

1922 Uppsatser om Commodity industry - Sida 55 av 129

Europas framtida konfektionsmarknad - dess förutsättningar för att återfå en stark position

Textil- och konfektionsindustrin blir alltmer globaliserad och ställs inför hårdare krav då konsumenterna efterfrågar allt billigare varor i snabb förändring. Sedan flera decennier har europeiska konfektionsföretag flyttat sin tillverkning till länder med lägre arbetskostnader för att uppfylla kraven om låga priser som europiska tillverkare har svårt att uppfylla. En stor del har flyttats till Kina men även till andra länder i Asien. Nu håller marknadsförhållandena på att förändras igen genom tillväxt- och utvecklingsländernas starka utveckling. Förändringarna syns tydligast på Kinas marknad genom stigande priser och mindre kapacitet för europeisk produktion.

Industriella avloppsvatten i Chile : Identifiering av problem samt förslag på åtgärder

Chile and Santiago are struggling with heavy environmental problems as a consequence of urbanisation and industrialisation. In the Santiago region the air is seriously contaminated and most of the rivers are classified as heavily polluted.The aim of this thesis is to survey the industrial fluid waste situation in the Santiago region and to make suggestions on technological improvements or process changes. The purpose is also to study five different enterprises more closely and to give more detailed suggestions for improvement. Another purpose is to summarize relevant Chilean legislation.Information, provided by the supervisory authority, about the release of industrial wastewater to rivers has been analysed. Deep interviews have been made with authorities and consultants.

Utveckla eller avveckla : varför väljer vissa av Milkos medlemmar att utveckla sin mjölkproduktion medan andra avvecklar?

The Swedish dairy sector is facing several challenges the coming years. One big challenge is how they will secure the access of their raw material milk in the future. The number of milk producers has decreased for an extended period of time, but was for a long time partly compensated by an increased productivity among the remaining milk producers. From year 2000 that trend was broken and also the quantity of milk produced started to fall quickly. Milko is a dairy company with members from Dalsland in the south to Jämtland in the north. During the first seven moths 2007, their number of members decreased by almost a fourth, from 1 272 to 974.

Från retailer till e-tailer: En studie av konsumentattityder

With the fast development of Internet and the e-commerce during the last decades, retailers are now introducing online stores. This has been adopted as a common strategy within the industry and the phenomenon seems likely to increase over time. Theory based on brand extension is used in this study to explain the effects on brand attitude and the link with willingness to pay when a traditional retailer introduces an online store. We execute an experimental study in order to investigate the effects where we use the offline- and online channel as well as two brands with different strengths as independent variables. Results show that brand attitude and its link to willingness to pay transfers to the online channel.

Avtalsrättens godtrosrekvisit : Särskilt om kunskapskriteriet

The purpose of this study is to investigate, and if possible explain, how background, childhood, and education in a municipal or regional context can affect young peoples? life trajectories.The living conditions for the population in the coastal region Roslagen with its geographical and historical specificities has during centuries largely been characterized by practical crafts-manship. With a growing share of non-permanent residents in the region with demand for help and services, this culture has during the later years been able to prosper. The social reproduc-tion in the municipality also seems to be extensive. In addition to original background, appar-ently the municipality?s service-dominated trade and industry culture has also affected the choice of education and profession of the youth in Norrtälje.

Askans inverkan på beläggningstendensen i ett biobränsleeldat kraftvärmeverk och växtplatsens påverkan på askegenskaperna :

This report was written by Sofia Ericson and describes the degree thesis with the title: ?Connections between the growing site of bio fuel, the chemical composition of bio fuel ash and the deposit growth in a bio fuel fired boiler.? The purpose of this degree thesis was to avoid melted deposit growth in the bio fuel fired boiler at ENA Kraft in Enköping. Potassium and sodium are known to lower the melting point of bio fuel ashes and are therefore not wanted in the trees in higher amounts than necessary for the growth. Silicon is also known to be important for the deposit growth but it is not possible to say in general if higher or lower contents of silicon is better. The relation between silicon and other chemical substances is more important than the total amount of silicon.

Baby Versatile Concept

Sometimes one get sucked in old thinking which results in that the development brakes down. This is exactly what has happened in the industry Baby Versatile Concept will enter. With innovative solutions on elementary problems and new developed functions the marked not yet seen will the product take land. Though the problem already from start had high potential it was no surprise that, by the realization of the ideas in mars, interested venture capital of four hundred thousand Swedish kronor. Already by the start of the project a concept patent was planned and will now be realized.

Prefabricerade väggelement av hampabetong

Lime Hempcrete consists of lime, water and hemp and creates an insulating, sound-absorbing, lightweight and environmentally friendly material that can be used in wall, roof and floor structures (Bevan & Woolley 2008). This construction method is not yet developed in Sweden as there has been a ban on the cultivation of the hemp plant. This ban on the cultivation of hemp was removed in 2003, when the material got a boost. You can use it in many different ways and not just in the construction industry (Ahlsten, 2010).In this study we have investigated the possibility to produce prefabricated wall elements of LHC. We have also studied its mechanical properties and dehydration time.

Denim is not dead

För att ett företag ska kunna hålla sig flytande på marknaden idag krävs de att de har hundra procent koll på vad som sker i deras fabriker och att de strävar efter en mer hållbar tillverkningsprocess. Att försäkra konsumenterna om att fabrikerna inte använder sig av barnarbete eller dåliga arbetsförhållanden räcker inte längre utan det krävs en bredare kunskap inom miljö och hållbar utveckling för att den trogna kunden ska stanna. Syftet med denna rapport är att kontrollera det nyuppstartade företaget DENIM IS DEAD?s produktion och utvärdera om hur man kan förädla de olika processtegen samt skapa transparens gentemot kund.Metoden som arbetet utformades efter var genom en fallstudie som är baserad på en mestadels deduktiv metod men med inslag av induktiv metod. Där grunden lades genom en utförlig faktainsamling för att i rapportens senare del kunna analysera de hypoteser och problemformuleringar som ställts.Målet med rapporten var att ta fram en metod eller produkt som ska underlätta kommunikationen med DENIM IS DEAD?s kund.

Egenskaper och kvalitetsaspekter hos kött från mjölkrasgetter

Most of the goats in the world exist in the developing countries where they are important in the meat industry. In Europe, goats are mostly kept for milk production although the interest for meat is growing. Goats have a thin carcass with only small amounts of intramuscular fat, which gives a lean meat. This thin subcutaneous fat cover can cause cold shortening when chilling the carcass. By using electrical stimulation cold shortening can be prevented.

Prefabricerade stödmurar i betong :

This is a booklet with information and inspiration about precast retaining walls. The three chapters contain information about concrete as a material, how the surface of the wall can be altered, and a chapter with ideas for a new precast wall. I have obtained information through books, interviews, lectures and fairs. The retaining walls on the market do not correspond to the requirements of the Landscape Architects I have interviewed. I have therefore considered their opinions in the chapter containing my new ideas for new retaining walls.

Mobilapplikationer som hjälpmedel i underhållsindustrin : med fokusering på arbetsorderhantering

This thesis paper discusses the results of a survey which was conducted to investigate the potential usefulness of mobile apps in the maintenance department at Perstorp Specialty Chemicals AB. The paper contains four sections, a theory section, a method section , a section that explains the functionality of the app, and finally a results section where the results and conclusions of the survey are discussed. The theory section explains and discusses relevant terminology used in the computer science field and in the maintenance industry. The theoretical model used in this paper is also discussed. The methods section gives a stepwise description of the project and a description of platform and software used.

Praktisk tillämpning av virtuellt byggande i partneringprocessen

This thesis paper discusses the results of a survey which was conducted to investigate the potential usefulness of mobile apps in the maintenance department at Perstorp Specialty Chemicals AB. The paper contains four sections, a theory section, a method section , a section that explains the functionality of the app, and finally a results section where the results and conclusions of the survey are discussed. The theory section explains and discusses relevant terminology used in the computer science field and in the maintenance industry. The theoretical model used in this paper is also discussed. The methods section gives a stepwise description of the project and a description of platform and software used.

BIM för landskapsarkitekter : virtuell design och kommunikation

The purpose of this thesis is to describe what Building Information Modeling, BIM, could mean for landscape architects, and also hopefully to make sense of the possibilities and problems of the system. BIM is about virtual design and is based on all consultancy groups in the design team modeling in 3D. Intelligent objects and metadata, such as price and material, are used. The project group has a common interchange format for simple sharing of information. To get an idea of how the situation with BIM for landscape architects looks like today, I collected information mostly through interviews.

Integritet och sa?kerhet inom den digitaliserade sjukva?rden. : Med perspektiv utifrån patientdatalagen

The digitization of patient data and medical records used by the healthcare-industry in Sweden is rapidly developing. However; developing and changing things in this field is not an easy task because of the circumstances surrounding it. Digital systems intended to process, and hold, sensitive personal data, such as medical journals, must be developed with laws, confidentiality, integrity and availability in mind to secure that none of this data gets compromised.A complicating factor in regards to this is the fast rate of development within IT in contrast to the much slower bureaucratic process of the justice system. This means that laws and regulations oftentimes aren?t up to date with the newest available technology.With the purpose of establishing set regulations on how patient data should be properly handled the Swedish government enacted the Patient Data Act (sv.

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