

1256 Uppsatser om Complete Vocal Technique - Sida 62 av 84

Röstvård - en del av körsången? - Körpedagogernas arbete med barn och ungdomars individuella sångröster i kör

Title: Care of the voice ? one part of the choir singing? The choir conductors work with children's and youths' individual voices within the choir. The purpose of this study was to examine how four different choir conductors work with children's and youths' individual voices during choir rehearsal. Further aims of this essay are to shed light upon relevant research within the topic. I used a qualitative method of researching observations with low structure and structured interviews.

Mätning av träddelar och flis på Dåvamyran, Umeå energi :

The moisture content in 10 deliveries of tree parts and 10 deliveries of wood residues were measured with different methods to analyze the quality of procedure used at Dåvamyran today. At the same time a survey was made on the measure procedures used at heating plants in Sweden The majority of the heating plants in Sweden use weight and moisture content as base for payment but at some plants only volume. The moisture content is usually estimated by drying wood chips in an oven but few plants a visual estimation is used. At few plants moisture content is estimated spectroscopicily. The techniques using near infra read light and other electromagnetic are still at a test stage. The methods of measurement used today are quit unreliable for the individual deliveries and there is a risk for systematic mistakes.

"A huge, tenacious lie" : framställningen av makt i Helen Zahavis författarskap

This study concerns the complete oeuvre by the British author Helen Zahavi: Dirty Weekend (1991), True Romance (1994), and Donna and the Fatman (1998). Her novels are here read as a trilogy dealing with the dialectics of gender and violence in 20th century discourse, drawing on theories of how the construction of subjects is produced by power, of the relation between power and sexuality.The heroines of Zahavi?s novels try their best to move about in a world where their freedom of movement is limited to their female identity. In Dirty Weekend the protagonist tries to shoot her way out, claiming revenge on every man that is forcing himself upon her. She gains some freedom of movement by refusing subordination, but does not really change the order of power.

Despotism och erotik: kvinnan och religion i Montesquieus Persiska brev

This study aims to investigate how, in Montesquieu?s Persian Letters (1721), religion and religious structures are presented to influence women?s position in French society.In Persian Letters Montesquieu presents a dogmatic religious life, which proceed from a literal interpretation of the bible. Such a reading raises critical questions concerning the nature of women, and subsequently places man over woman. Persian Letters show how this male dominance gets institutionalized in marriage. The religious life depicted is also distinguished by a non-genuine religious conviction and by acts which take on a simulation form.

Järnberikning av mjöl : exemplifierat med Egypten och Iran

The purpose of this study is to give an overview about iron fortification from the view of technique and health. Example of a technical aspect is different iron compounds which are used for fortification like ferrous sulfate, ferrous fumarate and elemental iron. In the aspect of health the big question is if iron fortification can improve the health in reducing the prevalence of anemia. The study focuses on flour fortification with iron in Egypt and Iran and involves a literature study with scientific articles. Also information from WHO (World Health Organization), FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) and FFI (Flour Fortification Initiative) are used.Fortification means an intentionally increasing of the content of micronutrient in foods with the aim to improve the food quality and deliver a nutritional benefit to the consumer.

Utbildningsnämndens arkiv : En del av det moderna samhället som har gått till historien

This essay is based on the work of arranging and making an inventory for an archive consisting of records from the Board of Education (Utbildningsnämnden) within the administration of the County Council in Uppsala, Sweden. This archive is kept at the County Councils Archives in Uppsala where I have done the work. I have documented the process and discussed the complex of problems relating to it. In this particular case the issue of limitation of the office of origin and the respect of the fonds, or the principle of provenance, have been of interest. This is due to the fact that the records had been rearranged and mixed with records with other origin related to the Board of Education.

Egenvård vid hjärtsvikt- en enkätstudie om vilka egenvårds åtgärder personer med hjärtsvikt säger sig använda i det dagliga livet

Heart failure is an illness that requires life-long treatment and often affects everyday aspects of a person?s life. Self-care is a significant part of the treatment. Good self-care resources make it possible for people with heart failure to make the lifestyle changes they often need to maintain or improve their level of health. Self-care means having knowledge of and being able to recognize the symptoms and signs of deterioration that can occur with heart failure, so that the person can take appropriate measures ? and it also means knowing when it is time to seek professional help.

Ledarskapsstilar ? Har du reflekterat över vem du är?

I forskningen har organisatoriskt lärande uppmärksammats, men inte institutionaliserats. Det organisatoriska lärandet påverkas i stor grad av nyckelpersoner vilket ledare och mellanchefer är. Organisatoriskt lärande styrs av det individuella lärandet vilket därför har en stor betydelse i sammanhanget. Ansvaret för det individuella lärandet läggs oftast på organisationens ledare och för ledares individuella lärande är reflektion och erfarenhet en avgörande faktor. Därför var studiens syfte att bidra till forskningen genom att undersöka hur kritiska situationer påverkat ledares lärande och bidragit till det individuella och organisatoriska lärandet.

Utveckling av dyksystem : Handhållen enhet för sökning under vatten

Ocean Modules Sweden AB is a small business active in the field of underwater technology. Thecompany was contacted by the Swedish Defense Materiel Administration (FMV) in order todevelop a new system that would conform to their specific requirements. Two students at theRoyal Institute of Technology (KTH) were consulted in conjunction of this project in order to aidthe development and conceptual design of the system.The primary users of the system are the divers of the Explosive Ordnance Disposal division (EOD)- a branch of the Swedish Armed Forces. The purpose of the product was to incorporate allnecessary functions required by the EOD divers into one single system. The main functions arecommunication between the surface operator and diver, video recording, still imaging, positioning,navigation and ocean floor mapping with sonar.

Palliativ vård : Utifrån anhörigas och sjuksköterskors perspektiv

Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva sjuksköterskans rutiner i samband med insättande och omvårdnad av perifera venkatetrar samt att beskriva observationer och åtgärder som sjuksköterskan gör för att undvika komplikationer. Artikelsökningen har skett i databaserna: Elin@Dalarna, Blackwell Synergy, EBSCO-host och Elsevier. De sökord som använts i olika kombinationer var: peripheral, intravenous, catheter/line/cannula, handhygiene, nurse, infections, phlebitis, routine och technique. Artiklarna skulle vara vetenskapligt skrivna på engelska och fick inte vara publicerade före år 1996. Sammanlagt inkluderades 20 artiklar i litteraturstudien varav 16 kvantitativa, 2 kvalitativa och 2 där båda designerna fanns representerade.

Att se personen bakom beroendet : en litteraturstudie om vårdrelationens betydelse för personer med alkoholberoende

Bakgrund: Alkoholberoende är en medicinsk diagnos som skiljer sig från risk- samt skadligt bruk. Beroende utvecklas i samspel med belöningssystemet och har en ärftlig komponent. Personer med alkoholberoende är en stigmatiserad grupp i samhället såväl som i sjukvården, och diagnosen innebär ett stort lidande för den enskilde personen. Därför är det viktigt att belysa personernas egna erfarenheter av vårdrelationer.Syfte: Att belysa erfarenheter av vårdrelationer hos personer med alkoholberoende.Metod: Litteraturstudie med sökorden Alcohol dependence, care, patient experiences. alcohol addiction, phenomenological, alcohol, treatment barriers, patient satisfaction, nursing, experiences och qualitative.

Svenskhet inom livsmedelsexport : Hur svenska livsmedelsföretag använder sig av sitt svenska ursprung vid marknadsföring internationellt

Aim: Nation Branding has become an important phenomenon during the last couple of years. The concept talks about how to promote a product by using the features of a nation to gain profit. Among the years many countries has established a strong Nation Brand abroad. In the long run many companies have chosen to use these benefits in an efficient way by promoting their own country brand, especially in their internationalization process. The aim of this study is to see what factors that influence companies in the Swedish food industry while using the fact that they are Swedish when they enter foreign markets. Method: Data was collected through interviews with export managers and sales managers at 6 Swedish companies exporting products within the food industry.

Utvecklingskostnaders påverkan vid valet mellan K2 och K3

Introduction: Bokföringsnämnden started the K-project in 2004. The purpose was to collect rules and standards for different categories of companies in a complete set of regulations. Small businesses were given the option to choose between K3 which is the main regulatory and K2 which is a simplified regulatory framework. One specific difference between the regulations is that companies may not capitalize development costs if the company applies K2, this may causes problems for the companies that can give rise to such costs.Purpose: The purpose is to explain the problems that companies have identified in the choice of regulatory frameworks and the implications that may follow the specific rule in K2 on the company's activities and financial report.Frame of reference: K3 contains definitions and requirements that must be met so development costs can be capitalized in a company. Information presented in the financial statements should be relevant to the reader.

Äldre personer i vården - smärta och smärthantering : Faktorer som påverkar äldre personers vardagliga liv till följd av brister i bedömning och hantering av smärta

Bakgrund: Smärta och äldre personer är centrala delar i sjukvården. Smärta är en subjektiv upplevelse och påverkar en person både psykiskt och fysiskt. Smärta är komplext och det finns många anledningar till att smärta uppkommer. Många äldre personer i samhället får inte korrekt smärtlindring vilket kan bero på attityder och felaktiga bedömningar.  För att underlätta bedömningen av smärta finns det instrument som vårdpersonal kan ta hjälp av för att underlätta bedömningen av äldre personers smärta.Syfte: Att beskriva hur äldre personer upplever smärta och hur den handhas på vårdenheter.Metod: En litteraturöversikt som byggts på tio vetenskapliga artiklar. Artiklarna har hämtats från CINAHL complete.

Vakuumisolering ? Ekonomiskt försvarbart för småhus?

The number of people in the world and the urbanization increases. This leads to a bigger need of space for the built environment, space that soon doesn?t exist. A large portion of humanity?s energy disposal is used for heating of buildings.

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