

570 Uppsatser om Condition - Sida 21 av 38

Att rekonstruera världen : tillämpade på de moderna olympiska spelen

The aim of this essay is to illustrate a modern phenomenon, the Olympic Games, by applying the ideas of Mircea Eliade concerning space, time and myth. This literature study is mainly divided in two parts, one descriptive and one analytic. In the first part Eliade?s ideas and some criticism, which has been pointed against his theoretical approaches as well as his character, are presented. In the second part an analysis is carried out, based on the previously presented ideas and elements essential for the Olympics; the idea of the Olympics, the place, the ceremonies, the competition and the concept of individual idolism.I have discussed what seems like gnostic tendencies in Eliade?s ideas, in the sense that both Eliade?s ideas and the concept of Gnosticism argue that knowledge is a necessary Condition for salvation, as well as the fact that Eliade and his ideas have not always a pro-Christian approach.

En skola för alla? : En undersökning om hur sex olika kommuner arbetar med utbildning för nyanlända elever

 The Swedish school of today reflect the society we live in. We live in a multi cultural society and in our schools there are pupils with different backgrounds, cultures and mother tongue, which make it necessary for every teacher to treat every single pupil?s need and Condition. The education in Sweden must be equivalent, according to Skollagen, 1 kap. 2§.

Biogasprocessen : Bestämning av verkningsgrad

Biogas is increasingly used for fuel in for example vehicles and it´s produced in a biogas processconsisting of the steps of pretreatment, digestion and gas cleaning. The pretreatment is a method usedto increase the gas production and / or destroy pathogens. The digestion is the stage when anaerobicmicroorganisms convert bio-mass of a substrate to a raw gas containing about 65% of methane. Thegas cleaning is used to increase the methane content to about 97% so the gas can be used for motors invehicles. The biogas part of the Ekeby sewage plant in Eskilstuna is using multiple substrates.

Hemlösa ungdomar - ett osynligt problem : En kvalitativ studie om avsaknaden av en enhetlig problembeskrivning

Homeless adolescents are in Sweden rather invisible, as a group. There is no established definition or description of the problem, nor any uniform terms regarding it. The purpose of this study is to investigate how four different organizations, based on their basic principles, describe the group homeless adolescents. We discuss why the organizations reason as they do, and what it leads to. In order to do so we have performed qualitative interviews with representatives from each organization.

Föryngringsresultat och beräknad virkesproduktion i naturligt föryngrade tallbestånd i Västerbotten under mitten av 1990-talet :

According to the Board of Forestry, in Västerbotten, many natural regenerations of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) carried out on privately owned forest in the middle of 1990 in Västerbotten have rendered a bad regeneration outcome and will provide a low future forest production. The Board of Forestry believes that the negative result can be explained by the fact that the regeneration has been carried out in wrong locations and that scarification failed to work as planned. In order for an accepted rate of regeneration the guidelines of the Forrest Act require, not less than 10 years after final cutting at natural regeneration, that there should be at least 1300 (site indices 16 m) - 1700 (site indices 20 m) main crop stems per hectare. Main crop stems are defined as stems according to the place of growth and appropriate tree type, in addition with regard to quality, stage of development and damage risk have a prospect of succeeding. In addition main crop stems should be separated by surface so that the proportion sample plots with 3 meters radius, and lack main crop stems, are not more than 10 % of site indices 14 meters or higher.

Kommunala fastighetsbolags investeringar i CSR

Abstract Title: Municipal property companies CSR investments Seminar date: 2015-05-28 State university: Halmstad University Institution: School of Economics, Technology and Sience (ETS) Level: Bachelor Thesis in Economics, 15 hp Authors: Carl Berg von Linde and Martin Samuelsson Examinor: Jan-Olof Müller Supervisor: Eva Berggren Number of pages: 39 Attachments: 3 Keywords: CSR, Municipal-owned housing, Social- and environmental responsibility, Strategic CSR, Legitimacy, Levers Research question: · How do municipal Swedish real estate companies invest in CSR and why? Purpose: The aim of this study is to understand how three municipal property reasons around investment in CSR and to identify different factors why investing in CSR differs between municipal property companies. Methodology: A qualitative study with abductive conducted semi-structured interviews of three municipally owned housing companies. Conclution: The municipal real estate industry uses CSR as a strategy to gain different benefits such as brand recognition. By acting responsibly, companies will strengthen their legitimacy and create long-term economic gain.

Förekomsten av trycksår hos patienter som genomgår brachybehandling vid prostatacancer

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. One type of treatment is internal radiation therapy, brachytherapy. This treatment requires the patient to lie completely motionless and in lithotomy position. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of pressure ulcers associated with brachytherapy in prostate cancer at the UniversityHospitalin Uppsala. Furthermore, the purpose was to identify the most common location of pressure ulcer and to examine whether there were any connection between risk factors and possible pressure ulcers.

Individanpassad omvårdnad för det för tidigt födda barnet : En litteraturstudie

The aim of this study was to describe the meaning of individual care according to Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment programs (NIDCAP) to the early born child. The care around the early born child has shown a big importance. NIDCAP incorporates many care aspects that give structure for an individual tailored care. A fast care planning within three days and night after the birth according to NIDCAP has a positive effect for the cognitive development. The early child has showed that the surroundings environment has an important role for their development.

Läxor : En kvalitativ studie om fem lärares erfarenheter och attityder till läxor för tvåspråkiga elever

In Sweden it is of major concern to the society that every individual get the same possibilities to be able to complete and affect their education. Despite this some students with a foreign background have difficulties when it comes to homework?s. This is contrary to the goals that the government strives for, which is a more just society. The aim of this study is to analyze five elementary schoolteacher?s experiences and attitudes against the homework for students with two languages.

Analys av planering inom byggproduktion. Hur kan förbättring ske med hjälp av slututvärdering och återkoppling?

A clean and affordable energy source for cooking is deficient in developing countries. People rely on fuels that contribute to environmental, social and health problems.Biogas is an alternative energy source and an increased investment in small-scale biogas production can in several developing countries be found. Several projects have started to use the technology in developing countries because of the benefits with biogas. Some cases in the establishment of biogas plants have succeeded and some have not. The study is a literature review supplemented by two field studies.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att möta patienter med prediabetes : -En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Background: Prediabetes is caused by relative insulin deficiency and insulin resistance in the body tissue which leads to abnormal blood glucose levels. Prediabetes can over time lead to type 2 diabetes mellitus. To prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes and its complications, it is important to identify early elevated blood glucose levels and thereby prediabetes.Objective: To describe nurses' knowledge and experience regarding the management of patients with prediabetes.Methods: Qualitative descriptive design with individual interviews. Three nurses, three community health nurses and three diabetes nurses were interviewed.Results: The result can be understood from the nurses' experiences of encountering patients with prediabetes. An overarching theme in the analysis was that the nurses are working or aspiring to work preventively.

Regeringens transportinfrastruktursatsningar : En studie av tågtrafikens utrymme i regeringsanslagen för transportsektorn

In the government's bill on infrastructure for 2010-2021, the government presents that road investments should be prioritized before investments in the railway. The grants for operation and maintenance of the railways are much higher then in the last government's bill. Furthermore the current founding of investment in railways is higher then for road investment which is in opposite of the bill on infrastructure's directives. Therefore the purpose with my thesis is to find which factors that can explain how come the government has chosen to take these actions. As a model to help me achieve my purpose I have been using a modified version of the DBO-theory, where the basic factors to explain an action is Desire, Belief and Opportunities.

Effekt av karbonatisering med biogas på aska från trädbränslen

It is essential to reuse- and recycles residues to decrease the amount of deposit materials and reach sustainable energy use. Two ways to work towards this is to recycle wood ashes to the forest as nutrient compensation and extract biogas from combustion of biomass.The aim with this study was to decide whether wood ashes that been used for biogas upgrading with accelerated carbonation also can be used as a nutrient compensation in the woods according to recommendations from the Swedish Forest Agency (Skogsstyrelsen).The ashes that were used in this study came from Johan Andersson who works at JTI in Uppsala, who also treated the ashes with biogas. The ashes have, in both untreated and treated Condition, been analyzed in this study according to contents of elements, leaching properties, hardening properties and contents of crystalline phases, to evaluate what impact carbonation with biogas has on the ashes.The accelerated carbonation led to hardening of the ash, and decreased amount of CaO- and increased amount of CaCO3. The CO2-uptake also entails a dilution of the elements, and the content of nutrients and trace elements decreases. However the results show an indication of an uptake of S from the biogas to the ash, since the dilution had a smaller impact on S than the rest of the elements.

Genetiska och epigenetiska samband mellan näringsförsörjning och fertilitet hos mjölkkor

The dairy cow?s ability to resume estrus after calving and to conceive is affected by their metabolic status after calving. For high yielding cows there is a high risk that the feed intake will not be sufficient to cope with the increased energy demands after calving, and the cow will end up in a state of negative energy balance. Energy balance can be measured in various ways, for example by body Condition score or by plasma concentration of several metabolic hormones and metabolites. After calving, endocrine pathways stimulate tissue mobilization; insulin signaling is blocked, the concentration of insulin-like growth factor-1(IGF-1) and leptin decreases, and the concentration of growth hormone (GH) increases.

Cross-suckling when sows are group housed during lactation : associations with sow productivity and behaviour

Cross-suckling, i.e. when an offspring nurses a female other than their own mother, occurs in pig production systems where sows are group housed during lactation. As production systems where several sows and their litters are housed together during lactation are getting more common, the need of knowledge regarding cross-suckling increases. The overall aims with this thesis was to investigate how sow behaviour and productivity are associated with the occurrence of cross-suckling, and to investigate consistency in sow nursing behaviour related to cross-suckling. The study included information about the first 4 parities of 40 LxY sows kept in outdoor and indoor production environments. Sows were single housed the first 2 weeks after farrowing and group housed (4 or 5 sows per group) from 2 weeks after farrowing until weaning, 7 weeks after farrowing.

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