

1256 Uppsatser om Complete Vocal Technique - Sida 31 av 84

Message sent : - SUDD AB:s interna kommunikation i den digitala tidsåldern -

AbstractTitle: Message sent ? SUDD AB:s internal communication in the digital age (Message sent ? SUDD AB:s interna kommunikation i den digitala tidsåldern)Number of pages: 40 (44 including enclosures)Author: Lea KaufmannTuthor: Göran SvenssonCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: HT 2006University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: Analyze whether a small long distance company such as SUDD AB can obtain a well-functioned internal communication by using new communication technologies.Material/Method: The analysis is based on qualitative interviews with SUDD AB:s complete staff.Main results: Proven that internal communication is a complicated and very important process also within a small company. New communication channels do not necessarily guarantee an uncomplicated and efficient internal communication but the need to collaborate with old-fashioned channels persists.Keywords: communication, information, channels, effects, content, effectiveness.

Lokaliseringsbaserade tjänster : En användar- och kontextcentrerad kartläggning av LBS

Location-based services (LBS) contains of services helping users of finding positions of themselves or other objects. LBS applications can present information in varies types of ways, these could be threw speech, text, geographic symbols, photos etc. Not many studies have been done to examine the aspects of LBS communication and there is a demand for user and context centered mapping.The purpose of this report is to present a model for the development of user and context based services. The model will give guide lines of recommendations when implementing LBS. The different technologies that support LBS will also be noticed.

Automatiskt Nödstopp

In today?s industry it is starting to get more and more interesting with wireless systems and solutions for applications. To be able to reduce the amount of cables drawn to various machines which takes both space and an extra fee for every cable drawn. Some systems might require the user to use a handheld device that is directly connected by a cable which in some machines might be inelegant for the user.The goal with this bachelor thesis is to develop wireless monitoring of the machine operators position that is working with heavy industrial machinery. The thesis started out with researching different techniques for positioning a transmitter indoors, this was done in order to get a better understanding on how to go about.

Measurement technique for high speed flywheel

Örebro svets & hydraulik AB tillverkar lastknektar till Suzuki Garphyttan. På lastknektarna transporteras sedan stora rullar av tråd i stål. Knektarna har visat sig kollapsa efter viss tids användning och behöver därför en förbättrad konstruktion. Höga laster, tuff hantering samt ovarsamma lyft kan vara orsaker till att knektarna kollapsar. Örebro svets är väl införstådda var skadorna uppstår i nuvarande konstruktion och vill därför förstärka denna del och konstruktionen i sin helhet.Kraven på den nya konstruktionen, förutom att vara mer hållbar, är att befintligt mått mellan benen ska följas och att knekten ska vara staplingsbar vid transport till galvanisering.Nuvarande knektar har modellerats i CAD-programmet Pro/ENGINEER för att sedan analyseras med Finita Elementmetoden i beräkningsprogrammet ANSYS för att visa var deformation och spänningar uppstår.

Kulturjournalistiken idag : och hur rapporteringsfokuset ändras på dagstidningarnas kultursidor.

As our society moves into a more technical era, journalism and the reporting of culture have had to follow. But where has that left the cultural critique, and journalist/reviewers, in our local newspapers? This bachelor thesis will try to map and explain the change of the cultural presentation in the local newspapers from the day it was firstly introduced as a genre in the modern journalistic world until today ? 1840 and onwards. Whether it has turned into complete tabloid journalism or if it's methods are used to expand the knowledge about the cultural object, it shall be discovered with the help of an analysis of the cultural sections in some newspapers ? both from the last quarter of 2012 (October - December) and one date from two years prior to that.

FPGA baserad PWM-styrning av BLDC-motorer

This thesis work contains a litterature study about electrical motors in general and how PWM-patterns for brushless DC-motors can be made. A suitable method has been implemented as a simulation model in VHDL. A simulation model of a brushless DC-motor which describes the phasecurrents, torque and angular velocity has also been made. The motor model made simulations easier for the complete PWM-system. The design was synthesised and tested with a prototypeboard including a SPARTAN II FPGA.

Kunskapssamhället och skolan - vilken framtid möter våra lärare, elever och bibliotekarier?

The essay concerns "the knowledge society", IT and the possibilities of school being changedto meet the future. The purpose was to reflect the ideas of researchers and authorities concerningwork and education in "the knowledge society" and to illuminate/shed light on theimportance of information technology in this connection, to map organizational and pedagogicalshortcomings in the current school system and the changes that can be needed, and to investigatehow these changes can affect teachers, pupils and librarians.The investigation, which was a text analysis of normative and futurist sources, was especiallydirected towards how modem information technology can influence education/teaching.The differences between researchers and authorities were most obvious in the view of theimportance of knowledge of facts and central control mechanisms for standards or grading.For the authorities, who were devoid of a thought out/carefully prepared and consequent viewof knowledge and by that also of pedagogics, the information technique was the foremostcause of a change in pedagogy. The researchers also perceived the possibilities of IT, butemphasized the importance of pedagogical innovations irrespective of the technology.

Tillbudsrapportering inom JM : En analys av förbättringsarbetet

The construction business is one of the most accident prone businesses in Sweden. In order to make it safer it?s vital that all employees of a company report all accidents and incidents that occur. This report intends through qualitative interviews, to analyze the knowledge and attitude towards incident reporting among the employees of the Swedish construction contractor JM.The goal of the thesis work is to hopefully contribute to an increase of employees? awareness on those issues.

Störningar inom kontrollzon

This paper is partially a literature study of human error and interruptions and partially an investigation of pilots and Air Traffic Control. The aim of the investigation was to find out where interruptions occur and how to reduce or eliminate them. The objective of this paper was to investigate what type of interruptions pilots and ATC deals with and during which phases they occur. The paper has revealed that private pilots causes more interruptions for ATC personnel than commercial pilots. The cause for this is probably the less experienced private pilot and the fact that Swedish is used before English by private pilots in communication with ATC.

Föräldrars upplevelser av att leva med barn som har neuropsykiatriska funktionshinder. : "Det är som en berg- och dalbana, det går upp och ner hela tiden"

The purpose of this study has been to describe and analyze how former foster children experienced foster care which have been filled with maltreatment and neglect and how this has influenced their adult life when it comes to health, education and relationships. We also wanted to study how the former foster children coped with their placement. Furthermore we wanted to study whether there has been any turningpoints during their growth. Finally we wanted to describe how the former foster children experienced the authorities control. To make the purpose of this study complete we chose to use qualitative interviews with six former foster children as our research method.

Chatt : en kvalitativ studie av ungdomars och vuxnas värderingar och åsikter om chattens sociala funktion, innebörd och konsekvenser för ungdomar

The youth of today grow up with all the new ways to communicate that new technology provides. A lot of young people chat on the Internet. Adults often lack experience and knowledge about this way to communicate. This is a study of teenagers and adults values and views on teenagers online chatting. It focuses on area of use, meaning and effects on young people.

Physically based rendering - Ur en 3D-grafikers perspektiv

Det här kandidatarbetet undersöker hur Physically based rendering kan påverkar en 3D-grafikers arbete. Målet är att skapa förståelse kring physically based rendering och hur denna tekniken kan komma att påverkar en 3D-grafikers arbete. För att undersöka problemområdet skapades en virtuell miljö i 3D med hjälp av physically based rendering. Arbetsupplevelsen jämfördes senare med det tidigare arbetssättet. Undersökningen beskriver tidigare arbetsätt och hur arbetet har ändrats med physically based rendering.

Våld och förtryck i hederns namn : om skolkuratorers kunskap och erfarenhet till ungdomar som utsätts för fenomenet hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck

The purpose of this essay is to explore high school and collage school counselors knowledge and experience of honour related violence and repression. Our study is based on a qualitative method with interviews. The main question in our study is to examine the school counselors education in how to provide support to the exposed adolescents.We have conducted six interviews with school counselors in the southern Sweden. We have used a semi structured interview technique with questionnaires that have been a support to us during the interviews. The results of our study showed that some of our respondents knew that they had limited education and knowledge in honour related violence and also that they wanted more experience about the problemarea.

Lärarledarskap i klassrummet : En etnografisk inspirerad studie med Critical Incident Technique som analysverksyg för att synliggöra strategier hos en specifik lärare

The purpose has been to investigate leisure-time centers actual work on children with attention deficit disorder. In addition, the study strives to make leisure-time centers way of working, in relation to their assignments, visible. The study has also compared how the leisure-time centers work and what the research says. The survey was conducted with the help of three exploratory interviews with pedagogues and three-piece observations at the leisure-time centers. It was carried out at three different schools in two counties in Sweden.The results of the survey show that the schools are trying to create clear procedures, though the centers succeed with this in varied degrees.

Modellering av manövercylindern för Nosstället på JAS39 Gripen

When models are used to describe physical phenomenon during development or modification of a technical system, it is often possible to reduce both the time needed and the overall development cost. With the use of models it is also possible to investigate the potential of the selected solution, without the need for any expensive details and testrigs. In many cases it is also not possible to test all the aspects regarding the functionality that are desired from the system, without using the complete and final product.In this case a model based approach has been used to optimize the different parameters in the new snubbing mechanism for the Nose Landing Gear Retract Actuator on the JAS39 Gripen.During the simulations, upper and lower boundaries were calculated for the length of the spring and the diameter for the restrictor. The governing constraints were given by the requirements for the retraction time during cold conditions and that the amplitude of the alternating loads in the uplock mechanism were brought to an acceptable level.The most promising results from the simulations were then used in a limited number of trials in the hydraulic rig to verify that the configurations comply with the requirements.The final parameters for the snubbing mechanism were chosen to 35±1mm for the spring and 0.4-0.5 mm diameter for the restrictor..

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