

2168 Uppsatser om Complex leadership - Sida 29 av 145

Genus : En studie inriktad på lärarnas medvetenhet med avseende på genus i ämnet idrott och hälsa.

The aim ofthis study was to examine how economic growth affects the level of democracy inauthoritarian states. Some of these states have experienced high economicgrowth. However, one can discuss how it affects the country?s democratization-process.For that reason this study was needed to contribute to a clarification of howeconomic growth can affect authoritarian rule and democratization. This wasdone through an examination of the development in China.

Vad är ledarskap? -Studenters uppfattning

Ledarskap finns på flera platser i samhället och kan se ut på olika sätt. Det är något som alla känner till eller har kommit i kontakt med på ett eller annat sätt. Likt ord som lycka eller kärlek är ledarskap subjektivt och öppet för tolkning. Vissa hävdar att ledarskap är en medfödd förmåga medan andra menar att det är en förmåga som kan tränas upp. Ledarskapets speciella karaktär med sin skiftande betydelse och utseende fick oss att skriva det här arbetet.

Processchemaläggare för mångkärniga processorer ? Fördelning av minnesbelastning i NUMA-system

For systems with multicore processors contention for shared resources is a problem that occurs when several memory-intensive processes are executed in parallel within the same memory domain. This contention has a direct influence on the performance of the system and is a complex problem that has been recognized for a long time. An attractive and actively studied way to minimize this problem is by using a process scheduler adapted to allocate processor cores in a way such that contention for shared resources is minimized.With the introduction of multicore NUMA-systems (Non-Uniform Memory Access) the situation has become even more complex. In these systems the access time for processor cores to different memory domains vary depending on factors such as distance and load. Thus, the process scheduler also has to consider where the memory of each process is placed to minimize the distance and balance the load on each memory domain.This report presents a user-level process scheduler for a NUMA-system based on the multicore processor Tilera TILEPro64.

Ledares uppfattningar av ledarskap. : En kvalitativ studie av motivation, beteende och reglering.

Background: Knatteskutt is one of the largest organizations in children's sports. Operations are located in approximately 150 cities / areas and have both sports and dance focus. The children are aged 3-7 years and may try several sports activities or dance styles during the semester, focusing on play and motor skills. All who are leaders at Knatteskutt has undergone Swedish Sports Promotion of Child Leaders Training. There are also regional managers around Sweden is as a sounding board for leaders and as an extended arm between the office and the leaders.

Franskt ledarskap i företag i Sverige : En kulturkrock?

The most recent couple of years the boundaries of the world have been erased and we have come to live in a more global environment. It has been even more evident since the European Union has got a more prominent role in the society. It appears as obvious for most of us that we live in a changeable time and that a new, global perspective has been developed. Companies have to focus on the effect globalization and differences in culture have, to be competitive in the market today. Because of that business managers more often can come to work in other countries than their country of origin, it becomes interesting whether these managers adapt their management style or if they continue to work the same way as they did in their native country.This thesis aims to investigate if business managers with a foreign background bring along their national culture when managing a company in Sweden.

Effektiv ekonomistyrning inom den offentliga sjukvården : en studie av Habiliterings- och rehabiliteringskliniken på Blekingesjukhuset

The purpose with our study is to investigate in which way a public field of action has succeeded to make the economic management more effective and also find out which factors/activities that have contributed to get the result of the budget in balance. We also want to find out in which degree the balanced scorecard (BSC) has contributed to the positive result of the budget. Method: We had started out from the qualitative method theory which is based on the hermeneutic theory, because we will interpret and understand. With this starting point we have chosen to use a case study with semi-standardised interviews supplemented with information from different documents, and to get the theoretic connection we have studied literature in the subject field. The analyse and even the theoretic connection have then started from, for this study, a special analyse model.

Två nyladdade batterier och en morotskaka : - Konsten att motivera sig själv som chef

When we started this study we quickly saw that almost all the previous research that we find was focused and concentrated on the fact that the employees should be motivated. The research also presents a top-down perspective which means from the head to the employee. A Swedish newspaper wrote in an article that 1/3 of all Swedish heads can?t motivate their employers. A Swedish internet platform discusses this and says that heads need to be motivated to be able to motivate people around himself.

Ledarintelligens hos chefer och ledare i näringslivet med fokus på själslig intelligens

Syftet med denna tvärsnittsstudie var att undersöka, det som i studien benämns, själslig intelligens, hos chefer och ledare i näringslivet samt att validera instrument för vad som i studien benämns ledarintelligens med fokus på själslig intelligens. Studien utvärderade den själsliga intelligensen hos chefer och ledare samt om det var någon nivåskillnad på den själsliga intelligensen hos kvinnor och män. I studien användes en enkät där deltagarna fick svara på påståenden kring själslig, emotionell och rationell intelligens. Studien validerade två skalor för själslig intelligens utifrån ett kanadensiskt instrument, SISRI (The Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory), en skala för själslig intelligens, (SQ), som ingick i ett svenskt instrument, LIQ (Leadership Intelligence Questionnaire), samt en ny skala för själslig intelligens, NySQ. Det var 90 chefer och ledare i Västra Götalands näringsliv, 37 kvinnor och 53 män som besvarade enkäten, medelåldern var 47 år.

Vad har Modernisering för effekter på den Auktoritära staten? : En studie om den ekonomiska tillväxtens betydelse för demokratisering i Kina

The aim ofthis study was to examine how economic growth affects the level of democracy inauthoritarian states. Some of these states have experienced high economicgrowth. However, one can discuss how it affects the country?s democratization-process.For that reason this study was needed to contribute to a clarification of howeconomic growth can affect authoritarian rule and democratization. This wasdone through an examination of the development in China.

Tågtrafikledare i praktiken : Informationshantering och systemanvändning vid Gävle driftledningscentral

In Sweden whenever trains or maintenance workers want access to the railway system, their requests of usage and movements are being supervised, granted and handled by train dispatchers. The profession holds a key role in making the complex railway system work in terms of efficiency, safety and delivering on-time arrivals. This master thesis, delegated by the Swedish Transport Administration, has been carried out at the Division of Human Computer Interaction at Uppsala University and at the train traffic control center in Gävle. The aim has been to map what information the train dispatchers use in order to make safety-related decisions concerning their working goals. And further to describe and analyze how the train dispatchers, visavi their tools and systems in the work domain, gather necessary information.The result indicates a complex, diverse and spread out setting of different programs, procedures and tools that make satisfactory fulfilment of efficiency, safety and punctuality in relation to the time table hard.

?Equalis kvalitetssäkrar kommunikationen : En kvalitativ studie av chefers och anställdas syn på den interna organisationskommunikationen

AbstractTitle: Equalis quality assures the communication. A qualitative study of superiors and co-workers view on the internal communication.Number of pages: 39 (42 including enclosures)Author: Ia AppelbergTutor: Else NygrenCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Autumn term 2010University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose: Superiors and co-workers view on the internal communication is studied with the purpose to identify whether their opinions correspond with one another, and what differences and similarities there might be.Method: This study is based on qualitative interviews with superiors and co-workers, and complements with the use of observations.Main results: The results indicate that superiors and co-workers agree on several aspects of the communication, such as the fact that the organizational communication is disorderly and lack clear rules and guidelines. Superiors believe that the organization has a corresponding view on the internal communication, while co-workers are convinced this is not the case. This despite the fact that the results in the end show that both groups overall have very similar opinions on several of the elements in question. Another mutual opinion is that both groups wish to receive more information about current events and such.

Inkluderande undervisning

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka likheter och skillnader i undervisningen som finns mellan en grundsärskoleklass och en grundskoleklass. Undersökningens metod är strukturerade observationer genomförda av två observatörer i en grundskoleklass och i en särskoleklass på samma skola. Olika aspekter av undervisningen observerades, av vilka några kan anses utgöra förutsättningar för en inkluderande undervisning. Dessa är: samarbete mellan pedagoger i undervisningen, ledarskapsmodeller, cooperativt lärande (samarbetsinlärning), dynamisk pedagogik samt samarbete mellan pedagoger i problemlösande undervisning. Resultatet visar på likhet mellan de båda skolformerna beträffande användandet av en organismisk modell med ett demokratiskt ledarskap, där grundsärskolans pedagoger endast använder det aningen mer frekvent än grundskolans pedagoger.

Var finns hjälpen? : om komplex traumatisering och traumabehandling.

Det finns ett klart samband mellan komplex traumatisering och psykisk och fysik ohälsa. Många människor har stora problem med det dagliga livet och relationer. Förutom det personliga lidandet är effekterna av komplex traumatisering av stor samhällsekonomisk betydelse. Syftet med studien är att undersöka psykoterapeutisk behandling av traumatiserade patienter inom icke specialiserade enheter. Frågeställningarna i studien är: Vad innebär effekterna av komplex traumatisering för individen? Vilka är terapeuters upplevelse av att arbeta med komplext traumatiserade individer? Får individer med diagnosen komplex PTSD den hjälp de behöver? Den metod som använts är en kvalitativ studie där sex legitimerade psykoterapeuter med psykodynamisk inriktning intervjuas.

Vad innebär övergången till Scrum? : En studie som undersöker hur Scrum påverkar systemutvecklingsarbetet i globala organisationer

Currently many organizations are transitioning from the traditional approach to the agile approach regarding systems development methods. It is evident that research has mainly focused on smaller organizations transitioning, whilst less focus has been given t0 larger organizations. We find this interesting and the purpose of this study is to gain a deeper and broader knowledge concerning the following research question: How is system development work affected by a change from traditional system development methods to Scrum in large global organizations. We also investigate how Scrum can be adapted to complex projects with an internal client. The study is based on a case study, which takes a qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews for information gathering and was conducted on a major Swedish telecom company.

Energieffektivisering av Åhlénshuset i Umeå : Utredning av åtgärder för ventilation, värme och kyla

Sweden is a country that has made some progress in developing energy efficient solutions. The problem in Sweden is that many houses and apartment buildings are old and have inefficient ventilation- and heating systems. This energy is lost when systems are inefficient, which then results in huge economic costs. Luckily, more and more people are becoming aware of this, which means that Sweden is on track to become even better within energy efficiency.Energy use for the housing- and service sector amounts to 166 TWh of total use at 616 TWh. Without distribution and conversion losses, these figures show that the housing- and service sector accounts for almost 40 % of the country's total energy consumption.

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