

1256 Uppsatser om Complete Vocal Technique - Sida 65 av 84

Utvärdering av Near Field Communication och Certified Wireless USB: Säkerhet vid utveckling av applikationer

Today?s society is one where technological advances are made daily, which increases the need to stop and assess the risks against users? integrity when integrating new technology in contemporary systems all the greater. We have taken two technologies, Near Field Communication and Certified Wireless USB, whose envisioned area of use is to be integrated into mobile phones, and evaluated what security threats are revealed for the respective technologies. The threats against security have been identified through research of the standards and existing reports for each technology. Practical experiments have not been conducted on account of us not having access to any equipment to run such trials.

Development of a method for determination of pesticide residues in honey using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry

Honey is a product that may contain pesticide residues due to contamination from bees pollinating various plants as well as elimination of vermin inside the hive. Different methods are needed for analysis of pesticides, since the term includes a wide range of different substances. National Food Administration lacks a validated method for determination and quantification of pesticides in honey using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry, LC-MS/MS. The technique is especially important in analysis of polar and non-volatile pesticides, where gas chromatography is not functioning optimally. After investigating what pesticides could be found in honey produced in Sweden, a number of four pesticides suitable for analysis with LC-MS/MS was compiled; boscalid, impidacloprid, tau-fluvalinate and thiacloprid.

Reducering av kassationer på Cloetta Fazer AB

This master?s thesis was performed during the fall of 2006 at Cloetta Fazer AB in Ljungsbro. Cloetta Fazer is the market leader in Scandinavia of manufacturing confectionary and chocolates. The purpose of the project has been to identify causes that impact the quantity of waste in production as well as a cost/benefit analysis of the solutions that can reduce the problem of production waste.The work includes four production lines that are individually designed depending on what kind of product that are produced on the line. By using qualitative and quantitative methods such as focus groups, interviews and observations data has been collected.

Analys och utveckling avverifieringsenhet för säker kontakteringvid kalibrering av RRUS.

This report presents a master thesis project performed at Elekta AB during the fall of 2013 and early 2014. Elekta is a medical technology company and their main product in the Stockholm office is a gamma knife used for radiosurgery. The gamma knife contains a cluster of a dozen motor servos and motors used for adjusting the patient and the radiation sources over a CAN bus. A self-developed hardware-in-loop simulator running on a PC with LabVIEW is currently being used for integration level testing of the control system of the gamma knife. The simulator has some problems with it not running in real-time and having other performance issues.

?Kolonialkriget hemma? : Bilden av Amerika inom den svenska marxist-leninistiska vänstern 1963?1977

Historical research about the so-called New Left was until the late 1990s an entirely newacademic field in Swedish academia. However, a large part of this research still deals withquestions concerning ?who did what? and perhaps more notably ?who was right?.This thesis is an attempt to move away from such inquiries and instead look towardshow one albeit small but very important part of this so-called New Left discussed andused the term America and things American. Formed largely around the Anti-WarMovement, the Marxist-Leninist ? or ?Maoist? ? Left naturally opposed US worldpolicies; but perhaps more interesting a significant part of the ideas about America andthe Vietnam War seemed to stem from USA itself ? such as naming your anti-war folkgroup ?Freedom Singers? after the US civil rights group ?The Freedom Singers?.Analyzing three Swedish Marxist-Leninist magazines the study thus complements theresearch on not only the Swedish New Left but also the study of anti-Americanisms;firstly, by examining what the Marxist-Leninist left considered particularly American;secondly, by studying in what context these particular Americanism was discussed; and,thirdly, by observing if these notions changed over time, and why.

Ersättningsnivåer - En studie av fast och rörlig lön till verkställande direktörer i svenska börsnoterade företag åren 2001 till 2005

Background and problem: Whether or not the pay to executives is fair is widely debated. During the last years especially the variable pay has been in the spotlight. But at what levels are the compensations really at? Media?s focus is mainly on the absolute highest compensations which may result in a skew view on pay-for-performance incentives.Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to establish the levels of compensation to executives in a wide range of randomly selected companies listed on the Stockholm stock exchange during the years 2001 to 2005. Furthermore, the impact of a set of firm specific variables on compensation levels will be analyzed with basis in several hypothesis.Delimitations: The variable pay considered in this thesis will only be variable cash bonuses.

Effekt av sönderdelningsgrad och planteringsdjup på uppkomsten från rhizom av Tussilago farfara :

Tussilago farfara, coltsfoot, is a troublesome perennial weed with deep lying rhizome, which can vegetatively generate new plants. The mechanical control of coltsfoot that is used today, "starvation", which consists of several cultivations of the soil, which fragmentises the rhizome. This results in production of new shoots, which leads to depletion of nutrient resources; as long the new plant is not allowed to establish. However, very little research has been done to investigate how the starving technique affects the regenerative ability of coltsfoot. The purpose of this experiment with coltsfoot was to investigate how fragmentation and burial depths affect the time of emergence, number of emerged shoots per rhizome fragment, number of shoots per node, and if the germination ability within nodes changes during the experiment.

CARABAS III Konstruktion av antenninstallation på helikopter

This report describes the construction work of a radar antenna for the radar systemCARABAS. CARABAS is a long wave airborne ground radar that has been developed bySAAB Microwave Systems and will now be mounted on a small helicopter, Schweizer 300.The antenna should be able to fold up and down. When the radar is in use the antenna islowered and under transport, start and landing the antenna is folded up. An emergency dropfunction should also be included in the design of CARABAS III.The extent of this report includes construction of the antenna, frame structure attached to thehelicopter, mechanism for folding the antenna up and down and mechanism for emergencydrop function. The mechanical design of the antenna and frame structure is based on modaland stress analysis, vibration measurement of Schweizer 300 and frequency analysis, andcalculations regarding aerodynamic drag and mechanics.The exciting frequencies of the helicopter and accelerations at those frequencies weredetermined by vibration measurement and frequency analysis.

Matte Painting : Skapandet av en virtuell kuliss

Det här kandidatarbetet kommer framförallt att beröra filmtekniken, Matte Painting, men vi kommer även röra oss runt omkring ämnet och presentera andra delar från filmproduktionen och framförallt postproduktionen för att lättare kunna sätta Matte Painting i ett relevant sammanhang. Vi jämför Matte Painting med en teaterkuliss, en bakgrund som på nära håll eller ses från fel vinkel kan bryta illusionen av att det är en verklig miljö. Vi undersöker och presenterar hur man kan bygga upp en digitalt skapad Matte Painting som möjliggör att inte behöva åka land och rike runt efter den idealiska filmplatsen, utan kan spela in filmscenen i en studiomiljö. Vi analyserar existerande filmscener som har använt sig av Matte Painting, gör jämförelser mellan olika användningsområden för Matte Painting samt diskuterar fram en slutsats som besvarar vår frågeställning: ?Hur har utvecklingen av filmtekniken, Matte Painting, sett ut och hur kan man tillämpa en digital Matte Paint i postproduktion för att förstärka helhetsupplevelsen av en filmscen?? --- This thesis will primarily concern the film technique, Matte Painting, but we will also roam around the subject and introduce other elements of the film production, and above all post production for ease of putting Matte Painting in a relevant context.

Bäddodling av matpotatis :

This study investigated potato growing in beds as an alternative to conventional ridges.It was based on results from field trials on bed-grown potatoes carried out by Halland Rural Economy and Agricultural Society in 2007, studies of literature and interviews with farmers with experience of bed growing of potatoes. Due to their shallow root system, potatoes are one of the most drought-sensitive crops. Potatoes are often grown on sandy soils with poor water-holding capacity. Factors such as total yield, tuber size distribution and quality defects are negatively affected when water becomes insufficient. Wide beds have a more flat top which leads to more uniform water infiltration. Further on, beds have lower soil surface area due to its shape, and therefore, retain water more efficient. In the field trials, which were carried out at the Stjärnarp Estate near Halmstad, potatoes were grown in beds alongside a conventional ridge-grown crop.

Bolagsstyrning och tillgänglighet : Hur funkar det?

AbstractThe OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm requires all large companies to apply the Swedish Code ofCorporate Governance. A revised code will be applied from July 2008. The purpose of this paper is toidentify the accessibility of information on corporate governance and in particular how the compliance,concerning the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance in the perspective of an internet active generalpublic.This paper is a complete census of the companies at the OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm whocomplies with the code. Each company website has been visited and a comparison between the sectorsat the OMX Exchange Stockholm has been performed.Results: 96% of the companies present the members of the nomination committee. 94% presents thenomination committees proposal of the company board members, though only 33% of the companies inthe Energy sector.

Inkludering av elever med ADHD : En fallstudie från åk 5

Today there are many students with behavioral and developmental disorders in schools. One of these disorders is ADHD. The medical designation ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. I have chosen to research how two students with ADHD can be included in a fifth grade classroom.This research paper addresses the issues surrounding the student?s day-to-day life with a focus on the classroom.

Måla med musik, komponera med färg : En retrospektiv studie av den kreativa processen, bland bild, musik och synestesi

The relationship between color and music, and their relation to the human being and our surrounding universe has been subject of studies, theories and experiments since the old ages. From the ancient China and Persia to the present times, philosophers, scientists and artists have tried to explain these connections between color and music and also tried to find answers to this ancient enigma.The invention of the color organ c. 1730, an instrument that was intended to display color in addition to the musical auditive experience, was the first attempt to materialize the practical correlation between notes and color. This correlation has its foundation in the ideas of Isaac Newton, who through his book Optics published only a few years earlier, conformed the beginning of a new art culture: ?Visual music?, in which image and sound are the fundamental elements in the creative process.The ?visual music? concept is not only grounded in the ideas of music and sound, but also in the extraordinary creative capability of certain individuals.

Matte Painting - Skapandet av en virtuell kuliss

Det här kandidatarbetet kommer framförallt att beröra filmtekniken, Matte Painting, men vi kommer även röra oss runt omkring ämnet och presentera andra delar från filmproduktionen och framförallt postproduktionen för att lättare kunna sätta Matte Painting i ett relevant sammanhang. Vi jämför Matte Painting med en teaterkuliss, en bakgrund som på nära håll eller ses från fel vinkel kan bryta illusionen av att det är en verklig miljö. Vi undersöker och presenterar hur man kan bygga upp en digitalt skapad Matte Painting som möjliggör att inte behöva åka land och rike runt efter den idealiska filmplatsen, utan kan spela in filmscenen i en studiomiljö. Vi analyserar existerande filmscener som har använt sig av Matte Painting, gör jämförelser mellan olika användningsområden för Matte Painting samt diskuterar fram en slutsats som besvarar vår frågeställning: ?Hur har utvecklingen av filmtekniken, Matte Painting, sett ut och hur kan man tillämpa en digital Matte Paint i postproduktion för att förstärka helhetsupplevelsen av en filmscen?? --- This thesis will primarily concern the film technique, Matte Painting, but we will also roam around the subject and introduce other elements of the film production, and above all post production for ease of putting Matte Painting in a relevant context. We compare Matte Painting with a theatrical backdrop, a background that closely or viewed from the wrong angle can break the illusion that it is a real world environment. We will investigate and present how to build a digitally created Matte Painting that enables not having to travel across the country for the ideal film location, but can shoot the scene in a studio environment. We analyze existing film scenes that have made use of Matte Painting, making comparisons between different uses for Matte painting and discuss a conclusion that answers our main question: "How has the evolution of the film technology, Matte Painting, looked like and how you can apply a digital matte paint in post production to enhance the overall experience of a movie scene?".

Likabehandlingsprincipen i uthyrningslagen - om lön för arbetare inom bemanningsbranschen

In Sweden has the temporary agency work industry settled in an explosive way since the deregulation of the unemployment agency monopole in 1993. The demand of civil right for the employer that is rented out confronts the entire labour law regulation with new challenges.The purpose with this paper is an investigation of the principle of equal treatment in The Swedish temporary agency work act and also to create a deeper understanding of the effects of labour and employment relationship. An investigation of relevant collective agreements will be done to highlight the difficulties the principal of equal treatment is exposed to. Further on is there a will to gain understanding for the wage concept and what possible can be included in the wage concept in relation to the principal of equal treatment in The temporary agency work directive. By using the dogmatic method, an approach to descriptive identifying relevant sources of law and clarify the legal situation in the area.In the conclusions it will be determined that the principle of equal treatment in The Swedish temporary agency work act have different effects depending on if the temporary agency or if the client corporation is tied to an collective agreement alternative if a collective agreement is completely missing.

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