

6824 Uppsatser om Commercial vs. public service - Sida 20 av 455

Spelberoende i Västra Götaland, kommunernas inställning till ansvar, hjälp och egen kunskap.

The aim of this essey was to find out what kind of help problem gamblers can get at social service offices in the region Västra Götaland in Sweden. We also examined the knowledge regarding gambling problems at social sevice offices and who the head of the social service offices regarded having the responsibility for the question of helping problem gamblers. As a last question we wanted to know if the size of the population in the community had an impact on these questions. Central questions in our essey asked are:How much help does the social service offices in the region Väsra Götaland offer problem gamblers? Who has the responsabilety to help problem gamblers according to social service offices?What knowledge does the social service offices have concerning problem gambling?Does the population of the community have an impact on theese questions?This is a quantitative study made as a webbservey to the head of the social service offices in the region Västra Götaland.

Industriellt Byggande? En Studie av ICT-Verktyg förInnovativ Produktframtagning

EPiServer is a content management system where users can publish information on a website by using a web browser. EPiServer has a built-in search engine that is very simple. Many customers using EPiServer web publishing system is in need of more functionality than is offered by EPiServer's built-in search engine. The purpose of this thesis is to develop additional functionality extends that the built-in search engine in EPiServer. The assignment was also to identify what need to be developed in order to give customers a better  opportunity to help their visitors find the right information on their website.Since this thesis was started in 2005, a number of commercial search engine productsentered  the market and it has become more common for companies to invest inthese products instead of using the simple search engine that's built into EPiServer.These products have many of the features that have been developed in this thesis.Another crucial difference between EPiServer?s built in engine and other products isthe method used to index content.

Vi gör vad vi vill men det är inte mycket vi kan göra : Om hur organisatoriska faktorer påverkar mellanchefers möjlighet att arbeta med hållbar utveckling

The group of elderly people in Sweden will increase significantly in the future and science point out that the future elderly people will not accept today?s standards and offers of assistance in today?s public elderly care. Therefore public elderly care stands before a significant challenge in terms of development that has to be sustainable. New research also points out that middle managers can be a great strategic resource, and a founder of success, in the challenge of sustainable development. The aim of the report was to increase the knowledge about what middle managers in public elderly care think sustainable development has to embrace, when it comes to quality and personnel administration, in order to meet the needs of the future elderly people.

Servicemotvillig personal : hur motiveras de till att leverera god service?

I den här uppsatsen kommer fenomenet god service att studeras utifrån snabbmatsrestauranger. Frågeställningen som uppsatsen behandlar är: hur får företag servicemotvillig personal att leverera god service? Uppsatsens syfte är att beskriva hur företag inom snabbmatsbranschen arbetar för att motivera och utbilda oerfaren personal för att kunna leverera god service. Då uppsatsen skapat ett nytt empirisk begrepp började studierna ute på fältet. Fältarbetet bestod av observationer samt intervjuer med både restaurangchefer och frontlinepersonal på snabbmatsrestauranger.

Biblioteksreportage: dagspressens bild av folkbibliotekens verksamhet

The aim of this bachelor?s thesis is to investigate how the activities of the public library are portrayed by the Swedish press. It poses the following questions: What kinds of public library activities are portrayed in the Swedish press? What image does this depiction purvey to the general public about the societal role of public libraries?A model of four library spaces developed by Skot-Hansen, Hvenegaard Rasmussen, and Jochumsen is used as the theoretical framework for this study. Qualitative content analysis is applied to 173 Swedish newspaper articles that describe public library activities.The analysis reveals that articles about many kinds of public library activities get published in the Swedish press, but that some activities occur more frequently than others.

Irriterande TV-reklam : Vad det är i TV-reklam som är irriterande och hur påverkar det konsumenternas köpbeteende?

ABSTRACTTitle: Annoying television advertising - What is it about television (TV) commercials that are perceived as annoying and how does it affect the viewer?s purchasing behavior?Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business AdministrationAuthors: Benny Berggren and Sofie ErenlöfSupervisor: Jonas KågströmDate: 2012 ? May Aim:Advertising can be found in many shapes and forms such as on: billboards, radio stations, public transport and of course on television. The last form of advertising is possibly one of the most effective and widely used methods of advertising due to the wide percentage of households with a TV in this technological age. One of the problems TV viewers have to face is the wide variety of TV advertisements which are repetitive and can be seen on numerous occasions throughout the day. This is only one of many factors that may cause irritation to the viewer if being executed wrong.

Vad är en kvalitetsdeckare? : En analys av deckarens ställning på folkbiblioteket

This Bachelor?s thesis is about crime-fiction in Swedish public libraries and aims at investigating the attitude of librarians employed within the public library sector with regards to crime-fiction writing. Therefore, our aim is to examine how public sector librarians assess the quality of crime fiction writing compared to other forms of fiction. And research has shown that librarians haven't always looked upon crime-fiction favorably. The established view of crime-fiction was widely seen by the majority of public sector librarians as a lower form of literature and regarded it as a form of mass culture.

Kvinnomisshandel- faktorer som inverkar på mötet mellan misshandlade kvinnor och sjuksköterskor. En litteraturstudie.

Domestic violence is a serious public health issue that concerns everyone. Public health service is one of many authorities where battered women seek help. The purpose of this literature review was to describe which factors affect the encounter between battered women and nurses in public health departments. The method consisted of analysing 11 scientific articles. The result is presented in themes that show the different attitudes in the encounter between nurses and battered women.

?The poor man?s university? ? om bibliotek, läsning och bokbussar på Jamaica

The aim of this Master?s Thesis is to examine the importance of literacy and reading in a country like Jamaica. What role do public libraries and bookmobiles play in promoting literacy, and how does this work correspond with the UNESCO public library manifesto?To answer this, interviews were conducted with nine Jamaican librarians, and study visits were made to libraries and bookmobiles. In addition, development plans, policy and other relevant documents were analyzed.

Offentlig service på sparlåga? En kritisk diskursanalys av idéströmningar inom 2005 års kvalitetsmässa

Håller den offentliga sektorn på att förändras i en mer ekonomistisk riktning? Har new public management tagit över den offentliga verksamheten? Håller de offentliga värdena på att försvinna från dagordningen? Det är frågor som vi i vår uppsats söker svar på. Vårt studieobjekt är kvalitetsmässan, ett forum för debatt kring den offentliga sektorns verksamhet. Genom en kritisk diskursanalys undersöker vi hur debatten ser ut, vilka diskurser som finns representerade samt hur detta kan kopplas till större samhällstrender. Det vi har funnit är att mässan präglas av en effektivitetsdiskurs hämtad från new public management men att även mer traditionella offentliga värden tas upp.

Implikationer av tjänsteföretagets utfästelser för kunders reaktioner i felsituationen

The characteristic of services as an effort carried out in a "moment of truth" implies a risk for failures. This study sheds new light on how alternative offerings that customers are initially exposed to can affect satisfaction and loyalty in the service failure and recovery context. More specifically, two aspects of the initial offering are studied: promised general service quality and the presence of a promise about a specific product attribute. Based on a presentation of the main theoretical perspectives, hypotheses are formulated and a scenario-based experiment in a hotel setting is designed to explore these. The results indicate that a higher level of promised service quality can result in more positive evaluations of satisfaction and stronger word-of-mouth intentions than for a lower level of promised service quality.

Tillgänglighet med kollektivtrafik - GIS-analys av Umeåregionen

The purpose of this study is to examine the accessibility with public transportation in the case of the Umeå Region in northern Sweden. This is done by GIS network analysis where both access to transit stops, as well as access by public transport from stops to destinations is examined. An accessibility index is created from transit frequency and travel times to destinations. The results is compared with population register data to calculate what shares of the population has which levels of accessibility with public transportation. In the Umeå Region there are different levels of accessibility by public transport for different parts of the region, where transit stops in the most densely populated areas has the highest levels of accessibility, as well as stations along the railroads.

Hur uppfattas företagets service av slutkonsumenten? :

We are two students of Horticulture management with marketing profile, now doing an extended course in Business Leadership within horticulture and agriculture. During our 2 years of studies we have used the same company once before, and this project is an expansion of a previous piece of work. We decided, in agreement with the company, to use an inquiry for our study. For this we have contacted 290 of the company's already existing customers. The primary purpose of the survey is to analyze the service offered by the company.

På spaning efter en kärnverksamhet : vilken är egentligen folkbibliotekets huvuduppgift?

The aim of this two-year masters thesis is to look for the Swedish public library´s core business, using theories about competence. The approach is qualitative. It is done by studying the Unesco Public Library Manifesto, the Swedish library legislation, the education in library and information science, two important Swedish library related journals and by asking public librarians about their work and point of view regarding competence.The research shows mainly two sides of the core competence of public librarians: information technology competence and literature knowledge. The conclusion is that the two meet in the idea of mass education, which could therefore be called the Swedish public library´s core business..

AppleTM 1 - 0 Allsvenskan : En uppsats om varumärken och fotboll i en föränderlig värld

The purpose of this essay is to analyse and understand how branding can take place in a football organisation. Football clubs have for a long time been seen as non-profit organisations but since money have become a main factor also in football these days the organisations are more or less turning in to commercial businesses. Football organisations have for many years neglected the assets of actively contributing values to their brand. Despite that branding doesn't seem to be seen as important in football organisations as it is for real companies who spend a fortune of money on building strong brands, which makes us curious to find out how this approach can be developed also in football. We are also interested in what the characteristics are and which underlying factors that determines the choice of a football brand.

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