1074 Uppsatser om Constructed wetland - Sida 20 av 72
Optimering av metodiken vid genotypning av stora DNA-material
In this Master thesis, microwave connections between circuit boards are constructed. The primary frequency band is the X-band (8-12 GHz). The purpose of the connections is to enable a more simple and cheaper way of mounting the circuit boards inside a container. The connections have been designed and evaluated, using different computer programs. A few prototypes have been built and measured.
En cowboy, en krigshetsare eller en världsledare till president? : Svenska mediers relation till president George W. Bush
In the Korean artist Hyun-Jin Kwak's ongoing project Girls in Uniform she portrays events and moments that transgress the boundaries between the ordinary and the unknown. In her photographs there are frequently ambiguous and cinematic narratives. The pictures are carefully orchestrated and constructed, but they are not spectacular. Kwak's imagery is relatively unexplored. This thesis implements a comparative image analysis of eight of Hyun-Jin Kwak's works, in order to investigate and interpret her imagery.
Strategier för att erhålla legitimitet i en civilsamhällesorganisation
Non-profit organizations gain increasing attention in society but their legitimacy often decrease by scandals in separate organizations. Doctors without borders (MSF) constitutes an exception and has managed to retain their legitimacy. The aim of this study was to examine how MSF built and retained its legitimacy towards institutional actors in their environment, when the branch in general is suffering from a crisis of confidence. In a case study, this was done by identifying the institutional pressures on MSF and examining which strategies MSF uses to handle the pressures. The study was conducted through qualitative interviews with employees at MSF and actors in their environment.
Europakommissionens register över intresseorganisationer
This paper examines the European Commission?s, newly established, ?Register of interest representatives? The analysis is divided in two parts, first I analyze the registers purpose, the kind, and detail, of information it contains and the different kinds of groups that are supposed to register. After that I analyze the organizations in the register more thoroughly, using a database of my own creation. The database was constructed with information drawn from the register, as well as information from external sources. Regarding the design and purpose of the register, I find that improvements in the design are needed, if the register is to fulfill its purpose.
Mätning av axiella magnetiska läckflöden i vattenkraftsgeneratorer
This thesis describes a method of measuring axial magnetic leakage flux in an operational hydropower generator. Axial magnetic leakage flux is the magnetic flux at the ends of a rotating generator, which goes through the stator parallel to the rotor axis. This flux can cause circulating currents in the stator iron, giving rise to losses, and can in the worst case overheat a generator, causing it to melt down. To measure the axial flux, and how it affects the generator temperature, a measurement system was constructed on behalf of Vattenfall. The system consists of search coil sensors and a signal-processing unit with amplifiers and active filtering. To confirm the behaviour of the axial leakage flux and the functionality of the measurement system, a test installation was made.
Integrering av belysning i ytterdörr
Our thesis is conducted in collaboration with Draper Europe AB in Halmstad.The goal of the project has been to construct a baseline concept for the instaling of aprojector screen. Draper Europe AB, in the curent situation, have several kinds of fabrics and designs on their sceens and the cases they are in. Today if you select a screen you can´t chose the design and function of the sceens case.The arrangement of the components inside the cases was to be constructed so the assembler simply could move them to different cases. To make it even easier for the assembler and to save time, the desire of less component was mentioned. Another problem that needed to be solved was the mounting of the projectionscreen at the customer place.
Gulliver Simulation - En systemarkitektur f or n atverkssimulering av
Nowadays, a lot of resources are spent on developing systems that will make it possible forvehicles to act autonomously, and make them more effective. One of the projects that isworking on this is the Gulliver Project. Gulliver has constructed a number of miniaturevehicles equipped with various sensors, to use as a physical testbed for autonomousdriving. One big disadvantage with this method is the long iteration time that occursduring the development and testing of a new software.This project has improved this process by developing a system architecture of a virtualtestbed where it is possible to simulate autonomus vehicles that communicates throughany type of wireless network. The testbed has made it possible to simulate autonomusvehicle systems that with a reasonable margin of error, acts like the system would actin a physical test.
Diskrimineringsersättningen och dess avskräckande verkan : Förarbeten och praxis ur ett arbetsrättsligt perspektiv
The aim of this study was to give an insight of the construction of girls in their relationships with friends and lovers in the Swedish magazine Julia. The magazine turns to girls of age nine to fourteen. The research questions were 1) What is the construction of the girls in their relationships with friends and lovers about in Julia? 2) How are girls constructed in their relationships with friends and lovers? Three issues of the magazine from the winter of 2014 were selected as material for the study. Critical discourse analysis (Fairclough, 1992, 2010) was the point of departure in the analysis.
Organisera mera : En studie i att utforma riktlinjer fo?r organisering av information i ett specialutformat anva?ndargra?nssnitt
I have in this thesis studied how guidelines for organizing information in a custom- made user interface could be made. Teletal is service with a special designed user interface were information is stored. The purpose of this study is to encourage a consistent organization, and management of information in a user interface. The methods used in this study are as follows ? qualitative interviews and two card-sorting tests, of which one was closed and the other open.
Straffansvaret för yrkesverksamma inom hälso- och sjukvården
The purpose of this study is to examine constructions of plaintiff [woman] and the defendant [man] in Swedish rape convictions from 2013. The cases in this study cover acquaintance rape. We also intend to analyze the constructions of the sexes in relations to each other. The study is completed by a qualitative text analysis, with inspiration of a hermeneutic interpretation. The result is presented by four categories: the worthy of protection of the woman, the penalty of the man, the complicity of the woman and credibility.
Bootstrapvalidering av konfidensintervall för ett standardiserat mått för att jämföra behandlingsbenägenhet mellan sjukhus
In this Master thesis, microwave connections between circuit boards are constructed. The primary frequency band is the X-band (8-12 GHz). The purpose of the connections is to enable a more simple and cheaper way of mounting the circuit boards inside a container. The connections have been designed and evaluated, using different computer programs. A few prototypes have been built and measured.
????Att lösa reglertekniska problem med Modelica
Modelica is a multi-domain and equation-based modeling language. Modelica is based on object-oriented principles and non-causal modeling. The language is constructed to facilitate reuse and decompose models. The models and the modellibrary can modified to design a new nonlinear components.Object-oriented modeling is an excellent way to analyze and study large complex heterogeneous physical systems. The object-oriented modeling approach build on reusing and decomposition of models and non-causal modeling.Modeling physical systems often leads to a DAE system with index 2 or 3.
Typhas inverkan på reningsgraden av TKN, BOD5 och COD i en anlagd rotzonsvåtmark i pilotskala.
Detta examensarbete är utfört på plats i Lajaedo, Brasilien och i anslutning till Sanitário de Lajeado ? RS, Brasilien, mellan januari till maj 2010. I samband med denna rapport utfördes två andra examensarbeten inom samma områden. Det är menat att denna rapport skall ligga till grund för framtida projekt och beslut om utökad lakvattenrening.Lajeado ligger i södra Brasilien ca 100 km från atlantkusten. 10 km utanför Lajeado ligger en ung avfallsdeponi på ca 15 000 m2 till ytan med tillhörande lakvattenrening med ett utjämningsmagasin, en syrsättningsbassäng samt sedimentering.
Inte för att jag hatar barn, men... : En intervjustudie om att inte vilja ha barn
The purpose of this study is to examine how some people who do not want children construct their identity in a context where children is the norm. The study therefore focuses on how they legitimate and present their identity in this context. 4 women and 2 men with the intention to remain childless have therefore been interviewed, and from these interviews I analyze and describe how intentional childless people construct their identity. My theoretical framework is built up by discourse psychology and gender/heterosexual hegemony theories. The thesis shows that it is hard for the intentional childless to construct their identity as once and for all given, the identity is constructed as a ?norm? against the norm, as well as affected by the norm.
?En ja?vla freakshow? : Representationer av maskulinitet i svensk wrestling
The aim of this thesis is to examine representations of masculinity in the activities of a local professional wrestling promotion. After briefly outlining what professional wrestling is, the study draws on a body on feminist and intersectional theory which critiques the notion of gender as a binary and essential category. The material comprises 10 recorded shows and oth- er material published on Sthlm Wrestling?s website between 2010 and 2013, and is analyzed using a qualitative methodology derived from cultural studies. The thesis argues that there are many different types of masculinities in the narrative, which are constructed in relation to different power hierarchies such as ethnicity, class, sex and sexuality.