

11282 Uppsatser om Composite material - Sida 39 av 753

Organisatoriskt lärande genom medarbetare : En studie om hur möjligheter till lärande för medarbetare skapar förutsättningar för organisatoriskt lärande

The purpose of the study is to analyze what conditions the specific company provides employees to enable organizational learning. To clarify the framing of the study a few quastions has been specified to narrow the issu. The questions that has been used are: what opportunities does the company creat to enable organizational learning and how does the emplyees contribute to organizational learning.In the search of knowledge to the previously questions this study becames a qualitative study with an ethnographic approach based on observations and interviews. This method gives the knowledge that makes us understand the actions that takes place in the oraganization and the shared image the oraganization provides. An understanding for the employees and the organization has been achived after compiling the empirical material from observation notes and transcripts from the interviewsIn the work whit the analysis the empirical material based on transcripts and observation notes has been the main material.

Den fria leken i förskolan : med fokus på pedagogers roll vid lek

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur pedagoger agerar under den fria leken. Med denna studie vill vi se hur dessa ger barnen utrymme och material för att den fria leken ska skapas och utvecklas. Studien har baserats på intervjuer och observationer på två förskoleavdelningar på en förskola i mellersta Sverige. Resultatet som framkom efter bearbetningen av det insamlade materialet var att pedagoger ofta använder sig av en lekledarroll eller närgranskarroll för att ta sig in i leken. Resultatet visade även att barns lek behöver en vuxen som kan närvara och stödja både leken och lekens deltagare.

Fingerräkning : Lärarerns roll och betydelse för att ge elever en god taluppfattning

 AbstractThe aim of this essay is to look into how teachers view pupils who use finger arithmeticduring mathematic classes. How do these teachers help them to move on with their learning,what information and problem-solving material do they use?I made qualitative interviews with grade two- and grade three teachers, in three schools.The interviews showed that the teachers find it difficult to adopt a suitable attitude towardsfinger arithmetic. In addition, lack of time for planning and lack of knowledge about variousexperimental methods caused further predicaments. The teachers were aware that arithmeticexperimental material was attainable at the schools, but time to learn about it and how to useit was lacking.

Förskolebarns uttryck för matematik i leken : Handling, ord, symboler och bilder

Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka vilken matematik förskolebarn uttrycker i leken samt vilket material som används när matematik uttrycks.         Frågeställningarna är vilken matematik förskolebarn uttrycker i den fria leken inomhus och vilket material förskolebarn använder när de uttrycker matematik. Arbetet är en kvalitativ studie och metoden som använts är observationer av barns lek inomhus på förskolan. Resultatet utgår från fem av Alan Bishops sex matematiska aktiviteter; räkna, lokalisera, mäta, konstruera och leka. Dessa fem aktiviteter är kopplade till förskolans läroplan.

Design och konstruktion av mätuppställning för induktiv mätning av magnetisk spinndynamik

Development in spin dynamic occurs in the whole world because of therising demands on fast electronic storage for example hard drivesand RAM (Random Access Memory). Measuring the spin resonance of amaterial gives you the insight of the theoretical speed for amagnetic memory. This means the maximum storage speed is below thefirst resonance. All magnetic materials have different propertiesthat will inflict the resonance frequency which brings that theconstructors of memories need to know which magnetic material theywill use to obtain best results. In the market for normal users themaximum storage speed in a RAM memory is 1.6 GHz.

Flygets framtid : Från problem till möjligheter

The purpose of this essay is to investigate the airline industry and its part in the mobile community. Further on, to investigate the factors that throughout history are having an impact on the airline industry and have lead to the condition of today. Through this information we are outlining the future of the airline industry.This essay has been written in a qualitative approach. The empirical gathering has been made through interviews based on open discussions between the interviewers and respondents. We started out with creating a theoretical pre-understanding and continued by comparing how well these theories matched the reality.The gathering of the theoretical material was chosen on the basis how well it matches the subject of our essay.

Att vara kompetent: en studie om förskollärares upplevelser
av förskolebarns möjligheter att vara kompetenta i sitt

Syftet var att beskriva och förstå hur förskollärare upplever att de i bildskapande aktivite-ter möjliggör för barnen att vara kompetenta. Vi har använt oss av kvalitativa intervjuer som vi genomfört med fem verksamma förskollärare som alla arbetar med barn inom ål-dersgruppen ett till tre år. Studiens resultat visade att de intervjuade förskollärarna be-skriver olika sätt att arbeta på för att skapa möjligheter för barnen i deras bildskapande aktiviteter och att de därmed arbetar utifrån olika sätt att se på barn. Detta, i sin tur, leder till att de förhåller sig på olika sätt till barnen, från att se dem bara som ?små? till att se barnen som kompetenta individer.

Möjligheter och användningsområden för träfiberbaserade material : En materialstudie av plast och träfiber samt utveckling av ett förpackningskoncept med formfrihet

Studien behandlar ämnen som material och utveckling inom plast, kompositer samt träfiberbaserade material som pappersmassa. Förutom materialen bearbetas även produktionsmetoder och miljöaspekter för dessa material. Syftet med undersökningen är att hitta ett material som kan konkurrera med plastegenskaper, och därefter utveckla en produkt i det aktuella materialet.Materialstudien visar att bio-kompositer och träfibermaterial inte alltid är miljömässigt bättre än plast. Ska en långlivad produkt tillverkas, är plast ofta ett bättre materialval ur miljösynpunkt än kortlivade träfibermaterial, detta utifrån ett livscykelperspektiv av produkt och användning. Nya träfibermaterial som Durapulp, producerat av Södra, är mer lämpliga för produkter som behöver klara högre påfrestningar men under en kortare livstid, detta på grund av materialets inre nedbrytningsförmåga.Materialstudiens resultat exemplifieras genom att utveckla en produkt i materialet Durapulp.

Ryssen Kommer : Synen på det ryska hotet i svensk landsortspress, från 1858 - 1898.

With this essay, I want to examine the image of Russians in the Swedish rural press during the second half of the 19th century, how rusophobia appeared in Swedish rural press and how the image of Russians changed during this time. To find this out, I set these questions:  ? How was Russians and Russia portrayed in the Swedish rural press? ? Did the view of Russians change during this time?The essay is written so that I have interpreted my empirical material to do a discourse analysis in which I analyse different articles that have been written about Russia and Russians in a stereotypical way. The source material used in the thesis comes from 41 news articles; the bulk of the source material comes from newspapers that were published during the late 19th century.Rural press reporting on Russia and Russians were in the second half of the 19th century mostly negative. Of the 41 articles that were examined it was found that about half were negative, less than one-sixth were positive, while about a third were neutral.The reason that many of the articles were negative has to do with Sweden's shared history with Russia, with many wars and territorial losses.

Silikonprodukter för vardagsbruk

The aim of this thesis is to practice the theoretical methods that are concerned during the product development process of two new products. The theoretical concepts that embody the two products are created out of a product specification which is given by a commissioner with a private interest. The primary tasks of the design of the concepts are aimed on the products shape, which is to be created as a flexible structure by using silicon rubber as material.The storage box is a further development of the already known food storage box, or lunch box, which is common used in consumer kitchens. The main idea is to design a flexible product by using silicone rubber. It will able the storage box to be compressed when it is not used, be storage friendly and not consume more space than necessary in a storage compartment.

Grafisk profilering med praktisk tillämpning på Rookiefestivalen

This degree project includes both a theoretic component and a practical component within the graphicprofiling domain. Literature on graphic design has been studied for the theoretical part and the achievedknowledge has been used for the practical part. The project has been to produce graphic materialfor ?Rookiefestivalen? in Hultsfred.In modern society it is important for a corporation to distinguish itself from others by using a graphicprofile. Through using a graphic profile the company can have an affect on how it is perceived byothers.

Lärobokens roll för undervisningen i engelska

The purpose of this study is to investigate and describe the role of course books for teaching English to children at intermediate level of primary school in Sweden. The essay is based on a descriptive, qualitative method and interviews have been conducted with seven teachers in different schools, teaching English in year 4, 5 and 6.The result of the study shows that course books have considerably influence on the teaching of English in the schools who took part in this investigation. The participating teachers use a course book as main teaching material and almost everybody follows the traditional routine working with Textbook and complementary tasks in Workbook every week. They base their lessons on course books and use alternative teaching material mainly for fun activities, speaking practice and individualization. Even though all teachers rank speaking and listening as most important for new learners, it is reading which has the largest impact on their teaching.


Considering that the current technology is constantly improving, it becomes increasingly important to have an efficient logistics in a company to maintain profitability while achieving a competitive business. Efficient logistics may be accomplished by improving the internal materials handling. In this thesis the internal material handling of steel frames has been studied at a factory in Vaggeryd. The goal of this study is to investigate the problems that exist with the current production flow of products and provide suggestions on how it can be developed to reduce unnecessary handling and movement.The study has a deductive approach where the authors has been using literature studies parallel with empirical analyzes conducted at a company to achieve the purpose of the study. Documentation from the company and interviews with staff and observations form the basis for the data collection carried out.

Skalbaggar som nedbrytare i naturens ekosystem : Ett pedagogiskt material för Evolutionsmuseet

Denna rapport är en del i ett självständigt arbete där en pedagogisk produkt utformats för Evolutionsmuseet i Uppsala och är även en del i projektet ?Kulturarvet som högskolepedagogisk resurs vid Uppsala universitet?. Produkten kommer att ingå i Evolutionsmuseets utställning Svensk fauna och behandlar skalbaggar som nedbrytare på markytan i naturen. Produkten består av ett informationsblad skrivet som en berättelse och ett tittskåp. För att undersöka behovet av samt utvärdera vår produkt har vi använt oss av semi-strukturerad intervju och deltagande observation som metod.

Boendemiljo? i nationens skyltfo?nster : Internationell orientering i Svenska institutets material om stadsbyggnad 1945-1976

This thesis scrutinises the material on post World War II Swedish architecture produced by the Swedish Public diplomacy organisation "Svenska institutet" ("The Swedish Institute") during the period of 1945 through 1976. The outset is the dilemma encountered by every such organisation: how can the projected narrative of the own nation relate to as many countries as possible, without becoming too general? And how can the organisation address specific countries, without excluding others?By employing a two-sided model of interpreting the material, where it on the one hand is interpreted from the universal properties projected on the narrated architecture, and on the other hand from the particular ideological notions related to the same, the thesis suggests that the Swedish Institute continously relates the architecture to a West-European and American context by consistently connecting its universal properties to particular ideological notions orientated towards the West.The results underline the malleability in regard to ideological notions connected to modernist architecture. Earlier research in the Swedish context has focussed on how modernist architecture in Sweden, under the local tag "funktionalism", was established in regard to a Swedish audience as a particular Swedish architecture by relating it to a alleged continuos Swedish tradition, as well as to notions of a a progressive welfare state. By studying a similar material, though aimed towards a foreign audience, the thesis suggests that these allegations constitue an elucidatory example of how national and ideological narratives can form within the framework of technological-ideological dynamics of modernist architecture.

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