According to the new law a certificate has to be issued to start and finish theconstruction; the construction consulting has changed name into technical consultingand the protocol for the controls has to show what the control is being compared to.This diploma work concerns control visits on construction sites as related to the newlaw. The reason why visits on construction sites are now implemented in the law isbecause the government saw a lack of trustworthiness in the old law.

Läromedel inom ämnet Teckenspråk för hörande : -

The aim of this study is to establish an understanding of how the concept educational materials can be interpreted, as well as to investigate how teachers describe their use of educational materials. The focus of this study is the subject ?Sign Language for the hearing?, at the upper secondary level. We, the authors of this essay, both have a great personal interest in this language. Swedish Sign Language is the sign language mainly used in Sweden.

Undersökning av en industrifastighets material och resurshantering enligt miljöcertifieringssystemet LEED

Miljöcertifieringssystemet för byggnader, LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) lanserades 1998 i USA av USGBC (United States Green Building Council). USGBC är en icke vinstdrivande organisation, vars mål är att bidra till utökat hållbart byggande. Skanskas första byggnad som certifierades enligt LEED färdigställdes 2001 i den amerikanska delstaten North Carolina. I slutet av februari 2009 offentliggjordes det att Skanska skall införa systemet i sin Nordiska organisation. Undersökningen som genomförts handlar om ett av LEED New Constructions sex delområden, Materials & Resources. Materialhanteringen för ett byggprojekt som Skanska uppfört har analyserats för att avgöra huruvida det skulle kunna erhålla poäng vid en certifiering enligt LEED.

Radomoptimering för luftburna störsändarkapslar

These studies are done in behalf of Saab AB AVITRONICS in Järfälla in the form of a thesis atthe Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.The task was to examine the parameters that plays a role in the construction of modern radomesoperating in broadband applications.This was interesting for Saab to get an indication of which way they should go at the newdevelopment of radomes for the next generation of equipment for electronic warfare.After a thorough analysis of the influencing parameters, a optimization application was made toget a automated way to get a radome design by specifying data on the radome size, airloads,materials, etc.This is to minimise the time of the laborious work that radome development.inply.This was solved by letting ANSYS calculate the strength of the radome structure and MATLABcalculate electromagnetic data and cost models of different sizes and materials.All these parameters woven together with the optimization tool modeFrontier picks data from therespective program and perform an optimization algorithm and then iterate a step and sends thisdata to calculation programs for the new input data. In the end, we have received a convergedpoint with our optimal solution.For the presumptions and limitations for which applied for this thesis, the result was prettyintuitive. That is to say that the smaller radome - the less materal is needed and lowermanufacturing costs results in the cheapest solution possible. The reality is not so simple. Whereyou have to take more of the electrical details such as the effect on the transmitter as a majorfactor..

Verktyg för hjulbyte

Purpose of the thesis is to construct a tool for car wheel change. Car wheels can be heavy and hard to handle and therefore the company Movomech intends to develop a tool that makes wheel change easier. Movomech does not have any similar product and because of this the work was condition less.The intended users of the product is tire workshops and there for the work began with investigation of these. The reason of the investigation was to see how wheel change is done and how tire workshops are planed. The tire workshops? crew?s opinions were also considered and above all one important conclusion was made.

Livscykelanalys för koldioxidutsläpp från flerbostadshus

Today, about 15 to 20 percent of Sweden?s total emission of carbon dioxide can be traced to the household sector. By examining apartment blocks in a life cycle perspective, the origin of the carbon dioxide emission has been charted and analyzed. This information has been used to create a computational model that calculates the total emission of carbon dioxide from a specific apartment block. The results from the analyzed apartment blocks indicate that both the use of energy and the emission of carbon dioxide have been reduced since the 1960s. Through the examination of building materials, it is possible to lower the emission of carbon dioxide that origins from the construction phase of an apartment block.

Utveckling av en äldre villaträdgård : från oplanerad till planerad

The result of this work is a plan for the development of an 1128 m2 elderly raised garden. The purpose has been to create an overall plan covering the long-term development of the garden. The work process has covered a description of the garden of today, review of requirements, analysis of the garden sections, design of a new plan as well as starting the construction of the new garden. The plan covers a time period of a couple of years to create the new garden since the construction work is carried out during spare time with small resources available. The planning must contain review of functions such as protection from insight, eating area and compost area. Also the esthetic expression must be planned. Colors, shapes, choice of material and plants together make up the esthetic expression. It is recommended to include anything you wish to create in the garden. In a raised garden one has to overcome the step to remove trees and shrubs and think different.

Tillgängligt landskap : spänger i naturmark

The title of this thesis is ?Accessible Landscape - boardwalks in nature areas?. The main purpose of this thesis is to show how you can increase the accessibility for disabled people by constructing boardwalks in nature areas. The platform for the thesis is a study of litterature on boardwalks, accessibility and disabilities. After defining these terms I made three excursions to three different locations in the south of Sweden. During the excursions I evaluated the boardwalks situated in each of the areas through preferences such as the construction of the boardwalk, its design and the accessibility. After the excursions I interviewed managers of the areas I visited, and people working with disability questions in the municipalities where the excursions took place. To know how to make a boardwalk accessible you need to have knowledge about certain concepts, rules and recommendations. My thesis deals with aspects such as: *Accessibility *Disability *Rules and recommendations when building boardwalks *Real life - evaluation from the excursions and interviews with the managers The result shows that accessibility is a hot topic in Sweden and a lot of improvement is being done with fi nancial support from the European Union.

Analys ac konstruktionsprocessen inom FTC

This thesis work was made to optimize the writing of the construction specificationsat FKA. These construction specifications are created before each plant modificationsthat is started because requirements from the Swedish radiation safety authority(SSM) and internally on Forsmarks nuclear group as constructions / implementationdocumentationThe study was done through seven interviews of two people at three different groupsinvolved in the construction specification and an interview from the group accreditedverification. The four selected groups were selected through an extensive analyticalwork resulted in an elimination matrix where these four groups was considered to bemost involved with the construction specification.The questions asked to these individuals were based on the instructions and sampletext that are described in the construction specification. To ensure the quality of thethesis were to limit itself to the chapters that were considered most relevant toimprove. The analysis revealed a number of points that should be improved, partlyinto the routines when writing the construction specification and when ether sampletext or suggestions should be changed and complemented.

Konstruktionslek på förskolan

Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med fem förskollärare och observationer av konstruktionsmaterial på förskolan har jag fått svar på mina frågeställningar. Mina frågeställningar handlar om vilka material förskolan har till tredimensionell konstruktionslek inomhus och om det arbetas medvetet med tredimensionell konstruktionslek. Syftet med studien är att undersöka förutsättningarna för tredimensionell konstruktionslek på förskolan.Rapporten visar att tillgången till konstruktionsmaterial på förskolorna inte är särskilt varierad och inte tillräckligt stor. Enligt svaren på intervjuerna är den största orsaken bristen på tid för pedagogerna att vara delaktig i konstruktionsleken. Det saknades även tid att hålla ordning på konstruktionsmaterialet.

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