

761 Uppsatser om Commodity trade - Sida 12 av 51

Språk, kultur & handel i ett svenskt perspektiv

Sverige är ett exportland med lång tradition av handel med omvärlden. För att kunna utnyttja våra absoluta och komparativa fördelar gäller det att vi har god kunskap om vad som påverkar vår handel. Dagens konsumenter har ett stort antal produkter att välja mellan. Handla har aldrig varit lättare och med hjälp av internet är det möjligt att handla varor från andra sidan jordklotet med minimal ansträngning. Vi ställer oss frågan, har vår språkkunskap och kultur en inverkan på den internationella handeln? Denna fråga ska försöka besvaras med hjälp av ett bland de vanligaste verktygen vid skattning av bilateral handel, den så kallade gravitationsmodellen.

Lönekartläggning och handlingsplan : - en undersökning om det aktiva arbetet för jämställda löner

Swedens membership in the European Union have resulted in an internationalcharacterized labour market. The construction sector is the area who employs mostposted workers among the 7400 employees who monthly enters the market. It?s alsothe sector where a big part of the work-related deaths occurs. The purpose of this studyis therefore to contribute to a greater understanding of the regulation regarding postedworkers, their work environment and the consequences of it.

Den polska lastbilschaufförens verksamhet : Att i Sverige betraktas som egenföretagare eller anställd och vad blir inkomstbeskattningskonsekvensen?

Export is a top priority for Sweden's economy but for Swedish companies it may involve uncomfortable risks of exporting without sincere consideration. When the United Nations Security Council puts an embargo against a country, this often mean an import and export restriction. The thought is to push undemocratic regimes into respecting human rights. When the embargo is in force, however, the parties are not able to fulfill their contractual obligations, which practically means that the agreement will be suspended. The problem is what happens when an embargo is in force for a longer period of time.

Ekonomin i Sala gruvby omkring 1500 till 1600 : en jämförande studie av myntfynd från Sala gruvby och kyrkfynd

The subject of this essay in archaeology is the economy at the mining village of Saladuringthe 16th and early 17th century. The silvermine in Sala was once the foremost producer of silver in Sweden, and the mine as well as the mining village had had a long and rich history. This history can be seen in historical documents as well as in archaeological findings. The lure of silver attracted many different people to the mining village. This in turn madetrade an important part of the mining village.

Optimal kapitalstruktur : En undersökning tillämpad på skandinaviska och tyska företag

This paper describes and develops a trade off model of optimal capital structure by Bradley et al. (1984). The model is then tested to examine how changes in corporate tax rates affect the optimal capital structure of firms. Based on theoretical implications of the model, four hypotheses are derived stating that firms? optimal debt-to-value ratio is (1) negatively related to financial distress costs, (2) negatively related to non-debt tax shields, (3) negatively related to firm volatility and (4) positively related to the corporate tax rate.

Sveriges Arbetares Centralorganisation och Landsorganisationen 1910-1930: Enhetsdebatten

Relations between the Central Organisation of the Workers of Sweden and the Swedish Trade Union Confederation, 1910-1930:The Unification Debate The purpose of this study is to depict the hostile relations between the two unions, the Central Organisation of the Workers of Sweden (SAC), and the Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO), between the years 1910 and 1930, the proposal of and following debate about unification being especially focused on. The questions are the following:1. What ideological differences where there between SAC and LO? 2. What ideas were common in the debate? 3.

Den varumärkesuppbyggande processen : En fallstudie på en fackförening

Background: According to many authorities Trademark consideration will within the companies become all more prioritized objectives for competitive advantage and a strong organisational structure.Trade marking is becoming an important tool, not only Production oriented companies apply this on their products or services whereas it is today spread in many different sectors.Problems: On the basis of theoretical and empirical studies, we will try to see how a trademark is built up.This will guide us to our questions at issue:? How has the actual process for HTF been in order to strengthen and to build up their trademark, how have they achieved this in practice?? What are the underlying criteria?s to for this work and what role has the consultant company BMN in the actual process?Aim: The authors have for intention to create an understanding on why there is interesting for a trade union organisation like HTF to carry out a trademark development investment. A further understanding will be to highlighting a strong trademark's advantages and possible disadvantages.Results: As a trade union organisation where the relationship to the members and the potential members is becoming all more important is the interesting to highlight their trademark clear and in addition to that contribute to building and establishing strong relationships. on the basis of this study we can state that it is now one of the most important support activities that as a trade unions to highlight its core values through trademark. As a trade union, one can to a large extent work with and to apply the market the economic mocks-up for trademark build up.The most important aspect is that we can state , in the future developed to concentrate more on communication, positioning, segmentation and diversification, which the trademark act as intermediary.

Kvinnors roller i vikingatiden : utifrån exemplet Birka och skriftliga källor

This essay discusses the issue of the role of women and also whether they could obtain a strong social position during the Viking Age. Moreover, it does discuss the question of how frequent women were present in Viking Age scriptures, art and archaeological artefacts in comparison to our view of women and her position in the modern society. The archaeological material used is in majority that found in Birka, such as burial and habitational findings. These objects, as well as other comparable and similar findings from other places, when put together with written sources, show that women had different roles in the society. She was able to have a strong social role during the Viking Age not only becauseof the status her family had but also because of her own merit depending of her skills and ability.The archaeological findings found in female graves and other findings in the area, suggest a specializing within both textile production and trade for the women.

Utstationering av arbetstagare - en studie om utstationerade arbetstagares arbetsmiljösituation inom byggbranschen 

Swedens membership in the European Union have resulted in an international characterized labour market. The construction sector is the area who employs most posted workers among the 7400 employees who monthly enters the market. It?s also the sector where a big part of the work-related deaths occurs. The purpose of this study is therefore to contribute to a greater understanding of the regulation regarding posted workers, their work environment and the consequences of it.

The Rationale Behind Capital Structure Decisions: Does Theory Explain Practice?

The purpose of this thesis is to through the analysis of interviews with finance professionals in listed companies answer the question on what lies behind capital structure decisions, and to see how well the prevailing theories fit the answers. This article is an explorative and descriptive hypothesis creating study. We have used a qualitative method to analyse practice through theory. We have conducted telephone interviews with CFO:s and financial executives in Swedish listed companies on how they reason when they make capital structure decisions. We have then thoroughly reviewed the theory and empirical tests of the theories.

Råvarumarknaden Vs Aktiemarknaden : En studie av råvaror och råvarumarknadens prestationer samt reaktioner i relation till aktiemarknaden

Syfte: Syftet med denna undersökning är att studera råvaruprisets samt aktiemarknadens prestationer i form av procentuell avkastning under olika konjunkturlägen från år 1969 och fram till 2009. Samt att studera råvarumarknadens reaktion vid börsfall. Marknaderna ställs dessutom i relation till varandra. Detta görs genom tre delsyften: Hur presterar råvaror i relation till aktiemarknaden i hög- respektive lågkonjunktur? Ökar råvarupriset och aktiemarknaden i samma konjunkturlägen? Hur har råvarumarknaden till skillnad från aktiemarknaden reagerat vid större börsfall?Metod: Undersökningen är kvantitativ, deduktiv samt utgår från primärdata ansamlad via vedertagna källor och databaser.

Betalningsförmedling enligt svensk och tysk rätt

A majority of the payments that are carried out today are executed through the electronic payment systems. Payments that are executed through these systems are administrated by payment service providers, these providers are, in general, banks. In spite of the socio-economic importance of payments and payment intermediation, there is an uncertainty regarding the legal status of payments and payment intermediation. Some describe payment intermediation as transport of means of payments, while some describe it in terms of claims and intermediation of information. There is, in other words, a need for clarification.

Konsumtion som livsstil - att ändra ett kundbeteende för att förverkliga en hållbar strategi

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur företag arbetar med att försöka förverkliga enhållbar strategi som kräver ändring av kunders beteende. Studien adresserar två brister itidigare forskning: i) avsaknaden av empiriska studier av hur företag arbetar med hållbarastrategier i praktiken och ii) bristfällig fokus på de trade-offs företag ställs inför i arbetet medhållbara strategier. För att besvara syftet och adressera bristerna i tidigare forskning har vigenomfört en fallstudie av Nudie Jeans Co (Nudie) och produkten dry jeans. Vi har valt enkvalitativ forskningsmetod och samlat in data från Nudies hemsida, sociala medier,observationer i Nudies butik, intervjuer med butikspersonal och sekundära intervjuer medpersoner från Nudie av relevans för studien. Vi visar att Nudie använder information,utbildning och deskriptiva sociala normer för att försöka påverka kundernas beteende.

Handel med utsläppsrätter. Ett effektivt styrmedel på den svenska fjärrvärmemarknaden?

In January 2005 the emission allowance system was introduced within the European Union and the first period ends at the end of 2007. The system was introduced in order to decrease the wastes of carbon dioxide and the system is a part of ratifying the Kyoto ?protocol which first period runs between 2008-2012.The idea of the system is to reduce the wastes of carbon dioxide where it costs less to do so and the expenses for the society therefore are as diminutive as possible. Different theories explain that companies can benefit from environment legislation and can depending on the company?s attitude gain competitive advantages improve its productivity and thereby increase its profitability.With this in mind, the study aims at examining how the introduction of the emission trade system has influenced Swedish smaller companies in the distant heating industry, with focus on the factors attitude, innovation, competition and profitability.

Kapitalstruktur : En jämförande studie mellan kapitalintensiva och kapitaltunna branscher

Uppsats behandlar företags kapitalstruktur d v s fördelning mellan främmande och eget kapital. Det finns teorier kring ämnet som menar att ett företags värde påverkas av sammansättningen mellan skulder och eget kapital. Detta föranledde vår problemformulering om att närbesläktade verksamheter uppvisar en likartad skuldsättning. Syftet var att jämföra skuldsätt-ningsgraden mellan kapitalintensiva branscher och kapitaltunna branscher. Utifrån detta ställdes vår hypotes upp om att kapitalkrävande branscherna fastighet och tunga maskiner har en högre skuldsättningsgrad än branscherna läkemedel och tjänster.

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