

124 Uppsatser om Compatible - Sida 4 av 9

Utstationering av utländska arbetstagare i Sverige : Är Lex Britannia och Sveriges sätt att implementera utstationeringsdirektivet (96/71/EG) förenliga med EG-rätten?

The Latvian building company Laval un Partneri Ltd (Laval) posted Latvian construction workers at the rebuilding of a school in Vaxholm in autumn 2004. Because the company refused to sign a collective agreement with Svenska Byggnadsarbetareförbundet (Byggnads), which is the Swedish trade union for constructions workers, Byggnads put the construction site under a boycott. Next Laval sued Byggnads for damages in the Swedish Labour Court (AD) because Laval considers the boycott as well as Byggnad´s demand that Laval signs a collective agreement inCompatible with EC Law. AD has now demanded a preliminary ruling from the European Court of Justice (ECJ). While waiting for the preliminary ruling from the ECJ, several important questions of principle stand unanswered.

Informationskompetens mellan raderna ? En textanalys av grundskolans styrdokument

The aim of this study is to examine and map out the different ways that theconception of information literacy (IL) is used in the governing documents ofthe Swedish elementary school. IL is a controversial concept around which thereis no proper consensus. Despite that fact, the word is used in a vast number ofcontexts. In the school world as well as in the library sphere the different waysof using the concept often appear to overlap although rarely in ways that seemconducive to one another. My work therefore, is aimed at finding out how theconcept is used within these two discourses and if or in what ways the usagescoincide and are Compatible.

Redesign av gallervält för Svea Redskap AB : Examensarbete, produktutveckling

The environmental debate is more intensive than ever before and the demands on companies increase. There are a number of methods to make it easier for the companies to fulfil the demands. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) end ecodesign are some of the methods that can be used. Syntronic AB has the possibility to reduce the products´ environmental impact in the design phase. Therefore it is important for the company to make it possible to visualize the negative environmental impacts a product can cause in an easy way. It is also important to visualize for there clients if any improvement is possible. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a simplified model.

"Jag vet att det inte är någon semester att vara föräldraledig" : en studie kring hemarbete och föräldraskap utifrån ett jämställdhetsperspektiv

The following study was undertaken in the spring of 2005 in Helsingborg, Sweden.It presents a study of the experience and values six young couples have related to parenting and gender equality. Twelwe people, six women and six men, were interviewed about the above mentioned topics related to their new found role as parents. How did these women and men choose to assign or elaborate their role as parents in terms of household chores and parental leave? Did they consider their parenthood to be equal or did they feel that their role as parents had already been assigned based on their gender? What were the decisive factors, if any, that determined their parenting roles?Although this study is relatively limited, the results are Compatible with other published studies and indicate that young parents of today, without consideration to their gender, have a traditional view on parenting. The study also indicates that the attitudes seem to be established by traditional values, norms as well as sexualgender.

Risk Management vid implementering av regulatoriska ändringar inom Sweden Operations

The environmental debate is more intensive than ever before and the demands on companies increase. There are a number of methods to make it easier for the companies to fulfil the demands. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) end ecodesign are some of the methods that can be used. Syntronic AB has the possibility to reduce the products´ environmental impact in the design phase. Therefore it is important for the company to make it possible to visualize the negative environmental impacts a product can cause in an easy way. It is also important to visualize for there clients if any improvement is possible. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a simplified model.

Design och implementering av enhandsburen RFID-läsare

Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a versatile wireless technology usedworldwide. The fields of applications are many and its popularity constantlygrows due to smaller in size, better and less expensive components. RFID isused to identify, track or share information about an object using radio waves.This master thesis describes the process of designing and implementing ahandheld UHF RFID reader. The goal was to, based on a UHF RFID-chipdesign a fully functional, small in size and power efficient device. Amicrocontroller provides the user interface and is also used to control theRFID-chip and a Bluetooth device.

Att Införa IPv6 i ett IPv4-nätverk

Internet is growing every day and this is leading to an address depletion of the current IPv4 addresses. A new version of IPv4, called IPv6, is the protocol for addressing computers that will deal with this problem. IPv4 and IPv6 are unfortunately not Compatible with each other. IPv4 and IPv6 have to co-exist for a long time until IPv6 will be the dominant protocol.The purpose of this thesis is to examine how a transition could be done or more correctly, how to deploy IPv6 in an already existing IPv4 network. After that part of the report a case study at the local Internet service provider Junet AB will be conducted.

Renommésnyltning Bestämmelsen om jämförande reklam enligt marknadsföringslagen

Many companies sometimes affects that a competitive company pulls use for their trademark or their products in his advertising. It can for instance be that the company uses alike symbols or features and on so ways fields a free ride on another companies good reputation. This procedure is called reputation parasitism and settles in the marketing act, 8 a § comparative advertising. You can also condemn after the marketing acts 4 § general requirement which?s says, ?marketing must be Compatible with good marketing practice? which also agrees with international chamber of commerce.

Optimering av skumdämpande additiver För användning i en lufttorkande vattenburen rostskyddsprimer

The development of defoaming additives is steadily progressing and there are therefore always new and improved additives on the market. Some modern additives provide the desired defoaming effects by themselves, in contrasts to previous additives that needed to be used in combination with other additives. The task of this bachelors thesis was to evaluate the possibility of using these improved defoaming additives, with the aim to find alternatives that give the system better defoaming attributes while, at the same time, using less of the primary products. The tests were carried out in the coating type Teknocryl Aqua Combi 2780. The coating is a waterborne air drying acrylat-latex/alkyd based coating that can be used for both single coat painting and primer.

Ekoanalys-modell : En förenklad modell för att kunna belysa miljöpåverkan redan i designstadiet av en produkt

The environmental debate is more intensive than ever before and the demands on companies increase. There are a number of methods to make it easier for the companies to fulfil the demands. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) end ecodesign are some of the methods that can be used. Syntronic AB has the possibility to reduce the products´ environmental impact in the design phase. Therefore it is important for the company to make it possible to visualize the negative environmental impacts a product can cause in an easy way. It is also important to visualize for there clients if any improvement is possible. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a simplified model.

Undersökning av Södra-transportörernas användande av KOLA-systemet

The purpose of this study was to create a picture of Södra´s round wood transporters usage, and positive or negative experiences of the KOLA-system. The KOLA-system, owned and managed by SDC, is a program for handling timber orders and displaying their locations on digital maps. The study was conducted as a twenty-three question internet-based survey. Of those asked to complete the survey, 57 percent chose to answer the questions. The results of the study indicated that several of the transporters found the system quite good and used it to a large extent. The system also had many deficiencies however, and there was clear potential for further increasing the usage of the system.

Regeln som splittrar - Om barnfamiljer och regeln om uppehållstillstånd före inresa utifrån internationella konventioner och svensk policy

Swedish migration law states that a person who wants to seek a residence permit based on family ties has to apply from the home country. This essay applies to cases when families that live in Sweden have to come apart when one parent has to return to the home country to seek a permit to which he or she is entitled.The rule causes families unnecessary suffering. This essay analyzes the reasons behind the rule and argues that it is Compatible neither with Swedish policy of children's rights and gender equality nor with the international conventions that have been ratified.Furthermore, it is investigated whether the migration authorities act in compli-ance with the intentions behind the law. It is concluded that the Migration Board, despite their own critique of the rule, makes an unnecessarily restrictive interpre-tation. This results in a situation where no one takes responsibility for the conse-quences for the affected families.

"Det är så lätt, det är bara att gå in och trycka på ett par knappar." En rättssociologisk utvärderingsstudie av lagen om upphovsrätt (Lag 2005:359) och de viktigaste orsaksmekanismerna bakom fildelning

The purpose of this study was to find out why the law that regulates downloading copyrighted material does not work and which of the most important main reasons lies behind downloading behaviour. The phenomenon being well investigated earlier has actualized a new demand for normative investigation in connection with the hot debated IPRED-law.Using qualitative method comprising of interviews with three typical file sharers and anchored in Max Webers action typology, rational choice theory and the norm model followed by two assessment models, we found that four important reasons lies behind downloading behaviour: 1) economical reasons was the most central and frequent determinant followed by 2) accessibility and comfort, and 3) social acceptance and moral and also 4) habits. Although the content of the law was correctly provided by the interviewees, it was clear that they did not perceive the impact of the law as meaningful or threatening.The results, being Compatible with previous research, are discussed in terms of the named theories and assessment models. We suggest further research to take into account peoples norms as the new IPRED-law soon will be functional as well as studies from a perspective of the legal rights of the individual..

Sveriges och EG:s konkurrensrättsliga regler om gryningsräder i privata hem i förhållande till artikel 8 i Europakonventionen

The purpose of this essay is to review the Swedish international development cooperation carried out by Sida to control whether the implementation of the international aid is Compatible with the policy. There are a lot of different ways to implement the economic aid that are being used by the donors today. The Swedish method has since the 1960s mainly been focused on attempting to diminish the poverty in the world. In the latest time another goal has been added, that is a focus on supporting the civil rights. This essay will be concentrated to aim on what kind of countries receiving aid from Sweden, and exactly why these countries are being chosen.The main question of this essay is: What countries are receiving the international developing aid, and how can this distribution be understood? To answer the main question there are two themes in the essay:? What kind of countries is supposed to receive developing aid from Sweden according to the policy?? What kind of countries is receiving the aid, and how can this be understood?This essay is mainly based on quantitative data obtained from Sida, together with index of corruption and poverty will the different types of Swedish cooperation countries be described.The conclusions of this essay are that there are two objectives of the policy: to fight poverty, and to strengthen the civil rights.

Hållbar tillväxt - möjlighet eller motsägelse? : En granskning av EU:s Lissabonstrategi ur ett humanekologiskt perspektiv

The purpose of this study is to make a close and critical scrutiny of the EU Lisbon Strategy and the assumption of `sustainable growth´. A basic question is to clarify what is meant by `sustainability´ in the economic and the environmental dimension respectively, and also, to analyse the meaning of `sustainable growth´. Secondly, I try to investigate the relationship between the economical and environmental dimensions of the strategy. Are the goals of the dimensions Compatible and mutually supporting or are they conflicting? By illuminating these issues the study moves towards a final set of questions: What are the arguments that encourage or counteract the Lisbon assumption of `sustainable growth´? Is the European Union approaching `sustainable growth´ looking at different economical and ecological indicators? What are the prospects for the Lisbon Strategy as a way towards global `sustainable development´?.

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