

1028 Uppsatser om Conflict managing - Sida 2 av 69

Att arbeta med konflikthantering : implementering och undersökning av en form av fokusgruppsamtal i skolan

I have chosen an action research approach for this essay. I want to incorporate a method of conflict management in the work of the personnel at a school and also discuss their thoughts and experience in conflict management. I wanted to incorporate modern knowledge about constructive conflict management for everyday use and I stress that if we can evolve these skills among the personnel in schools then we have a better chance of helping children with deviant behavior which often end up in conflict because of it. This will also help all the other children and personnel to manage conflict situations in a better way. I want to introduce a new way of thinking about conflict management which in many ways is different from how it is today. Briefly the method which I advocate revolves around paying attention to every ones basic needs and says that everyone can win and no one has to loose. he main purpose of this essay has been to find out if focus group conversations is a viable method for improving conflict management in the school system. Several of the participants has in their evaluations written that it was a rewarding and interesting way to work.

Inkludering eller Exkludering? Hantering av Spoilerproblematik vid Förhandlingsprocesser.

A great source of risk during peace processes of today comes from spoilers, individuals and groups who deliberately try to undermine every attempt to achieve a negotiated peace agreement. The aim of the thesis is to examine problems related to the management of spoilers during peace negotiations and the effects thereof. A central aspect in this respect is the dilemma of whether to include or exclude controversial actors like spoilers at negotiations.The choice of limits of the subject is to examine the peace negotiations that resulted in ?The Agreement? in 1998, concerning the conflict in Northern Ireland, and in ?DOP? in 1993, concerning the conflict between Israel and Palestine. I find a significant difference between these two conflicts regarding the way of managing spoilers.

Konflikthantering genom drama : En studie om dramats roll i undervisningen

Abstract The purpose of the essay was to investigate how you can work with conflict management through drama, to promote the meeting with children from many different cultures. I also wanted to see how the work may be different in a heterogeneous or homogeneous group of children.In the background I lift up what a conflict can be, what kind of conflict management methods there are, how to work with drama education as well as what ethnic conflicts can be.The literature studies have shown that there are different types of conflicts and that the conflict management methods are many. In an attempt to get answers to my questions I?ve had drama lessons focusing on conflicts in a heterogeneous and homogeneous group of children in grades 3.My study has shown that conflict management through drama can increase the understanding of other cultures and promote the meeting between children. Just as the literature describes conflicts, they can be difficult to solve and it is important to find a method that suits the class you work with.Key- words: conflict, conflict management, drama, homogeneous, heterogeneous..

Interkulturellt förhållningssätt : Är det något givet i den svenska kommunala skolan?

In this composition we will treat issues about intercultural approach and managing diversity in Swedish municipal/public school. This survey includes several theories and conceptions as ethnicity, culture, multiplicity/managing diversity and intercultural approach/multiculturalism.We studied two different schools and their awareness concerning intercultural approach and managing diversity . The study is concentrating on two schools in two different communities. One of the schools had a greater ethnic multiplicity than the other school, and therefore, we thought, it seemed easier for them to accept an intercultural approach and managing diversity. But that was not the whole truth.

FN och EU ? två aktörer inom det konfliktförebyggande området - en studie av FN och EU: s konfliktförebyggande åtgärder i Makedonien

Conflict prevention is a term which has gained much influence during the last decades. To prevent conflicts from occuring have both humanitarian and economic incentives as the cost for war are much greater than the cost of acting preventive. To act in this matter has been regarded a priority for the United Nations during several years, and the European Union have also expressed a wish of playing a more active part. The essay compares the actions taken by the international organisations in Macedonia, a country which headed toward a violent conflict. The UN acted through the mission UNPREDEP and the EU through the mission of Concordia.

Kommunicera mera - En studie som belyser människans behov av erkänsla i samband med arbetsplatskonflikter

The aim of the study is to investigate conflicts in working lifefrom an individual and a relational perspective, as well as to illustrate how a conflict ishandled as part of a work organisation and a working environment.When a person experiences a conflict at work what do these experiences involve and how dothey affect the well-being of the person involved and the picture he or she has of him orherself?How does a workplace conflict develop over time and how can we understand its origin andcourse?How do individuals experience the way a conflict is handled in a workplace in relation to thestructure of the organisation and leadership?The study is based on a qualitative interview method with threeindividuals who have experienced workplace conflict. Through our study we endeavoured tofind an in-depth understanding conveyed through the life world perspective of theinterviewees, which is our empirical data. The analysis is related to the study?s background ofearlier research and theory within the field of workplace conflict.On the basis of our study can we illustrate that in order to prevent and handleworkplace conflict, clear communication and individual resources are required; these include:a reflexive ability to work out issues independently.

Mångfaldsarbete i skolans organisation och undervisning

The purpose of this thesis is to clarify the concept of ?managing diversity? and to describe how it appears in the Swedish school, in the classroom as well as in the organisation. To support the study, interviews have been carried out with principals and teachers in three different Swedish schools.The thesis is divided into two sections; a literature study and an interview section where we describe the thoughts and knowledge of principals and teachers. From a diversity point of view, we discuss the relationship between documents, organisation and teaching.The study described in this thesis shows that managing diversity has not yet had its break-through in a Swedish school context. The official curriculum of the Swedish school system values diversity, although the directives are unclear as to how the managing of diversity is to be carried out in reality.

Multilateral och unilateral säkerhetspolitisk praktik och strategi för hantering av Syrienkonflikten

This security study attempts to explain the dynamics of international conflict management of an intrastate conflict, through a combination of three theoretical frameworks. The conflict in Syria is shown to be managed mainly through strategies using coercive diplomacy, and some main contributions within the research field relating to strategies of coercion are used for guidance, to important factors which could affect coercive international conflict management, as well as to additional theories which could enhance the study?s explanatory power through a combined theoretical framework. The two added theoretical frameworks are Power Balancing and a Multidimensional concept of Power. With the aid of analytical tools derived from this combined framework the conflict management is analysed within both a multilateral and unilateral setting, offering some explanation as to why international conflict management (practiced by UNSC multilaterally and USA unilaterally) has shown so little progress in regard to the conflict, as well as why one significant, though limited, result could be achieved regarding the destruction of the Syrian regime?s chemical weapons arsenal..

Den gode & den onde : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys och kritisk diskursanalys av Dagens Nyheters och New York Times rapportering av konflikten i Libyen 2011

This essay examines how the conflict in Libya in 2011 was reported by the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter and the American newspaper The New York Times. The purpose is to examine how the conflict is portrayed and what similarities and differences that exist between the two newspapers. We have used a quantitative content analysis and critical discourse analysis to get our results. In conclusion, both newspapers polarize the conflict to a large extent, resulting in a one-sided and biased account. However The New York Times is more objective and neutral in its portrayal of the conflict..

Konflikten i Baskien : -Kan konsensus uppnås?

The aim of this essay is to examine the background to the ongoing conflict between Spain and Basque. The conflicting parts and the opportunities of an agreement regarding a permanent cease-fire will also be examined. I chose to write about this conflict due to the fact that it has been going on for a long time, and is still going on.In order to be able to conduct the survey of this essay I have studied a wide range of books, reports from different institutions, and articles. I have strived for objectivity and to retail a fair description of the situation.To get a better understanding of the conflict the essay starts with history of conflict which has its beginning in the fifteenth century. Further on the essay is going to examine the conflicting parts that exist nowadays, and also the acting of different Basque political groups and the acting of the Spanish government.

Giganters Kamp - en undersökning av konfliktlösning och förhandling i handelskonflikter

This paper is an attempt to distinguish the specifics of the conflict resolution process and the negotiations during trade conflicts. First of all, this kind of conflict almost always contains some kind of protectionism which doesn?t make sense economically. Imposing trade-barriers decrease the overall welfare of your own nation and the only winner is the protected sector. These policies can be introduced since the political pressure from threatened industries is usually much stronger than the pressure from the consumers who will bear the burden of protectionism.

Darfur - Ett utdraget Rwanda?

In the Darfur region, located in the West of Sudan, there is a conflict between rebel groups and the government-supported Janjaweed militia. The fighting?s, which started in 2003, has caused the loss of at least 200 000 human life and more than 2 million people have fled their homes. The conflict has been described as a? prolonged Rwanda?.

Är "no news" verkligen "good news"? : En studie av hur tre svenska webbtidningar rapporterar om fem konflikter och hur teorierna CNN-effekten och Stealth Conflicts kan förklara detta

Is there any truth in the saying ?no news is good news? or is there a reason to question whether media actually do reflect the world?s worst conflicts proportionally? The communication technologies have seen major developments in recent years, and more and more people choose to read their news on the Internet. With smartphones and other devices, one could imagine that there would be easier to cover more conflict areas than ever ? but is this what has happened?In this study we aimed to investigate how three chosen Swedish newspapers reflected five of the on-going conflicts of 2012 and how this can be explained with the theories; the CNN effect and Stealth Conflicts. We started out with studies of the two theories.

"Det är mycket lättare att lösa konflikter där flickor är inblandade..." : En kvalitativ studie om hur fyra förskollärare beskriver könets betydelse i konflikter mellan barnen i förskolan

The purpose of this study is to examine how four teachers in preschool describe their view of conflicts between children from gender perspective. The theories associated with the study conclude that sex can be considered as being either biologically or socially engineered. The study consists of empirical material by the means of qualitative research based on interviews. The results of the study show different views on whether children's gender plays a role in a conflict. Furthermore, I have chosen to find out whether gender plays a role in conflict management as well as in the children's play at preschool, this to come to as qualitative conclusions as possible..

Conflict Resolution in West Africa: A Comparative Analysis of Sierra Leone and Liberia

This paper is a Master thesis for the Master?s program in International and European Relations in the Department of Management and Economics at Linköping University. As the title indicates, the aim of this thesis is to make a comparative analysis of the conflict resolution initiatives that were employed in the Sierra Leonean and Liberian conflicts. The research questions are: ? What were the root causes and trajectories of the Sierra Leonean and Liberian conflicts? ? What were the conflict resolution initiatives employed in resolving both conflicts? ? Why did the Lome Peace Accord succeed in the case of Sierra Leone whilst the Abuja Peace Accord failed in bringing peace to Liberia? In order to answer the afore-mentioned questions and fulfil the aim of this paper, a qualitative research method has been chosen.

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