

2566 Uppsatser om Combined Code on Corporate Governance - Sida 3 av 172

Styrelsens unika kompetensbehov : En studie av kompetensförändringen i styrelsen

Background: The board of directors is a key player in corporate governance. Their role is to ensure that the corporations are run with the interest of the shareholders as the main focus. In the beginning of the 21st century, a survey was made about the confidence of the Swedish business community and in which criticism was directed to the board of directors. The boards were deemed inadequate in their function and were often solely composed by members with similar experiences and competence, therefore lacking in diversity. In order to improve the competence and work of the board of directors, the Swedish code of corporate governance was introduced and its recommendations comprehend the boards? size and composition.

Att styra eller leda - En studie av rollfördelningen mellan styrelse och VD i strategiutvecklingen i svenska börsnoterade företag

Who has the ownership of a company´s long-term strategy, and who should have it? Is it the board of directors or the senior management? Swedish law and regulations seemingly point in one direction, whereas the findings of studying the relationship between CEO and chairman of the board in eleven Swedish listed large- and mid-cap companies, point the other way. In a majority of the companies the senior management have the ownership of the long term strategy whilst the board of directors merely hold a control function. The possible effects on the companies managed as well as the rules and regulations they are managed according to, are analyzed..

Massmedias makt i bolagsstyrningen : Om och hur massmedial publicitet påverkar bolagsstyrningen

Background and problem: Corporate Governance is a well-known phenomenon which has been the focus of plenty of research where the board of directors and the CEO have been regarded as important actors. What's affecting decisions regarding these actors has been debated whereas media has been pointed out of having an impact. To decide whether or not media can affect Corporate Governance have shown to be problematic whereas it exists divergent views regarding this. At the same time this relationship is more explored in other contexts than the swedish one, although this one is considered suitable for this. Consequently there is a motive for examining medias impact on Corporate Governance in Sweden. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to explain if media has an impact on Corporate Governance at an overall level.

Svensk Kod för Bolagsstyrning : En granskning av bolagsstyrningsrapporter

Bakgrund: Många företagsskandaler har drabbat ett flertal länder runt om i världen och det är en av orsakerna till att många länder har skapat koder för bolagsstyrning. Sverige är inte heller förskonat från skandaler och uppmärksamheten kring bolagsstyrningsfrågor har intensifierats på senare tid. Kodgruppen, en grupp tillsatt av regeringen, skapade Svensk Kod för Bolagsstyrning som trädde i kraft den 1 juli 2005. Koden har bl a som syfte att ge riktlinjer för bolagets rapportering till kapitalmarknad och ägare.Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att granska 50 bolagsstyrningsrapporter och i dem ta fram de vanligaste avvikelserna från Koden och de mest frekventa förklaringarna till dessa. Vidare undersöks graden av tydlighet i informationen i bolagsstyrningsrapporterna avseende Kodens tillämpning hos de berörda företagen.

International Corporate Governance-A Comparison of the Corporate Governance Systems in Germany and Sweden

The purpose of the study is to investigate how much interest media has shown selected topics in the corporate governance systems in Germany and Sweden. The four selected aspects are: ownership structure, employee representation on the boards, disclosure of board members? compensation and female directors on the boards. The reasons for and consequences of the similarities and differences will also be discussed. The German and Swedish corporate governance systems construct the key basis of the study, emphasised on the four chosen aspects.

Bolagsstyrning : En kartläggning av styrelsers arbete med strategifrågori svenska börsnoterade bolag

Corporate governance intensified due to the corporate scandals in the USA which led to a new law the so called Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX).In 2005 the "Svensk kod för bolagsstyrning" (The Code) was introduced. The main purpose of The Code is to strengthen the confidence in Swedish companies quoted on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. The Code focuses on the working process of boards. The rules set by The Code places higher demands on the board.  Among many other duties the board has to establish long term operational goals and strategy.

Revisionsutskott - En empirisk utvärdering

Uppsatsen redogör för ett revisionsutskotts arbetsuppgifter, redogörför revisionsutskottens arbete i företag noterade på stockholmsbörsens A-lista samt att analysera om revisionsutskotten i fråga arbetar enligt svensk kod för bolagsstyrning och därmed bidrar till bättre corporate governance.

Strategiska påverkansmetoder i en livsmedelsbutik : en kvalitativ företagsundersökning på vad en butik gör för att påverka kundens inköpsbeteende

Corporate governance intensified due to the corporate scandals in the USA which led to a new law the so called Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX).In 2005 the "Svensk kod för bolagsstyrning" (The Code) was introduced. The main purpose of The Code is to strengthen the confidence in Swedish companies quoted on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. The Code focuses on the working process of boards. The rules set by The Code places higher demands on the board.  Among many other duties the board has to establish long term operational goals and strategy.

Modebloggarnas dolda budskap?

The accounting scandals that have attracted attention in recent years have led to internal control becoming a more central part of business activity. Doubts about what firms actually do have increased, all caused by the attention of accounting scandals. To counter this, frameworks and laws evolved and gained a significant role in the organization and its surroundings. The aim of the present study is to find out how four companies in the Kristianstad region are working to ensure its internal control and how they work to minimize risk and reduce uncertainty. We have used a qualitative method and interviewed a person in a senior position in each company.

Svårigheter ett svenskt företag kan möta vid implementering av Code of Conduct i Kina

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vilka svårigheter ett svenskt företag kan möta när de ska implementera sitt Code of Conduct hos leverantörer i Kina. Vi ska även ge förslag på hur implementeringsprocessen av Code of Conduct kan underlättas..

Globaliseringens och professionaliseringens effekter på styrelsesammansättningen i svenska börsbolag: En social nätverksanalys baserad på delade styrelseledamöter under perioden 1990 till 2010

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the networks of interlocking directors in the 50 largestSwedish companies on the Stockholm Stock Exchange during the years 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005and 2010 and seek explanations for the observed developments.Our findings indicate that the density and concentration of the network has decreased during thefirst ten-year period and stayed constant during the second period. The development of theoverall network is not consistent throughout all corporate groups. Most notablyHandelsbankssfären seems to experience increased density and connectivity whileWallenbergsfären is experiencing the reverse.The changes during the first ten-year period is deemed to come mainly from changes inregulations pertaining to both the opening for international capital investments as well as looserrestrictions on domestic capital investments. These changes have caused decreased concentrationof ownership, as well as the emergence of new owners, which is reflected in the board ofdirectors.During the second ten-year period the changes are more pertaining to the individual boards andboard members, without flowing through into the overall network. Our findings indicate thatthese changes are caused by the increased professionalization of boards and board work, whichhas gained momentum through the creation of the Swedish Corporate Governance Code..

Internrevisorns nya roll inom Corporate Governance

Uppsatsen är en fallstudie utav Föreningssparbankens internrevision. Internrevisorernas arbete inom FSB har undersökts utifrån effektivitet, snabbhet, förändring och dess intressenter. För att även kunna diskutera internrevision mer generellt har fallstudien kompleterats med en expertstudie som innehåller synpunkter från experter inom internrevision. I studien har det visat sig att det är vanligt att ett förväntningsgap föreligger mellan internrevisorn och dess intressenter..

Revisorns roll i familjeföretaget : företagarnas perspektiv

The purpose of this study explains the relationship between corporate governance and the auditor's role in Swedish family firms with the definitions micro, small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and how this relationship is affected by the firms strategy. The study is based on a survey sent out to 3000 Swedish SMEs, of which 280 responses from family firms could be used. Our findings showed that the auditor in the family firms didn?t have a specific role or contributed added value to the firm, and that the strategy didn?t affect the outcome. Furthermore, we found correlation between the perceptions of the auditor's role and added value depending on the family firms type of corporate governance.

Utdelningsmönster i en internationell kontext : - En jämförelse av tre EU länder

Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera sambandet mellan länders utdelningsmönster och corporate governance system samt förklara varför denna koppling ser ut som den gör med hjälp av den teoribildning som finns på området.Till undersökningen har tre EU länder valts. För att kartlägga ländernas utdelningsmönster har finansiell data insamlats för respektive lands samtliga noterade företag. Dessa data har sammanställts till tre nyckeltal gällande utdelningsnivå för varje land och år mellan år 1989 till år 2007.Det finns skillnader mellan länderna både beträffande corporate governance system och beträffande utdelningsmönster. De viktigaste faktorerna inom corporate governance som i uppsatsen visat sig haft störst betydelse för utdelningsmönstrets utseende är ägarstrukturen samt kapitalmarknadens struktur. Störst andel spritt ägande och starkast inflytande från aktiemarknaden återfinns i Storbritannien, följt av Sverige och sist Tyskland som tvärtom kännetecknas av ett mycket koncentrerat ägande och lägre påverkan från aktiemarknaden.

Företagsstyrning i kooperativa organisationer - Vilka likheter respektive skillnader finns det mellan en konsument- och en producentkooperation?

A co-operation is established when a group of people, sharing the same preferences and values, come together in order to satisfy a common need. The co-operative association should be democratic, governed and supervised by its members and open to everyone. The purpose of this article is to, from our ideal type, study similarities and differences regarding the corporate governance of the consumers? and the producers? co-operative movement. The motive behind our choice of alignment is that the mechanisms of corporate governance often are described from the perspective of the joint-stock company, making it valuable and interesting to study these mechanisms from the co-operative point of view.

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