

439 Uppsatser om Concentration - Sida 20 av 30

Google digitaliserar bibliotekssamlingar En analys av hur biblioteksvärlden reagerar på Google Book Search

The wide spread of the Internet and new information technologies in recent years has come to effect how libraries manage and disseminate information. Search engines like Google are widely used by people who often find the information retrieval systems of libraries to be too complicated. In 2004 Google announced plans to digitise five major library collections. Organisations representing the publishing industry and authors have since then filed lawsuits against Google claiming that Googles scanning of library books infringe the rights holders copyright. Due to Googles potential impact on libraries this thesis aims to examine how Googles digitisation project, Google Book Search, has been received in the library community.

Ledinflammationer på häst och intraartikulär behandling med hyaluronsyra : en pilotstudie på hyaluronsyra X

Traumatic arthritis is a common cause of lameness in horses. One of different treatment alternatives of arthritis, is intra-articular injection with hyaluronan. As knowledge about pathophysiology of arthritis and function of hyaluronan is increasing, understanding grows about the mechanism of hyaluronan action in joints. Hyaluronan has, in addition to effects on viscosity, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Extensive research and scientific studies have been made on exogenous hyaluronan.

Evaluation of ELISA and rapid test for the analysis of fecal Calprotectin

ABSTRACTBackground Calprotectin is a protein found in the cytoplasm of neutrophile granulocytes. In the course of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), calprotectin is released during chronic inflammation in the gut. Activation of neutrophils during the inflammation is followed by activation and secretion of pro-inflammatory molecules such as calprotectin. Calprotectin is stable in stool up to 7 days and can therefore be used as a non-invasive marker for diagnosis, treatment and measurement of the disease activity in patients with IBD. The most common method for analysis of calprotectin Concentration is ELISA.

Ut ur Östersjön genom vassen : beskrivning av övergödningsproblematiken samt optimering av en reningsmetod genom skörd av vattenväxter

This study is based on AgroSeas business idea from environmental problems to valuable resource, with the objective to optimize a method to purify the already eutrophicated Baltic Sea by harvesting water plants, mainly reed. The nutrients will then be recirculated to arable land through residues from biogas production. The amount of nutrients that can be removed by harvesting the biomass depends on the amounts of biomass and the nutrient content of it, which in turn is strongly dependent on the nutrient Concentration of the surrounding water. Vegetation suggested in the study for an effective nutrient uptake is helophytes: reed, cattails, reed canary grass, reed sweet grass in shallower water and lemnoideaes: duckweed and nymphaeids in the deeper parts. Competitive species has high purification ability but requires regular maintenance to avoid channeling and overgrowth. Regarding time and method of harvest, effectiveness may be improved by: harvesting plants above the water level and after flowering, a border is kept, harvesting twice a season, a bigger machine and a regular maintenance. This literature has illuminated a major environmental problem and it has been suggested optimizations for a method for cleaning the Baltic Sea through harvesting water plants, but to get a definite answer for the optimal method for each site tests should be carried out, this because many factors determine to what is suitable for each, specific environment. .

Motivation : En studie om behov, mål och motivationsfaktorer

Title: A study about needs, goals and motivational factorsCourse/Subject: Business Administration Concentration Leadership, 15 hpAuthors: Ulrika HerolfTutor: Anders BillströmKeywords: Needs, Goals, Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivational FactorsBackground and problem Motivation is a large subject and in my investigation on the matter I found that needs, goals, intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors frequently occurred. By that I got interested in research if any of these four key terms was more central for an individual?s motivation within a working team or if all four was as equally central.Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate which motivational factors that is important to an individual?s motivation. I will do this by investigate the terms needs, goals, intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors. I want to investigate this by interviewing a number of employees within a working team, including a manager.  My hope is that my thesis will interest managers in working teams, future managers and co-workers that want to learn more about motivation.Problem statement: What factors are important to individual motivation in a working team?   Methodology: I conducted a qualitative study where I gathered data from five persons.

The significance of oxytocin in canine mammary tumours

Oxytocin is a hormone which plays a crucial role in many reproductive and behavioural functions. It affects many organs and the classical peripheral targets are the mammary glands during lactation and uterus during labour. Oxytocin receptors have recently been described in a variety of normal tissues and primary cell cultures, but also in neoplastic tissues and established neoplastic cell lines, as breast cancer cell lines. The signalling pathways and biological effects of the oxytocin/oxytocin receptor system seem to depend on species, type of tissue, physiological versus neoplastic state and receptor location within the cell membrane.The aim of this project was to find out if the cell proliferation in the canine mammary carcinoma cell line CMT-U27 was affected upon stimulation of oxytocin, and to investigate the presence of oxytocin receptors in these cells. The cell proliferation was examined by using an ELISA-kit, where the absorbance measured is relative to the amount of living cells.

Danmarksplass : förslag till ett stadsrum

Danmarksplass is situated just outside the centre of the city of Bergen on the Norwegian west coast. It was built in the 1930´s as a result of an architecture competition won by the prominent Norwegian architect Ole Landmark. Danmarksplass was originally meant to function as a local square, but its location next to Fjösangerveien, a road that caters for most of the through traffic in the Bergen valley today and is part of one of the main European roads, E39, would prove it difficult for that idea to prevail. Along with the ever increasing car traffic, Danmarksplass has more and more become a very busy traffic junction. Nowadays the car is the sole ruler of Danmarksplass.

 Rullstolshandtag som möjliggör ögonkontakt ? ett produktutvecklingsprojekt

?Dementia is an umbrella term for several symptoms of impaired brain function. The person's behavior is affected when mental functions such as memory, attention, Concentration and language are affected and the dementia patient can have difficulties to interpret sensory input. Communication is based a lot on body language. It is therefore important for the caregiver to seek eye contact with the patient in order to simplify communication and it can be of great help to show with the whole body what they mean and be able to point out things.

Hur klär man ett moln i svenska byxor? : En komparativ analys av svenska översättningar av Vladimir Majakovskijs poesi

Abstract of How to dress a cloud in trousers? ? A comparative analysis of Swedish translations of Vladimir Majakovskij?s poetryIn this essay I present a comparative analysis of Swedish translations of Vladimir Majakovskij?s poems ??????? ? ??????? and ??? ???? ??????.[1]My ambition is to analyze and understand methods of translation and reasons of devices in transforming Majakovskij?s poetry into a Swedish language and context. On the basis of my theoretic perspectives (which contain fundamental problems of translation, the development of the subject ?translation? and English translations of Russian texts) I methodically execute a parallel reading of the original poems, literature concerning Majakovskij as a poet and selected, biographic literature with a Concentration on the works of the Swedish translator and scientist Bengt Jangfeldt.[2]The chapters of my analysis was formed during my methodic reading of theoretic and biographic literature and creates a frame for my results: the analyze of three different kinds of transforming the Russian rhymes into Swedish, the way of translators actualizing and making poems more understandable by placing it in a different context by changing names/national clichés, the effect of using hard or vulgarized language and the inevitable transformation from Russian to Swedish when translators are showing underlying meanings in the strophes by using more poetic language, a discussion of errors in translation, implicit difficulties in Russian use of certain words and the ideology of Majakovskij?s poetry and the Swedish publication/relationship to the authorship.[1]?A cloud in trousers? and ?At the top of my voice?[2]An interview with a Russian-speaking reader is also executed for another perspective of the Russian language.

Svenska preferensaktier: Ett eget kapital- eller skuldinstrument?

On Nasdaq OMX Nordic Stockholm there has been a large increase in issues of preferred stocks since the financial crisis 2008. Aiming to explain whether preferred stocks have most of their characteristics relating to debt or equity, we answer four sub questions. Do all preferred stocks share the same features, or do they differ from each other? Our population is similar in characteristics, except for the preferred stock of Swedbank which is convertible and deviates when it comes to participation in dividends - instead of convertible the others are limited and redeemable. Further, the second sub question treats preferred stock in relation to the common stock quantitatively, in market data.

Läkemedlet Oxazepam påverkar abborryngel : Exponering under embryonalutvecklingen ger effekter på tillväxt, överlevnad och beteende

Pharmaceuticals are environmental pollutants that are a major threat to aquatic ecosystems and very little is known about their ecological consequences. In this study growth, survival and behaviour (sociability, activity and boldness) of perch fry (Perca fluviatilis) were examined in order to study the possible effects of exposure to a benzodiazepine anxiolytic drug, Oxazepam, during embryonic development. The study tested following hypotheses: (1) perch growth is affected positively by exposure during embryonic development; (2) early perch survival is affected positively by exposure during embryonic development; and (3) boldness and activity increases while sociability decreases in perch fry exposed during embryonic development. Embryos of naturally spawned perch were exposed to water with two different Concentrations of Oxazepam. The embryos were exposed during different parts (24-hour periods) of the embryonic development, because embryos may be more vulnerable at certain times during embryonic development and/or because the exposure at different times can produce different effects.

Kväveomsättning i gräsmark med olika artantal och artsammansättningar :

This study was carried out at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Dept. of Agricultural Research for Northern Sweden. The aim of the study was to determine how plant species richness and diversity influence the nitrogen pools and nitrogen fluxes in the soil. Plant and soil samples from a biodiversity experiment in grasslands were used. Thirty plots with 12 grassland plant species (legumes, grasses, and non-legume herbs), combined from 1-12 species were investigated.

Djupströbädd -bra för miljö och djur?

Deep litter is a system for animals kept in separate stalls, loafing and bedding in wind shelters. The litter can consist of different bedding, like straw and peat. The system is allowed to build over and to ensure optimal proportions it is necessary to add new straw regularly and to have good conditions. Important conditions are aerobic state, humidity, amount of organic substance and acceptable temperatures in the litter. The micro organisms are depending on temperature for their living conditions and to get the bottom layer in the litter to start burning.

Butorfanol till get : farmakokinetik efter subkutan injektion

Today there are no analgesic drugs approved to be used in goats. Drugs approved for use in other species are consequently being used without knowing the pharmacokinetics of these drugs in goats. The purpose of this study was to investigate the pharmacokinetics of the opioid butorphanol when given subcutaneously in goats. Subcutaneous administration might extend the half-life compared to intravenous or intramuscular administration. Eight clinically healthy, non-pregnant 6 months old female goats were used.

Statusbedömning och förbättringsförslag för startkedjemaskineri, startkedja och linspel för stränggjutningsmaskin

The main goal with the master thesis has been to do a status evaluation of the chain machinery with its start chain and wire to secure the production on a short basis due to that a reconstruction is not planned at this time. An evaluation of the condition of the start chain and the rollers in the chain depository has been done. An offer has been requested for a new start chain and the evaluation of the start chains may be a basis for the decision taking. The production has been able to go on, although it has arisen some problems which have been difficult to find the causes for. There is no gathered ?picture? of the machinery status and a mapping of each machinery has been compiled of comprehensive logs.

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