

1052 Uppsatser om Consequences - Sida 22 av 71

Familjemedlemmars upplevelser av att vara anhörig till en person med schizofreni.

Background: Schizophrenia is a serious disease with potential to implicate Consequences on both the family and the sick. Nurses have a fundamental responsibility to relieve suffering, and also to offer support to both the individual and the family.Aim: To illuminate experiences of being a family member to a person with schizophrenia.Method: A systematic literature review was chosen. Nine articles were included. After having analyzed the results six categories were found.Result: The family members experienced the disease as fluctuating and stressful. Some felt ashamed for their sick family member and withdrew from the rest of the society.

Nonprofitorganisationer inom vård och omsorg : en kunskapsöversikt

Our study aims to discover how young men aged 15-19 perceive the image of men in women?s magazines. To do this we let eight young men read the two women?s magazines most read by young women their own age, Vecko Revyn and Cosmopolitan. We want to find whether they consider this image to be representative of their own reality.

Barns upplevelser av att leva med övervikt eller fetma : en litteraturstudie

This study aimed to describe children?s experience of living with overweight or obesity, by using a literature-review. The study includes eleven articles, data is from children between ages 5-15 year. The result occurring were in the areas; Quality of life and self-esteem, Social company, Body concept and weight reduction and Psychological unhealth. BMI above what is recommended gives a negative influence on quality of live and self-esteem.

Preventiva åtgärder mot övervikt hos barn och ungdomar. Litteraturstudie.

Statistics regarding children, who are overweight, shows alarming results in many parts of the world. Overweight may cause serious Consequences, as for instance heart- and vascular diseases. Research is pointing out that hereditary, social, behavioural and cultural facts may promote developing overweight and it is of great importance to find out how to prevent overweight and obesity in children and adolescents. The purpose of the literature study was to compile primary and secondary preventions against overweight/obesity in children and adolescents. The result showed that prevention through education, recommendations, healthy eating and exercise may be usable in the work to prevent overweight among children and adolescents.

4 organisationer och 825 chefer : En studie om chefslösa organisationer

This Bachelor?s thesis is about bossless organizations. We have observed that the hierarchical structure that the majority of organizations is structured by today is a remnant of a time long gone, and can be an obstacle for independent thinking and responsibility inside organizations. We want to question the accepted perception that an organization is best structured in a hierarchic form.The purpose of the thesis is to provide an understanding of how a bossless organization works and to give a concrete explanation of the Consequences of this kind of organizational structure.The thesis is of a qualitative nature and is designed with an inductive approach at an organizational level. We conducted a case study on a bossless company and supplemented this with secondary sources from three other bossless organizations.It concludes that the bossless approach can work and that there are a number of advantages to benefit from it.

H. K. H. Tepåse och andra souvenirer : Dokumentation av en samling minnesföremål från kronprinsessparets bröllop år 2010

This thesis is a report of the practical aspects and the problems of classification and documentation of a collection of memorabilias from the Crown Princess Couple's Wedding in Stockholm 2010. The collection contains 38 objects collected by Nordiska museet [The Nordic Museum], Sweden's largest museum of cultural history. Nordiska museet has a total collection of over 1,5 million items collected since 1873. My ambition in this thesis has been to describe my work with the classification and documentation of these new objects and their context. One of the main problems was how to combine the modern objects with the old existing collection within the two classification systems used at the museum.

Hållbara transporter i Hemavan Tärnaby och Åre : En innehållsanalys av 13 Svenska turistaktörers hemsidor

Transport is an important aspect to take account in efforts to achieve sustainable tourism development. If we do not change our behavior regarding travel, the Consequences will be significant for the environment. This study examines the various transport operators on the two Swedish ski resorts if their websites and marketing are different from each other in the mode selection. The destinations are Åre and Hemavan Tärnaby. They studied modes are two Swedish airlines, two train companies, three bus companies and three taxi companies.These corporate websites are studied with a content analysis in which the results of the keywords that have been developed are scored according to different categories.

Synen på arbetskraftens fria rörlighet - hot elle tillgång? ? en diskursanalys av Sveriges och EU-kommissionens tal om arbetskraftens fria rörlighet före och efter Europeiska Unionens östutvidgning 2004

The aim of this thesis is to study perceptions around the freedom of movement of workers within the EU before and after its enlargement in 2004, both on a Swedish and a European level. I have chosen to conduct my study using a discourse analysis as a structure for my theory and method. Theories based on previous research have also been used. My material consists of Communications from the European Commission, Swedish Command Papers as well as a research report. One of the main findings is that at a Swedish level, there is concern about how the free movement of workers will affect the labour market and welfare system.

Mellan fyra ögon : En studie om gärningspersoners och brottsoffers upplevelser av medling vid brott

The object of this study was to meet with offenders and victims of crime who recently participated in victim-offender-mediation, in order to explore their experiences and feelings about it. The method of research was individual qualitative interviews with two offenders and two crime victims. The main questions aimed to find out how the participants felt about the mediation process, what experiences they had about the person they had to face during the meeting, and finally what thoughts they had about the crime and its Consequences. In helping to analyze the results of the interviews,Reintegrative Shaming Theory and Theories of attribution were used. The former was used to try to explain the feelings resembling shame that emerged during the meeting, while the latter was helpful in order to understand the descriptions the participants used when they talked about the other person.

Public service-uppdraget i italiensk television : En innehållsanalys av nyhetsprogrammet Tg1

The main question this bachelor thesis aims to answer is how the public service program Tg1?s news broadcasts may look. The following questions were used to discuss thetendencies of the result: How can the distribution of the news categories appear in Tg1?sbroadcasts? Can the main news be considered as impartial and objective in its linguisticand pictorial representation?To answer the aforementioned question I chose to do a combined study, using aquantitative content analysis and a qualitative content analysis.To lead my research, I focused on two requirements underlined by public servicebroadcasters, namely, objectivity and impartiality, and diversity. The outcome shows thatthe diversity in Tg1?s broadcast is disproportionate and that the pictorial representation isnot impartial and objective without the linguistic part.

EU:s kamp mot terrorismen : Ett hot mot dess egna värdegrunder?

The aim of this study is through a policy analysis to illuminate the decisions that the EU has taken to respond to the terrorist attacks in the US, Madrid and London and through this analysis try to explain the problem of each decision and find out if these decisions might risk the individual rights of the European Union?s citizens.In order to reach this purpose the following questions are to be answered: In what way has the EU?s decision-making process, regarding its fight on terrorism, been affected by the terrorist attacks in Madrid and London? What Consequences may the EU?s decisions against terrorism have on the individual rights?The method that has been used is qualitative studies of literature and the main material is overarching policy documents from the EU.The conclusions are that the bombings in Madrid and London have increased the speed of the decision-making process and more areas have been included in the union?s fight against terrorism. If individual rights are at risk by the union?s decisions there are reasons to be concerned. But my conclusion is that the European Union has to have strong and effective instruments to answer to the threat of terrorism..

Training techniques used in training horses (Equus caballus) : with a focus on positive reinforcement

Instrumental conditioning, the use of reinforcement and punishment, is used when training horses and these procedures may have different Consequences regarding animal welfare. The aim of this study was to investigate what kind of reinforcers that are used in training horses and when these reinforcers are used. This study has its focus on positive reinforcement and its advantages and disadvantages. Interviews of five A-level and B -level equestrian coaches about their training methods were conducted to complement the literature search and give a greater understanding to why certain methods are used or not in training horses. The results show that negative reinforcement seems to be the foundation of training horses whereas positive reinforcement is used but not to the same extent.

UDK Ett förslag till huvudklass 4.

The purpose of this master thesis is to examine a proposal for basic class 4 in UDC, which has been empty since 1964, and to pick out a negotiable subject for that proposal. The proposal is analysed from a theoretical perspective based on principles created by S. R. Ranganathan. Three principles are used.

Nord Stream - Vägen till säkerhet?

Big dangerous Russia, environmental thief or house warmer? The Nord Stream pipelines are a highly debated theme in Europe and the EU. A number of different countries will be subject to the pipelines direct or indirect. This paper aims to figure out what kind of threats and possibilities Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Germany consider to be the Consequences with the pipelines.The study takes as a standpoint the area of security studies and the widened of the same. The three standpoints within the security study that will be used are military security, environmental security and energy security.


Fiscal policy and its Consequences have attracted much attention on both academic and societal level, in Sweden and elsewhere. However, the dependence between fiscal policy on municipality level and business cycles has only recently sparked a debate among Swedish economists. Studies point out that a law which came to force in 2000, balanskravet, may have caused municipalities to lower expenditures, alternatively raising taxes, during recessions. This thesis examines how the level of municipality taxes depends on business cycle fluctuations and the impact that balanskravet has had on this correlation. We employ econometric regressions, with annual data covering the period 1980-2014, to enable an analysis of the dependence between taxes and business cycles, both before and after the introduction of balanskravet.

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