

3430 Uppsatser om Condition control - Sida 24 av 229

Design och Implementering av en IntuitivKontrollmetod för Larvbandsdrivna UGV:er

SammanfattningDenna uppsats beskriver design och implementering av en mer effektiv metod att styrakameraförsedda radiostyrda markfordon (UGV av engelskans Unmanned GroundVehicle). Det åstadkoms genom att införa samma kontroller som är vanliga i actionspel iförsta persons perspektiv, så kallat Free Look Control (FLC). Miljontals spelare kommeratt känna igen och vara bekväma med styrprincipen, vilket borde reducera dengenomsnittliga träningstiden samt förbättra prestationsförmågan. FLC gör det möjligt föroperatören att kontrollera kamerans läge direkt istället för via fordonet den sitter på.Detta görs genom att i mjukvara sammankoppla fordonets och kamerans rörelser.Utöver författandet av denna uppsats byggs en fungerande UGV-prototyp som kanstyras enligt både FLC och dagens standard, Tank Control (TC). Detta gör det lätt attdemonstrera skillnader mellan metoderna.Arbetet utförs åt institutionen Flyg- och systemteknik inom FOI, Totalförsvaretsforskningsinstitut, för att demonstrera och marknadsföra konceptet att använda FLC förstyrning av obemannade markfordon.Nyckelord: Odometri, Kalman filter, UGV, Unmanned Ground Vehicle, obemannademarkfordon, FLC, Free Look Control, FPS, First Person Shooter, fjärrstyrning..

Webbaserad realtidsuppföljdkvalitetsundersökning

Swedish school has for the last decades been using quality management as a method for improvement. Quality management is an enormous work and the whole school staff needs to be involved. The management consists of several parts like planning, surveys and interviews, analysis of the replies and setting up new goals. Parents, children and teachers are nowadays accustomed with quality surveys. The last few years these quality surveys have been computerized, but they still look almost the same, using little interaction with the respondent.I have had the opportunity to work with the company KMF Ventures, which has a vision that entails a more interactive web survey.

Hur ekonomin i svinproduktion påverkas av prisförändringar :

The purpose of this essay is to evaluate how the big changes in prices are effecting pigproduction. My calculations show how much there will be left for interests and amortisation. I?ve chosen not to calculate the costs of buildings. The condition from the beginning is a production of pork with 10.000 pigs per year. Instead of buying piglets, I?ve calculated on breeding them and for that purpose I will need 440 sows. I?ve investigated the working hours and given examples of how to decries these. My conclusion is that with the prices we have to day, pork production is a hard business..

Att mäta eller inte mäta : en studie om fo?rha?llandet mellan prestationsma?tning och kulturell styrning i mer eller mindre osa?kra omgivningar

Det finns i management control-litteraturen en efterfra?gan pa? studier som tar ett helhetsperspektiv pa? styrsystem (Management Control Systems, MCS) och som fo?rklarar hur dessa system bidrar till effektivitet hos organisationer. Utifra?n ett contingency-synsa?tt underso?ker vi i denna studie hur kulturell styrning och prestationsma?tning som delar av MCS, tillsammans med den kontextuella variabeln osa?kerhet i omgivningen, pa?verkar hur effektiva organisationer a?r. Vi antar en systemansats och o?nskar studera relationen mellan fler variabler, och da?rfo?r tilla?mpas en klusteranalys da?r datamaterialet delas in i grupper med liknande karakta?ristika.

Vilken effekt har self-efficacy, självkänsla, känsla av sammanhang, locus of control på studenters upplevda stressnivå?

Forskning har visat att self-efficacy, självkänsla, KASAM och locus of control alla har en effekt på graden av upplevd stress. Dock inte alla tillsammans, vilket denna studie avsåg att undersöka samt deras inbördes relationer och vilken variabel som predicerar stress bäst. Högskolestudenter (n = 65) svarade på varsin enkät. Resultatet visade att alla variablerna hade signifikant negativ korrelation med upplevd stress. Ju högre nivå på variablerna desto mindre stressade var studenterna.

Riksantikvarieämbetet - Identifieringen av balanserat styrkort i en offentlig verksamhet: Hur kan processen vid skapandet av Riksantikvarieämbetets balanserade styrkort påverka dess vidare användning som styrmodell?

The Swedish National Heritage Board (RAÄ) is the agency of the Swedish government responsible for heritage and historic environment issues. During the last couple of years the agency has implemented a new management control system, the balanced scorecard, originally developed for profit driven organizations. Organizations within the public sector have other objectives than profit seeking organizations, and there have been difficulties in applying the balanced scorecard model in the public sector. Therefore we find it interesting to examine the reasons behind these difficulties and believe that some answers can be found in the identification process of the balanced scorecard. Therefore we aim to perform a case study of RAÄ and explain how the identification process of the components of their balanced scorecard can affect further usage of the model as a management control tool.

"Tyst för fan" En studie om Jantelagens existens och kontroll

AbstractAre we always aware of our actions and the affect they have on our environment? With this study we are exploring a phenomenon, called Jantelagen, which have affected the Swedish society for a long time. It is a phenomenon that where brought to life officially in the 1930?s by an author called Aksel Sandemose. We want to know if Jantelagen still exist in the society or if it has faded to the degree that it is no longer in use.

Koma som konst

In my work as speech and language pathologist I often meet people emerging from coma andtheir experiences intrigue me. Coma is an eluding human condition that offers a challenge formodern science and our view on body and mind. In my Master project in Creative Writing Iwanted to try to enter this zone that is so hard for a clinician to reach: the personal experienceof being in a coma. By writing HUSK MIDAS I have tried to create a realistic fiction based onresearch on coma state and real-life stories of people waking up from coma.In my exploration of the coma state I found that lucid dreaming is common apart fromdreaming, many patients experience sensory inputs like sound and touch which aremisinterpreted and woven into dreams and creating a feeling of confusion and fear.Coma is a frequent theme in literature and film but is often depicted unrealistically andmisleadingly. A few works like Artur Lundkvist?s Journeys in Dream and Imagination andthe film The Descendents by Alexander Payne show a more reality based fiction.

Vaddå ekonomisk utsatt? : Tankar om ekonomisk utsatthet bland barnfamiljer med utländsk bakgrund i Växjö kommun

AbstractThis thesis is centered on the economic condition and background of immigrants living in Sweden, with focus on Araby, Växjö. To guide us through this enormous work we formulated research questions, which are:Why have foreigners (immigrants) a greater risk of becoming economic vulnerable? How does economic vulnerability effect families with children?What strategies do families adopt under hard economic conditions? What strategies does the society adopt in assisting families, by economic aid, that are economic vulnerable?  Our sample was from a school where we administered an open ended questionnaire to selected students and we also had a comprehensive interview session with ten families in the community so as to have a complete picture of their living condition and how they think people are economically vulnerable.We concentrated on the causes, consequences and strategies of how economic vulnerability is handled by immigrants in Sweden. In our analysis we found out, though our respondents? answers, that the causes of economic vulnerable are background, language, priorities et cetera.

Dokumentation av en experimentell biogasanläggning

This thesis is   focused on identifying and documenting all   electrical equipment, such as devices, power lines / cables, and connectors in the facility and also on presenting a brief   technical description and information of the systems around the reactors.   Furthermore there will be a brief description of LabVIEW - which is a   graphical programming language- and which devices / elements   are programmed. For further notification, I am not   responsible for the programming of the devices in LabVIEW   which I have only used as a tool in my work. The plant   for production of biogas consists of four reactors   of which the third reactor (Lakbädden)   is connected to another reactor (UASB)   where they cooperate with each other.   The reactors are used for producing   biogas in the form of methane gas.The reactors I and II are   connected to, various electrical devices as, flow meters, temperature   sensors, frequency converter and   more.

Samband mellan, Locus of Control, chefens tillgänglighet för arbetstagaren, arbetstrivsel och uppmuntrande från chefen

Denna undersökning belyste sambanden mellan arbetstrivsel i relation till Locus of Control, chefens tillgänglighet för arbetstagaren och uppmuntran från chefen. Tidigare undersökningar har visat att det finns en positiv korrelation mellan intern Locus of Control och arbetstrivsel. Forskning har även visat att det finns samband mellan olika typer av ledarskap och arbetstrivsel men lite forskning är gjord för att undersöka vilket samband det finns mellan chefens tillgänglighet för arbetstagaren och arbetstrivseln. Av de 47 personer som deltog i undersökningen var alla kvinnor, vilka alla arbetade inom Vård och Omsorg men på två olika arbetsplatser där på den ena arbetsplatsen hade kontinuitet bland chefer och på den andra hade de varit olika chefer under samma period. Studien visade att det finns ett signifikant samband mellan arbetstrivsel och chefens tillgänglighet, LOC, och uppmuntrande ledarskap, däremot fanns det inte någon signifikant skillnad i arbetstrivseln mellan de båda arbetsplatserna.

Samspel mellan amerikansk blomtrips, Frankliniella occidentalis,och kruk-gerbera, Gerbera jamesonii :

Gerbera jamesonii is a plant with a large amount of pollen and various flower colours and a favourite host plant for Frankliniella occidentalis. The best growing temperature for gerbera is approximately 20°C. Frankliniella occidentalis or the Western Flower Thrips is a small insect that has become an important pest in greenhouse cultivation all over the world. The high temperatures in the greenhouse are favourable for F. occidentalis.

Olika typer av täckning och samodling och dess påverkan på antalet skadegörare i en Pak choi odling :

The purpose of this report is to examine the possibilities to decrease the number of insects and other pathogens in a crop of pak choi (Brassica rapa), grown with different types of cover and living mulches. Included in the report is a study of literature where amongst others, a summary on the vegetable pak choi and theories of living mulches and different kind of covers are to be found. To examine the amount of predators in the field, traps were used. During the autumn 2002 the tests were conducted in Alnarp. The pak choi and the living mulches were planted/sawn at the same time, the different covers were also applied at this time. The total experiment was divided into six different treatments (plus control) of which three were with covers and three were with living mulches. Once a week the number of leaves, the height and damages were read on ten of the plants from each parcel.

Betydelse av självkänsla och locus of control för mobiltelefonanvändning

Mobiltelefoni och SMS (textmeddelanden) är ett intresseområde på frammarsch. Avsikten med studien var att undersöka om personlighetsegenskaper som självkänsla och locus of control har någon inverkan på vilket sätt människor använder sina mobiltelefoner. Tidigare studier har indikerat att de som föredrar textmeddelanden har lägre självkänsla än de som föredrar röstkommunikation. Ett internetbaserat frågeformulär användes för att undersöka mobiltelefonanvändningen hos studenter vid en högskola i södra Sverige, och då speciellt undersöka tal/text preferensen i relation till ålder, kön och personliga egenskaper. Överlag visade gruppen av studenter (n= 116) en preferens mot att tala (M = 4.5 med text och tala som ytterligheter på en femgradig skala).

Upplevelse av stress : Biståndshandläggares upplevelser i två kommuner i Mellansverige

This study deals with one of the most discussed work environmental issues in the modern society of Sweden today - work related stress, its causes and how stress can affect people in their working situation. Our study is based on a questionnaire among aid handling officers in two municipalities of the middle of Sweden, and two interviews with their directors. We found that aid handling officers has a complex occupational role. We also found that the officers in these two municipalities experiences about the same level of stress.Further in the study, we will deal with whatever could be the cause of the stressful situation, using the demand/control model of Karasek and Theorell. The result shows that despite the similarity of the stress experience, the cause was shown to be different.

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