

1870 Uppsatser om Computer trust - Sida 10 av 125

Synt och sånt : Datorbaserat musikskapande på folkbibliotek, en studie i förutsättningar och praktik

Recent papers and bills from the Swedish Government deal with the possibilities  of giving all Swedish citizens the possibility of their own creative actlvities in the cultural sector. This work is about where such actlvities shall be placed in order to make them obtainable  for all. As an example of creative work this work takes computer-based music-making. At the public library in Odense, Denmark there is a weil functioning sound workshop where the public gets the opportunity of making music with some assistance from the staff. This work shows  that also in Sweden  the public libraries are the most suitable  institutions  for placing studies for computer-based music-making  for the public depending  on the public libraries'  traditions in adult education.

Dimensionering av betongplatta på lös undergrund. En jämförelse mellan tre beräkningsprogram

Today more effective computer programs are in use, regarding design of geotechnicalconstructions. There is a risk that the theoretical background of the computerprograms, its limitations and the signification of the choice of soil parameter isforgotten when the computer programs become more user-friendly.This Master thesis deals with simulation and analysis regarding three computerprograms, FEM-design, with the addition Raft, Plaxis and BE-slab. Comparisons aremade for settlement and maximum moment in a concrete-plate. FEM-design is a threedimensional FEM-program, foremost created for design engineers. Plaxis is a twodimensional FEM-program, intended for geotechnical engineers while BE-Slab is aBoundary elements program in two dimensions that is mainly used by designengineers.

DATORSTÖD FÖR ARBETE - KONSEKVENSER FÖR VAL AV AFFÄRSSYSTEM En studie av en service- och supportavdelning

This report is focusing on problems with introducing standard enterprise resource planning systems (ERP) in businesses. A study has been carried out on a service and support department at a Swedish heat metering company, SVM North Node. The study aims to help the company become a better customer in choice and customization of a new ERP system. We make a description of the department studied and the work carried out there, on the basis of learning, knowledge and cooperation. As a final point we present some ideas on how computer systems could support their work, hoping that this will result in them making adequate demands on a new ERP system.

"Det är ju här allting händer liksom" : En intervjustudie om killars och tjejers syn på skolan?

AbstractThis examination project studies two groups of students, who are in the last year of the mandatory school attendance in Sweden (15 years old and in school year nine), their views and thoughts about the Swedish school. The purpose of this study is to examine how the students in the study thinks about the role that the Swedish school have, and should have in the society, and how, and if the fostering mission that the Swedish school have, has any implication on the student?s opinions. I have also studied if the student?s trusts the Swedish school.I have made my study on interviews with two groups of students, one with four boys and one with four girls.

Fyra barns erfarenheter via interaktion - ett nedslag i tiden

The purpose of my study is to examine how children through interaction are recognized and understood by other children and teachers at the preschool for one hour in the afternoon. This study gives voice to what young children in preschool do after snack. The overall purpose of this study is to find out what young children's experiences will be in preschool through interaction. The purpose of my research is to gain knowledge about how the time and opportunity for interaction exists between children 1;7-2;5 years, and educators as well as other children, and how this interaction appears during afternoon activities in the preschool.My research questions are:1) What experiences do children get in terms of their development of identity for one hour in the afternoon? 2) How does the interaction that the youngest children are involved in during the afternoon appear? And how long time does every occasion last? The study is based on the interactionist perspective and systems theory.

Digitaliserade möjligheter för skolan : En studie av två spels pedagogiska potential för historieundervisning i grundskolan

This essay examines computer and video games and their capacity of being useful in teaching sessions. Focus is being put at a possible pedagogical potential and how it is being expressed in games mechanics. To get answers on these subjects? studies by Professor James Paul Gee and Jesse Schell is used together in creating a model for analysis. With this model together with a narrative analysis this essay hopes to give clarifications on if a pedagogical potential is present and if so, how it is being expressed.Studies in this paper shows that a pedagogical potential is overall present in used material.

Förtroende i ansvarsfördelade organisationer : En kvalitativ fallstudie hur aktörer skapar och bibehåller förtroende

Titel: En kvalitativ fallstudie hur aktörer skapar och bibehåller förtroende i organisationer med fördelat ansvar Nivå: Kandidatuppsats Författare: Jens Bergvik och Hanna Eriksson Handledare: Stig Sörling och Tomas Källquist Datum: 2015 ? januari Syfte: Enligt tidigare forskning är förtroende grunden för många av organisationens resultat och basen i fungerade relationer och samarbeten. Sambandet mellan förtroende och den ansvarsfördelade organisationen är identifierad men saknar praktisk forskning, då en ansvarsfördelad organisation kräver samarbete beroende på att många har befogenhet till ansvar och beslutsmakt. Syftet med denna studie är därmed att ge en ökad förståelse för hur aktörer skapar och bibehåller förtroende samt att belysa förtroendets roll i ansvarsfördelade organisationer. Metod: Studien har utgått från ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv och fenomenet som studerats ses vara av socialkonstruktivistisk art. Med hjälp av deduktion har teori och empiri arbetats fram där grunden för studien har varit i form av en fallstudie som antar ett kvalitativt angreppssätt genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultat & slutsats: Studien tyder på att förtroende är svårt att beskriva då det uppfattas som en abstrakt fenomen och därav avsaknaden av konkreta verktyg.

Ansiktlösa parasiter : En studie av institutionernas passiva ägande

Introduction: Increased savings in funds has enforced the importance of the institutions. During the last 25 years they have augmented their ownership from 20 to 85 % of the Swedish stock exchange. Thereby the ownership becomes more and more financial, meaning that the return is the most crucial. In an article in Dagens Nyheter the president of the Swedish Shareholders Association and the president of Metall object to the institutional passivity which they consider being an important problem. Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to put the institutional passivity in perspective.

Industriellt byggande – en nulägesrapport

Today more effective computer programs are in use, regarding design of geotechnicalconstructions. There is a risk that the theoretical background of the computerprograms, its limitations and the signification of the choice of soil parameter isforgotten when the computer programs become more user-friendly.This Master thesis deals with simulation and analysis regarding three computerprograms, FEM-design, with the addition Raft, Plaxis and BE-slab. Comparisons aremade for settlement and maximum moment in a concrete-plate. FEM-design is a threedimensional FEM-program, foremost created for design engineers. Plaxis is a twodimensional FEM-program, intended for geotechnical engineers while BE-Slab is aBoundary elements program in two dimensions that is mainly used by designengineers.

Behovstyrd ventilation Ugglumsskolans gymnastikhall

Today more effective computer programs are in use, regarding design of geotechnicalconstructions. There is a risk that the theoretical background of the computerprograms, its limitations and the signification of the choice of soil parameter isforgotten when the computer programs become more user-friendly.This Master thesis deals with simulation and analysis regarding three computerprograms, FEM-design, with the addition Raft, Plaxis and BE-slab. Comparisons aremade for settlement and maximum moment in a concrete-plate. FEM-design is a threedimensional FEM-program, foremost created for design engineers. Plaxis is a twodimensional FEM-program, intended for geotechnical engineers while BE-Slab is aBoundary elements program in two dimensions that is mainly used by designengineers.

Jämförelse av livscykelkostnad för värmeproduktionssystem i flerbostadshusområde

Today more effective computer programs are in use, regarding design of geotechnicalconstructions. There is a risk that the theoretical background of the computerprograms, its limitations and the signification of the choice of soil parameter isforgotten when the computer programs become more user-friendly.This Master thesis deals with simulation and analysis regarding three computerprograms, FEM-design, with the addition Raft, Plaxis and BE-slab. Comparisons aremade for settlement and maximum moment in a concrete-plate. FEM-design is a threedimensional FEM-program, foremost created for design engineers. Plaxis is a twodimensional FEM-program, intended for geotechnical engineers while BE-Slab is aBoundary elements program in two dimensions that is mainly used by designengineers.

Ett medlevarskap det är något alltså, något alltså jättespeciellt : - En studie om hur ett behandlingshem kan påverka anknytningsmönster

Author: Maria Gustafsson and Sofie IngströmTitle: ?Ett medlevarskap det är något alltså, något alltså jättespeciellt? - En studie om hur ett behandlingshem kan påverka anknytningsmönster.Keywords: relationships, attachment, home of treatment for youth, youth, significant others, trust.In our essay we had an aim to see how Hassela, Gotland affected the youths who lived there. We wanted to know if they had a secure or insecure attachment to their parents and if the attachment was affected after a time at Hassela. We were interested in what kind of attachment figures they had before they came to Hassela, Gotland and how they looked at themselves and others before they came there and if that had been changed.We used a qualitative method and we did ten interviews with youths who had been at Hassela, Gotland eight months or longer. We based our analysis on the attachment theory.

Känner du igen dig? : Hur intervjupersoner tycker att de framställs i Barometerns porträttintervjuer samt hur deras förtroende för lokaljournalister ser ut

The purpose of this study was to investigate how the interviewed people feel about being described in portrait interviews and how exactly it matches with their own image of the interview. The main issues were: Do they recognize themselves in the published article? If they don?t, what do they think it depends on? If they had the opportunity to read the article text before publishing, to what extent were they allowed to make changes to the text? Do the interviewees trust the local papers? This report involves a qualitative study on portrait interviews from the local newspaper Barometern. The articles were selected between June and November this year. The criteria for the selection of articles were that it was to deal with a single person and there be one photograph of this person in the article as well.

Fiberarmerade betongkonstruktioner – Analys av sprickavstånd och sprickbredd

Today more effective computer programs are in use, regarding design of geotechnicalconstructions. There is a risk that the theoretical background of the computerprograms, its limitations and the signification of the choice of soil parameter isforgotten when the computer programs become more user-friendly.This Master thesis deals with simulation and analysis regarding three computerprograms, FEM-design, with the addition Raft, Plaxis and BE-slab. Comparisons aremade for settlement and maximum moment in a concrete-plate. FEM-design is a threedimensional FEM-program, foremost created for design engineers. Plaxis is a twodimensional FEM-program, intended for geotechnical engineers while BE-Slab is aBoundary elements program in two dimensions that is mainly used by designengineers.

Energieffektiva småhus - en studie av ett fristående enfamiljshus

Today more effective computer programs are in use, regarding design of geotechnicalconstructions. There is a risk that the theoretical background of the computerprograms, its limitations and the signification of the choice of soil parameter isforgotten when the computer programs become more user-friendly.This Master thesis deals with simulation and analysis regarding three computerprograms, FEM-design, with the addition Raft, Plaxis and BE-slab. Comparisons aremade for settlement and maximum moment in a concrete-plate. FEM-design is a threedimensional FEM-program, foremost created for design engineers. Plaxis is a twodimensional FEM-program, intended for geotechnical engineers while BE-Slab is aBoundary elements program in two dimensions that is mainly used by designengineers.

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