

2168 Uppsatser om Complex leadership - Sida 26 av 145

Lärares ledarskap I ljuset av förstelärareförordningen och begreppet ?teacher leadership? i forskningslitteraturen

Syfte: Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka hur erkänt skickliga lärare beskriver sitt lärarledarskap och vilka uppgifter och ledarskapshandlingar som formar lärarledarskapet. I vilka sammanhang och situationer utövas lärarledarskapet? Syftet har varit att undersöka hur erkänt skickliga lärare formats i möte med elever, verksamheter, skola och ledning och hur detta kan beskrivas och diskuteras i förhållande till förordningen och litteratur om teacher leadershipTeori och metod: Studien vilar på inspiration av livshistorieforskning och den variant som kallas för tematisk yrkeslivshistoria. Studien är genomförd som en kvalitativ studie med fyra ?erkänt? skickliga lärare? som utnämnts till förstelärare och genom livshistorieintervjuer.

Att spela in tramp i studio: En studie om studioinspelning av fotsteg i snö

The complex sound of someone walking in snow aren't easy to create in a studio. The best way to get the sound is to go out on a surface with real snow and record the footsteps there, but it is a complex procedure to get the right sound on the snow because snow sounds different in various temperature and various kinds of snow. It is important to find the right kind of snow to get the right sound on the foot steps. In a studio, the foley artist can create the sound of footsteps in snow by walking on different kind of material, like potato flour, coarse salt or corn flakes, the question is how realistic this materials sounds and what temperature on the snow they sound like. The results shows that the real snow (warm and cold snow) sounds most realistic and the potato flour sounds like warm and wet snow, the corn flakes some think sounds like cold snowwhile others think that it doesn't sound like snow at all and the coarse salt sounds like snow when it is around -10°C in the air, they all sounds similar in realism compared to each other.

...och sedan skapade människan organisationen : En fallstudie av organisationskultur i en församling i Svenska kyrkan

AbstractThe purpose for writing this essay is to study the culture of kindness in the Church of Sweden, as the church constitutes as an idealistic organization (non-profit or voluntary organization).The focal point is on how such a culture affects the employees, and if any new componentsthat can amplify the concept can be distinguished.To do this a case study-design has been employed. The primary sources are qualitativeinterviews with six employees in a congregation in the Church of Sweden, and participantobservations on two different occasions at the same congregation.Theories of organizational sociology has been applied to the material, more specific Edgar HSchein?s definition of organizational culture and the concept of a culture of kindness (derivingfrom a report by the Swedish Work Environment Authority) as a specific part of the church?sorganizational culture.The conclusions we can make from our study is that a culture of kindness affect employees inboth a positive and a negative way. There are many expectations that come with working inthe Church of Sweden, and these do have an effect on the work performed. There is alsoevidence pointing to the fact that leadership can counteract the fear of conflicts that otherwiseis associated with the culture of kindness.

Teachers Perspectives on Difficulties surrounding the Teaching of Global Climate Change in Primary School

To be educated in global climate issues can be challenging for pupils. This may contribute to anxiety and feelings of helplessness. Global climate change may also be a challenge for educators to convey to young learners, f-3. Educators can experience various problems when it comes to teaching about climate issues. The subject of climate change is a broad and complex area, according to the studied material in our thesis.

Vilka egenskaper önskas hos en ledare - skillnade och likheter i organisationerna Försvarsmakten och Sony Ericsson

Uppsatsens huvudsakliga syfte är att undersöka hur två olika organisationer skiljer och liknar varandra i önskan om ledarskapsegenskaper, detta utifrån de tre olika arenorna rekrytering, utbildning och ledarskap. I denna rapport kommer vi att studera organisationerna Försvarsmakten samt Sony Ericsson, där Försvarsmakten kommer representerar en strukturerad organisation och Sony Ericsson en projektorganisation. Med hjälp av intervjuer både på Försvarsmakten i Halmstad och Sony Ericsson i Lund har vi fått svar på frågor kring rekrytering, utbildning och ledarskap. Det som gör jämförelsen intressant är skillnaden i organisationsformerna på de två olika företagen Försvarsmakten samt Sony Ericsson. Vi har efter granskning av data fått fram att de båda organisationerna strävar efter liknande egenskaper med på skilda sätt. På grund av organisationernas olika strukturer och organisatoriska uppbyggnad går man olika vägar för att hitta en ledare men i slutändan kan man se att processerna liknar varandra.

Chefers emotionella kommunikation och dess relation till personalomsättning

It is now increasingly common for organisations to work actively with HR issues. Furthermore, it is a constant top priority for organisations to remain profitable. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether so called soft HR values, as manager?s communication skills, has an actual impact on hard values in terms of costs for the organisation. Leadership is largely characterised by emotional communication, which together with personnel costs were the main focus of the research.

Lycksabäcken, ett riksintresse med komplext deglaciationsförlopp : Presentation av ett möjligt scenario över deglaciationen i området

The area of Lycksabäcken northwest of Lycksele is a national interest of natural conservationbecause of its geological values with many unique landforms. Many of these landforms indicatethat the deglaciation process in the area was very complex. However, the deglaciation process inthe area has not previously been fully understood. The aim is to add to the knowledge of theevents that took place during the last deglaciation. To do this, the glaciofluvial landforms in thearea were mapped by studying aerial photographs with a Wild Aviopreter and a five-day fieldinventory of key areas for the interpretation.

Bildlärares kamp om att få sina röster hörda hos ledningen

Sara Lidman?s second novel Hjortronlandet (1955) unfolds in the north of Sweden in the early 20th century. It describes the progress of modernity and the conflicting interests of an old local culture and a new more ?civilised? one. The two cultures are constituted by different value systems and in the novel they are represented by two neighbour communities.

Kvinnliga och manliga mellanchefer uppfattning om effektivt ledarskapsbeteende

The society today is full of new changes within the companies and their middle chiefs. Middle chief?s visions have changed during recent years. The female chiefs have grown in numbers, and because of that people have started to focus on whether there are any similarities or differences between the female and male leadership behaviors. The essay is about similarities and differences between female and male middle chief?s idea about effective leadership behavior.Our analysis is based on a qualitative study, where we have made four interviews with four chiefs in industrial companies.

Intuition i beslutsfattande : En studie om det intuitiva beslutsfattandet och dess påverkande faktorer vid Akademiska sjukhuset i Uppsala

Managers operating within the dynamic society of today are said to rely on intuition when effective and quick decisions are to be made. This skill or phenomenon has aroused an interest within the academic world of management whom has explored intuition, its relation to decision making and its influencing factors, especially in the private sector. Intuitive decision making is however not isolated solely to this sector but also involved in decision making associated to the public sector. Therefore, the aim of the thesis is to investigate whether managers at the hospital Akademiska in Uppsala involve intuition in decision making and to what extent the factors time, amount of information, individual experience and decision complexity influence the intuition.The theoretical framework includes academic research regarding how intuition and rationality affect decisions, the concept of intuition and factors influencing the intuitiveness of decision making. Furthermore the theoretical discussion explores intuition connected to leadership, negative aspects of intuitive decisions and a comparison between different factors that separates public and private sector in terms of decision making.

Ledarskapet och dess påverkan för att stärka tillit och effektivitet : En komparativ studie genomförd i en privat organisation

Vi hade en föreställning om att det ibland kan vara svårt att som ledare i en arbetsgrupp skapa tillit samt effektivitet. Detta fångade vårt intresse och gjorde att vi närmare ville studera två arbetsledare och deras respektive arbetsgrupper gällande effektivitet, tillit samt ledarskap. Vårt syfte med undersökningen var att undersöka vilka ledarskapsfaktorer som kan inverka för att stärka tilliten och effektiviteten i en arbetsgrupp. För att besvara syftet med undersökningen togs följande problemformulering fram:Vilka ledarskapsfaktorer kan stärka tilliten och effektiviteten i en arbetsgrupp?Utifrån uppsatsens syfte och problemformulering genomfördes två kvalitativa intervjuer med de två utvalda arbetsledarna, samt att en kvantitativ enkätundersökning genomfördes i de två arbetsledarnas respektive arbetsgrupper.Vårt resultat visar i huvudsak att det är anpassning efter situation och kontext, förmågan att frångå personliga intressen och istället se till det kollektiva intresset, flexibilitet och uppmärksamhet på arbetsgruppens behov och önskemål, samt stöd genom tillgänglighet som är de ledarskapsfaktorer som kan stärka tilliten och effektiviteten i en arbetsgrupp..

Ordning och reda i skolan : En diskursanalys av uttrycket ordning och reda

In media the debate about discipline and order in school is widely heard. A politician, some teacher or a representative from the teacher´s union, most often speaks these words. The interest for these issues seems to be persistent.This study is primarily about the expression ?discipline and order?. The aim is to find out how the expression ?discipline and order? is used in the investigated material.

Försäkringskassans roll i den arbetslivsinriktade rehabiliteringen : Ett handläggarperspektiv

The purpose of this essay was to describe and analyse the tension/conflict between external demands and actual conditions, as experienced (and told in interviews) by employees at two social insurance offices in Scania, concerning their roles in the process of working life rehabilitation. The theoretical starting point is the theory of street-level bureaucrats, as defined by Lipsky. The comprehension among the employees were that working life rehabilitation services are approved less today compared to a few years ago. The discretion, i.e. the position to choose among competing alternatives; about what to do, how to do it etc., characteristic of street-level bureaucrats, according to the employees is less prominent, as the routines of handling cases and decision making are regulated.

Fattigvården i Gustavsberg 1869-1924

With the help of large amount of archive material I have examined how Gustavsberg in Värmdö were affected by the great labor migration in Gustavsberg porcelain factory during the period 1869-1924. I have chosen to investigate how the municipality dealt with the poverty relief issue out of the labour immigration perspective. To my surprise I found out that Värmdö was not responsible for Gustavsberg in the poverty issue. The workers belonged to the factory, which had a relatively well-developed system of poverty relief in place. This is not to say that the workers received any support from the factory to any great extent.

?Som ny var jag nog för snäll? - En kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga chefers syn på faktorer som påverkar rollen som chef

This study is about being manager in social care and social welfare organisations. Ten women managers participate in the study and share their thoughts about management. Such organisations are an area where women are most frequent, so we wanted to take part of experiences women managers in this area obtain. The study concentrates upon factors these women encounter and which they feel can affect them in their daily work. The study shows that the women we interviewed have a basic interest in humans and a strong commitment to working for human well being.

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