

2287 Uppsatser om Computer Network Attack - Sida 14 av 153

Datormedierad kommunikation upprätthåller kontakten : IT som stöd för internationella studenter och soldater i utlandstjänst vid geografisk distansering

It has become more popular to work abroad and companies have become more global than they used to. A big reason for this is due to globalization and the progress done within the field of technology. Because of this aloofness that occurs, a gap between the expatriates? personal life and his or her working life develops. The cases focused on in this paper includes people who are distanced from their private lives at least a few consecutive months but are all aiming to get back when they are done with their individual errands.

Access to the market - a question of collaboration?

When contemplating entering an alliance the rationale behind the decision should differdepending on the size of the companies involved as well as on other important factors. The importantfactors influencing the decision are related to the resource pooling potential of the alliance,the power structure along with the business network the companies are a part of. Theanalysis has shown proof of a need for cooperation if one wish to succeed in the telecommunicationindustry and it has also determined which resources that are deemed to be most important toget in touch with, for our study object, to facilitate its access to the market. Those resources aredefined as a direct channel to the customer, funds/capital and the access to relevant businessnetworks. To get in touch with these lacking resources, three alternative approaches has beenproposed; all of them involving a strategic alliance decision.

Är den tryckta bokens död författarens bröd? : En studie i hur förlagens och författarnas relationer förändras till följd av introduktionen av e-boken.

The name of the thesis is?Istheprintedbook?sdeaththeauthorsbread??Astudyinhowthepublishinghouses?andtheauthors?relationshipschangeduetotheintroductionofthee--?book?Thee--?book,whichisadigitalcopyoftheprintedbook,hasbeenonthemarketforovertwodecades.However,itisnotuntilnowthatchangesarehappeningwithintheindustry,whichaffectsthedifferentactors.Amazonhasforexamplelaunchedane--?readerbythenameKindleonthemarketandApplehaslaunchedasurfpadbythenameiPad,bothwhichyouareabletoreade--?bookson.Thetechnologicalchangesthatarehappeningaffecttheactorswithinthebookindustryaswellasthestructureoftheindustry.Theresearchquestionofthisthesisis?owdothepublishinghouses?andtheauthors?relationshipswithinthebookindustrychangeduetotheintroductionofthee--?book??Actor--?networktheoryisusedtoinvestigatethis.Thetheoryincludesbothhumanandnon--?humanactors,whichtogethercancreateanetwork.Theactorswithinthenetworkconnectthemselvestoeachotherandtherebyformthenetwork.Thepurposeofthisthesisistocreateanunderstandingforhowactorsandtheirrelationshipswithinanestablishedindustrystructureareaffectedbydigitalisation.Toachievethis,semi--?structuredinterviewswereconductedwithpublishinghousesandauthors.Theboomofthee--?bookinlargepartdependsuponthetechnicaldevelopmentthathasoccurredandwhichhasintroducedsmartphones,e--?readers,surfpadsetceteraonthemarket.Moreactorswillariseinthebookindustryduetothedigitalisation,whichinturnwillaffecttheexistingrelationshipsofthepublishinghousesandtheauthors.Thepublishinghouseswillkeeptheirroleinthenetworksasakeyplayer,butcomeintocontactwithmoreactors.Theauthorsaregiventhechancetoself--?publishtheirbooksase--?books,whichmakethemcomeintocontactwithmoreactorsaswell.Asmoreactorsarise,thestructurewithintheindustrybecomesrelaxed.Hence,thepublishinghousesneedtoenrolthenewactorsinorderforthemtokeeptheirpositioninthenetwork..

Maktstrukturer i svenskt näringsliv: En social nätverkstudie av delade styrelseledamöter i Sverige 1985 och 2005

This paper examines the interpersonal and intercorporate networks of interlocking boardmembers among Sweden's 50 largest publicly traded companies in 1985 and 2005. We find that both the interpersonal and intercorporate networks of 1985 are considerably more coherent and densely connected than those of 2005. The observed changes in social network structure are compared to changes in company ownership in Swedish publicly traded companies during the same period, and it is found that the observed changes in network density and cohesion can be related to a notable increase in the number of foreign board members. These results imply that the social organization of the Swedish system of corporate governance has changed notably during the period. Social network theory suggests that these changes can explain the greater demand for external regulation, decreased homogeneity of board members and increase in board member compensation observed under the period.

Spelet om spelet : En diskursanalys av hur porträtteringen av dator-och tv-spel har förändrats från 1994 till 2014 i dags- och kvällspress

Computer and videogames has increased rapidly over the past few decades and today a majority of the Swedish population enjoys them on a daily basis. When there are many users, it becomes important how the media chooses to portray the medium because it can affect how the society judges and looks at computer- and videogames.The purpose of this essay is to look at how the portrayal of computer- and videogames has changed in Swedish Newspapers during the period 1994-2014. How the player is being portrayed is also relevant. The method was the discourse analysis founded by Laclau andMouffe and the material was chosen from the two biggest newspapers in Sweden, Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet. Theories that were used in the analysis were mainly framing, cultural studies, moral panics and theories based on gender.The result shows that there has been different kinds of portrayals of computer- and videogames from the beginning, though it was mostly negative in 1994 and 2004.

Utvecklande AI - En studie i hur man skapar ett system för lärande AI

AI är något som blir allt viktigare inom dagens spel och får allt högre krav på att agera mänskligt och intelligent. Detta kandidatarbete undersöker vilken metod som är att föredra för att skapa en AI som kan lära sig av sina tidigare erfarenheter. Några av de metoder som undersöks är trädstrukturer, Artificial Neural Network och GoCap. Genom att skapa en applikation med en av metoderna samt göra en undersökning på hur AI:n i applikationen upplevdes fick vi resultat om denna metod var användbar. Utifrån detta diskuteras det ifall andra metoder hade varit mer effektiva, hur man hade kunnat förbättra AI:n samt hur framtiden för spel-AI skulle kunna se ut..

Kartläggning och utvärdering av informationssäkerhet i en kommun

Informationssäkerhet har idag en viktig roll inom organisationer. Det finns undersökningar som visar på att attacker ökar för varje år. För säkerhetskritiska organisationer som kommuner är det därför viktigt att man har uppdaterad säkerhetsteknik, då man lätt kan falla efter i det snabbt utvecklande ämnet informationsteknik. Uppgiften som gavs av Nexus AB var att kartlägga och utvärdera en kommuns informationssäkerhet. De ville få reda på hur det egentligen låg till med informationssäkerheten i en Stockholmskommun.

peer2peer - hur dyrt är gratis?

Detta arbete behandlar de tilläggsprogram som, på senaste tid, börjat spridas med bland annat peer2peerverktyg. Dessa tilläggsprogram, som brukar benämnas spyware alternativt adware, misstänks för att samla in personlig information, så som e-mailadresser och lösenord. Det föreligger en risk att informationen sedan säljs vidare eller används för att exempelvis rikta reklam....

Computer Modelling of the Influence of Surface Topography on Water Repellency and a Study on Hydrophobic Paper Surfaces with Partly Controlled Roughness

A computer model based on minimization of the free energy, capable to predict contact angles and spreading transitions between Wenzel and Cassie mode for drops placed on surfaces with different topography were implemented in matlab. Simulations were compared with experiments documented in the literature. These showed that reported transitions between Cassie and Wenzel mode can be explained by minimization of the free energy. In this report, a study on the possibility of constructing water repellent paper surfaces with a combination of treatment with octadecyltrichlorosilane and topography changes, is included..

Network interdiction

Network Interdiction-problem innehåller två mot varandra stående styrkor, en användare och en angripare, somär inbegripna i en krigsliknande konflikt. Användaren använder ett nätverk för att optimera en funktion, t.ex.att förflytta en underhållskonvoj så snabbt som möjligt, eller maximera mängden materiel som transporterasgenom nätverket. Det innebär att användaren vill använda den kortaste eller snabbaste vägen vid transporter,och han vill maximera flödet genom nätverket. Nätverket kan t.ex. vara ett vägnät, kraftförsörjningsnät eller ettdatornätverk.

Strömmande video i trådlösa mesh nätverk : Streaming video in wireless mesh networks

This document?s content is the final report of the master´s dissertation Magnus Hällström did during springtime of year 2013. The dissertation?s subject is 802.11s wireless mesh networks with streaming video as a focus point.  During the dissertation a wireless mesh network was set up with different attached cameras for streaming video. A sun panel solution was also tested with the goal of creating a package with a self-configuring network node streaming video, powered by nothing but solar energy. .

Opera i Stockholm, Årstafältet

Informationssäkerhet har idag en viktig roll inom organisationer. Det finns undersökningar som visar på att attacker ökar för varje år. För säkerhetskritiska organisationer som kommuner är det därför viktigt att man har uppdaterad säkerhetsteknik, då man lätt kan falla efter i det snabbt utvecklande ämnet informationsteknik. Uppgiften som gavs av Nexus AB var att kartlägga och utvärdera en kommuns informationssäkerhet. De ville få reda på hur det egentligen låg till med informationssäkerheten i en Stockholmskommun.

Att skriva utan penna : En studie av datorns betydelse för skrivande på gymnasienivå

The purpose of this study is to investigate how important computers are for text production in upper secondary school level, and to find out what attitudes some students have towards computers in writing classes. I have let 44 students in the Swedish gymnasium course Swedish B write an argumentative essay. Half of the group wrote using paper and pencil, and the other half used computers. The essays were graded, and the language and length of the texts were analyzed. The students also filled in a questionnaire with questions on computer aided writing classes.The results showed that the texts that were written with computers contained a significant larger amount of words and fewer spelling mistakes.

Implementation av ett interface till Emotiv Epoc

The eld of Brain-computer interfaces (BCI) concerns linking together an external device with the brain of a human or an animal. By doing this the conventional use of a mouse or keyboard can be circumvented, which can greatly benefit people with different types of diseases that cause paralysis or other loss of motor control, such as Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). A BCI can also be used for cognitive training of either healthy or mentally impaired subjects to increase cognitive capabilities.In this thesis an implementation of an interface is made against such a device, the Emotiv EPOC Headset. The result is meant to be a stable basis for further study using the device. An in-depth study of the history of EEG and its current use in clinical work and research in the topics of BCI as well as Human-computer interaction (HCI) is presented.

SDN : Software defined networks

This report is a specialization in Software defined networking. SDN really comes to revolutionize the industry and it?s under constant development. But is the technology ready to be launched into operation yet? The report would initially involve a number of problems that today's network technology is facing.

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