

2287 Uppsatser om Computer Network Attack - Sida 3 av 153

Strategisk bombning i cyberspace

Why has some cyber-attacks been more successful than others? There has been in the near past examples of cyber-attacks used with different purposes. How do we understand these chosen targets and what result the attack accomplished?Research has discussed similarities between aviation warfare and cyber warfare, and how the first could explain what is happening in cyber warfare now. There is also opposing opinions whether cyber warfare should be seen as a method to alone force a will on your opponent or if cyber warfare should mere be supporting other military means.

"Att bygga broar över murar" : en studie av ett kvinnligt ekumeniskt nätverk

The purpose of this master`s thesis is to examine how the contemporary changes in society display itself in the network Ecumenical Forum of European Christian Women EFECW and to increase the understanding of networks. My main questions are: What does the networks structure look like? What does the networks relationships look like? How is identity created in the network and what types of identities is created? The objectives are reached by using two methods, qualitative inquiries and document analysis. The inquiries were carried out to nine members in the network of different countries. The theoretical framework of the thesis is Manuel Castells theories of the network society, and the study is also placed in context by a presentation of previous research on the field.

Överbelastningsattacker genom öppna reläer

Detta arbete behandlar en specifik typ av överbelastningsattack som blir allt mer populär. Dessa attacker utförs genom öppna reläer med syftet att få ut en avsevärt mycket högre effekt än den som annars är uppnåbar. Granskning av attacker utförda genom tjänsterna DNS och NTP har utförts med syftet att ge en klar bild av hur allvarligt hotet är och även klargöra hur en systemadministratör kan säkra tjänsterna för att skydda både sina egna och andras resurser. Resultaten av undersökningar visar att en attack utförd genom en DNS-tjänst ger under optimala förhållanden en amplifikationsfaktor av "102.4" och en attack genom en NTP-tjänst ger under optimala förhållanden en amplifikationsfaktor av "229.16". Resultaten visar även att problemet kan lösas helt eller delvis genom att begränsa tillåtna nätverk eller stänga av rekursion i DNS och kommandon i NTP..

PATTERN ATTACK : Mönster, reklam och egna uttryck i det offentliga rummet

Under mina tre år på Konstfack har jag arbetat fram en värld av ickefigurativa mönster. I mitt examensarbete låter jag mönstren röra sig bortom skolans väggar och ut i det offentliga rummet. Genom att titta på hur reklamen idag tar plats i staden, på gator, väggar, tidningar och i kollektivtrafiken har jag hittat en för mig ny exponeringsyta.Mitt arbete består av två delar:I min processbeskrivning utforskar jag ickefigurativa mönsterbilders värde och roll i både konstnärliga och vetenskapliga sammanhang. Jag har också studerat hur reklamen tar plats i vårt offentliga rum. I mitt praktiska konstnärliga arbete har jag använt dessa teoretiska kunskaper tillsammans med en grupp tillvägagångssätt som jag gett samlingsnamnet PATTERN ATTACK.I mitt konstnärliga arbete presenterar jag hur olika PATTERN ATTACKs kan gå tillväga. .

En undersökning i datasäkerhet för hemanvändare : Är det nödvändigt att använda brandvägg?

The emphasize of this study is to evaluate security issues for home users having a personal computer connected to the Internet. It focus on the usage of advantages and disadvantages when using a firewall while connected to the Internet. The hypothesis is that it gives a better protection to install and use a firewall compared not to do so, due to security flaws in the operating system. The prediction was tested on a home user's personal computer. The testwork was divided into two major tests, each of them performed with, respectively without, a firewall.

Stuxnet-attacken mot Iran : Strukturell realism i informationsrevolutionens tidsålder

This study aims to explain the Stuxnet-attack against Iran in 2009-2010 by using the IR-theory of structural realism. By doing so the theory also faces the challenge of the impact of the information revolution on security and international relations. The structural realism that is at hand is that of Kenneth Waltz and his Theory of International Politics from 1979.The study reaches the conclusion that Waltzs focus on the structure of the international system and the distribution of capabilities applies well to the case of Stuxnet as a cyber attack. The creators of the sophisticated Stuxnet, USA and Israel, also indicates that when it comes to this certain aspect of the information revolution and IR, states seem to still be the main actor. Finally the character of one of the major features of the Stuxnet-attack; the internet, is shown to have an anarchic structure that fits well as an extension of the realist view of the international system..

The Co-Creative Network

The purpose of this thesis is to explore the co-creation process and how value is created based on a service orientation using a network perspective. The thesis is studied from a social-constructionist philosophy, using a qualitative approach of data collection and the theoretical framework includes network theories, theories of service-orientation and co-creation. We have conducted semi-structured interviews with a small firm and its network, which consists of a customer, a supplier and a partner. We found that Håkansson?s ARA framework combined with Ballantyne and Varey?s triangulation of value-creating activities help to acquire an understanding of the actors? bonds, the resources? ties and the activity links that exist in a network.

Säkerhet och integritet i närfältskommunikation

Context. In today?s society we use smart cards in many areas, NFC is a smart card technology that allows contactless interaction between a reader and the tag, the tag is often in the form of a card. NFC can be used for various payment methods or as access card to a building which makes life easier. In previous studies, the technique has proven to be weak to attacks using an NFC reader connected to a computer.

Sårbarhetsanalys av ett infrastrukturnätverk - Användning av nätverksteorier för sårbarhetsanalys av komplexa nätverk

The aim of this report is to examine the possibilities to use network theories to perform vulnerability analysis on complex networks. The scoop of this work is also to improve the possibilities to chart, analyze and present the vulnerability in a power grid. In this report it has been, using power outage statistics, possible to verify, that network theories can be used to evaluate the vulnerability of an infrastructure network. However further studies to establish values on how vulnerable a network is are needed..

Beredning av lokalnät i landsbygd

In this thesis a rural network in Norrbotten, Sweden, has been to designed and planned with the purpose of improving distribution reliability by exchanging existing overhead lines with underground cables. General network design considerations are discussed as well as the ones for the specific low voltage grid. During the design phase the maximum power of domestic consumers has been estimated using Velander?s method. Currents, voltage drop and impedance of the network have been calculated and fuse operation and selectivity has been considered.

Utvärdering av den upplevda användbarheten hos CySeMoL och EAAT med hjälp av ramverk för ändamålet och ISO/IEC 25010:2011

This report describes a study aimed at uncovering flaws and finding potential improvements from when the modelling tool EAAT is used in conjunction with the modelling language CySeMoL. The study was performed by developing a framework and applying it on CySeMoL and EAAT in real life context networks.The framework was developed in order to increase the number of flaws uncovered as well as gather potential improvements to both EAAT and CySeMoL. The basis of the framework is a modified version of the Quality in use model from ISO/IEC 25010:2011 standard. Upon the characteristics and sub characteristics of this modified model different values for measuring usability where attached. The purpose of these values is to measure usability from the perspectives of both creating and interpreting models.

Dataspelsarvet - klassiker och kanonisering

This master thesis deals with computer game classics and a possible computer game canon. It looks closer at four computer game genres - adventure, RPG, action and strategy - in order to discern which games are considered classics and what characterizes them. To answer the first question a quantitative research method was used. 675 computer game reviews from 5 Internetsites were examined in order to see which games are mentioned most often in this context and therefore might be considered classics. To answer the second question a qualitative research method was used.

Finanskrisens påverkan på Stockholmsbörsens volatilitet : En jämförande studie

The network with its virtual business structure challenge the established vertical business structure. Part of the network theory that has developed focuses on relationships that forms B2Bnetworks. One way to create a B2B-network is for independent businesses to form a organization promoting co-operation. For co-operation to be successful it requires well thought-out actions, but a lack of how these actions are implemented have been noticed. This study explores how encouragement of co-operation can be done practically.

Kartläggning av nätförlusternas storlek inom Mälarenergis elnät

Energy losses are an essential part of a power grid company?s costs. From anenvironmental and economic perspective, it is important to reduce these costs. Toknow where efforts should be deployed, it is important to have good knowledge ofwhere in the network losses are situated. When creating network tariffs, there is alsonecessary to have a correct distribution such that the network customers that use acertain part of the network, only pays for the network losses in this area.

Samarbete i nätverk : En studie om hur främjande av samarbete realiseras i ett orkestrerande affärsnätverk

The network with its virtual business structure challenge the established vertical business structure. Part of the network theory that has developed focuses on relationships that forms B2Bnetworks. One way to create a B2B-network is for independent businesses to form a organization promoting co-operation. For co-operation to be successful it requires well thought-out actions, but a lack of how these actions are implemented have been noticed. This study explores how encouragement of co-operation can be done practically.

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