

1052 Uppsatser om Consequences - Sida 60 av 71

Undernäring hos patienter med KOL. Beskrivning av orsaker, konsekvenser samt omvårdnadsåtgärder. : en systematisk litteraturstudie

Syfte: Att beskriva hur olika former av fysisk aktivitet kunde påverka patienter med sjukdomen KOL och vilka faktorer som inverkade på dessa patienters möjligheter att vara fysiskt aktiva, samt att beskriva hur sjuksköterskan genom patientutbildning kunde hjälpa patienter till ökad fysisk aktivitet. Metod: Studien har genomförts i form av en systematisk litteraturstudie. Till resultatet har använts 16 kvantitativa och en kvalitativ artikel. Resultat: Resultatet visade att träning både i grupp och individuellt förbättrade livskvalitet, fysisk förmåga och andnöd. Träning motverkade också kakexi och minskade risken för depression.

Närståendes erfarenheter av stöd : En uppföljning inom palliativ vård

AbstractEffective January 1, 2005 publicly listed companies were obliged to adopt a new financialreporting standard (IFRS/IAS). The objective of IFRS/IAS was to increase transparency andcomparability in financial reports between companies. The authors have chosen to write aboutIAS 40 where the accounting treatment for investment property and related disclosurerequirements are regulated.The purpose of this thesis is to investigate potential effects of valuation of investmentproperty at fair market value for real estate companies at times when market price decreasesand to investigate what an acceptable difference for the valuation could be.To fulfil this purpose the authors have chosen a qualitative method interviewing accountants,property analysts and a credit analyst to obtain a deeper understanding of the problem. Basedata for the thesis have been collected during meetings, telephone interviews and e-mails.Additional data was collected from public available sources such as the internet, relevantprofessional magazines and professional newsletters. The authors have designed a modelshowing how Income and Balance Sheet statements are influenced by changed valuation ofinvestment property.

Papper åt alla! En diskussion om post- och transnationalitet i dialog med den spanska sociala rörelsen för papperslösa migranters rättigheter.

The aim of this paper is to expand the debate on globalization and its Consequences from a theoretical perspective emphasizing social processes of exclusion and inclusion. I explore these social processes in dialogue with the Spanish social movement for the rights of irregular immigrants. The paper also aims to explore new forms of resistance in the context of globalization."The declinist thesis" argues that globalization has lead to a declining importance of the nation-state and the national citizenship as guarantees of rights. "The anti-declinist thesis" oppose to this picture arguing that rights still depend on national policies. I also discuss the functions of exclusion and inclusion inherited in the concepts of citizenship and nation-state.I outline the historical and political context of the movement and explore the ideas and organizational dimensions of the movement's "knowledge praxis".I conclude that national citizenship - in a broader sense as a description of the relationship between the individual and the state - seems to play a crucial role in the life situation and the possibilities of irregular migrants to organize and protest.

Glappet i den svenska vargattityden - en fråga om närhet till naturen?

Humans attitudes towards different animals are very complex were culture, genetic, psychology and evolution are some of the factors that influence. The order of animals that can provoke the most intense and extreme attitudes, both positive and negative, are the carnivores. Wolves are a constant debate in Sweden and even though a big part of the population are neutral towards the wolf, a clear friction of the attitudes can be seen. Some factors that have been seen to influence the attitude are age, education and the size of the hometown. The aim of this study is to investigate whether outdoor activities, time spend in rural areas, and time spent in a weekend cottage, also correlate with attitude towards wolf.

Uttorkningsmöjligheter i ett fuktskadat badrum med hjälp av spaltmetoden

Buildings today are built to maintain a healthy indoor environment and an efficient energy usage which is probably why damages caused by dampness has increased since the 1960?s.A study between year 2008 and 2010 showed that 26 percent of the 110 000 examined houses had damages and flaws caused by dampness that could prove to be harmful later on. This means that one out of four bathrooms risk the chance to develop damages by dampness. Approximately 2 percent of the houses had already developed water damages. It is here where the problems appear.

Delacroix och Orienten

My aim of this investigation has been to study Delacroix relation to the Orient, based on a number of key questions:What was specific for Delacroix oriental works?How did his oriental painting change and mature over time?How was Delacroix relation to the oriental discourse?The paper is divided into three parts: the time before his trip to Morocco in 1832, the trip to Morocco and the period after Morocco.Although many have wanted to see Delacroix as a revolutionary, he worked the whole time within, and dialogue with, the classical tradition. In Delacroix quest for renewal of history painting, the oriental works play an important role. In the period before his trip to Morocco the literary sources dominated. He constructed his own Orient in his studio.It is clear that Delacroix did not stood outside the oriental discourse.

Riskfaktorer för förlossningsdepression samt förebyggande åtgärder ? En litteraturbaserad studie

Introduction: Approximately one in eight women suffer from postpartum depression, which can affect them for a period of weeks or even years. Postpartum depression does not only affect the mother, it also has a negative influence on the rest of the family. Postpartum depression can also lead to negative Consequences for the development of the infant. It is an illness that is still considered a taboo, a fact that makes it hard to identify among women who are affected. Aim: The aim of the study was to examine cases where there is a connection between social economic status (SES) and the presence of postpartum depression.

Ofrivilliga graviditeter - tjejens respektive killens ansvar: en studie av synen på ofrivilliga graviditeter bland personal på ungdomsmottagningen.

The aim of this study was to investigate and gain a deeper understanding of how the staff at the youth clinic approaches, and might influence, participation and responsibility as regards the girl and boy respectively in the process that follows when an unplanned pregnancy has been verified. Qualitative interviews were carried out with staff at five youth clinics in Skåne. All staff did routinely work with girls and boys that were involved in an unplanned pregnancy. The theoretical starting point of the study was a gender perspective involving feministic gender theory and masculinity theory. The main questions were: How does the staff at the youth clinic view the responsibility distribution between the girl and the boy involved in an unplanned pregnancy, and how does the staff explain this distribution? Are there any guidelines to how the boy and girl should be approached, and in this way ensuring that they both feel involved in the unplanned pregnancy and its Consequences? How does the youth clinic staff view and discuss a gender perspective in relation to their work? The result of the study showed that at four of the clinics a difference was evident in the staffs´ views as regards participation and responsibility in the unplanned pregnancy of the boy and girl respectively.

Konkurrensrätt : Innebörden av artikel 82 EGF

The competition policy in the EU should guarantee that the competition is not distorted in the way that would prevent or create difficulties for the free mobility of goods and services between Member states. It is prohibited for companies to abuse their dominant position according to Article 82, if it affects trade. The essence of Article 82 is control of market power. The perfect competition results when supply and demand appoint the price and quantity of a product. Firms are encouraged to compete then it results in efficiency, quality products and lower prices.

?Hon gör sitt bästa efter sin förmåga? : en juridisk studie av LVU-domar med barn tillföräldrar med utvecklingsstörning

The purpose of this paper is to investigate on what basis a child is committed into care according to the law and to see on which grounds the decision about committed child care in law practice are taken when a child is committed to care due to parents who are mentally retarded. To better understand the juridical grounds for these decisions I will also in a short background describe the meaning of the term mentally retarded, how mental retardation and parenthood has changed over time and how different opinions are expressed in the law. Both people with mental retardation and children have in recent years gained their rights and sometimes these rights end up in conflict with one another. In those cases, what is in the best interest of the child, should be decisive. The children who have mentally retarded parents are at risk to not have their physical, psychological, emotional, social and intellectual needs met and are therefore being unfavourable developed.

El Niño Southern Oscillation och dess atmosfäriska fjärrpåverkan.

This paper is a literature study aiming to describe scientists newest theories andknowledge concerning the El Niño and Southern Oscillation. Firstly I have described the?normal? conditions with rising and sinking air in Hadley- and Walker-cells in theequatorial Pacific and from there moved on to explaining the reversed circulation patternsand higher sea surface temperatures (SST) leading to rising air and anomalousprecipitation in eastern Pacific constituting the El Niño phenomenon. My outermostinterest regarding El Niño has been the associated teleconnections, especially in nontropicalareas. I have described the El Niño effect on the Indian summer monsoon, ontropical cyclones and on storms and precipitation on higher latitudes.

Sociala medier i offentlig sektor : En rättsdogmatisk uppsats om problematiken kring hur yttrandefriheten inskränker lojalitetsplikten inom den offentliga sektorn i samband med sociala medier.

Social media has recently expanded dramatically, as more people are using different media such as blogs, Facebook and Twitter, to express their opinions. This increases the possibilities to spread information and an unclear legal regulation in this area can create adverse Consequences. Freedom of expression is a constitutional right, which forms an important cornerstone of a democratic society. Public employees? freedom of communication means that they can submit information to the media, without fear of reprisals from the authorities.

Ekoturismens natur- och miljöpåverkan i polarområden

Tourism in the Arctic and Antarctic is increasing rapidly. In both Polar Regions, the cruise tourism is predominant. Several of the tour operators arrange trips under the banner of ecotourism, meaning that the trips should be ecologically sustainable. To ensure ecotourism standards there are different types of certifications; for cruise travels in the Arctic there is AECO (the Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators) certification, and for travels to the Antarctic IAATO (the International Association of Antarctic Tour Operators). Promoters of ecotourism argue that these trips are important because they create support for conservation work among tourists making them ?polar ambassadors?.

Kognitionsforskning i djurhållningen: grisars kognition och dess tillämpning vid slaktsvinshållning

Pigs are often mentioned as relatively intelligent animals when compared to other nonhuman species. Despite this knowledge, the vast majority of pigs are kept under conditions that lack opportunities to satisfy their cognitive needs. Therefore, a need to evaluate the present scientific studies about pig cognition was acknowledged, in order to evaluate to what extent the knowledge is applied in the husbandry of finishing pigs. If a considerable lack of application was determined, suggestions about how to use the obtained information to improve pig welfare were also to be made. A synthesis of the present literature was made, and it could be concluded that a considerable amount of studies had been carried out in the present area. The pigs of today appear to have the same behavioural and cognitive needs as their ancestor, the wild boar.

?Jag jobbar som polis men jag brukar inte säga att jag är en polis? : En kvalitativ studie om polisyrkets påverkan på den enskilde individen med fokus på roller samt emotioner

The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding about the police profession's impact on the singular individual, with a focus on roles, regions and emotions. The main question is to understand if and then so, how individuals outside of work will be affected of the profession and professional events. In order to answer this question I carried out six semi-structured in-depth interviews with police officers who worked at the main office in a police region in a midsize city in Sweden. To ensure reliability and allow readers to conduct their own assessments the quotations in this study are anonymous. The analysis of the collected material is based on selected parts of Goffman's theories about dramaturgical perspective as well as selected emotion theories.

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