

3087 Uppsatser om College students - Sida 2 av 206

Positionering - En etnisk identitet som föds?

This study is a qualitative study based on a constructivist approach. Meanwhile, it draws on an ethnographic approach combined a working memory based on memories in various events that took place three years in a former student in the program for sociology and social development. Mainly qualitative interviews are essential for the empirical material analyzed. The study is based on interviews of five College students with an ethnic origin other than swedish at Halmstad University, four women and one man. The aim is to look at how College students with an ethnic origin other than swedish relate to the representations of ethnicity.

Förstå musikens tecken : Multimodala, semiotiska resurser i musikteori

This study is made in order to see how music teachers pedagogic design their teaching from a semiotic design theoretical perspective. A survey was done in a study to see how the music College students experienced their music theory teaching. This was followed by an observation of two different music theory teachers teaching music theory and with subsequent interviews. One teacher taught music theory at a swedish non-compulsory School of Arts, Kulturskola, and the other music teacher taught at an independent adult education college. The study's questionnaire, observation and interview revealed patterns of teaching, probably largely due to the teaching tradition.

Attityder till design : samt studie- och yrkesvägledare

The background to this study is the government’s investment in design and the increase of design education around the country. As a future design teacher (industrialdesign) at high school/college, it is of great interest for me to look closer at student’s attitude towards design and design educations at high school.Questions that have been investigated are student´s attitude towards design; design as a concept but also as a phenomenon. How does the student counselor inform the students of the differentchoices before choosing high school?Does the students view on design correspond to what the student counselor say?What opinion does the student counselor have to the concept design as well as design in highschool? Is design just a craze or here to stay?To get answers I have made interviews with student counselors at two different schools, I have also been in contact with a student counselor on the internet. Their thoughts will clarify thesituation that the students might be in.

Akademiska studier - En väg in på arbetsmarknaden?

Our society has become a society of knowledge. The answer to the question of how to reduce unemployment has become more and more unified: education. In this case, higher education, meaning college and university. With this disposition in our society, how does it affect the students? How does this change of society and our universities affect the students of these institutions? In this study we have chosen to examine the choices of students in universities in several Swedish cities.

Analys av NFL drafting och faktorers inverkan

American football is a well-known sport in America. In addition to the design and rules of the game and the surface it is played on, there are also other differences that are not directly visible. One difference noted in this study is how the teams in the game provide players. Each team has a board of directors together with the team's leadership and they will determine which players are most suitable for the team. These players are recruited to the team after graduating from a U.S.

Högutbildade ekonomistudenters minskade intresse för eget företagande : En studie av Företagsekonomistudenter på Södertörns Högskola

AbstractTo benefit the economic growth of a country, it is important for the inhabitants to make the decision to become business owners. Sweden today, apart from the rest of Europe, is facing a growing problem. The numbers of companies are growing, but the numbers of company owners are not. As a result of this, the employment is not able to develop under the same conditions, when the opportunities of employment decrease. Research shows, that the interest for owning a company among the Swedish youth has increased.

Vi döpte om biblioteket till Bibliotek and läranderesurser: Om imageskapande på högskolebibliotek

The aim of this thesis is to examine how four decision makers at a University College and a library director at the same University College perceive the profile, image and identity of their library. This University College library is used as our main example. We have evaluated the main example in relation to two other University College libraries, in order to obtain a deeper understanding of how these library directors view their own libraries and to attain a more multi-dimensional view of the main example of our study. Our intention is to analyse the current situation, not the past nor the future. Qualitative semi-structured interviews with decision makers and library directors have been conducted.

Stress : En gransking av studenters stressnivå - Praktik och icke praktik

Practical and theoretical learning are methods that are used in schools as a way to prepare students for the working life. Within the practical learning knowledge is not only acquired to learn in practice, but the students must also be able to apply their theoretical knowledge to what he/she does. Against this background, the aim of the study was to investigate the importance of practical learning for students in college / university level and how they are experiencing the stress that may arise out of the loss of practical learning during their education, as well as their vision for working life after completing their education. The population of the study consisted of N = 36, which 18 of these had used both practical and theoretical learning and the remainder had only used theoretical learning. The method was a questionnaire survey with a high proportion of fixed alternative answers according to likert scales.

Stress: En gransking av studenters stressnivå - Praktik och icke praktik

Practical and theoretical learning are methods that are used in schools as a way to prepare students for the working life. Within the practical learning knowledge is not only acquired to learn in practice, but the students must also be able to apply their theoretical knowledge to what he/she does. Against this background, the aim of the study was to investigate the importance of practical learning for students in college / university level and how they are experiencing the stress that may arise out of the loss of practical learning during their education, as well as their vision for working life after completing their education. The population of the study consisted of N = 36, which 18 of these had used both practical and theoretical learning and the remainder had only used theoretical learning. The method was a questionnaire survey with a high proportion of fixed alternative answers according to likert scales.

Har lärarens empatiska förmåga betydelse för elevens studiemotivation ur ett elevperspektiv?

Syftet med denna studie var att se om det fanns ett samband mellan den empatiska förmågan hos lärare och elvens studiemotivation. Jag vill se om det fanns variationer med hänseende på genus och bakgrund i relation till elevernas upplevelse av lärares empatiska förmågor alternativt oförmågor..

CAMPUS BTH : ett gestaltningsförslag och en studie av begreppet campus

This text answers the questions how do we define what a campus is, how the concept of the campus came to exist and how it is used today, and how the Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) campus can be designed according to site conditions and the conclusions drawn from case studies at Chalmers University of Technology and Karlstad University. The purpose of the case studies is to gain insight into their campuses advantages and disadvantages. This finally results in an interpretation of how the Blekinge Institute of Technology campus can be planned. A campus is the area of land on which a college or university and its surrounding buildings resides on. Campus as a concept meant a field at first, it later evolved at American universities due to their design of college campuses.

Könsskillnader i motiv för att dricka alkohol- en studie av studenter på en högskola i mellersta Sverige

The purpose of this study is to investigate the motives underlying the consumption of alcohol among College students and if the motives differ between genders. The study is based on the following questions: What are the motives underlying alcohol consumption among students? Do these motives differ between men and women? Is there any connection between the motives for alcohol consumption and consumption? The study is a quantitative, empirical comparison study and the data presented is mainly descriptive. The study group consists of students from a university in central Sweden. After an exclusion of five students a total of 81 students participated in the survey, of which 55 were female and 26 were male.

Status - Musikstil - Attityd : en enkätundersökning bland studenter och lärare på Kungl. Musikhögskolan och några utvalda grund- och gymnasieskolor i Stockholm

This study aims to determine whether pupils, students and teachers at various music schools feel that there is a difference in status between different music styles/genres, and if this has an impact on the individual level. The survey was conducted with a digital survey that was e-mailed to junior/high schools with music profile in the Stockholm area and to all the teachers and students at the Royal College of music in Stockholm (KMH). Due to low participation by students and teachers from the junior/high schools the students and teachers of KMH became the main object of the study. The results shows that a majority of the main group of this study feels that there is a difference in status between different music styles/genres. The study also shows that half of the participants believe that the difference in status affects them on an individual level.

Sjuksköterskestudenters uppfattningar av betydelsefulla omvårdnadsbeteenden för att ge patienter en god omvårdnad.

AbstractThe aim with the study was to describe and to compare nurse students' views about importantcaring behaviors in order to give good caring. An empirical comparative study wasimplemented on a college in the middle of Sweden. Nurse students in the beginning and at theend of their education sorted and prioritized 50 caring behaviors (CARE-Q). The result showedthat the students' description of important caring behaviors has many similarities. However, theresult also showed that there were significant differences between the student-groups where thestudents at the beginning of their education rated several caring behavior as significant moreimportant than the students in the end of their education.

Varför hoppa av Komvux : En studie om varför elever på kommunal vuxenutbildning avbryter sina studier.

Being able to study at the Municipal Adult Education, Komvux, is a privilege available to adults in Sweden of age 20 and above. Although almost 200 000 people attended Komvux 2011 in Sweden, a fifth of the participants discontinued their studies before completing their course(s). This becomes costly for the society, but it is also diminishes the future chances of a career and college studies. In our thesis we have done a quantitative investigation trying to determine what the reasons for dropping out could be. A request to participate in our survey were sent out to all 64 people who dropped out one or more courses during the fall semester 2012 at a Municipal Adult Education in southern Norrland.

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