

6824 Uppsatser om Commercial vs. public service - Sida 39 av 455

Arena för ungt skapande. Hur biblioteket tar till vara unga människors kulturuttryck: exemplet Demoteket

The aim of this Master's thesis is to explore the function of public libraries as arenas for young people's artistic creations. It examines how the public library makes activities based on independent creativity visible, and what activities of this sort imply to the public library. The thesis also relates this to the public library's task in society. The main object of examination is Demoteket, an on-going project in the south-eastern parts of Sweden. In this project Länsbibliotek Sydost co-operates with Reaktor Sydost, a centre of resource in the fields of young communication and filmmaking.

Om vikten av kvalitet. En studie av förändring i svensk hälso- och sjukvård.

The public health care sector has come under increasing pressure to cut down costs, maximize productivity and satisfy patients' needs during the 1990s and onwards. As a way of "getting more for less" quality management has been introduced. Originating in the private manufacturing industry, quality management has a strong focus on productivity and efficiency, aspects which are measured in quantitative terms. However, there are strong concerns that quality management is a means of speeding up the marketization of public health care by introducing core values much different from the ethic and medical norms that traditionally underpin health care organizations.This essay focuses on how quality management has been introduced to, and transformed by, public health care. A theoretical framework based on new institutionalism is constructed, and translation theories are used as a way of illustrating how the medical institutional environment, in fact, changes the concept of quality management.

Några biblioteksanvändares syn på bibliotekariers kunskap: En kvalitativ studie av uppfattningar vid ett folkbibliotek

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to investigate how public library users consider the knowledge of the librarians and to examine what the users expect from the librarians. To begin with, we contemplate our own view of the librarians, their knowledge and what help we expect at the library. Realising that we do not expect particularly much from librarians, although we have studied to become librarians for two years, we assume that the regular library user does not expect much either. This assumption resulted in our decision to investigate this particular question.

Tjänstekvalitet för pensionssparande : En studie om vilka faktorer som påverkar den upplevda tjänstekvaliteten för pensionssparande

Our purpose of this paper is to seek an understanding of which service quality factors that affects customers in their decision making progress regarding purchasing financial services such as pension products. We also seek to evaluate the different service quality factors by compare their relative strength against each other. The study aim to investigate if there are any connections between customer behavior variables such as gender, age and income in comparison to these service quality factors related to pension products.The findings aim to help a small financial institute such as our case company Plain Capital to understand how their customers experience service quality regarding pension products.In order to find empirical results we conducted a qualitative research as well a quantitative research. The qualitative research employed both a focus group interview with pension savers and an interview with our case company Plain Capital. We were able to identify the service quality factors for pension?s products with help from the focus group interview.

Framtagande av en investerings- beslutsmodell för mindre tjänsteföretag

Problems:How would a decision model that takes into account more aspects and dimensions than just the financial aspect look for smaller service compa-nies? What aspects are important to consider in such a decision model?Purpose:The purpose of this master thesis is to develop a decision model based on previous research, to improve decision making in smaller service com-panies ? by considering perspectives that traditional investment calcula-tions ignore.Method:The study was qualitative and was based on both primary and secondary data. As data collection method for the development of the model we used literature search on previous research. The study?s primary data consisted of responses from five smaller service companies.

Effekter av olika skiftformer : En studie om effekter av olika skiftformer inom räddningstjänsten

Bakgrund: Uppsatsen tar upp problematiken kring att organisera arbetstid inom räddningstjänst. Grundförutsättningarna är att räddningstjänst är en High Reliability Organisation (HRO) och att det påverkar organisationen. I och med New Public Management (NPM) framfart och den ekonomiska situationen i världen har räddningstjänsten fått ett ökat krav på kostnadsbesparingar och resursutnyttjande. Då personalkostnader står för en stor del av räddningstjänstens kostnader kan förändringar av brandmännens arbetstid och skiftgång vara ett logiskt steg, något som skett i Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (GMFRS).Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är ett ge ett teoretiskt bidrag till hur NPM influerade reformer påverkar en HRO. För att göra detta frågar vi oss vad de olika skiftformerna får för konsekvenser för de anställda och organisationen.Metod: Uppsatsen har en kvalitativ forskningsansats vid studerandet av fallorganisationen Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service och Storstockholms Brandförsvar.

Hotell & Restaurangelevers förväntan på framtida yrkesval : En studie om genus, status och kändisskap

AbstractThe aim of my study has been to investigate which expectations students at The Hotel and Restaurant Programme have for their futue working life and labour market. I want to investigate if these expectations are important factors that female dominance is large within the meal service sector. I have chosen to do qualitative interviews to discover these expectations.Some explanations that the respondent give for the gender differences within the restaurant and meal service sectors are the old tradition of male and female work. Furthermore the possibility of becoming well known within the market and the possibility for personal development in this market are described as important factors.The answers to my questions show that all respondents are positive to future work markets; also they all want to work within the restaurant sector and not in the meal service sector. The reasons for their choice cannot give a complete explanation to why female dominance is so big within the meal service sector.Keywords: Gender, status and celebrity-hood..

Vad drömmer en bibliotekschef om? En undersökning av bibliotekschefers visioner för folkbiblioteket i ett framtidsperspektiv

The main purpose of this Bachelor´s thesis is to investigate the visions chief librarians have for their public libraries. The world around us and our way of living is changing as the society is changing ever more rapidly. This evolvement also influences the public library, its role for society and individuals, its activities and its design. The question is how the public library can face these changes and what function and role it can get and make for itself in the future. Through qualitative interviews with five chief librarians our aim is to answer the main question of this thesis: What are the visions that chief librarians on public libraries have for the public library´s future? This study also contain the role the chief librarians give the public library of today and what they mean is necessary for their visions to be achieved.

TV4 - kan kommersiellt och demokrati gå hand i hand? : - En studie om extern påverkan i en tv-kanal och hur kommersiella och demokratiska intressen förhåller sig till varandra 

Introduction: As the media landscape has changed so has fierce competition in the market, giving an effect of stronger commercialization of the media. Societal problems in our society are caused by increased commercialization and market orientation. Media has gone from trusted social institutions to focus on their own economic interests, where owners are expected revenue. The content of the media is characterized more and more by entertainment, because it attracts a larger audience. On one side media is expected to contribute to democracy in society and on the other they are expected to contribute profits to their owners, which creates a conflict in today?s media society.

Stadsmisson eller stadsvision En uppsats om Stadsmissionens roll i välfärdssamhället

Homelessness has always been and will always be a problem in every society. How should we organize the work and care for these people? There are three different types of welfare states, the liberal, the conservative and the social democratic. In the liberal welfare state the market is the supplier of the public good. In the conservative state the family and church and in the social democratic the state is the supplier of the public welfare.The Swedish welfare state has been the archetype of social democratic welfare with de principal of ?Folkhemmet? in focus.

Ekonomisk kompensation vid föräldraledighet, vadå? Utifrån arbetsgivarens perspektiv

The purpose with this essay was to analyse the view of parental leave in the public and private labour market. How does the economical compensation affect the parent's use of parental leave, with focus on the fathers "earmarked" months? Were there any differences in private companies and public organisations? We chose to look at past research and theories about father/men's usage of "60 day parental leave" from a point of gender and equality perspective. In regard to our questions we preformed qualitative, semi structural interviews. We picked people at random to interview at both private companies and public organisations that had or had not extra economical compensations except what the social insurance office paid during parental leave.

I Microsoft Dynamics AX ? databasaccess, kommunikation och tjänster för Commerce Runtime

Examensarbetet undersöker den nya versionen av affärssystemet Microsoft Dynamics AX R2 2012 och dess plattform Commerce Runtime och analyserar dessa ur perspektiven arkitektur och kommunikationsmöjligheter. Examensarbetet undersöker systemets arkitektur och implementerar tre metoder för att visa upp kommunikationen mellan komponenterna i systemet. Undersökningen avgränsar sig dock till de områden av systemet och plattformen som har med butikslösningen att göra. Undersökningen går hand i hand med implementationen. Implementeringen sker löpande under arbetet för att säkerställa att undersökningen stämmer.

Politikers användande av Twitter : En studie av relationen mellan privata och offentliga samtal i den sociala sfären

This study?s aim was to explore how the social media Twitter is used by Swedish political leaders and how they manage the relationship between having both private and public conversations in a new public sphere, the social sphere. In Sweden, studies in this area are yet to grow. We achieved our aim by responding to our three questions at the issue: What kind of content is published in each of the politicians Twitter stream? Are the politicians private or public persons on Twitter? Are the politicians using Twitters interactive functions? We conducted our analysis by performing a quantitative content analysis.

Samtal på bokbussen - en kvalitativ studie om de samtal och möten som sker på en bokbuss

This Bachelor ?s thesis is about the conversations and meetings that take place in the mobile library. The research questions will try to answer: What do the staff talk about with each other, what conversations do the staff engage in with their users and what do the users talk about amongst themselves? The thesis main question is trying to answer of what is characteristic for the mobile library ?s conversations and meetings. Is the mobile library as a meetingplace any different in comparison with the city library? Focus lies on the eveningtours of the mobile library and excludes those tours that service schools and learning-centers.

Kampen om Piteå handelshamn 1950 - 1973 : från lokal stadshamn till nationell handelshamn

Survey's purpose is to illustrate why and how the process happened when Piteå relocated its commercial port away from Skuthamn to the new construction on Haraholmen 1950-1973. How decision-makers worked to achieve their goals, how the work changed and what incentives motivated them to act. The results showed that the decision was taken not to retain the existing commercial port in large part due to Skuthamns physics attributes, which made it impossible to ship large deep vessels from there. The reason that the decision about the port took such a long time was due to a local political conflict which was based on interest in the ownership of Haraholmen. The reason for the location of the trading port became Haraholmen had political backgrounds.

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