4374 Uppsatser om Common sense - Sida 19 av 292
Sjuksköterskors attityder och förhållningssätt kring patienter med psykisk ohälsa - en litteraturöversikt.
AimThe aim of this study was to map the injury panorama of traumatic injuries related to ice hockey in Sweden 2006-2011. In addition to that the aim was to compare whether there were any gender differences regarding traumatic ice hockey injuries. MethodThe present study was based on data from the Folksam insurance company between 2006 and 2011. The population consisted of ice hockey players in a club affiliated to the Swedish Ice Hockey Federation and that had sustained a traumatic injury related to ice hockey that resulted in medical care and then was reported to Folksam. The results are presented with descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation, median range and frequencies. ResultsThe head was the most common injury localization followed by the upper extremity where the shoulder accounted for a high number of injuries. Fracture was the most common type of injury for both male and female players.
"Om man inte gör det på Facebook" : Ungdomars uppfattning om sociala medier som demokratiagent
The purpose of this essay is to explore how social media affect the political orientation and commitment of youths. Three scientific questions highlight the purpose from different angles. The didactic perspective is discussed in the initial and closing discussion, and is analyzed in the corresponding chapter. Two methods are involved in the study; one survey and one interview with a focus group. The survey had a total of 98 respondents from four different classes, all in the first grade of upper secondary school.
Upplevelsen av att bli diagnostiserad med ADHD i vuxen ålder : En kvalitativ sociologisk studie
AbstractWe have chosen to examine how it can be to be diagnosed with ADHD in adults. Our purpose of this study was to examine the experience of being diagnosed with ADHD in adulthood. We wanted to investigate if people feel that the diagnosis has led to a change and if so, in what way. We also wanted to investigate the impact that the participants attribute the diagnosis. We have made a qualitative study in which we interviewed five men aged 31-45 years, who have all had their diagnosis for a year or more.
Skånska trähägnader : en studie i konstruktion och historisk utbredning
The Scanian woodfences has been determined by two mainly elements: Scania's composition of tree species, with a large element of deciduous forest, and the local building tradition which has more in common with the European continent than the Swedish tradition. By examining responses from ethnological question lists deriving from the first half of the 1900s, combined with literature studies, I have been able to deepen and broaden the knowledge behind the various fencing design. In addition I ?ve constructed maps which could illustrate their historical geographic distribution.I have come to the conclusion that there was three main types of woodfences that was most common until the barbed wire was introduced in the early 1900s and later on replaced the elderly woodfences. Common for the three main types is that the base material was made out of Juniperus communis, this largely because of its durability against rot.
Säker hantering av lösgående nötkreatur :
After I heard that two deadly accidents in farming 2003 were created by work with
cattle, I got the idea of writing this degree project. So far there are not too many reports
written about safety for the worker nor the animal. Therefore it will fit in with a report
about safe handling of free stalled cattle.
The Swedish Board of Agriculture would also like to do an information material about
outside stalled cattle with this degree project as a background.
The collecting of material was made by visiting farmers. The goal was to visit 15 ? 20
herds and when this is being written 19 herds have been visited.
Traumatiska skador hos ishockeyspelare i Sverige : en registerstudie
AimThe aim of this study was to map the injury panorama of traumatic injuries related to ice hockey in Sweden 2006-2011. In addition to that the aim was to compare whether there were any gender differences regarding traumatic ice hockey injuries. MethodThe present study was based on data from the Folksam insurance company between 2006 and 2011. The population consisted of ice hockey players in a club affiliated to the Swedish Ice Hockey Federation and that had sustained a traumatic injury related to ice hockey that resulted in medical care and then was reported to Folksam. The results are presented with descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation, median range and frequencies. ResultsThe head was the most common injury localization followed by the upper extremity where the shoulder accounted for a high number of injuries. Fracture was the most common type of injury for both male and female players.
Samma skyldigheter - men inte samma rättigheter : Funktionshindrades uppfattning om och definition av medborgarskap; en komparativ studie Sverige-Storbritannien
The concept of citizenship was created in Greece about 600 BC, and has for most of the time been treated as a philosophical concept, or as a concept of political science. In spite of the fact that sociologists have taken an interest in the concept in the second half of the 20th century there is hardly any empirical research to substantiate how the common man perceives and defines the concept. Disabled people to a great extent perceive themselves as belonging to a forgotten sector of society in that they experience administrative barriers, shortcomings in the way individuals and institutions behave towards them, institutional discrimination, being socially dead, etc. ?The aim of this study has been to explore how citizenship is perceived and defined by disabled people in Great Britain and Sweden, focusing on the perception of rights and obligations, and how these rights and obligations have been made available to them by society.?The study was carried out as a qualitative study.
Implementation och utökning av en typhärledningsalgoritm för Common Lisp
Programmeringsspråk har oftast ett typsystem och kan välja att använda olika statiska verktyg att analysera koden. Statiska språk utför typkontroller innan körtillfället och kan då ge garantier att typfel inte kan förekomma, dynamiska språk gör däremot dessa kontroller under körtillfället och om ett dåligt beteende upptäcks avbryts programmet.Eftersom kontrollerna görs under körtillfället skrivs inte typsignaturer ut i dynamiska språk. Ett dynamiskt språk kan vara mer flexibelt än ett statiskt språk eftersom inga garantier ges. Eftersom inga typsignaturer skrivs ut går det att skriva program på ett mer koncist sätt. I statiska språk tvingas oftast användaren att skriva ut typerna explicit för variabler och funktioner.Typhärledning är processen att härleda typer för uttryck.
Patienters upplevelser av att leva med venösa bensår utifrån ett fysiskt, psykiskt och socialt perspektiv - En litteraturstudie
The purpose of this study was to describe patients? experiences when living with a venous leg ulcer in physical, psychological and social perspectives. The articles used to describe this condition were found in the databases: PubMed and Cinahl. Ten articles were included in the result: five with a qualitative approach, two with a quantitative approach and three with both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The results were presented through three headings: physical, psychological and social.
Akut prostatit hos hund : en retrospektiv studie av ultraljudsbilden på 15 hundar med kliniska tecken på akut prostatit
Acute bacterial prostatitis is a common disease in older male dogs. It gives symptoms such as fever, pain, tiredness, infertility, unwillingness to mate and sometimes symptoms from the urinary tract. It is common that you do an ultrasound exam on dogs when you suspect prostatic changes.
In this study 15 dogs diagnosed with acute prostatitis at the small animal clinic at SLU in Uppsala were examined. The clinical signs and the ultrasound pictures were put together in retrospect.
Lojalitet och representation - Svenska statsrådsrollens tolkningsdilemman
The appointing of Swedish governmental officials has gone through a dramatic change the last nine years. The tradition of officials appointed due to their political experience has been traded against the appointing of experts. In this study I ask questions about this new way of appointing representatives effects how these officials interpret their role. An official that who has never been in the party before appointed, obviously cannot consider the principal of party. With the theoretical approach of normative representation theory (representational style) I perform case studies that shows some change.
VÄG, VAL OCH VILLKOR : Individer som tidigare begått kriminella handlingar berättar
This thesis, titled ?Change, choice and conditions?, is written by Lina Skantze and Bianca Zandén. The study explores the process in which individuals? attempt to end their criminal career, focusing on the interplay between path of life, choices, and conditions. The method is qualitative, and the empirical material consists of interviews with four young adults that all have experience of criminality.
Jämställt ledarskap? Genus, organisation och ledarskap i skolans värld.
In today´s labour market, men and women are segregated, both vertically and horizontally. Exceptions to the rule of gender segregation are few. There is, however, one managerial group where women and men are equal in numbers: school principals. In a short period of time, the distribution in terms of sex among principals in Sweden has changed dramatically. How does gender equality in numbers affect gender equality in a qualitative sense? That is the focus of this thesis.
Socialarbetaren i organisationen: Anpassning eller inflytande?
The aim of this paper was to examine how social workers' comprehension of the need of financial aid exists in, and is influated by, the organisation they work in. To investigate this, we asked ourself questions concerning how the social worker view the way that the finicial aid-system and work surrounding it is formed, whether the social worker's understanding of the need of financial aid co-exists with the percieved common understanding of the work place (do the understandings coincide, do the social worker adjust his or her understanding or is it possible to have a separate understanding), whether the social worker feel that he or she have discretion to influence the organisation and how possible conflicts between different views are handled. We felt that a qualitative method would best help us answer these questions. We therefore interviewed seven social workers working in the same organisation. We then looked at our material from an organisational theory perspective, focusing on the individual in the organisation.We found that the social workers were socialised into the organisation and adapted the norms and values that existed there.
Känsla av sammanhang : En studie kring äldre ensamboendes välmående
ABSTRACT Introduction: This study is based on Aantonovskys SOC-theory; Sense of Coherence. SOC can be described as a theory which describes how a person experience her existence and the theory is based on three key expressions; comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness. Aim: The aim of the study is to examine a group of elderly (>80 years) men and women who live alone to investigate how many percent of the group that estimate a high value of SOC. The study aims to investigate which factors contribute to the fact that a person achieve a high value of SOC and increase the understanding about how these factors concretely can appear in a persons life. Methods: Questionnaire (SOC scale) and Interviews.