

485 Uppsatser om Commitment - Sida 3 av 33

Perspektiv på IKT och skrivinlärning : En jämförelse av perspektiv mellan pedagoger som har och inte har anammat IKT- verktyg

The purpose of this study is to increase knowledge and clarify how active educators regard ICT- tools as aids, both the educators currently using the ICT- tools to improve writing skills and educators who have not yet embraced it. The study is based on four interviews with educators working within the age groups grade 1- 3. The findings of this study show a strong Commitment among all educators, in terms of students' writing skills and their different approaches to working with writing skills, which is important as one method should not preclude another. In the findings a considerable curiosity can be seen for ICT- tools for writing instruction by the educators who have not embraced it. The interest and Commitment of the educators who have embraced ICT- tools in their teaching is great..

ACT vid stress : En randomiserad kontrollerad studie av en gruppintervention för socialsekreterare.

Långvarig stress ökar risk för ohälsa och sjukfrånvaro, med negativa konsekvenser för individ, organisation och samhälle. En preventiv metod för stresshantering är Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT). Syftet var att med en randomiserad, kontrollerad studie undersöka huruvida en kortvarig ACT-intervention påverkar stress och generell psykisk hälsa hos socialsekreterare inom Stockholms stad (n=106). Bortfall hanterades med intent-to-treat-analys. Vid förmätning rapporterade två tredjedelar av deltagarna hög stressnivå (PSS?25).

ACT! Innan stress blir sjukdom: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) som förebyggande intervention i en grupp stressade kvinnor.

En Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)-intervention på tre sessioner á tre timmar har erbjudits en icke-klinisk grupp stressade kvinnor (N=20). Målet var att undersöka deltagarnas reaktioner på interventionen och att se huruvida ACT kan tänkas påverka deltagarnas upplevelse av och resurser för att hantera stress. Data samlades in före och efter interventionen, vid varje session, samt vid en tre månaders uppföljning. Deltagarnas reaktioner undersöktes med hjälp av enkäter och skriftliga utvärderingar, medan förändring i stressupplevelse och copingresurser mättes med självskattningsskalorna Perceived Stress Scale respektive Coping Resources Inventory. Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-2 användes för att mäta den för ACT centrala variabeln psykologisk flexibilitet.

Effekter av stresshantering utifrån Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) och övningens betydelse för förändrat förhållningssätt hos universitetsstudenter

The aims of the present study were to implement and evaluate a three-session Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) stress management intervention in a non-clinical group of university students (N = 25) and to investigate the importance of practice in an ACT-intervention. A design with pre-test and double post-test was chosen. A comparison was made between a nine-hour ACT-intervention containing practice for the participants, a two-hour lecture on ACT and stress management containing no practice for the participants and a control group. Psychological flexibility was assessed with Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-2 and mindfulness was measured with Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills. Perceived stress level was measured with Perceived Stress Scale.

Kluven solidaritet? : Att formulera feministisk politik inom socialdemokratins ramar

This thesis focuses on politically active women within The Swedish Social Democratic Women?s Association, also known as S-women. By applying discourse analysis to interviews with active s-women and to meeting conversations between the association?s members, the study approaches ideas of feminism, feminist politics and political Commitment. ?Solidarity? ? the central concept of the labour movement ? serves as the point of departure for a feminist discussion about class, gender, ethnicity and age/generation.

Bemanningskonsulter, mer eller mindre en del av företaget?

Bemanningsbranschen har under de senaste tjugo åren expanderat kraftigt i Sverige och visar på rekordhöga omsättningar, där allt fler söker sig till branschen. Det har också på senare år blivit allt vanligare med bemanningsföretag som specialiserar sig på studenter eller invidiver med egen verksamhet, vilket också är det som denna undersökning handlar om. Syftet med uppsatsen är att förstå bemanningskonsulternas uppfattningar om yrkesrollens fördelar och nackdelar, samt förstå vilken inverkan omfattningen av feedback, utbildning och utvecklingssamtal har för konsulternas känsla av Commitment, identifikation och tillhörandeskap gentemot kund- och bemanningsföretaget. Undersökningen består av en kvalitativ metod med kvantitativa inslag där ansatsen är induktiv. Undersökningen innefattar semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem studerande bemanningskonsulter och en enkätundersökning som besvarats av 52 respondenter som alla uppfyller kraven för att medverka i undersökningen.Den teoretiska referensramen består av teorier som berör organisatorisk identifikation, Commitment, psykologiska kontrakt, flexibilitet och makt.

Tro i vardagen : En studie av en undervisningsmodells effekter gällande elevers förståelse och engagemang i religionskunskap

Study: Degree project in teacher education, Advanced level, 15 hpUniversity of SkövdeTitle: Religious belief in everyday life ? a study of the effects of a teachingmodel focusing on religious belief in everyday lifeNumber of pages:42Author: Johanna ClaessonTutor: Kennert OrleniusDate: Jan 2009 Keywords: Religious study, students´ understanding, students´ Commitment,Buddhism  This paper presents the execution and the result of a project examining how a tutorial model (called the model of everyday religious practice) focusing on how Buddhism is expressed in the daily life of Buddhists believers, affects students understanding of and Commitment in religious studies. In the project, Thai students have partaken by producing sex posters and a picture-show with the help of their own photographs and short texts. However, the picture-show was mainly produced by the author of this paper. These posters and the picture-show were brought to Sweden to figure as teaching material during a lesson in religious studies for students in year eight in a Swedish school.

Eskalerande projekt i offentlig sektor - En fallstudie av polisens utredningsstöd

A large number of system development projects are allowed to proceed for too long, and leads to undesirable project outcomes. Research shows that more than half of the authorities involved reported that at least one of their projects have exceeded their budget, and that a third of all the projects had exceeded the budget. This problem led to the following research question: ?Which factors can explain projects continued escalation within public authorities?? To answer the question, a qualitative case study of the Swedish police?s implementation of PUST, a sort of case management system was conducted. The project received considerable media attention and a large amount of criticism was directed towards the project, partly because the project exceeded the timeframe and budget set at the start.

Faktorer som karaktäriserar en attraktiv arbetsplats : Ett företag i fastighetsbranschen i fokus

Den rådande högkonjunkturen medför att det finns utrymme som arbetstagare att vara kräsen vad gäller arbetssituation. Som arbetsgivare innebär detta att man bör tillhandahålla en attraktiv arbetsplats. Samtidigt ska arbetsgivaren kunna begära ett Commitment från arbetstagaren. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilka faktorer som bidrar till att en arbetsplats upplevs som attraktiv. Resultatet baserades på tolv semistrukturerade intervjuer, dessa analyserades genom en kombination av induktiv tematisk metod och deduktiv tematisk metod.

Rättsäkerhet i den psykiatriska tvångsvården : Lagstiftning och tillämpning

This study examines whether or not there are inherit flaws in Swedish legislation concerning psychiatric institutional care, or in the application of the act, which might lead to the failure of rule of law for the private citizen. Law (1991:1128) concerning psychiatric institutional care in certain instances (LPIC) aims to establish rules which will ensure rule of law for the mentally ill in case of psychiatric institutional care. Despite this, there are legal cases which indicate that these rules, and their implications, are not always considered at the psychiatric wards.The questions at issues which this study aims to answer are thus: Are there any deficiencies concerning rule of law in LPIC 2?3 §§, 4?6 §§, 7?10 §§,15?25 §§ and 32?33 §§ ? This section focuses on LPIC and its design. Whether or not the act adheres to rule of law is examined through a definition which has evolved through discussions of concept based in Peczeniks definition of rule of law.

En lyckad affärsrelation? : två fallstudier

This study has investigated what makes a business relation satisfactory. The purpose is to distinguish the factors that are relevant to a functioning cooperation relationship between sawmills and DIY-stores. The theoretical framework is primarily based on long-term business relationships. The study is based on two case companies and their relations with wood-suppliers. - Case company 1 is a relatively new established and still growing company.

Implementering av TPU : En fallstudie om implementeringen av TPU på ABB Cewe-Control i Nyköping

If Swedish companies are to compete with companies in low-cost countries they have to achieve a more efficient production. The purpose of Total Productivity Maintenance (TPM) is to increase the company's profitability by increasing the productivity. TPM is a method that involves all employees and aims to prevent failures in order to increase the availability of existing equipment.The aim of this paper is to evaluate the implementation process of TPM and give recommendations for the further implementation process. The conclusion and the analysis are based on a case study done at a production department at ABB Cewe-Controls facilities in Nyköping. The case study consists mainly of qualitative data from participation observations, surveys and interviews.Commitment of the management is a key factor in the implementation process of TPM.

Förståelsen för OK>1

In 2005, Outokumpu began to implement its system of continuous improvement, OK> 1, at Avesta Jernverk. OK> 1 has not generated sufficient results on plant KPI:s. The purpose of this study is to identify the understanding,  participation and Commitment regarding to OK> 1, and to suggest some actions to make OK> 1 more successful with emphasis on these three aspects. The thesis shall also determine whether there are any differences in the attitude towards OK>1 between Blue Collars and White Collars.The study consisted of a survey, and interviews. The output from these methods were processed and analyzed and finally resulted in a SWOT ? analysis and suggested actions for improving the understanding, participation and Commitment towards OK>1.

Betydelsen av att kandidaten är motiverad till att söka tjänsten: Rekryteringskällans relation till attityder efter anställning

Rekryteringsbranschen hävdar att kandidater som svarar på annonser eller söker spontant är mer motiverade till att söka ett arbete vilket ger högre arbetsprestation efter anställning. Mot bakgrund av det har 163 anställda på ett energiföretag undersökts i frågan om motivation till att ansöka tjänsten i förhållande till valet av rekryteringskälla och deras engagemang, arbetsinlevelse, arbetstrivsel och Commitment till organisationen efter anställning. I en variansanalys med kovariater visades att rekryteringskällor där kandidaten har ett aktivt beteende som att svara på en annons var mer motiverade än de som haft ett passivt beteende, ex. genom att bli rekommenderad. Attityderna till organisationen skiljde sig inte åt beroende på vilken rekryteringskälla medarbetaren rekryterats från.

Den som gapar efter mycket, fångar ofta hela stycket - En kvantitativ studie om konsumenters emotionella band till varumärken

This paper examines the relationship between the experienced quality in the offering of a brand, emotional attachment and consumer Commitment. The study aim to explore several dimensions of the experienced quality in the offering of a brand. Further we examine two conceptualizations of emotional attachment - Brand Attachment and Brand Love - and intend to declare the two of being two separate phenomena. We then conduct a relationship-based analysis wherein the mediating ability of Brand Attachment and Brand Love, between the experienced quality in the offering of a brand and consumer Commitment, is examined. Therefore we conduct a focused quantitative study, wherein 171 customers of the fashion retailer H&M have responded to a comprehensive survey both online and in-store, to examine this fun-damental relationship and its components.

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