

6824 Uppsatser om Commercial vs. public service - Sida 7 av 455

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Background: Trust has been a foundation of commerce since the very beginning. Trust can in the traditional commerce be built by face-to-face meetings, this is not possible at the Internet. Although, trust ought to be important even for the commercial business relation at the Internet and crucial for the consumer to use this communication channel. Purpose: The purpose of this master thesis is, from a consumer point of view, to study and analyse the importance of trust using e-services. Demarcation: The thesis is focusing trust using e-services, from a consumer point of view.

"Bättre än ingenting" : en studie av teckenspråkigas behov av nyheter

Denna uppsats a?r en studie av hur teckenspra?kiga tar del av det dagliga nyhetsflo?det. Syftet med studien a?r att underso?ka vad teckenspra?kiga tycker om det faktiska utbudet av nyhetsprogram fo?r teckenspra?kiga. Studiens fra?gesta?llningar a?r:Hur uppfylls teckenspra?kigas behov av nyheter idag?Tar de teckenspra?kiga del av nyheterna fra?n Nyhetstecken?Vilken betydelse har public service fo?r teckenspra?kiga?Hur o?nskar teckenspra?kiga att nyhetsutbudet utformades?Tillgodoser nyhetsmedierna teckenspra?kigas behov ur ettdemokratiperspektiv?Att kunna ta del av den samha?llsinformation som finns a?r en viktig del i ett demokratiskt samha?lle.

Se mig, köp mig! : En studie om framställningen av kvinnor och män i reklam för skönhetsprodukter

Master?s Thesis in Media and CommunicationTitle: See me, buy me ? A study of how women and men are exposed in commercial advertisements for beauty productsAuthor: Annelie EliassonUniversity: University of HalmstadCourse: Media and CommunicationTerm: Spring 2013Supervisor: Ebba SundinExaminer: Ingegerd RydinPurpose: This studys purpose is to examine how women and men are exposed in commercial advertisements for beauty products. To examine this purpose two main questions have been formulated:What differences and similarities are there in the representation of women and men in the commercial advertisements?Are there any differences in the representation regarding the target audience in the commercial advertisements?Method: Quantitative content analysisMaterial: 443 commercial advertisements for beauty products in the Swedish lifestyle magazines Plaza Kvinna and Café Magazine from 2008 to 2012Main results: The result of the study shows that women and men, presented in the commercial advertisements for beauty products, were very much alike in most aspects. For example there were only insignificant differences regarding how much of the person?s body that was included in the advertisement, the body position and the activeness of passiveness of the person in question.

Tjänstegarantier: en fallstudie inom tandvården

The purpose of this study was to illuminate dentists? work with guarantees. A case study was performed by personal interviews with dentists from both private and public sector. The result showed how dentists work with guarantees and how they motivate their guarantee obligations. We found that service guarantees? shaping and application should be simple and obvious.

Varför volontärresor? : En undersökande studie om motiveringen kring volontärresande

The focus of this study is to dig deeper into what motivates volunteer travelers. The commercial side of volunteer travelling has increased in the past years, and young Swedes pay large amounts of money to travel to other countries and work as volunteers. The purpose of this study is to get a glimpse into what motivates these young people, and how this correlates to the rapid increase of commercial travelling bureaus that focus on volunteer travelling. Five people under the age of 30, who had been volunteering through a commercial travelling agency, where interviewed for this study. The results show that the main motivation for paying to go work abroad is actually the experience, meeting new people and seeing new things.

Public Librarianship in Ireland. A Study of Public Libraries and Social Inclusion

The purpose of the study was from the perspective of young people that has completed a stay at HVB-home. The respondents are between 15-21 years both boys and girls. The basic questions were: How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service process? How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service contents? How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service regarding available information and how the staff is available? What positive and negative experience do they have from their stay at the HVB-home? We also wish to get a picture of what is important to change to improve the quality on this HVB-home. To receive answers to those questions we formed a questionnaire.

Våga surfa längre än vad radiovågorna tar er : En undersökning om P4 Kalmars Facebook-sida och dess medlemmar

The rise of social media has created an endless source of possibilities for companies to interact and connect with their target audiences. As it is a new channel, companies may experience uncertainty on how to use it to its fullest potential.The purpose of this study is to describe how the Public Service radio channel, P4 Kalmar, use its Facebook page and how its members perceive the communication on this platform. We have also presented recommendations on how P4 Kalmar can improve the relationship with its members. To reach our conclusions we have combined theoretical references with a quantitative content analyze, a survey and qualitative depth interviews.By analyzing our findings we came to the conclusion that P4 Kalmar have to develop a strategy for communicating on social media. But since no general communication strategy for the organization exists they have to develop one before developing one for social media.

Service för funktionshindrade: En undersökning av Boken kommer verksamheten och några användares upplevelser av servicekvalitet

The aim of this Masters thesis is to examine how disabled people who receive the shut-in-service in one community define service quality. The purpose is also to examine the shut-in-service and to look at the users' context. Answers are sought to the following questions: - How do users experience the service quality of the shut-in-service? - What kind of service does the shut-in-service offer to the user? - How can the user be described and which are his/her requests? The analysis is based on theory about service quality by Christian Grönroos. The theory makes a distinction between two kinds of service quality, technical vs functional quality, as experienced by the user through the profile of the organization.

Mannen med makt och den omhändertagande kvinnan : En studie om genusrepresentation i debattprogram i TV4 och SVT

We have studied the differences between people debating on a program in apublic service-channel and a privately-owned channel. We have chosen thetwo biggest debate programs, Kvällsöppet in the privately-owned channelTV4 and Debatt in the public service-channel SVT 1. We have in aquantitative content analysis studied female and male, how many of each thatare participating, how long time they talk in the program and in what rolethey have in the debate. We have studied 10 episodes of Kvällsöppet thespring season 2010 and compared with Johanna Paulsson & Patrik Rosellstudy ?30/70.

Slaget vid Sekigahara 1600 : En historiografisk undersökning

The purpose of this master thesis is to use marketing theory on the library?s activities. The marketing theory used is the 4Ps; product, price, promotion and place, as it's presented by Philip Kotler. Because the library can be seen as a service oriented organization Christian Gronroos theory of marketing in the service industry also has been used. A case study of the public library in Broby was made to illustrate how the public libraries? activities can appear in the light of marketing theory.

Förändringar i varumärkeskoncept : En studie av SVT:s förändringsarbete

Syftet med denna studie är att analysera hur SVT jobbar med och använder sig av förändringar i koncept och om detta i sin tur påverkar varumärket. Vi vill se till det unika i SVT:s situation i och med deras public serviceuppdrag och om detta påverkar arbetet med programmen. Vi ämnar studera detta genom två av SVT:s mest populära program, för att se om vi kan se dem som varumärken och vad som förändrats efter att framträdande attribut har bytts ut.Vi har i denna studie sett till vad ett varumärke är, vilka beståndsdelar ett varumärke har enligt Aaker (2002). Vi ser till hur förändringar av ett varumärke kan gå till utifrån Kapferers (2004) modell samt teoretikers ord om icke- kommersiella organisationers svårigheter.Empirin är hämtad från tre olika intervjuer, den första med varumärkesansvarig på SVT, den andra med På spårets producent och den tredje Så ska det låtas projektledare. Vi har även sett till den information SVT ger ut via sin hemsida och sina public servicerapporter.Vid förändringar ser vi att de båda programmen förändrar med en viss försiktighet och verkar för att behålla programmens kärna.

Folkbibliotekariers användning av sökverktyg på webben i referenstjänst

The web is a constantly growing medium that presumably plays an increasing role in public library reference services. In order to provide high quality reference service the librarians need to be able to master this medium. Therefore it is interesting to get an understanding of how librarians actually use the web. The aim of this Master s thesis is to investigate what web search tools are used by public librarians in reference service. Furthermore, the aim is to get an understanding of how the librarians think about those tools and what background factors influence their selection of tools.

Entering a new market ? A model for evaluating a new commercial real estate market

The development for Skanska Commercial Development (SCD) during the last years has been positive on all markets and Skanska therefore plans on expanding their activity. Central and Eastern Europe has had a considerable economic development, what is assessed to continue during the next following years. Bucharest is one possible alternative in the CEE for a new establishment by SCD. However, the investigation before an entry is a process with many factors that need to be taken into consideration. There are today no models on how and what a developer as SCD should evaluate in terms of opportunities and risks on a possible new market.

Arbetsförmedlarens arbetssituation i förändring - en studie av ett pilotprojekt om förbättrad service

This study has been executed at the Public Employment Office, an institution that has beensubject for much debate during the last couple of years. The government has instructed theLabour Market Board to change the Public Employment Office toward a more effectiveorganization. This study examines one of the Public Employment Offices that are included in apilot project that aims to improve and develop work methods with the objective to become amore service minded organization. From this starting point we have investigated which effect thisorganizational change has had on the employee within this organization and within the pilotproject. In addition we investigate whether attitudes of the unemployed has an effect on thestaff´s work situation.

Bokbuss på 2000-talet ? hur och varför? En studie baserad på intervjuer med personal inom bokbussverksamhet

This thesis is about the bookmobile service in Sweden of today. The purpose is to examine how the staff motivate the existence of the bookmobile. Other purposes are to study the goals of the service, to describe ?daily life? of the bookmobile, examine the changes of the service during the years and discuss possible changes in the future. The study is based on interviews with thirteen staff members from six Swedish communities, of both rural and urban character.

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