

11371 Uppsatser om Communication process - Sida 28 av 759

"Två hjärnor tillsammans ger mer kunskap än en!" : En kvalitativ studie utifrån fyra lågstadielärares tankar och erfarenheter gällande den muntliga kommunikationen i klassrummet

This study focuses on oral communication in the classroom involving discussion and dialogue amongst pupils, but also between teacher and pupil. The overall aim is to study the choices regarding the group composition and working methods that might occur in four individual teachers? lessons plans with the intention of increasing the pupils? knowledge through oral communication. The main focus is to explore what the teachers think of the choices they make and how they believe these changes affect the pupils. It is also focused on how the teachers perceive their pupils? learning is improved by oral communication and how they incorporate all pupils, especially the pupils who rarely participate in classroom activity.The methods used are qualitative studies using interviews and observations.

Genus en social konstruktion? : En socialpsykologisk studie om och hur interaktioner påverkas av genusordningen i den icke-verbala kommunikationen under anställningsintervjuer.

The purpose of this qualitative study is to create an understanding for if and how nonverbal communication and the learned gender structure influence interactions during employment interviews for executive posts. The study is conducted from a social constructivist perspective where it is argued that the individual is created through social interactions. In order to obtain understanding for social gender structure and nonverbal communication in social interactions observation has been utilized as a method. In addition an observation matrix based on nonverbal behavior and masculine and feminine hexis has been established. The results include both the specific individual?s and the general interactions that took place during the employment interviews.

Dolt i det öppna

Communication is a part of everyday life. The more sensitive information we handle, the more interesting the question around security of your information becomes. There are two ways of handling security around the information you want to communicate, either you control the means by which you are communicating. Or you control the way you communicate, making you able to use existing communication channels. Existing methods within cryptography enables two parties to communicate information securely.

Mikroföretags kommunikationshantering, off- och on-line, på
konsumentmarknaden: en fallstudie på två företag

The purpose of this thesis was to highlight how different aspects of market communication are used when micro companies choose to use both Internet and store selling activities towards the consumer market. The thesis dealt with off-line and on-line communication considerations with focus on advertising, interactions, and relations. In order to achieve this purpose a case study was conducted, that revealed that the companies acted according to theories. The conclusions drawn from the thesis were that companies tended to rely on traditional ways of dealing with advertising and interaction. We could also see that relations were created as a result of unconscious behavior and that the Internet activities still were on a basic level..

Leken : En studie om kommunikation i fantasilekar

The aim of this study was to examine how children in the age of 5 are communicating in play at the preschool and how their fantasy games are different from each other. In this study, I have gained a greater insight on how to control children's imagination games.My approach has been the observation of three fun times where I also used me out of a voice recorder to record children's voices when their children are communicating with each other during the time of play at the preschool.The results of my study showed that children's fantasy games based on children's past experiences in which children use different themes and characters. The children's communication activities are different from each other. Children have different themes but the deck is based on imagination and communication.Fantasy games that children perform is rooted in the experiences that children get through to experience and see the reality.

Syns man inte, finns man inte: En kvantitativ studie om PR och reklams relativa effektivitet

When working with market communications it is important that ones brand is noticed and remembered, for which the marketer has many tools at hand. This study compares the communicative effects of PR and paid advertisement on consumers, in response to the underlying purpose to provide a theoretical framework for better understanding the relative effects of the two tools. In the struggle for consumers? attention we find ads to be a tool to achieve wider brand knowledge, whilst PR is rewarded more extensive elaboration once noticed. The study also affirms the causal link between communication credibility, attitude toward the communication and brand attitude.

From a rough to a fair way of organizing : En analys av genomförandeorganisationen i Svenska Golfförbundet

AimThe aim of this study has been to inquire into how the Swedish Golf Federation can make their implementation organization more efficient. The intention with the essay has also been to conclude with a proposal for organization structure for the Swedish Golf Federation. The questions of issue have been: How does today?s implementation organization look like? At which level and within which areas do the interviewees consider that the major problems are found today? How do the interviewees consider that the implementation organization should look like?MethodThrough a strategic selection in cooperation with the assigner the Swedish Golf Federation 15 interviewees have been chosen. The data collection has been executed in form of semi structured interviews.ResultsToday?s organization for implementation consists of one central function in Golfens hus with approximately 75 salaried employees, 21 district federations and 485 clubs.

Produktutveckling med hjälp och stöd för teknisk projektledning : - en kvalitativ studie av tre högteknologiska företag.

Due to an increasing global market with a growing competition and an escalating technologydevelopment the demands on companies today are increasing. To maximise the output fromtheir recourses they need to be more efficient. The research on product development and how toensure the efficiencies in the process are extensive and companies could by adapting andimplementing the result of this research use its benefits.This master thesis is made for Knightec AB with the aims that through interviews anddiscussions with three companies investigate, collate, justify and give proposals for productdevelopment process together with supporting methods and procedures for technical projectmanagement. Besides Knightec AB three other companies located in Sweden has beenparticipating in this study. Through semi structured interviews and discussions in focus groupsinformation from the three involved companies were obtained.

Till en älskad vän : materia och objekt som medier för överföring

With self-hypnosis as a method, I work with levels of consciousness in relation to practice. Focus lies in the relation between a language of materials and an inner experience. How do material expressions function as mediums of a spiritual matter between a beholder and me? The trance functions as a space for a spiritual contact/communication. Abstract images of crystalline glaze on ceramic tiles are direct results of these acts.

Intranät : En teoriprövande studie tillämpad hos Sydved AB

During twelve weeks of practice experience at the company Sydved AB, I received the mission to develop a structure for the company?s internal communication. A part of this mission was to find out what the company?s employees thought of Sydveds internal communication and the most important; Sydveds intranet called ?Outlook?. Due to Sydveds plans of developing the intranet I designed and accomplished an inquiry-study to find out about the employee?s opinions on the company´s internal communication and in particular their intranet.The answers I want from this study are if I shaped the inquiry-study correctly the first time.

Interaktion och intervention : En undersökning av kommunikativa behov hos personer med afasi och dysartri i vardagliga och kliniska samtal

In speech and language intervention, the ability to interact is seldom evaluated; rather intervention is evaluated in terms of improved testresults.  If goal-setting in intervention also is based on everyday communicative needs, the relevance of the treatment may be increased and intervention outcome may be implemented in the patient?s natural environment.The present study, as part of a research-project, is based on analyses of interaction and interviews to examine everyday conversations and speech and language intervention. The aim was to explore if there is a relation between everyday communication needs and goal-setting in speech and language intervention for people with aphasia. A further aim was to investigate if there are everyday communicative needs that may form goals for speech and language intervention.Two individuals with aphasia and one individual with both dysarhtria and aphasia participated in the study. Three speech and language pathologists and two relatives also participated in the study.

Användarstyrt förvärv vid tre högskolebibliotek

User-centred acquisitions at three academic librariesA new way of developing collections has been adopted at a number of small academic libraries, user-centred acquisitions. The method implies that the main way of building the collection is by means of receiving suggestions of titles from library users. The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate changes in acquisitions of monographs. At a more detailed level it seeks a deeper understanding of what user-centred acquisitions is and how the method effects the acquisitions process. Changes in stock management and the reason why the libraries have chosen the method is investigated as well.

Kravanalytikerns roll : Kommunikationsförmedlare mellan olika intressenter i ett IT-projekt

According to statistics, requirements management is identified as a major source of error to failed IT-projects. Moreover communication is identified as a factor affecting the require-ments management and can lead to deficiencies in the requirements. The requirements analyst is responsible for managing the requirements from the different stakeholders, act as a com-munication accommodator and to translate abstract requirements expressed by users to more specific requirements that developers can implement. The purpose of this thesis is to study the role of the requirements analyst to investigate the problems that may arise in working with requirements management.  To achieve the purpose we have performed a requirements management process in which we ourselves took the role as the requirements analysts. The requirements management process consisted of three phases: gather requirements, document requirements and validate require-ments.

BeAKKta : ett kommunikationshjälpmedel som möter behoven av djupare kommunikation hos personer med autism

A vulnerable group in society is people with ASD (autism spectrum disorders) or autism. This group seems to increase, mainly due to genetic factors but also environmental problems. Medical research has accelerated in the U.S. and Europe. The biggest problem for people with disabilities is the inability to communicate, both verbally and socially.

Tecken som alternativ och kompletterande kommunikation : ett hjälpmedel för barn med/i kommunikationssvårigheter

AbstractThe purpose of this paper was to examine preschool teacher?s thoughts about using Manual Signs as Alternative and Augmentative Communication as an aid for children in/with communication disabilities. The method I?ve used in the survey is qualitative interview.The three interviewed preschool teachers use Manual Signs foremost for those children who have a poorly developed spoken language. Manual Signs are used as a complement to the spoken language and the preschool teachers use it to increase the children?s power of concentration.

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