

6824 Uppsatser om Commercial vs. public service - Sida 16 av 455

Fast Service in Fast Fashion-En kvantitativ studie av kundrespons till självserviceteknik i fast fashion

The success of self-service technology in retail grocery stores cannot be ignored, and the fact is that every other grocery store in Sweden has implemented the self-scanning or self-checkout systems. The trend is that the technique is spreading into other markets with potential to increase productivity for companies and enhance the service for customers. Fast fashion is one branch that is left untouched by the development in payment processes, and despite the leading companies extensive focus on fast service, the concept of self-service technology has not yet been tested. This paper undertake a quantitative, experimental approach to the issue and examines the effect self-checkout would have on Fast fashion- customers. By presenting a scenario with and without self- checkout and afterwards asked about the respondents experience, we can provide the marketing world with new insights.

Libros para todos Folkbibliotek och demokrati i Nicaragua

Libraries all over the world struggle against the threat of decreased funding and a lack of governmental interest. In countries with an under-developed library sector the interest from the government is often minimal or non-existent. Since the 80´s Sida, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency has contributed to the library development in Central America through the Royal Library of Sweden. Nicaragua was the first country to be counterpart in the project. For a period of eight weeks I have completed a field study in Nicaragua and visited the National Library Rubén Darío and public libraries in the country.

Tätortsklassificering utifrån servicebredd och servicegrad : En klusteranalys av Sveriges tätorter

Statistics Sweden is an administrative agency that delimits built-up areas and produces statistics regarding them. The statistics provide information about the area of the built-up areas, their population number, number of gainfully employees working in the built-up areas, and of buildings. Now Statistics Sweden wishes to extend such statistics by producing a measure regarding how well developed the service is in each built-up area.This study is a contribution to this statistical improvement work and the purpose is to ? by employing geographical information systems and cluster analysis ? classify the Swedish built-up areas according to 1) service width and 2) service degree. A particular built-up area has a high service width if it has many different service functions, such as pharmacies, schools and grocery stores.

Från vägg till canvas : Värderingar kring Banksy´s bilder genom byte av omgivande kontext

This thesis in Art History and Visual Science is about values to graffiti and graffiti artist Banksy. I have studied values relating to Banksy´s graffiti images through which context they are placed in and where they are located. I have selected two different images of Banksy as an example on the basis of a transnational phenomenon, where the images that circulate in the public arena by street art and other images and imported into the galleries and consumption market. My conclusion is that the values of the images are based on the context in which each room have its surroundings and that therefore the impression will increase. The public space context, signal availability and the white cube context indicates art, and the commercial context signals goods and items that can be bought.

KOM LOSS En studie av Läs- och skrivstugans verksamhet på tre bibliotek i Västra Götalandregionen

The purpose of this Master Thesis is to investigate whether the technical service available in the "Reading and Writing Corner" has an influence on the total quality of service in a public library. This service is intended to give sensory/print-handicapped persons access to information. The title KOM LOSS is a Swedish expression for "come on" and LOSS is short for reading and writing support. I have chosen to study three libraries in the region of Västra Götaland, Sweden. The thesis examines total quality from the aspects of goal steering, accessibility, education and marketing.

Bokcirkeln och bibliotekarien : En studie av bibliotekariers uppfattningar om bokcirkelverksamheten vid folkbiblioteken

The aim of this master?s thesis is to investigate the value and impact that reading groups organized by Swedish Public Libraries, have on its participants, role of the librarian and the Library as whole, according to librarian?s conceptions. In literature and earlier research reading groups are described to represent an important reader pro-motion tool for Public Libraries. At the same time the typical reading group member is often described as a per-son with a familiarity of reading. Another purpose is therefore to investigate the contribution of reading groups in promoting reading, according to librarian?s conceptions.

Varumärkesidentitet i tjänsteföretag : strävan efter ett gemensamt ledmotiv

Background: Literature regarding brand identity within the service industry is relatively under developed. As a result one theory is used for both the service and product brands, even though there is a significant difference between a product and a service. As a result of this, the brand identity within the service industry has consequences. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the brand identity within the service industry. This is done by focusing on how and why this work is done.

Betydelsen av begreppet service ? En studie som behandlar intern service på eventföretag

Inledning: Definitionen av begreppet service är olika för de flesta människor på grund av de olika erfarenheter och förväntningar de bär med sig. Trots att det är svårt att fastställa betydelsen av ordet så är en god service avgörande för eventföretagens framgång.Bakgrund: Vid värdering av service finns det mycket att ta hänsyn till. För att ett eventföretag ska kunna ge sina kunder en god service är det viktigt att de först vet hur de ska arbeta med den interna servicen. Detta för att servicemöten ska kunna hanteras på ett professionellt sätt av personalen.Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att ta reda på hur eventföretag arbetar med sin interna service och vad de anser att begreppet service står för.Metod och material: Uppsatsen är baserad på tryckt litteratur samt vetenskapliga artiklar som berör ämnet service inom eventbranschen. Som grund till studien har även fem semistrukturerade intervjuer utförts för att ta reda på vad eventföretag anser om ämnet och hur de arbetar med det.Resultat: I resultatet framkommer respondenternas svar på vad företagen de arbetar på har för syn på service, hur de arbetar med det internt samt vad de har för strategier och målsättningar kring det.Slutsats: Företagen inom eventbranschen har liknande värderingar av begreppet service.

Patienters upplevelser av prehospital sjukvård : -En litteraturstudie

Introduction: In Sweden the definition of ambulance nursing is the examination and treatment of sick or injured people done by ambulance nurses during transport.  This means not only focus on the illness or injury but also the human being treated. The paramedic service must be based on the presumption that the medical needs of the patients are guaranteed, and that the expectations and demands of the public are satisfied. Competence and availability are basic terms for a well-functional paramedic service. There is a lot of pressure put on the people working with pre-hospital nursing. One mistake can lead to serious consequences for the patient.

Kontraktsstyrning och kvalitetsindikatorers utformning vid kommunal upphandling : En flerfallsstudie

Management by contract is nowadays a common method within the public sector since the NPM overtook as paradigm with its mechanisms of control inspired by the private sector. The public agency is foremost a service provider where they interact with citizens in the service process. Swedish eldercare has significantly increased its expose to competition which means that eldercare can be executed not only by the municipalities own provider. Such an adaption increases the requirements to inspect quality and how the purchasers assure goal achievement by control. The outmost liability stays with the municipality to ensure that the service produces god care since their position as the service purchaser implies the responsibility to plan, precise and evaluate the required work that the executor has to accomplish.

Torg som offentlig mötesplats : en studie av Sundstorget i Helsingborg

The purpose with this thesis is to understand the relationship between a square?s design and its function as a public meeting place, were Sundstorget in the city of Helsingborg is used as a study object. The architect Jan Gehl developed a theory of people?s outdoor activities in his book Livet mellem husene (1996). He divides the activities in three categories; 1) necessary activities, 2) optional activities and 3) social activities, which are differently affected by the place?s design.

Bidrag till metodutveckling för webservicedesign, baserat på en verklig fallstudie

Web services are now a day often mentioned when speaking of systems communicating with each other online. This master thesis describes how we, with a grounded theory, developed a web service from scratch and then used it to describe how to develop a method for this case scenario. The purpose of the web service is to simplify the information exchange between Infra Gaming, which is the company who assigned this project to us, and their customers. This master thesis is not a guide to how you develop a web service. It is a master thesis that describes how we, in three steps, solved the assignment from Infra Gaming and our problem, with a web service..

Det symboliska värdet ? Om bibliotekariers syn på ett folkbibliotek i förändring

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine the professional discourses that can be identified in the public library field. My main focus is to look at the professional views on the added value of public library. Questions posed in this study are: how does the professional language look when it comes of speaking and reasoning about the public librarys added value and function, which discourses can be identified in the professional language about the public library, what could the discourses entail for the future of public library? The empirical data consist of four interviews where the respondents have been constituted by public librarians.

Risk- och sårbarhetsanalys för den kommersiella sjöfarten i Kattegatt

This report is a risk- and vulnerability analysis of how the commercial ship and its goods can be a threat to the environement and to human health in case of a discharge. It present the most common dangerous goods that are transported with ship through Kattegat in the Baltic Sea..

Offentlig konst och offentlig makt

The main purpose of the culture is to serve people and represent the people's social will and freedom. Culture does not exist in a vacuum but shaped and framed by political and artistic structures that are not neutral, and this is why the artwork itself cannot be an independent business. The public function of art can be understood as a defense of the ideals of democracy. But today, when political power is often replaced by hegemony, the role of art and functions are changing. How these changes reflect to the identity, reality and truth of society? What political functions are fulfilled when art becomes ?public?? The issue of democracy is linked question of people?s power in a democratic society where power is legitimized in social space.

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