

570 Uppsatser om Condition - Sida 16 av 38

I gränslandet till demokrati och europa - En studie om Ukrainas förvaltning

After the orange revolution in Ukraine, hope was given to achieve fullydemocracy in the whole society. However, this has not been the outcome; theUkrainian public administration still has problems to deliver what the societydemands. By answering the question: ?Which problems have the publicadministration to become democratic and how can we explain them??, we analyzethe failures within the public administration to accomplish democratic procedures.The empirical material in this thesis is mainly obtained from interviews andresearch during a field study in Ukraine. The problems for the civil servants inUkraine to act as guardians of the society are strongly connected to an inadequateprofessional knowledge.

Utformning av sättverktyg

A clean and affordable energy source for cooking is deficient in developing countries. People rely on fuels that contribute to environmental, social and health problems.Biogas is an alternative energy source and an increased investment in small-scale biogas production can in several developing countries be found. Several projects have started to use the technology in developing countries because of the benefits with biogas. Some cases in the establishment of biogas plants have succeeded and some have not. The study is a literature review supplemented by two field studies.

Vetenskap och makt. En analys av två vetenskapliga paradigms skilda maktlogiker.

This essay analyse the relationships between scientific paradigms and different logics of power in the field of psychiatry, primarily in the fields of attention disorders of children and schizophrenia. In these two fields of psychiatric research and treatment, there exist two scientific paradigms, a biological/neuropsychiatric and a socialpsychological, working from different standpoints regarding questions of ontology, epistemology and theories of value. Drawing from Thomas Kuhns paradigmatic theory of science, and Michel Foucaults concept of power, this essay proposes that different paradigmatic standpoints gives rise to different logics of power. Relying on the concept of power/knowledge and different paradigmatic standpoints, the essay states that the biological/neuropsychiatric paradigm produces a biological individualising logic of power that fixes the individual to his/hers biological Condition. This in contrast to the socialpsychological paradigm, which on the basis of its paradigmatic standpoints produces a social-group related logic of power.

?När livet gick sönder?? : Upplevelser av att mista sitt barn i cancer

Background: To be a parent to a child dying of cancer affect not just the parents themselves, but the whole family. Experiences of fear, powerlessness and anxiety surrounds them. Nurses need knowledge about parents? experiences to help and support these parents adequately. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe parents? experiences of losing a child to cancer, from diagnosis to the child?s death.

Mellan dig och mig

How can I make art that face people in their everyday lives, which is integrated into their lives, becoming a part of the discussions both in the mundane and in the room of society? Can I do this by working with performative interpretations that are participatory driven? I have explored how artists and participants can create spaces that are both open and confiden- ce-building, and how they at the same time enable us to question established norms. How to engage in dialogues concerning social, political and existential issues like; What is freedom for me - What is freedom to you? What is it that is important? Which topics are never upraised for discussion?The project is about putting thoughts, experiences and bodies (my own, the participants and the viewer?s) in relation to each other and to the location and context they are in. It ?s about creating a broader perspective where everyone?s voice is important and can take place.

En skola för alla? : Some teacher?s perspective on intercultural pedagogic

Purpose: The purpose with the essay is to examine how some teacher?s works with intercultural questions, if they are looking after student?s cultural background, earlier experiences and knowledge?s in their teaching. We have formulated three questions whom we want answer to.Method: The essay began with a theoretical research to get more knowledge of intercultural pedagogic. The study part is based on seven interviews in two schools in Södertälje, five with teachers and two with assistant principals. The conclusions of our essay are based on the results of our study.Result: The study shows that the two discourses ?national self-understanding? and ?the democratic credot? still lives and compete with each other.

Projektledares synpunkter på projektprocessen

A clean and affordable energy source for cooking is deficient in developing countries. People rely on fuels that contribute to environmental, social and health problems.Biogas is an alternative energy source and an increased investment in small-scale biogas production can in several developing countries be found. Several projects have started to use the technology in developing countries because of the benefits with biogas. Some cases in the establishment of biogas plants have succeeded and some have not. The study is a literature review supplemented by two field studies.

Hovbroskförbening hos svenska ardennerhästen :

Ossification of the collateral cartilages of the distal phalanx has been studied primarily in cold blooded horses. The clinical relevance of this Condition is unknown. Despite this fact, since 1939, all Swedish Ardenner stallions have had to be classified as being free from this ossification to be approved for breeding. Initially, palpation was used as a diagnostic method, but since 1982 radiology has been the only method used. The aim of this study was to assess the outcome of 68 years of breeding program. Dorsopalmar radiographs were taken of the front feet of 58 Ardenners (30 mares, 8 geldings and 20 stallions) and the ossification of the collateral cartilages was evaluated and graded according to three different scales; - Ruohoniemi (grade 0-5), - Swedish University of Agricultural Science (grade 0-3), - and a new scale (grade 0-3), developed for this study.

Solvärme med säsongslager i Lyckebo

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate and clarify the facts surrounding one of Vattenfall's district heating plants; The "solar field" and associated rock cavern in Lyckebo, Storvreta. The plant was built in the '80s by the formerly municipal utility,Uppsalakraftvärme AB, as an experimental building. A ground water filled cavern would serve as seasonal storage of solar heat from an adjacent solar field. Since both the energy company and the facility itself has undergone major changes over the past 30 years, there was a great need to gather facts in order to provide a picture of its current Condition and potential for continued use. The thesis investigates the plant's history and problems with the rock cavern losses, and how the operation developed. It also presents the calculations regarding the possibilities of again supplementing the facility with solar energy - which is not the case today - as well as the economic Conditions for it. Regarding a re-launch of solar energy, primarily a concentrating solar collector has been studied, as it has the advantages of an integrated control system.

Kommunikation och relationer-en förutsättning för att förankra värdegrundstänkandet i skolan. Communication and relationships-A condition in anchoring values in school..

Syftet med denna undersökning var att studera om pedagogiskt drama kunde vara en metod för att utveckla elevernas kommunikation och relationer för att stärka arbetet med värdegrunden. Undersökningen och utförandet av dramapass hade sin grund i tidigare forskning kring pedagogiskt drama, värdegrunden, kommunikation och gruppdynamik. Vi valde observation som metod för att studera de dramapass som vi utförde med vår undersökningsgrupp. Dessa observationer har vi sammanställt och analyserat med våra fokusområden som grund. Dessa fokusområden är kommunikation, relationer samt olikheter. Vårt resultat av analyserna är att utvecklingen av elevernas kommunikation och relationer är avgörande för att stärka arbetet med värdegrunden.

MPD-vågformer för helikopterradar

A helicopter based system equipped with a millimetre-wave fire control radar is studied for improvement of the detection probability for moving ground targets. The system is a pulse doppler radar that sends out the electromagnetic wave in repetitive pulses. The frequency in which radar sends this pulse is called Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF). The velocity of the moving targets is measured by spectral analysis of the pulses received. With this sort of system some targets will not be possible to detect.

Dräktighetsdiabetes hos hund :

This article presents a retrospective case study combined with a review of the current literature concerning canine gestational diabetes. A total of 14 cases have been collected from six different clinics in Sweden. There are few previously published reports on canine gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes is a disease that rarely occurs in pregnant bitches. The Condition is due to the rise of progesterone that occurs during the estrus cycle.

Litteraturstudie : Prevalens, tänkbara orsaker och konsekvenser till ätstörningar

The present work has been implemented as a literature study aimed to investigate the prevalence, possibly causes and consequences of an eating disorder. In today's modern society individuals are living with a constant reminder from the media about how a person should look and act to blend into the social norms and expectations of the modern society. This literature review has been analysed on the basis of concepts such as identity, gender identity and gender. In addition previous research has been analysed in terms of themes, history, possible causes/risk factors, media, body image and control, depression, shame and guilt as well as culture. The above themes were analysed on the basis of behaviouristic theory and role theory.

Enskilda skogsägares mål på avdelningsnivå ? en kvalitativ studie

Half of Sweden's productive forest land is owned by individual forest owners. Research studies show that forest owners have more objectives with their forest than a high net present value, and that the suggestions of the forest management plans doesn?t always correspond to the forest owners? objectives. Through a qualitative study we conducted a discussion about objectives at stand level with the aim of making a more specific formulation of the forest owners? objectives. We asked about the forest owners' objectives at stand level, what forest management they conduct in order to achieve the objectives and how this management affects the net present value of the property. Based on the results of the interviews, we analyzed what kind of factors decide where the objectives place themselves in the landscape and if the objectives at stand level are consistent with the overall objectives for the property. Many forest owners questioned the idea of talking about objectives at stand level, and they didn?t always have their objectives clearly defined.

Motivation till motion och upprätthållande av motionsvanor, en studie kring hälsoprojekten på Albany International

The specified purpose was, based on gender, age and type of employment, study the employees motivation to participate in health projects and their reason to maintain exercise habits after the termination of the health projects. Exercise frequency was studied in relation to the other background variables. A revised version of the questionnaire Motivation for Maintenance of Exercise Habits (Josefsson, 2005) was distributed at Albany International, Halmstad. The most frequent cause to exercise was ?enhance my Condition?.

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