2759 Uppsatser om Construction materials - Sida 44 av 184
Miljöbyggnad i ombyggnadsprocessen : Miljöcertifiering av Jakobsbergsskolan i Kristinehamn
Climate change is an increasingly widely known concept. In the EU the construction sector is responsible for more than a third of the carbon dioxide emissions and 40 % of the total energy use. In Sweden, measures have been taken to prevent this climate change. By 16 targets, three of which can be linked to the construction sector, Sweden will reduce the negative trend. None of the three goals with relation to the construction sector will however be achieved before 2020.
Livscykelanalys: Pelletspanna från kvänum energi
This study will identify the environmental impact in terms of carbon dioxide for a boiler house on behalf of Kvänum energi. The boiler central consists of a main building, which in turn contains multiple components such as boilers, pipes, etc, the boiler central uses pellets fuel. It also includes a silo and an ash container. The total weight of the boiler is about 63 tons. Each boiler has an output of 600 kW; the central includes three boilers with room for a fourth if necessary.
Effektivisering av ritningshantering med hjälp av programmet DDR - Databas för Detaljer och Ritningar
Att spara tid och resurser är något som är av stor vikt i dagens byggbransch. Ju snabbare ett arbete utförs desto mer pengar tjänar företaget. I detta examensarbete har författarna tittat på effektivisering av ritningshanteringen i olika delar av byggbranschen. Att kunna hitta bland ritningarna på ett enklare sätt och att slippa sortera ut gamla ritningar när nya kommer in, är något som skulle förenkla ritningshanteringen och snabba upp tempot.Författarna har tittat på programmet DDR ? Databas för Detaljer och Ritningar, som de anser kan förenkla ritningshanteringen.
Konstruktionen av företagare som diskursiva subjekt : en diskursanalytisk studie av hur kvinnor och män representeras som företagare i tidningen Eget Företag
Given the possibility that the world, as we know it, is a consequence of human interaction and verbal communication our understanding of the world can be seen as contingent rather than essentially given. Conceptions such as "entrepreneur", "woman" and "man" can then be understood as socially constructed subjects. Departing from poststructural and social constructionist perspectives I will examine medial representation of women and men as entrepreneurs. My main purpose is to examine how the entrepreneur is constructed as a discursive subject in the journal Eget Företag. Drawing upon Ernesto Laclau´s and Chantal Mouffe´s Discourse Theory and the poststructuralist feminist theoretical perspective of Judith Butler I will discuss both the construction of the entrepreneur as well as the more explicit question; is gender significant for the construction of the entrepreneur and entrepreneurship in Eget Företag? In this study I come to the conclusion that the discourse of entrepreneurship, as well as the journalistic discourse, draws upon discourses of femininity and masculinity but also upon discourses of ethnicity.
En kvalitativ studie om hur chefer i socialt arbete ser på sitt ledarskap
The aim of this study was; from a group of boys and girls description and interpretation of interaction with other young people, personnel and the environment of the youth centre illuminate how the social gender are constructed and maintained at the youth centre. In this study we have tried to analyse the phenomena from an intersectionalistic perspective. Except gender, the analytic category social class have been tried to capture. Our theoretical standing point is social constructivism. Institutionalized structures in our society are constructed by humans, gender is not only a biological construction it is also a man created construction.
Problemrepresentationen av arbetslöshet och arbetslösa : En diskursanalys om problematiseringen av arbetslöshet och arbetslösa i nationella policydokument åren 1979/80 och 2006/07
This essay is about the problematization of uneployment and unemployed in national policy documents of the years 1979 and 2007. The purpose of this essay is to illustrate and analyze the problematization of unemployment as a construction. My overall aim is investigating how the unemployed and unemployment are represented and constructed in the Swedish political debate the years of 1979/80 and 2006/07 by analyzing national policy document. The analysis will consist of questions about the problemrepresentaion made by unemployment and the unemployed, the assumptions behind this problematization and what kind of impact it could generate for the unemployed. In this way, the study aims to investigate the changes that may have occurred in how unemployment is problematized in the Swedish policy documents and highlight citizenship conditions on the basis of labor market policy.
Changes in the climate and the environment are largely consequences of human influences. Resources are given to teach adults about the environment. However, there are problems in focusing on adults because it is difficult to influence people when they already have created a lifestyle. We have instead chosen to focus on teaching children about changes in the climate and the consequences of this.Many of the toys available on the market today encourage children to consume. Luxury cars and dolls with hundreds of accessories are often made of materials that has have a negative effect on the environment.Another problem we often encountered during the year is the declining interest in technology and science.
Vad gör en bra park bra? : och hur gör man den bättre?
This our bachelor thesis of 15 p ECTS. Our subject is What makes a good park? ? And how to make it better. The purpose of our bachelor thesis is to provide an overall direction for instrinsic qualities, resource (areas and materials) maintenance, visitor use, visitor experience and a basic foundation for decision-making for the maintenance and enhancement of the parks in Danderyd municipality.
Lean Construction i teori och praktik
Höga byggkostnader, kvalitetsproblem, dyra kostnader för omprojektering och
låg lönsamhet för entreprenörer är exempel på problem inom byggbranschen.
Statistik pekar på att byggkostnaderna för att producera byggnader har
stigit kraftigt under de senaste åren. Byggnadsentreprenörer har börjat
utveckla alternativa metoder för att genomföra kostnadseffektiva projekt.
Denna studie kan delas upp i två delar, en teoretisk och en empirisk del.
Den teoretiska delen utgörs av litteraturstudier för att få djupare kunskap
och förståelse om Lean konceptet. Den andra delen avser en empirisk studie.
Grönskande balkongkonstruktioner : Jämförande arkivstudie av balkongkonstruktioner anpassade för urban odling
Urban agriculture is a current topic and this study examines the possibility of cultivating on balconies in the city. The study was performed at Uppsala University and examines, from a structural engineering perspective, how different existing balcony/terrace structures are affected by cultivation. A cultivation balcony defined in the study as a balcony/terrace which is specifically designed for cultivation. Three units of study have been selected according to this criterion. Four factors were examined, these were loads, moisture/water, economy and cultivation.
Uppvärmningssystem - En analys av valmöjligheter för småhus
When constructing a new house many questions appear, from architecture to decisions regarding installations. Sweden is situated in a cold part of the planet and questions regarding which heating system to install face everyone who decides to build a new house. This thesis describes a construction solution of a villa in Kiruna. The extended essay analyzes which heating system is most suitable for the construction. The options are geothermal, district and pellet heating systems.
Bergvärme och solenergi i flerbostadshus : En förstudie över Kv. Uppfarten
The society strives for sustainable development, in the construction industry it is expressed through sustainable building. Energy and LCC analyzes increases the ability to make conscious decisions in the process. A problem in the construction industry is that energy and LCC analysis is not used to the desired extent, as they are perceived as complicated and time consuming. The report aims to achieve a more sustainable building through increased use of energy and LCC analyzes.The goal is to show how BIM can be used to improve the efficiency of the energy and LCC analyzes.The study was conducted with a literature review and a case study to answer which information that is required in a BIM model to perform energy and LCC analyzes. The study also shows which software can be used in BIM based energy and LCC analyzes and how the analyzes can be carried out efficiently.The result shows that effective analyzes may be performed if the BIM-model contains the relevant information for making analyzes.
In the EU there are EC Directives that Member States of EU should follow. Sweden has undertaken to transpose EC Directives regarding the working environment to Swedish Provisions. In 4 April 2006, the European Commission had some criticism against the Swedish implementation of the Construction Sites Directive. The Swedish Work Environment Authority has in response to this criticism reworked the Work Environment Act and related provision about building and civil engineering work. The changes came into force 1 January 2009.These changes have resulted in some working methods and even new responsibility subjects must be reviewed. The purpose of this exam project was to investigate if contractors and clients in the construction sector, had have time to update themselves on this front and adapt to these changes.
Stenmjöl eller naturgrus i betong : En jämförande studie
The objective of this thesis is to examine the difference in workability in fresh concrete, when crushed fine aggregate replaces natural gravel. The shape of the fine aggregate, packing and flow of six crushed material and three natural materials will be determined by easy studies, the results will be compared with a slump cone test..
Konstruktionen av en "invandrare" - I mötet mellan tillskrivandet och behovet av en kollektiv identitet
The way society categorize different people into groups is problematic in the sense that the categorization can seem stigmatizing and have social consequences for those being categorized. Immigrants are one of those problematic categories.The following essay studies this categorization of ?immigrants? based on a governmental investigation of structural discrimination that took place in 2002-2008. The aim is to study the use of the category ?immigrant? and the consequences that follows such a categorization.