

591 Uppsatser om Collective intelligence - Sida 19 av 40

Skapande möten - en studie i interaktionism och skapande i musik

Title: Creating meetings - a study in interactionism and creating music. In this study I had my focus on teenagers in a school class. My aim was to explore how pupils experience the processes of creating music together and how they choose to organize their interactions during these creative processes. As analytical tools I used sociological and sociopedagogical concepts and theories. Interactionism provided models toward individualization as well as socialization, related to learning, knowledge and creativity.

Bookcrossing ? vad är det? En kvalitativ användarstudie av bookcrossare

The purpose of this thesis was to explore the phenomenon called bookcrossing. To fulfill this I have asked the following research questions: Why do people participate in bookcrossing?What functions do books have for bookcrossers? The method used is qualitative, semi structured interviews. Four active bookcrossers have been interviewed. These interviews revealed that bookcrossing as an activity in a medium sized town is very small.

Jämförelse mellan neurala nätverk baserad AI och state-of-the-art AI i racing spel

Denna rapport jämför prestandan mellan state-of-the-art AI-botar i racing spelet TORCS och en AI-bot som kör med hjälp av ett artificiellt neuralt nätverk (ANN-bot). ANN-boten, som implementerades som en del av arbetet, använder en feedforward arkitektur och backpropagation för inlärning. Ett separat program som användes för att träna det neurala nätverket med träningdata som spelats in från TORCS implementerades också. Som state-of-the-art AI-botar användes AI-botar som har använts i en tävling. De fyra AI-botarna testades på åtta olika banor och data om hur lång tid varje varv tog och hur snabbt AI-botarna körde sparades och sammanställdes. Resultaten visar att på banorna som ANN-boten klarar av att köra runt så är ANN-boten snabbare än en den långsamaste state-of-the-art boten, men ANNboten klara inte av majoriteten av banorna som den testades på.

Tro - Vad innebär det?

Faith is a phenomenon that engages the individual into emotional, social and daily manners.Religion tends to engage the individual in different levels in the daily life. In the church communion, there is a belief to the traditional and the repeteated behaviour. This shared group is strength by ceremonies and rituals and people in this collective somehow experience another type of reality. This study has a social - psychological perspective and the purpose is to study people?s know-how of faith and why they seek religion in today´s secularized society.

Sambandet mellan individuell och kollektiv självkänsla

Finns det ett samband mellan den individuella självkänslan och den kollektiva självkänslan? Har kön och studieinriktning betydelse för självkänsla, såväl som den individuella som den kollektiva? Studien är gjord som en kvantitativ undersökning med hjälp av enkäter, bestående av Som Jag Ser Mig Själv (Irhammar & Birgerstam) som mäter självkänsla på individnivå med fem delskalor, och Collective Self Esteem Scale (Luhtanen & Crocker) som mäter den kollektiva självkänslan med fyra delskalor. Det ena testet innehöll 67 frågor, medan det andra innehöll 16 frågor. Totalt deltog 60 försökspersoner hämtade från ett gymnasium i Kristianstad, och dessa var i sin tur uppdelade i två samhällsklasser med olika inriktningar ? IT och Ekonomi.

Emotionell intelligens och livstillfredställelse

I dagens samhälle riktas fokus på individens välbefinnande och olika metoder för att uppnå detta såväl privat som inom yrkeslivet. Emotionell intelligens (EI) har genom tidigare forskningsresultat visat sig ha ett positivt samband med livstillfredställelse, vilket är en komponent i individens subjektiva välbefinnande (SWB). Denna studie syftade till att utforska relationen mellan EI och livstillfredställelse med hänsyn till demografiska bakgrundsvariabler som ålder, kön, etnicitet, studietid och civilstånd. Deltagare var 101 högskolestudenter inom vårdande, pedagogiska, sociologiska och psykologiska studieinriktningar. Deltagarna besvarade självskattningsskalor utifrån instrument om EI (TMMS) och livstillfredställelse (SWLS).

Handbollspelares efficacy på individ och kollektiv nivå, samt tävlingsnivån vid utövandet

Syftet var att undersöka handbollsspelares generella efficacy, individuella - och kollektiva efficacy inom handbollssituationer samt nivån av utövandet. Studien bestod av två delar. Den första var kvantitativ med två frågeformulär; Schwarzers och Jerusalems Generell Self-Efficacy Scale samt Chase, Feltz och Lirggs Team Efficacy Questionnaire. Två lag från elitnivå (n=36) och två från lägre nivå (n=37) representerades. Resultatet visade att handbollsspelare på högre nivå har en högre grad av self-efficacy och kollektivt efficacy än de på lägre nivån.

Mänskliga grymheter

The purpose of this essay is to give the reader an insight in the subject of torture. This is done through both an historical perspective and by showing how torture methods are used today, even though torture is prohibited by law. Many refugees who come to Sweden today have survived torture, and the trauma can cause multiple illnesses related to the tragic memories. In addition to physical damage many also suffer from depression and post traumatic stress, due to the experiences of torture.Together with the Swedish Red Cross we designed a questionnaire which was sent to politicians and elected officials. In the questionnaire we asked questions concerning knowledge of injuries due to torture and what treatment options these people have in Sweden.

Jobbcoachning- en skjuts i karriären eller en lindring i misären - En kvalitativ studie av jobbcoachningens roll på arbetsmarknaden

This paper examines job coaching on the Swedish labour market. The study uses trygghetsråden, which are organizations established by an agreement from the labour and employer side, as a starting point for the study. In addition, the study examines the phenomenon from the perspective of the job coaches themselves and the coaches clients. The study concludes that job coaching is defined by the coach and the client's common goal of finding a suitable match for the client on the labour market. The job coach helps the client reach the goal of an appropriate job by making him or her aware of his or her competences and preferences.

Implementation av ett kunskapsbas system för rough set theory med kvantitativa mätningar

This thesis presents the implementation of a knowledge base system for rough sets [Paw92]within the logic programming framework. The combination of rough set theory with logic programming is a novel approach. The presented implementation serves as a prototype system for the ideas presented in [VDM03a, VDM03b]. The system is available at "http://www.ida.liu.se/rkbs". The presented language for describing knowledge in the rough knowledge base caters for implicit definition of rough sets by combining different regions (e.g.

Förebyggande arbete mot mobbning : Lärares erfarenhet av styrkor och svagheter i arbetet med metoderna Friends och Mombus

The purpose of this study is to examine how six teachers, who work in two different schools, assess the methods Friends and Mombus in terms of bullying prevention. The Curriculum for elementary school (Lpo 94) emphasizes that it is the employees of schools who carry the main responsibility for preventing bullying among pupils. One of the main results of this study is that teachers, in addition to their work with Friends or Mombus, also need to use alternative methods to prevent bullying. Examples of these alternative methods include ?Emotional Intelligence? as well as ?friendship massage?.

Livskunskap : En inre kompass i skolan

Through qualitative interviews with five teachers from three schools, two public schools within the same school management and a Waldorf school, the purpose of this study is to find out teachers' views on the phenomenon of life skills in the lower classes in school. What is the subject, how do teachers work with life skills, and should it be seen as a separate subject or integrated in all school subjects?The results show that the definition of life skills is a term with many interpretations. Two concepts that can be seen as the common denominators in the educators' views on the subject, however is, social and emotional skills. This is something that educators believe develop self-awareness and empathy in children and sees that as important as learning other subjects.

Knowledge Management och intranät en fallstudie av en divisionaliserad behandlingsorganisation

This Master thesis studies how a diversified institutional care organisation can optimise its collective knowledge resources so to manage and distribute this knowledge to different parts of the organisation with help of the organisations intranet. The purpose of the study is to examine if knowledge management and the organisations intranet can be used to create, store, transfer and better use the knowledge within the organisation. Through a case study the thesis will look at different knowledge processes and their relation to the organisations intranet. The case study includes a questionnaire for the whole organisation and qualitative interviews with seven persons from different levels of the organisation. The theoretical framework of the study approaches knowledge management and intranet through four knowledge processes.

Att effektivt sälja Sverige : Värdet av VisitSwedens tillvägagångssätt för att attrahera utländska resenärer

Our main objective with this essay was to study VisitSweden?s effort to sell Sweden to foreign markets.This has been studied in relation to VisitScotland work and approach. We collected empirical data consisting of document studies and interviews with representatives of VisitSweden and VisitScotland. In addition, we have supplemented with an interview with a representative of Svensk Destinationsutveckling AB. We based our analysis of our empirical data on previous research in destination marketing.

Kollektiv dominans - har bedömningen blivit hårdare?

Abstract One of the essential conditions of the co-operating within the EU is that homogeneous conditions of competition prevail within the entire common market. The competition policy in the EU should guarantee that the competition is not distorted in a way that would prevent or create difficulties for the free mobility of goods and services between the member countries. The policy of competition should also guarantee that no new protectionistic obstacles will be formed, regardless of if it is being done by actions taken by member countries or as a result of actions taken by companies in order to set limits to the competition. Companies putting to an abuse their dominant position on the common market, or on a substantial part of it, is irreconcilable with the idea of the common market in case it could interfere with the trading between member countries, and is thus prohibited. The purpose of this dissertation is to describe the collective dominance from the view of the commission's interpretation of the practice of article 82 in the EG - treaty.

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