

1052 Uppsatser om Consequences - Sida 15 av 71

Mångkulturalitet i skolan : en grupp gymnasielärares förhållningssätt till att arbeta med etnisk mångkulturalitet i skolan

The aim of this study has been to investigate a group of upper secondary school teachers? approach to work with the ethnic multi-culturalism that characterises the Swedish society of today and to point to the obstacles and possibilities the teachers see to work with this. With the help of interviews with eight teachers satisfying results could be reached. The results showed that it was possible to distinguish three different ways to think and act when it comes to the work with ethnic multi-culturalism in school and teaching. The approaches entailed different Consequences on the way the teachers conduct their teaching.

Trygg i stadslandskapet? Ett exempel på genusperspektiv i stadsplanering :

Safe in the cityscape? Gender aspects on spatial city planning In this thesis, theories regarding gender and spatial planning are applied to the comprehensive plan Fortuna och Hemgården in eastern Malmö. Independent of factors like class, ethnicity and age women experience lack of safety to a larger extent than men do. Today, safety aspects on housing projects is scarcely a controversial issue, quite the contrary. However seldom are the central terms such as safety and security defined. Research has shown that women feel safe when they experience little risk of being subjected to violence; security is deeply interconnected with feeling safe.

Våld eller sex? - En litteraturstudie om den akademiska kontroversen kring våldtäkt

Partly due to its Consequences on the physical and mental health but also because of women?s constant fear of being violated, rape is considered to be a public health issue. The theoretical aspects of rape were first discussed in the 1970?s mainly from the viewpoints of Susan Brownmiller and Michel Foucault. The aim of this literature study is to investigate the different perspectives on whether rape should be viewed as sex or violence, how the controversy has developed and what the authors claim that the different perspectives result in.

Redovisningskonsekvenser vid förändringen av pensionsredovisningen

AbstractAuthors:Stefan Harrå and Magnus BjörkAdvisor: Markku PenttinenTitle: Accounting Consequences of the change in pension accounting Background to problem: When the revised IAS 19 comes into force January 1, 2013, it means that two of the three accounting principles for defined benefit pension plans are disappearing, including the corridor method. The corridor method has made it possible for companies to defer its actuarial gains and losses. Now that the corridor approach abolished then the unrecognized actuarial gains and losses immediately be covered by equity, which involves very large amounts of some companies. Why the amounts have grown so big is much because of the discount rate. The discount rate is a controversial parameter, and there is disagreement on how it should be fixed.Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine the accounting implications this will have for the company applied the corridor method, and if there is some parameters in the actuarial assumption that is more important than others.Methodology: The thesis has mainly been based on a qualitative research through qualitative interviews with a small sample that is affected by this change.

Förutsättningar för utbildning : En kvalitativ fältstudie på två skolor i Ghana

In today's social work there is an ambition to work evidence-based in order to improve quality and competency in business. This study is made in a disability administration which has introduced a common approach towards users for all employees. The approach is called low arousal approach. The purpose of the study is to investigate how a method takes hold and implements within an organization. The empirical data is analyzed by theories of professionalization, idea dissemination and translation.

Den ociviliserade "norrlänningen" - en studie om social kategorisering och stereotyper

In this thesis we have tried to show the problems that the categorisation of ?norrlänningar? generates. We have also tried to describe what the stereotypes of ?norrlänningar? are by examining what people say on web logs. The method we have used to find the stereotypes in our empirical material is the discourse analyse.

System Monitor : Ett felsökningssystem för Paperline

When an error occurs in an IT system that is vital for the production of a major industry, the Consequences can be great. To quickly identify and correct errors is important as a stop in a system can lead to a break in production, which is costly for the industry. Our task in this thesis has been to develop a system for ÅF that facilitates the debugging process of the system Paperline. The system's target audience is ÅF-call personnel that provides support for Paperline 24 hours a day if something goes wrong. The system consists of a Windows service, a database and a web application and is developed mainly with the techniques C#.NET, MVC 5, Google Charts, Javascript, HTML, CSS, and Entity Framework.

Ändringen av artikel 7 i OECD:s modellavtal : En komparativ studie

States have sovereignty in deciding how to tax business profits. If two states wish to tax the same profit that belongs to the same taxpayer, double taxation will arise. The increasing number of multinational companies gives rise to double taxation problems and the states have to co-operate to find out how to avoid such problems. The OECD Model Tax Convention includes an article in how to determine the rights to tax business profits. This article has been a subject of discussion and a committee of the OECD has been working to develop a new article 7.The work in proposing this new article has had as its aim to reassure that the interpretations of this regulation is made in the same way.

Hållbara transporter : Överföring från väg till järnväg

Road transports stand for a great part of Sweden?s total CO2-emissions. Transports are expected to increase over the coming years, and with those the emissions. A greater environmental awareness leads to increased demands for environmentally friendly transport. The aim of this thesis is to study the Consequences of changing transportation modes from road to railway.

Alliansformation - relationen mellan Israel och USA

The special relationship between Israel and the US has been subject to questioning, and good many theories have tried to explain why it is so strong. The most common explanation is rooted in the school of realism, where strategy and national interest decide who one's ally is. This essay aspires to examine another possible reason for allianceformation; identity. Several books, which make for the theoretical backbone of this study, have been written on the subject of sharing beliefs, identifying with others and the Consequences of this. The question being asked is whether Israel and the US actually share beliefs and, if so, which ones.

Driver hushållens skulder konsumtionen? : En jämförande studie av Sverige, Norge, Danmark och Finland

The consumption levels in Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway have been rising fo r the last decade. Even after the financial crisis of 2008, consumption levels continued their upward trend, regardless of the recession. The explanation seems to be, at least partly, that households tends to increase their debt ratio in order to continue the same standard of living as before in terms of consumption. It is clear, based of our results, that there is a connection between increased consumption and debt ratio for households. And the Consequences of allowing loans to finance a sustained or increasing consumption may ultimately be difficult to manage.

Ungdomars erfarenhet av livsstilsförändring

It is reported that adolescents' health is deteriorating, when their mental illness has increased. Adolescents' social conditions have also become worse. The mental illness is linked to the individual living conditions. The purpose of this study is to investigate which factors adolescents experience have been contributing to making a lifestyle change. The apparent factors can be used to promote adolescents´ health.

Taktikröstning i svenska val : - existerar det och påverkades det svenska valet 2010 av det?

The number of parties in the Swedish parliament has increased from five to eight during the last twenty years. The political agenda is still based on a two-block system with the Consequences that the number of parties in each block has increased. To be represented in the parliament, a party needs at least four per cent of the total votes in the election. If only one party fails to achieve that, the whole block will lose the election to the other block. This could encourage voters to vote tactically for the small parties in the block to ensure that the block wins the election.

I huvudet på framtidens konsumenter. En studie om negativ kategorisering av konsumenter och sökords potential som marknadsföringsredskap.

This thesis examines effects that occur when consumers are placed in a negative category by the sender in an internet marketing context. The effects studied are attitude towards the ad, attitude towards the media, sense of being monitored and sense of being categorized. The authors argue that consumers will become increasingly aware of the fundamentals of internet marketing and how advertisements online are being directed towards them. Consumers will thus, to a larger extent than today, analyze advertisements and how they have been individually categorized by the sender. This will affect the way advertisements are perceived.

Ungdomars upplevelse av autonomi i sin vardag : En validering av skattningsskalan SDAA: Self-determination autonomy for adolescence

This is a qualitative study where the purpose was to investigate what professionals experience to be the reason for an individual to become addicted to gambling and continues to gamble even though it leads to negative Consequences. The purpose was also to investigate what the professionals experienced was of importance for an individual to recover from a gambling addiction. The study was based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with knowledgeable individuals in the field. The main findings of the study were that the motivation for individuals with a gambling problem to continue gamble was that they saw gambling as the solution to their problems by winning back lost money. It was common that gambling was an escape from anxiety, guilt, shame, and other gambling-related problems such as financial liabilities.

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