

1870 Uppsatser om Computer trust - Sida 36 av 125

Standardisering av förpackningar på HABO AB

This thesis project has been written and accomplished in cooperation with HABO AB. The objective of the project was to develop a standard stated packaging system. The background to this is that HABO is not pleased with the system currently in use. The system which HABO is currently using consists of to many sizes. The largest benefit of a standard stated system is that it becomes much easier to organize the packaging with the aid of a computer program.

Analysis of Intent Specification and SystemUpgrade Traceability

The impact of computer programs in safety-critical systems has increased in the past decades and computer-based systems can now be found in a wide range of applications. A new approach for developing dependable systems is documenting all design rationale that affects safety using Intent Specifications. A recent approach for developing complex systems efficiently and in an upgradeable manner is Component-Based System Engineering. In this thesis, these approaches are combined in the development and upgrade of a Remote Robot Control Unit by using the tool SpecTRM. The case study showed that Intent Specifications and CBSE could successfully be combined.

Kommunicera rätt! - En studie om kommunikation mellan systemutvecklare med kundkontakt och kund

Titel: Kommunicera rätt! ? En studie om kommunikation mellan systemutvecklare med kundkontakt och kund. Författare: Peter Johansson Oskar Hanson Handledare: Johanna Törnquist Examinator: Guohua Bai Problemområde: Anledningen till detta examensarbete är att problem som kan uppstå vid systemutvecklingsprojekt vanligtvis har sin grund i kommunikationen mellan systemutvecklare med kundkontakt och dess kunder. Exempelvis hör en systemutvecklingsgrupp och ett bageri till två vitt skilda yrkesområden och därmed pratar de ?olika språk?, vidare kan det skapas semantiskt brus i kommunikationskanalen som i slutändan kan leda till en felaktig kravspecifikation och de verkliga förändringsbehoven förblir oupptäckta. Hypotes: Examensarbetet baseras på hypotesen: ?Semantiskt brus[1] i kommunikationskanalen[2], otillräcklig negativ feedback[3] från sändare[4] och mottagare[5] och svårighet att hitta rätt nivå på samtalet med hjälp av kodning[6] och avkodning[7] ger upphov till en felaktig bild av kundens verkliga förändringsbehov[8] .? Slutsats: Alla delar ur Shannons kommunikationsmodell tillsammans med cybernetikens negativa feedback påverkar resultatet vid framtagande av kravspecifikation. Delar som både teori och respondenter tar upp är att som konsult måste denne ?kunna tala kundens språk?, hitta rätt nivå på samtalet, ge och ta negativ feedback samt undvika semantiskt brus i kommunikationskanalen.

Energibolagens framtida datainsamling

The Swedish energy companies have several different systems for data collection of the energy consumption of their clients. Often computerized remote meter readers are put in practice in order to register the energy consumption of large companies. The majority of household clients, however, are read off by the assistance of manual methods. Household power consumption is read off once a year. As a result, these clients are not debited for their actual consumption; their invoices during the year are the result of estimations. At times when the electricity supply system is highly loaded, electricity is more expensive.

Analys och förbättring av en mätenhet för laddning av elfordon

Reducing the CO2-pollution, resulting from the combustion of fossil coal for energyproduction, is important to affect environmental changes. One way to achieve a reductionis to use the oxy-fuel technology. The technology uses O2 and re-circulated flue gasduring the combustion which results in a flue gas mainly consisting of CO2. The flue gascould then be compressed and stored without environmental effects. A problem thatfollows from the compression is the risk of acidification in sensitive parts of the process.Acidification can occur because of reactions following from the contact of condensedwater and sulphur- and nitrogen-oxides which are also present in the flue gas.This report compiles and evaluates the basis of a scientific unit with the purpose ofexploring the possibilities of extracting impurities of SOx and NOx from the flue gases.The dimensions of the unit are based on basic conditions, defined for an existing oxy-fuelprocess at Chalmers, and on the results of computer modelling.

Design av styrsystem till rotationsstol och utveckling av numerisk modell av otolitmembran

This master thesis is made of two parts. The first part concerns the method and results ofdesigning a motion control system for a piece of research-equipment called BIRGIT. Theequipment is made to be used for research on eyemovements. In the second part, a computermodel of a part of the balance organ in the inner-ear is developed. The work has been done atthe Bernadotte laboratory at S:t Erik Eye Hospital.The equipment the control system is made for is a so-called rotationchair.

Forensisk hårddiskkloning och undersökning av hårddiskskrivskydd

Detta examensarbete reder ut arbetsprinciperna för olika typer av hårddiskskrivskydd; hårdvaruskrivskydd, mjukvaruskrivskydd, hybridskrivskydd och bygelskrivskydd. Slutsatsen av utredningen är att endast hårdvaruskrivskydd Detta examensarbete reder ut arbetsprinciperna för olika typer av hårddiskskrivskydd; hårdvaruskrivskydd, mjukvaruskrivskydd, hybridskrivskydd och bygelskrivskydd. Slutsatsen av utredningen är att endast hårdvaruskrivskydd bedöms ha tillräckligt pålitliga skyddsprinciper, vilket motiveras av dess oberoende från både hårdvara och operativsystem. Vidare undersöks hårdvaruskrivskyddet Image MASSter(TM) Drive Lock från Intelligent Computer Solutions (ICS). Några egentliga slutsatser gick inte dra av kretskonstruktionen, bortsett från att den är uppbyggd kring en FPGA (Xilinx Spartan-II, XC2S15) med tillhörande PROM (XC17S15APC).

Komplement, konkurrent eller verktyg : Aktörsperspektiv på datoranvändning på en förskola

Syftet med studien är att undersöka och belysa synsätt på datoranvändandet som pedagogiskt verktyg i förskolan ur pedagog-, barn-, föräldra- samt skolledarperspektiv, det vill säga ur olika aktörers perspektiv. Forskning om datoranvändande i förskolan är marginell, varför ambitionen med studien är att i någon mån bidra till kunskap inom området. Ljung-Djärfs avhandling Spelet runt datorn - datoranvändande som meningsskapande praktik i förskolan har använts som inspirationskälla då delar av hennes resultat har legat till grund för våra frågeställningar: Vilken syn har aktörerna på datorn som ett pedagogiskt verktyg i relation till andra förekommande aktiviteter? Hur ser aktörerna på datorns tillgänglighet som val i förskolans verksamhet? Hur uppfattar aktörerna datorns relevans som pedagogiskt verktyg i förskolans verksamhet? Studien har en kvalitativ ansats i form av en fallstudie och har genomförts på en förskola i Mellansverige med hjälp av intervjuer, enkäter samt observationer. Resultatet pekar på tre synsätt på datoranvändandet som pedagogiskt verktyg i förskolan ? en kompletterande aktivitet, en konkurrerande valmöjlighet och ett verktyg i lärande.

Med minskad komplexitet får ett system ökad användbarhet Fallstudie av användbarhet i ett affärssystem

One of our reasons is that we think the subject usability is interesting, is that we think it is an important. Usability is maybe the most important element when you develop or choose a system because it can save money for the companies and give the users a more delightful and better work environment. The aim of the investigation is to find out if the implementation of a web portal is a direction to reach higher usability in a complex system that consists of several different interacting applications. The objective of our investigation is to show if the implementation of a web portal is a direction to reach higher usability in a complex system that consists of several different interacting applications. In our case we will try to see if Karlshamns AB:s recently implemented web portal is more useful than their previous application (Movex with interacting programs) One thought with the report is to give the system developers a perspective of how the usability can be in-house made applications versus standard applications. Also companies that not have any computer- or department for development and which are thinking of get hold of, change, replace or complement their system and applications, may have some interest in our thesis. We have used a qualitative investigation method in our study to answer our hypothesis.

Ansökan om körkortstillstånd via Internet

Länsstyrelsen i Stockholms län hade en projektidé som gick ut på att det skulle skapas en Internetbaserad ansökan för körkortstillstånd med behörighet B, inklusive hälsodeklaration. Även en optiker skulle kunna fylla i ett synundersökningsformulär via webben. Dessa skulle sedan knytas ihop för behandling av den Länsstyrelse där den sökande bor. Alla personer som skall använda tjänsten måste inneha ett personligt medborgarcertifikat som används för elektronisk signering av ansökan. Optikern behöver ett företagscertifikat för att identifiera sig. Vi utvecklade två interaktiva användargränssnitt samt ett gränssnitt där administratören kunde hantera all data som inkommit.


I love contrasts and meetings between people. Situations where individual differences are highlighted, affected and shaped by each other.In this project I have been working with five characters: the aggressive one, the frightened one, the social one, the reserved one and the proud one. By analyzing the characters I have tried to understand how they are able to meet and agree with each other. The goal has been to create a place where this can happen, but which is also adapted for each respective character.The project is based on a field study I did in the summer of 2013, when I lived in a masai village in the northern part of Tanzania. Nescar is the name of a masai women I got to know, is means The one that you can trust.

Programmeringsstruktur med dyslektiskt tänkande

During the period of this project I have programed a web site in php4, and also built the database in MySQL. The purpose with the projekt is to create a common web site for the various activities in the different churches located in the area of Örnsköldsvik. In my project I have chosen to try to find a structure of programming that fits my needs as a dyslexic. In the essay you can find a more thorough description of my procedure and the structure that I have chosen to use. .

Samhällsmoral genom lag? : En sociologisk studie av de viktigaste argumenten för en svensk civilkuragelag

A tragic event in 2012 sparked a debate about the need for a law of civil courage when it became clearthat passivity in situations where people ?s lives are put in danger is not punishable. In this essay based on qualitative interviews with jurists and students of law the issue of civil courage is analyzed with the help of sociological theory. My objective has been to try and find out if a law of civil courage can be motivated with the argument that it would strengthen the public moral. My conclusion is that a law of moral courage is not a suitable way of making people more willing to help others or to strengthen the civil courage or the public moral.

Vetenskapsteoretiska och metodologiska perspektiv på tidsgeografiska visualiseringsmodeller. -En fallstudie i samhällsvetenskaplig visualisering

In the history of scientific visualization techniques there is a lack of social science practices and methodologies. The advent of modern computer graphics brought the use of visualizations into a whole new era, but even though the tools by which such modern visualizations are created become easier to access and use, the lack of social science researchers harvesting the benefits of such tools still remain. This ease of use, increase in power and accessibility plus the ever growing need within the natural sciences to augment the human senses has further complicated the relationship between scientific methodologies, validity, reliability and the use of visualization techniques. This relationship must be explored, demystified and understood in order to fully grasp the impact of visualization practices when incorporated into any given scientific method. Within the social sciences there is one example of a tradition that has since its conception carried within it a graphical notion and a visualization practice.

Relationer och projekt : En studie av det mellanmänskliga i det rationella

Projects are often spoken of in the terms of rational systems. However, some researchers point out the relevance of viewing projects as sets of relationships. Little is published about what aspects of relationships that are important for the managing of projects. We have argued for the necessity of such research. With previous research, our case study and interviews we indentified communication, responsibility, cooperation, togetherness and trust as important relational aspects in projects.The overall perceived success for projects in this case, was increased with the adoption of new agile methods.

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