

1052 Uppsatser om Consequences - Sida 10 av 71

Vaddå ekonomisk utsatt? : Tankar om ekonomisk utsatthet bland barnfamiljer med utländsk bakgrund i Växjö kommun

AbstractThis thesis is centered on the economic condition and background of immigrants living in Sweden, with focus on Araby, Växjö. To guide us through this enormous work we formulated research questions, which are:Why have foreigners (immigrants) a greater risk of becoming economic vulnerable? How does economic vulnerability effect families with children?What strategies do families adopt under hard economic conditions? What strategies does the society adopt in assisting families, by economic aid, that are economic vulnerable?  Our sample was from a school where we administered an open ended questionnaire to selected students and we also had a comprehensive interview session with ten families in the community so as to have a complete picture of their living condition and how they think people are economically vulnerable.We concentrated on the causes, Consequences and strategies of how economic vulnerability is handled by immigrants in Sweden. In our analysis we found out, though our respondents? answers, that the causes of economic vulnerable are background, language, priorities et cetera.

IT, mat och miljö

Shopping for groceries often means that, as consumers, we travel to the grocery store ourselves, by ear, bike or on foot. At the store we pick out the groceries that we want, go the register and pay for them. During the last couple of years consumers in Sweden have been given the opportunity to let someone else select and transport the groceries to their home instead, so called home shopping. As this report is being written, the possibility to buy groceries this way is somewhat limited, but many forecasters believe that in the near future it will increase immensely. Because of the large volumes of groceries that are being transported, there is great transport work being done in the supply chain.

Riktlinjer för implementering av ISO 17799

An ongoing concern within the Intellectual Technological world is the issue of security. There are severe Consequences if someone without permission searches a computer for secret information that was left unlocked. In order to prevent this situation from occurring, rules about password lengths or employees bringing personal flash drives into the company should be created and followed.As Internet become a worldwide phenomenon, the use of information technology is growing more than ever. With more use and accessibility to Internet, new threats against companies have also emerged. This report brings up the main issues that a company needs to regulate today.The standard for regulations and proposals for IT-security comes in a document called ISO 17799 and very complicated for those who are not experts in the field.

Ekologiska livsmedel i offentlig måltidsverksamhet

In our everyday life we are faced with many choices that have Consequences on the environment. One of these is the food we choose to eat since food production has a big impact on the environment. In organic production the aim is to have a natural production process, where environmental impacts are minimized. By choosing organic food it is therefore possible to contribute to a better environment. A large number of meals are served every day in the public sector, which makes it an important player in the consumer sector that could make a major difference for the environment..


We have written this paper about gambling problems with the purpose to give us and all of our readers a sense of understanding. With the term understanding we mean that we all know what type of activity gambling is but not a lot of us know how it feels for individuals that due to their addiction play almost every day and sometimes several times a day. By somehow trying to explain what kind of experiences people who engage in gambling feel, we hope that we somehow can increase our knowledge towards these persons and towards gambling. We are well informed that the content of our particular subject that we?ve chosen is massive and that more research needs to be done about or subject since there are no simple answers that can explain gambling behavior so easily.

A proactive health, safety & environment risk management strategy : what are the incentives?

In a business environment where the stakeholder perspective is evolving and sustainable development is receiving increased attention, it is of importance for companies to adjust. The demand and pressure is exerted from several stakeholders who force companies to take action and live up to the expectations because if failing to do so, negative Consequences will most likely be the case. The attention of this study is on ABB Power Products (ABB PP) and their environment and working environment risk management. The aim of this thesis is to identify and describe how perceived environmental risks are managed and what the incentives are to work proactively to minimize the risks. The incentives for a proactive risk management strategy are researched through both a strategic and operational perspective.

Ovisshet, ett begrepp att räkna med. En begreppsanlys

Abstract This Concept Analysis according to Walker & Avant (1995) studies the concept of uncertainty in the nursing context. It consists of four parts where uncertainty in general have been encircled in a semantic analysis (part one) and a qualitative content analysis consisting of an questionnaire, distributed to the staff members at one nursing and medicine institution, with an open question about the meaning of uncertainty (part two). The third part is a literature study of the nursing context to find out how uncertainty is described (part three). Part four is the actual concept analysis based on the three first parts. Uncertainty in the nursing context is an individual conscious experience witch is changeable and impressionable. It is chained together with its antecendents and Consequences.

Att leva med urinläckage till följd av ryggmärgsskada: självkänsla och psykiskt välmående ur barns, ungdomars och föräldrars perspektiv

The aim of the study is to explore the meaning of living with urinary incontinence caused by Spina Bifida, self-esteem, psychological well-beeing and expectations on treatment of urinary incontinence in 10 children and adolescents, 9-20 years old, as well as their parents perspective. The study was conducted through semi-structured interviewes as well as self-reports about self-esteem ("I think I am"; Ouvinen-Birgerstam, 1999) and psychological well-beeing (Beck Ungdomsskalor; Beck, Beck & Jolly, 2004). To examine the parents insight in their childrens situation and well-beeing parents proxy-reports was compared to their childrens self-reports. The results showed that psychological well-beeing and self-esteem of the children and adolescents in this study was comparable to normgroups, but that there was big individual differences. The parents proxy-reports are comparable to their childrens self-reports, but vary depending on the domain beeing estimated.

Vad sägs om användare? Folkbibliotekens användardiskurser i tre bibliotekstidskrifter

The aim of this Master's thesis is to examine the user discourses that can be identified in the public library field. Questions posed in this study are: what discourses can be found, what characterises them, how are users categorised and what does this categorisation imply. The theoretical starting-point is Ernesto Laclaus and Chantal Mouffes discourse theory. The method is text analytic. 62 articles from three library journals - Biblioteksbladet, Bibliotek i Samhälle and Ikoner are analysed through a model in four phases.

Utvärdering av fjädrande statorfötter : Nytt koncept i vattenkraftgeneratorer

This thesis is an evaluation of a new design concept for statorfeets in Gallejaur hydro power plant. Founder of the work is Vattenfall AB Vattenkraft. During the 70- and 80´s nuclear power began to be phased in to the Swedish grid, which meant that hydropower became an important source of rules. The generators began running in so called intermittent operations instead of basic operations, which meant 300-600 start/stop per year instead of one-ten numbers start/stop per year. In order to deal with the thermal forces that arise at every start and stop suppliers began to mount so called sliding joints, which is to take advantage of these forces and maintain the stator shape.

Hälsobeteende bland sjuksköterskor och undersköterskor : En studie om oregelbundna arbetstider på Ålands hälso- och sjukvård

In our everyday life we are faced with many choices that have Consequences on the environment. One of these is the food we choose to eat since food production has a big impact on the environment. In organic production the aim is to have a natural production process, where environmental impacts are minimized. By choosing organic food it is therefore possible to contribute to a better environment. A large number of meals are served every day in the public sector, which makes it an important player in the consumer sector that could make a major difference for the environment..

Graffiti och Nolltolerans : En kvalitativ studie om graffitikulturens utveckling till följd av Stockholm stads nolltolerans

This study is about howStockholm?s policy for zero tolerance of graffiti from 2007 affected the graffiti culture inStockholm. We have researched what Consequences there were for the practice of graffiti, and what Consequences there were for the stylistic performance of graffiti. In doing so, we have had two focus group interviews and one deep interview including eight graffiti writers from Stockholm. The individuals in the groups have been practising graffiti for a varied amount of time, but we have representation from both before, and after/during the policy of zero tolerance from 2007. Our study shows that the result ofStockholm?s policy for zero tolerance of graffiti for the graffiti culture inStockholmwas a ?subcultureification?, a ?stylistic generalization? and the ?subculture?s ambivalent identity?.

Genomarbetade förfrågningsunderlag medför tids- och kostnadsbesparingar : En studie över handlingars påverkan i byggskedet

In order for construction projects to be completed within the specified time limit while at the same time be financially sustainable it requires thorough preparation and an extensive planning. Most essential is the groundwork and the design that determines the project's progress. There are many aspects to consider in order to avoid inconveniences such as delay, litigation, unexpected cost etcetera. If mistakes are made in an early stage it is very likely that the error will follow the process and become an expensive correction cost towards the later part of the project. In other words, it is expensive to rectify defects later on.

Luftläckage I Småhus : Hur de upptäcks och attityderna till dem

Air tightness in new buildings has been discussed for several decades. But the knowledge in the subject is low. With tougher requirements from the Swedish government about energy consumption for a new building required competences how these shall be met. It's not only the thick mess of insulation that are important, it's also the air tightness. This report is about air leakage in Swedish houses.

Usability i relation till Likeability : Ett nedslag i en designprocess för en webbproduktion

This report examines the relationship between usability and subjective judgmentsabout aesthetic and emotional aspects of users of a web production. Through thedevelopment of two prototypes that reflects different aspects of usability and subjectiveassessments examined the Consequences of a differentiation of the concepts andUsability and Likeability. Thereafter, an evaluation of the two prototypes are madethrough user testing. Finally, the results of the evaluation is presented and are relatedto the concepts of usability and likeability. .

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