2550 Uppsatser om Confluences of organic-cultural flows - Sida 26 av 170
Geokemin inom osorterade cirklar : Analys av tungmetallers distribution inom jordprofiler tagna från Abiskoområdet, nordvästra Sverige
The Arctic region appears as a pristine remote environment, yet there is increasing evidence that it is greatly impacted by pollution such as lead (Pb) and mercury (Hg). In this environment deposition of Hg has increased threefold since the last industrial revolution. In this study five cryosolic soil profiles within non-sorted circles (NSC) in the Abisko region, northwest of Sweden, has been analyzed to improve our understanding regarding how pollutants are distributed within such type of soil. The soil samples have been analyzed with the use of X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF), for the measurements of the total concentrations of e.g. lead (Pb) and zirconium (Zr).
De uteblivna möjligheterna? intressegruppers diskursiva hållning vid en stadsomvandling
Although being recognized as holding great cultural-historical significance by local officials, numerous parts of the functionalistic development along Friggagatan became demolished in 2008.This bachelor thesis have surveyed how the planning process proceeded through various municipal committees, and moreover, how different interest groups gathered around certain discursive attitudes. As a consequence of various paradigm shifts in society, e.g. that local government gradually are depending on private economic initiatives, there are to some extent a fear among politicians that cultural-historical demands can risk economic growth.Nevertheless, a building or a development are in fact bearing different value-perspectives, such as economic, functional and cultural-historical. Due to the fact that the heritage-sector has limited resources, in combination with sometimes vaguely and obsolete conservation documents, the sector have difficulties of responding common economic arguments, which leads that the real estate-owner gets total interpretative prerogative.However, despite a sometimes suspicious political attitude towards an improved conservation document, e.g. with continuously updates concerning a building?s technical and economic status, there are some political initiatives working towards it..
The effect of cold stratification on germination in 28 cultural relict plant species : with the purpose of establishing germination protocols
Cultural relict plant species from the Nordic countries have been collected by the Nordic Genetic Resource Center (NordGen) for the purpose of conservation. To ensure high seed vitality in store, regular germination tests need to be conducted. It is important to get a correct viability status, but the knowledge of seed dormancy in the cultural relict plants is often poor. The objective of this study was to investigate how seed dormancy is affected by cold stratification. The study includes 31 accessions from 28 species with the purpose of establishing germination protocols.
Elevers förståelse av fotosyntesen och dess koppling till andra organismer
The effects of the deregulation of the electricity market 1996 in Sweden on short-term hydropower regulation are unknown. This report investigates patterns in subdaily regulation in the Ångerman River Basin during the period 1993-2011. Differences in subdaily flows and zero flow events between the periods 1993-1995 and 1996-2011 were studied by analyzing hourly data from 8 regulated and 8 unregulated locations with four subdaily flow variation indices. No correlations between the market deregulation and the regulation intensity in the Ångerman River basin were detected. The number of days natural ranges of variability were exceeded and the magnitude of subdaily variation were significantly higher at regulated locations.
"Men där kommer en liten skitig lastbil med flaket fullt av lådor. Det är Mehmet som kör" : En kvalitativ textanalytisk undersökning om hur den etniska mångfalden skildras i nio bilderböcker från 2010
In Sweden exist a Swedish institute for children?s book which is a national information center. They have an annual "Book tasting" where they present statistics and trends from the latest publications of literature for youth and children.In their ?book tasting?? from 2010 a number of picture books had, as they say, children who descend from non-Swedish culture (Swedish institute for children?s book, 2010). The aim of this thesis is to investigate how the ethnical diversity describes in these picture books from 2010. To understand how the ethnical diversity describes in these books I had two questions which helped me in my research.
En kombinerad Organisk Rankinecykel och värmepump integrerat med ett fjärrvärmesystem : Där värme- och elproduktion samt lönsamhet studeras och avfall är huvudbränslet
The demand for district heating is expected to decrease in the future, due to competition from heat pumps and energy efficiency measures in buildings. Development of existing district heating systems is therefore necessary for district heating companies to maintain market shares. This Master?s thesis describes and investigates the heat and electricity production and profitability of a combined Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) and heat pump that is integrated with an existing district heating system. The studied district heating system is utilizing heat from waste incineration. In Sweden waste constitute 20 % of the fuel mix used in district heating systems, and this share is expected to increase in the future.
Kvinnor, etnicitet och illegalt narkotikabruk : en litteraturstudie
Women, etnicity and illict drug useA litterature reviewAuthors: Cecilia Eriksson & Hanna Rapp AnderssonSupervisor: Odd LindbergABSTRACTThis study aims to examine how womens illict drug use appears in different ethnic groups. The chosen perspectiv is social constructivism. The study is based on 20 scientific studies: 17 from Northern America, two from Great Britain and one from Sweden. Central themes from the studies have been created from different subject viewpoints. The results of this study shows that women have different needs when treatment is required.
"The spirit of ayahuasca" : de kognitiva grunderna i erfarenheten av substansen ayahuasca: en fältstudie genomförd i Pisac, Peru
This essay aims at understanding the experience of the use of ayahuasca, and similarities and differences between interview protocols and socio-cultural identities. The work is based on field studies conducted in the Peruvian Andes, in the village of Pisac September to November 2009. What has emerged is that the experience does not seem to be dependent on cultural manifestations as much as it is dependent on general human cognition. Theories have been applied on an empirical phenomenological descriptive study. Various brain activities, along with mental mechanisms contribute to a deeper understanding of the findings in the descriptive analysis.It seems that the cultural differences, which I have classed as typological in the phenomenological study, mostly are expressions of meaning for the informants.
Bakom fasaden: Haninge kulturhus - en organisationsteoretisk studie med fokus på den fysiska strukturen
This master thesis aims to describe and examine Haninge cultural centre, inaugurated in 2002. We study the centre from an organization theory point of view, with focus on the buildings physical appearance. The question we want to answer is to what extent, and if, Haninge cultural centre fulfills the underlying vision, formulated by the municipality of Haninge. Is the centre the symbol of a new era of Haninge and a vivid democracy as it was meant to be? Is there a congruency between the image the building creates and the vision that was formulated by the municipality? We also seek out to see how the cultural centre relates to an older tradition of cultural centres.
Phycoremediation of pesticides using microalgae
Every year, pesticides are found in surface and ground waters in Sweden. Fungicides are in common usage and applied in high amounts against potato late blight. The present thesis examined the possible removal of four fungicides (metalaxyl, cyprodinil, propamocarb and
mandipropamid) from water using the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris. Microorganisms are capable of decomposing a range of organic pollutants and the main focus in previously published studies has been on bacteria and fungi. Microalgae are mostly studied due to their high capacity
in biosorbing heavy metals.
Flickor och pojkar går i samma klass i Sverige : En undersökning om nyanlända elevers syn och uppfattning om den svenska skolan
The purpose of my study was to find out about the newly arrived students? views and perceptions of the Swedish high school, how this vision and perception looked like before they moved here, and if it has changed. I also wanted to find out how they perceived the meeting with the Swedish school, and if they believed that this meeting should or could be improved. In this study, I used a qualitative research method, the phenomenological method, in which I have used qualitative research interviews to collect the empirical data and detect patterns in my research. The theory I used is cultural encounters, and with it, I try to understand how people with different cultural backgrounds create interactions to work together in communities.
Böklåda med torv på rastgårdsytan i ekologisk slaktsvinsproduktion : effekter på beteende och emission av kväve (NH3 och N2O)
In organic animal production, synthetic amino acids are not allowed. Therefore, a higher level of crude protein is needed in the diet to pigs, which lead to more nitrogen (N) excreted in the faeces and urine. N can be emitted to the air in the form of e.g. ammonia (NH3), which contributes to eutrophication and acidification and as nitrous oxide (N2O), which is a very potent greenhouse gas. The emission of N can be reduced by e.g.
Cross Cultural Competence : Ett sätt att förstå vår värld
Vi strävar alltid efter att förstå det som sker i den värld vi lever i. Till vår hjälp har vi olika referenser och kunskaper som vi har lärt oss under våra liv. Dessa referenser och kunskaper förenklar och förklarar våra upplevelser och sätter in dem i ett sammanhang. Utan detta sammanhang blir enskilda händelser omöjliga att förstå och vi tvingas navigera oss fram med förbundna ögon. Kultur är ett av de verktyg vi människor använder för att förklara den verklighet vi lever i.
Översvämningsrisker längs Funboån
Flooding events are no longer rare, floods occur all over the world. Accordingly, it is vital for the society and different authorities to work with flood mapping. To meet the goal of Uppsala kommun to map the risks of floods in Uppsala län, a map of the different areas around Funboån which are inside the area of risk for flooding have been developed.In the work, cross sections and the water flow have been measured. Moreover, an echo-sounding have been carried out in Funboån to map the bottom topography. From the bottom map and laser scanned data covering the study area, a terrain model was created.
Kvalitet och jämställdhet : En undersökning av kvalitetsbegreppets definition och dess relation till jämställdhet mellan könen inom bildkonsten
Quality is a vague concept, it seems to be about a ?gut feeling? but is used as if it were a concrete property. This paper examines the defenition of the concept of quality, the relation between quality and gender equality and also what the representation between the genders in exhibitions, purchases and donations looks like in this day. As method for this paper text analysis, with searchlight on the two parameters of quality and equality, have been used on documents that provide a historical and a cultural policy perspective. The main part of the paper is an analysis of the visual arts on Värmlands museum, Kristinehamns konstmuseum and Rackstadmuseet.In the discussion of the paper, chapter 5, the result of the research is presented.