

1256 Uppsatser om Complete Vocal Technique - Sida 46 av 84

Folkmusik på tvären - En studie av spelteknik på den åttaklaffiga traversflöjten i irländsk och bretonsk folkmusik

Title: Playing techniques of the eight-keyed traverso in Irish and Breton traditional music. The dissertation examines basic aspects of playing techniques of the eight-keyed traverso, as it is used in Irish and Breton traditional music. The background material consists of four interviews with four professional flute players as well as literature that considers the subject from different perspectives. The results reveals a consensus between those of the informants that are mainly playing Irish music while the informant that is mainly playing Breton music has a different approach to several of the technical aspects examined.Examensarbetet behandlar grundläggande spelteknik på åttaklaffig traversflöjt inom bretonsk och irländsk folkmusik. Studiens underlag består av intervjuer med fyra professionella flöjtister samt av litteratur som belyser ämnet från olika perspektiv.

Att läsa webben : En introduktion till semiologisk analys av webbaserat material

The aim of this master's thesis is to present an introduction to semiological analysis of web based material, which is a hypothesis that combines the theoretical framework of classical Saussurean semiology, visual social semiotics as was developed by Günther Kress and Theo van Leeuwen, and Roland Barthes's notion of 'Myths'. Furthermore, a new tool called 'pseudo-signifier', constructed solely for the thesis, is also used in conjunction with the semiological analysis. The hypothesis is tested in a case study involving the web portal of a Swedish commune, Gothenburg (goteborg.se). A complete semiological analysis is performed on the case. The case study revealed numerous findings of interest, among others that images and texts on the web portal were sometimes used in a contradicting manner, and often in a way that symbollically excluded citizens from the portal, a fact which could be uncovered when studying underlying myths that permeated the web portal.

Konstruktion av Industriellt Vibrationsmätningssystem med signalbehandling baserad på Digitala Vågfilter av Lattice-struktur

In this bachelor thesis a complete prototype of an industrial vibration measurement platform has been developed. By measuring a number of variables such as acceleration, temperature and speed conclusions can be drawn on machinery health. The aim is to evaluate hardware and software solutions for a possible future product. Based on a requirement specification a proper hardware design has be developed. The hardware consists of a four-layer PCB with an ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller and about 250 other components. The PCB was designed, assembled, tested and finally housed in a box.


Clustered Columnstore Indexes (CCI) and In-Memory Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) are two new techniques that were introduced with Microsoft?s new database management system SQL Server 2014.The thesis analyzes these two techniques, describes the theory behind them and also the background information that needs to be known to understand more of the new techniques. Performance tests of the new techniques have been performed to see how much faster response time we can get and less storage we need to use where the result is represented by performance diagrams and a compression diagram. This thesis is a cooperative work with a company called Trimma and the result is used as support to decide if these new techniques could be of advantage for the company.The test consists of five test queries with different purposes. The result is illustrated by diagrams that show the result and another diagram that shows how much the data gets compressed with the different techniques.

The development of CRITA-Score ? A hybrid credit rating model for predicting financial distress

Large companies in today?s business environment are to a great extent depending on their credit score by rating institutes like Moody?s and Standard & Poor?s. There is however indications that these big institutes are not always rating companies accurately. This is why this thesis aims at developing a new credit rating model, CRITA-Score, with the objective of determining a company?s financial health more accurately.

Miljöbedömning av olika behandlingsmetoder för organiskt hushållsavfall, slakteriavfall och flytgödsel

Organic material used for biogas production can also undergo other treatments. The emissions and impact from the different treatments are evaluated in this environmental assessment, with a focus on energy and climate. The materials included in the study are organic household waste, slaughterhouse waste and liquid manure. Other than biogas production, the possible treatments for organic household waste and slaughterhouse waste are incineration and composting, and for liquid manure storing and spreading. The analysis is based on data and information from current and relevant literature, and relates to the conditions in the Swedish energy system.

Inferno Light : Den mekaniska konstruktionen runt ett larmsystem

This thesis describes how the development of a mechanical enclosure to an alarmsystem proceeded. The project was made on behalf of Inferno Light Indusec AB.The goal set to this housing would offer a home alarm in which Indusec?s uniquesound system would give the customer a new alternative on the market. They wantedto, among other things, create an aesthetically but at the same time affordable alarm.The aesthetic theme is something that is missing in today?s market.

Automatiserade metoder för somatisk embryogenes ger effektivare trädproduktion : En patentundersökning av befintliga metoder för processens flaskhalsar

This report is the result of a project in the course Independent Projekt in Molecular Biotechnology at Uppsala University during the spring of 2014. The foremost purpose of the course is to give students the opportunity to carry through exstensive work in a project environment. This project was formed based on a comission from the biotechnology company SweTree Technologies, and the goal has been to compose a summary of the different techniques and methods that exist in the field of mass propagation of trees through the method of somatic embryogenesis.The project group has obtained information about the area mainly throgh reading patents, trying to find key components and bottlenecks in other companies? somatic embryogenesis technologies. This paper is divided into different sections, containing the patents of the automation of different steps in the process.

Vad händer med förskolans undervisning? : En kvalitativ studie av individuella utvecklingsplaner i förskolan

This is a study on individual development plans (IDPs) in pre-school and their relationship with the teaching performed. Skolverket does not mention the IDPs in their steering documents for pre-school, and have in a separate memo discouraged from the use. Yet reports show that many of the pre-schools in Sweden are using IDPs. Teaching in pre-school is expected to be a mixture of care and learning without clear boundaries to the scientific topics pre-school aims to introduce children to. The purpose of this study is to investigate if the use of IDPs affect the teaching in pre-school.


To achieve peak performance as a young elite athlete, there are many psychological andphysical factors that have impact on human?s performance. Factors that affect theperformance interplay and interact must work to maintain ability to perform at its peak.The purpose of this study is to examine the factors that contribute to peak performance.Data collection method of the study has been done with a questionnaire, addressed toyoung elite athletes on a secondary school. It was 87 respondents who participated onvoluntary and anonymously conditions. The respondents consisted of men and womenbetween 16 and 19 years old.

Försvarsstrategier och strategisk trovärdighet vid fientliga övertagningsförsök - En fallstudie av Scania och Skandia

Background: Mergers and acquisitions have evolved from initially almost exclusively having been an American phenomenon, to becoming a common occurrence throughout the world. Companies though, are not defenseless against hostile bids, but must take many factors into account when selecting defense measures. Purpose: This paper aims to enhance the understanding of acquisitions through hostile bids on the companies studied. More specifically, this study aims to create a deeper understanding in how Scania and Skandia have chosen their defense measures, or could have chosen, before and during their hostile bidding processes with specific concern for their strategic credibility. Method: This paper is based on two companies listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange exposed to hostile takeover attempts in a similar time period.

Ge oss ett strukturerat men flexibelt stöd! En kvalitativ undersökning om familjehemsföräldrars upplevelser av stöd: sett ur ett utvecklingsekologiskt perspektiv

The purpose of this study was to examine how the foster parent's need of support is provided. The study was built upon a qualitative method with interviews with ten foster parents. More specifically, its aim was too find out how the foster parents themselves looked upon how their need of support, and from whom the support was provided. According to the law, it is the social services obligation to provide the foster parents with all the support they could need. The picture the media sends out is different from what it should be because according to them, the social services fall short in the follow-up and also the support of the contact with the foster parents.

Brands Transfer of Meaning: An analysis of brands roles within product placement

Thesis purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to make a contribution, by connecting the transfer of meaning within the context of TV series. The meaning is transferred from the brand to the character in a TV series and then further to the viewer. To look at different role functions that are used in dramaturgy and narrative techniques, we will be able to see how the brand will have a specific role and thereby make the transfer of meaning more successful and effective. This role will have an important impact on product placement according to the meaning that will be transferred from the brand to the viewer, through the character. Methodology: By looking at the transfer of meaning process that is created from the brand, an unstructured observation is applied where we observed the placement and usage of different within a specific TV series. Qualitative strategy is conducted by using a case study.

Analys av vävnadsprover med endimensionell elektrofores

The following project has been made in collaboration with, Denator AB, a biotechnology enterprise. One-dimensional electrophoreses have been used to analyze protein contents of tissue samples. Tissue samples have been either treated according to the company´s newly developed tissue treatment technique or not treated at all and comparisons between these samples have been made. In order to see differences in protein patterns between samples more clearly, a conversion method has been developed where electrophoresis gel visual patterns are used to produce curves, similar to densitometer curves.Denator AB would like to know if the proteins in their treated samples will change visibly over 48 h when incubated at room temperature. This has been investigated using the above mentioned method.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelse av att utföra omvårdnad av patienter med blodsmitta : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Background: Earlier research describes patients with blood-bourne pathogens experiences from the healthcare system. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe how registered nurses experience taking care of patients with blood-bourne pathogens. Method: This study had a descriptive design with a qualitative method. Eight interviews where performed and analyzed with manifest content analyze. Three categories ?Comfort in their profession?, ?Support from the organization?and ?Fear of being contaminated?, and five subcategories ?Support from hygiene guidelines?, ? Thoughtfulness?, ?The own responsibility?, ?Feelings of fear and concern?and ?To meet preconceptions?, emerged.

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